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Breeder Flies Cat, Airline Delivers Frozen Corpse.

Lieu says...

This is why we humans fail so much. "...any evidence I could have gotten to prove death of hypothermia is out the window."

Talk about confirmation bias.

What an idiot. This guy decided long before the autopsy what the cause of death was. The autopsy, the best method by far of establishing unknown death, says uterine toxity from death of kittens? Too bad, there's no changing his mind now. Intuition and cognitive bias "triumphs" yet again. Intuition says cold = hypothermia. How about after any cause of death metabolism stops and the body cools to its surroundings? How about looking at all explanations objectively?

Depressing. Now Joe Average will watch this and think automatically the airline must have "done" something to the cat and pay no attention to the actual vet's diagnosis.

Mighty Molecular Machine - ATP synthase (cool simulation)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'molecular biology, cells, science, motor' to 'molecular biology, cells, science, motor, cellular respiration, ATP, metabolism' - edited by mauz15

Weed And Driving

pho3n1x says...

i think the links i provided means that i did research it, but umm, thanks.


oh, and hey... secondary cause of death? why, cause they tested and found traces in their system? you know it takes upwards of a month to metabolize right? oh yeah, but you did research and i didn't...

how many list marijuana as primary cause of death? none? yeah that's cause it's near impossible.
how many list alcohol as primary cause of death? mhm. thought so.

BBC Nuclear Attack Aftermath Film: Casualties

James Randi and Thought Transference

ponceleon says...

Awesome moments in this video:

1. The "lightning globe" whoa... science!
2. The "levitating" table... look at that effer go!
3. Awesome paranormal music when we see the knobby machine.
4. Calibration of the device to the subjects "metabolism"... is that so?
5. "Healing" thoughts!
6. The other people shouldn't think while the guy's wife is thinking... ever try to stop thinking?
7. The whole signal thing... basically, its gonna do what it does regardless of the signals.
8. Want to look inside the box? Oh hells no!

Huge Prop 8 Protest outside of Mormon Temple in Utah

imstellar28 says...

^cognition requires metabolism though. metabolism requires food and water.

regardless, its not enough to argue about my alternative traits. you also have to prove yours. you have to prove that all humans are fearful, violent, and bigoted--if--you are going to claim that those traits are human nature.

Huge Prop 8 Protest outside of Mormon Temple in Utah

Januari says...

I understand what your saying imstellar... but there is nothing inherently human about 'metabolism' or 'breathing' or 'eating and drinking'... the only one of those that is truly human is cognition... but you cannot lay claim to that as a human trait and ignore the psychology and sociology that comes with being cognitive.

My percieved bias and knowledge base as well as experience cannot be just negated by your recommendation that it is somehow invalid... It certainly isn't more so than anything you've suggested.

You said yourself that the correct definition of human nature includes but is not limited to feeling and acting... but your more narrow defintion does not come close to adressing either...

I don't disagree with... but it ignores in my opinion a great deal of what it means to be human... and that does not always mean our better angels... it also includes an inherient dark side... of course i can't prove that... but we are now discussing things that have been wrestled with for all of human history... I don't believe we will resolve it in this thread...

Huge Prop 8 Protest outside of Mormon Temple in Utah

imstellar28 says...

^it is impossible to prove that violence is a "way of thinking, feeling, and acting that all human beings have in common"

to do so, you would have to survey the actions of every human on the planet. unless you are omnipresent, this is impossible. to prove it for fear or bigotry would be even harder because these are emotions. you would have to be omniscient for that.

your definiton of:
"Human nature is the concept that there are a set of logical characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in common."
is precisely correct.

"alive, metabolism, eats, drinks, cognitive" are a set of logical characteristics which satisfy that definition.

"fear, violence, and bigotry" are not. your definition is right, but your set of logical characteristics is wrong. they may be prevalent characteristics, or reoccurring motifs, but they are by no means human nature.

the reason is that the definition of a "human" does not require violence, fear, or bigotry. however, the definition of a "human" requires metabolism, cognition, and being alive.

Huge Prop 8 Protest outside of Mormon Temple in Utah

imstellar28 says...

a simple refutation of your argument:

if fear, bigotry, and violence are a part of human nature, humans could not exist without it. isn't that correct? clearly this is not the case--so human nature can not include fear, bigotry, or violence.

if i was going to use words to describe human nature, i would use words like:

alive, metabolizes, eats, drinks, cognitive, social.

those words describe all humans, and "being human" is not possible without them. that is what human nature really is. the common definition of human nature simply isn't correct.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

joedirt says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
"Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

Questions for you.

- Was this a Rightwing Media Hack?
I'll add some reminders since you seem to be semi-retarded.
"isn't Senator Obama's comment a potentially crushing political blunder?"
"you may recognize this quote, ... -- how is Senator Obama not a Marxist"
"Are you saying America's days as the world's leading power is over?"

    Would those be journalistic questions, or just push-polling nonsense?

- Did Biden answer her nonsense and even go toe to toe with her and maybe even make her look foolish?

So yes, Biden did spank the rightwing hack. So where is the bias? What does any of this have to do with Obama sycophantism?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

I've seen plenty of videos with titles slanted the other way. If they're is a bias in what is upvoted on to the top 15 its obviously a reflection of the users of the site. If you want to change things, a good start would be to collect the user names of likeminded users, and, when you submit things you think they'll like, drop them a line to drive something that might otherwise not make it to 10 votes right onto the sift. This is not frowned upon in the slightest.

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Lol - I love you guys... On the same page we have "Christopher Hitchens slams Palin" and also "Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Lol - I love you guys... On the same page we have "Christopher Hitchens slams Palin" and also "Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack". No bias here though, right? You people are such a bunch of mindless tools. It's really kind of amazing. When did you guys learn to metabolize feces? You must have, because you always have your heads stuck right up Obama's ass... So pathetic.

America's obesity epidemic from 1985-2006

Kirlian photography - images

Ricky Gervais - On Fat People

Doc_M says...

^That's not even the start of it. You wouldn't believe the number of inherited genetic disorders that lead to extreme obesity. Some are merely hunger-related while others are metabolism problems and fat storage problems. Most people just assume these people are FAT FOOLS who don't when to stop eating. They have no idea of the suffering that these individuals are experiencing day by day.

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