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October le Chat

Rejoice! It is over, someone just won Minecraft

RFlagg says...

Bravo to the Hayao Miyazaki tribute. I'll admit I never even heard of Porco Rosso, and of the ones they show here, I've only seen Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away but always intended to see Castle in the Sky and My Neighbor Totoro...
I am sure this had to be done with external editing tools.
For those who don't follow the link the main YouTube page here are the films:
0:13 - 1:11 Laputa: Castle in the Sky - "The Girl Who Fell From the Sky"
1:14 - 1:47 My Neighbor Totoro - "The Path of Wind"
1:49 - 2:28 Howl's Moving Castle - "Stroll Through the Sky"
2:30 - 3:00 Spirited Away - "One Summer's Day"
3:03 to 3:08 Porco Rosso (his airplane)

The Diary of Tortov Roddle - The Red Berry

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - ICO

yourhydra says...

saying for the third time...i never said most men are dickheads, I said most men don't care about these issues. just like most people in general don't care about anything of value. and yes i am female so i care, and i will take some things more seriously than others, that's called being human. ...I guess you're just above everyone and you are an exception, but if you assume there are MANY more people like you, you are naive. (this includes women who often don't give a crap either) i fully realize things are the way they are because it is men in charge of these mediums, and that's fair enough, but it's a bit sad that the only creative thing that comes out of western culture (generally) are big hero masculine action movies, with like it was said, over the top female characters, while many other cultures blur the lines quite a bit (like miyazaki films) anyways...pretty silly to accuse me of being sexist since 90% of my friends are male...and 100% of my partners are male and you get the point...and once again...since you missed it three times, I did not call anyone sexist, you did.

>> ^yellowc:

You are sexist for generalising an entire gender to a 1 to 10 ratio of decent to dickheads based on a personal experience of a very limited pool of subjects, we can also tack on how that 90% is a mere joke. Excluding 10% of men in your great pile doesn't really balance it out. How about instead of grand statements of bullshit statistics you just leave all that out and focus on the actual point of your opinion? You did not just note "that I get harassed online", it was all the crap you added around it that I didn't appreciate. Also you don't need to use a word directly to imply it but whatever.
As you can see, I voted for this video. I only had issue with your tone. As for my point, it was merely that more people (female or male) who which to change the status quo of story telling, need to aspire to hold positions where they can make those changes. Though however that does not make the current crop a problem, they do not need to express what you feel if they don't please. The fact that the gross majority of stories do not involve a female lead is not the REAL issue and attacking at this level will change nothing in my opinion. I'll have to say I think your message changed in between posts but it's possible I've misunderstood your initial post.
Again I'll ask you please drop the generalisations. In fact I will correct you, I have many times discussed with my mates the subject of female history and the subjects that extend from that, it may give you a heart attack but there are men out there who can have intellectual conversations on a broad range of topics. I personally am a strong supporter of equality, though a part of equality is remembering not to make the same mistakes that were done to you.

<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> yourhydra said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">This is a very typical "male victim" response. Maybe you should read things more carefully. Did I not say many guys online are great? How am I sexist for noting that I get harassed online for being a female? And of course you can make films about whatever you it's just a coincidence that MOST films and games are men rescuing women, and not the opposite? I really don't understand the logic behind your argument. ALSO I didn't say any story with a damsel is sexist...all I was unhappy with was people criticizing this video for pointing out a truth about gaming story lines. I didn't even use the word sexist lol. Look who played that card. Anyways...yes I did say "most guys" only in relation to caring about these issues...because...well I've been alive for a while and that has been my experience. Correct me, but do you ever chill with your mates and discuss the struggle of the suffragettes, or unequal work pay...or how more young girls go missing around the world in one year than in all the 20th century wars combined? I doubt it.

Really creative cosplay - see if you can guess the character

Anime Is A Prime Example Of Why Two Nukes Wasn't Enough

enemycombatant says...

"It has no place in private or public discourse." If he was referring to anime then all is forgiven. [/sarcasm]

No reasonable person can dismiss art simply because it was drawn by a Japanese person. Even if anime is 99% pandering to sexually repressed 14 or 40 year old males fantasizing about anatomically impossible pre-teen girls; that 1% still produced Cowboy Bebop, Hayo Miyazaki, and the original Ghost in the Shell.

Edit: Made end sarcasm tag visible, lest it be missed.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Doc_M says...

1 - Trigun, hands down.
2 - Naruto
3 - FMA (the remake)
4 - Kenshin
5 - Hellsing
6 - Deathnote was OK too I guess.
7 - Lain
8 - Wolf's Rain
I didn't get into Mushishi. Too slow and odd for my tastes. One of these days I'll have to go back and checkout Lodoss and Gundam, but I have a feeling I won't like either. I'm really looking for something special at this point and I'm just finding a bunch of generic garbage that is either terribly animated or 15 minutes and episode for one lame season. I guess it's time for Cowboy Bebop.

1 - Memories - Magnetic Rose (Highly recommended, hard to find, very hard)
2 - The Miyazaki movies, especially Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, and Howl's Moving Castle... but excluding Grave of Fireflies, which I really didn't get into. Too, too depressing.
3 - Metropolis
4 - Origin: Spirits of the Past
5 - Steamboy was OK

perfect rendition of Howls Moving Castle theme - Sungha Jung

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, Animation, Japan' to 'Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, Animation, Japan, Sungha Jung' - edited by EndAll

Ponyo US Trailer

Croccydile says...

I hate to sound cynical about this, but I dislike the americanized re-dubs of Miyazakis films. Castle in the Sky pretty much killed it for me when they replaced childrens voices from the Japanese version with actors in their 20s. Hell, they even inserted in extra dialogue where there were periods of silences in the movie!

His movies kick ass, but for some reason I cant sit there and watch the English version without in the back of my mind knowing that id rather watch a subtitled version and hear the original voice acting.

On Your Mark - Hayao Miyazaki

Irukandji Syndrome

(Member Profile)

Ghibli - The Miyazaki Temple

ponceleon says...

The one thing that seems to be absent from this documentary is the incredible contribution of Joe Hisaishi(sp?). The composer of a great deal of the music from the Miyazaki/Takahata films. I think that the intangible/amazing feeling that come from their films are greatly in part to the amazing music produced by Hisaishi.

Opening Theme - My Neighbor Totoro (solo piano)

Miyazaki - Country Road in Japanese - Whisper of the Heart

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