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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Kushner’s $3.7 BILLION that he raked in while in the White House (not elected) and the Saudi refinancing that helped pay off his $1.8 BILLION in real estate debt only AFTER he had a meeting with the Saudis and changed US policy to help them blockade Quatar (who had refused to refinance his real estate and who said clearly and officially that they interpreted the military blockade and troops on their border as “If you don’t pay me or my father in law the Americans are going to sanction an invasion of your country.”) is under congressional investigation by the senate finance committee.
He also sold lists of foreign agents who were killed and sold them billions in arms we previously refused to sell them, and hid his direct involvement in the assasination of an American journalist. The crown prince brags he has Kushner (and therefore Trump) in his pocket (thanks to billions in bribes).

The investigation also involves implications that laws requiring registration of foreign agents and foreign investments have been not just ignored but actively broken possibly to hide the sale of stolen classified documents. The hundreds of millions in “fees” paid to failed real estate investor Kushner every year for “managing the over $3 billion of foreign money (not one cent invested in America) are also incredibly shady and are not properly reported.

Just to be clear because I know you cannot follow along…Kushner sold official US foreign policy (blockading Quatar), state secrets (our intelligence about our allies agents), and helped hide a live dismemberment murder of an American (Kashogi) for up to $3.6 billion to invest, $1.8 billion in “refinancing” (paid off his debts) and a hundred million +- per year for doing it…and is going to be under congressional investigation (along with his wife and step dad).
Pretty much exactly what you morons CLAIMED about Hunter but could find no evidence whatever of ANY payments or policy shifts, none. Now being investigated.

Er-mer-gerd! The campaign paid $75-$125 to attend the rally in Las Vegas…$75 to show up, $50 more if you get on a broadcast….and it still wasn’t a big crowd!
At least you know where your campaign contributions are going…to feed one convicted felon’s ego.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You don’t have to tell your kids anything because they won’t speak to you….

PS- felons cannot have a liquor license…so no more drinking at the golf course or Mar a Lago. New Jersey is already in the process of pulling the license from 3 courses, more to follow. That’s gonna really hurt, the bar is the cash cow in country clubs. Trust me, I know. 😂

The Maga argument has become ‘Convicted felon Trump is too old to sit in prison, but not too old to perform with strength and energy the most important job in the world.’ 100% sure you agree and don’t see any contradiction.

PPS- Hunter convicted, President Biden has ruled out a pardon…compare with the previous, now disgraced felon president who pardoned dozens of his cabinet for serious felonies against America and insists he should get a pardon for his own crimes…can even you convince yourself he would 1)allow his DOJ to prosecute his own son or 2) refrain from immediately pardoning him? You probably can, you are that gullible.


newtboy says...

So what you’re telling me is, based on the fact that obesity is fairly equal between men and women, that women are only doing half as much regular exercise as men?

Atlanta Democrat sentenced to seven years for $15M fraud

newtboy says...

They certainly seem happy about this. I wonder why?

So, she, like hundreds of thousands of others, defrauded the Convicted felon Trump’s completely unregulated and set up to defraud PPP welfare for business owners scheme that cost taxpayers $800 BILLION and in the end failed completely because it did not save any of the jobs it was intended to save.

Only one year for every two million she stole…not nearly enough. I sure hope they go after them all with the same zeal, starting with Manly Traitor Greene who never repaid nearly $200k for her “business” that seems to only have employed her and her husband, she refuses to acknowledge any questions about it. Lock them all up.

Unlike Maga, reasonable people understand party affiliation doesn’t erase criminality. The fact that she’s a Democrat to me means she’s slightly more criminal, because she’s not even in the party of criminality and convicts she’s in the party that supports law and order equally applied to everyone.

lol! “Is the candidate responsible for knowing where donations come from?”
They better hope not or their favorite candidate is in such deeper shit than 34 felony convictions! He’s absolutely taken millions from hostile foreign powers (like Russia and China and the Saudis) laundered through lackeys like Giuliani and Kushner without disclosing it, and has been caught over and over and over with undeniable paper trails. If the candidate has some responsibility, he shirked it with gusto. 😂

What an ending line….”Hypocrisy is not a crime but fraud certainly is”… seems they forgot to add “unless it’s convicted felon DJT committing that fraud to the tune of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS…then prosecution is a witch hunt”….they better be glad hypocrisy isn’t a crime, because they’re guilty daily.

Sex Catapults: How to Avoid Cannibalism When Mating

noims says...

Ant, if you have jaws like that remind me never to mate with you.

Oh, who am I kidding. We all know I'd risk it.

Line Cutting

Reefie says...

Had one of those entitled businessmen cut in front of me at the train station barriers, pulling his wife along with him. Since I'm in the UK I did the obligatory "Oi, there's a queue and you join back there!"
His response as he went through the gate was "Yeah jumping the line feels good though, you should try it some time."
"Not for me bud, the world's got enough a-holes already." was my immediate response. At least his wife laughed.

Definitely gonna keep this trick in mind for the shops!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Cowardly liar Trump is complaining he couldn’t use an “advice of council” defense, hoping you and your ilk are dumb enough to not know it was 100% his choice.
He didn’t use it because 1) it removes any attorney client privilege and makes their correspondence public (outing him for a few dozen more crimes as yet uncharged) and 2) Trump would have to take the stand himself (again, opening himself up to dozens more charges as he admits serious felonies under oath, the moron).
His defense is still “it was a legal fee he paid as a legal expense” ignoring the mountains of evidence, most signed by Trump personally, much of it provided by Trump under oath that prove beyond any sliver of a shadow of doubt exactly what they did to illegally hide this campaign expense as “legal fees”, exactly why they did it, and that they (including Don) knew full well it was illegal and unethical when they were doing it and went to great lengths and expense to not be caught, but were anyway.

He had to sell his plane to pay his legal bills. 😂

Eric said on the courthouse steps…”I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will…WE’RE WHITE!” Tell me again how the Trump’s aren’t racists.

Once again, virile DonJohn couldn’t stay awake in court EVEN DURING JURY INSTRUCTIONS…arguably the most important part of the trial and his last chance to make an impression on the jury…the impression he gave, pure distain and disrespect for the law. The choice to stay up high on speed all night rage tweeting was a poor decision. I would have said he “ran out of gas” but all reports are he has a massive gas surplus and is venting excess gas constantly. 😂

He is now tweeting that he doesn’t even know what the charges against him are…after how many weeks in court having them explained and dissected? His feeble brain has failed. He’s going to die his first year in prison, he’s already in a final decline.

The defense closing was so bad that the judge had to tell the jury to disregard much of it, in parts he admitted to Trump’s guilt, and was so disjointed and weird that it was impossibly difficult to follow, that’s coming from someone who completely understood inception and Tenet on the first viewings (they weren’t complicated, they just weren’t well thought out). Surprise, he violated the law so badly that it may be enough to give the DA an appeal and bring the case again in the impossible event don is acquitted.

Outside closing arguments DonJohn admitted defeat by saying “even mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” because he knows he has zero chance of acquittal. He better hope a maggot lied to be on the jury, a jury deadlock is his only possible saving grace, acquittal is not possible.
If one did, they damn well better get doxed fast….and their family.

PS- He’s also saying now that he intends to deport any citizen that annoys him, stripping them of their citizenship, specifically he mentioned anyone who protests legally (unless they’re Jan 6 maga terrorists) but make no mistake he means ANYONE who doesn’t properly cow tow. Tell me again how he loves the constitution….

PS- reminder, Trump this week campaigned with two violent gang members (alleged to be Crip leaders) out on bail and under a 140 count indictment for murders, lest you convince yourself for one second that you aren’t in a violent criminal cult.
In stark contrast, Biden has never campaigned with a mass murderer or active gang leader.
PPS- Misogynist and spouse abuser and philanderer and abortion pusher Minnesota Republican US Senate maga candidate Royce White was just busted for spending donor money on an all-nude strip club, new clothes, expensive hotels, limos, and other illegal expenses…look it up. Not his first attempt either, there are over $100k in unexplained personal expenditures and cash withdrawals from his campaign contributions, many made AFTER he lost his primary. He’s more total human garbage on every level, typical criminal maga.
PPPS- Maga policies just forced a 12 year old rape victim in Louisiana to have her child, ruining both their lives before she’s out of middle school.

Poppy Game Insult To Our War Dead

newtboy says...

You have got to be kidding me.
Shocking that Brits in the name of long dead British soldiers were some of the original Karens.
Outraged over something they never even took the time to even look at (or they likely would have approved) and causing 100 times the issue they complain about with their ridiculous over the top outrage.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhahahah! Awww…”dickhead”?! Isn’t that one of Trump’s nicknames…Tiny hands Don…lil no shaft…dickhead….mushroom tip? Are your feelings hurt?

Cohen is the key…Who told you that?
They lied.

There are volumes of proof, from emails to texts to checks signed by the big man to recordings of him discussing the payoffs, how to hide them, try to delay and maybe not pay after the election because it won’t matter then, etc. Cohen only explained and corroborated that evidence.

The evidence is the key between Stormy and Trump, and far more importantly between Trump and the scheme to hide her payoff as legal fees to protect his election chances, which is the crime here, not the cheating to the second power…on his mistress and his wife.

Just like the phone call you said he lied about that tanked the case but is now corroborated with video and photographic evidence and stipulated to by Trump’s team, he didn’t lie, he told the truth that he “stole” from Trump (or set his own fee for hiring and secretly paying the company in cash to falsify polls, depending on your viewpoint) by telling Trump to REIMBURSE him for $50k to redfinch but he only paid them $20k in cash to hide the payment…again (shockingly he wanted to be paid for making that clandestine transaction). Trumps entire defense is he didn’t have a NDA (something he’s admitted to having publicly) and he didn’t REIMBURSE Cohen he paid him for legal fees, but this was definitely reimbursed in that payment, stipulated by both sides now. There’s physical evidence proving the rest was reimbursement too, handwritten notes, texts, emails, ledgers, and recordings, and common sense, you know Trump knew what half a million was paying for, he OKed the repayment. You fool. You keep buying these immaterial minutiae that you are told will save him by people who know you don’t understand how court works. If only it registered when, one by one, they become ethereal vapors. But. It. Never. Does. And. I. Believe. It. Never. Will.

There are recordings, texts, emails, and checks tying Trump directly to the hush money payment. Whoever is telling you this nonsense is lying, and you just won’t understand how he gets convicted because you’ve been told there’s no evidence and you haven’t bothered to look.

Yes. I don’t just think it, I know it. He is, was, and he will be guilty. Trump is undeniably guilty of business frauds a hundred times over, and tax frauds by the dozen, and this particular business fraud to hide election interference too. Yes. Definitely, no doubt, he has admitted it all publicly. I don’t know if he will be found guilty. I am fairly certain he won’t be acquitted….he might get a hung jury if even one maggot lied to get on and save him. Reportedly many tried.

I can’t serve on a jury, I’m honest that I’m prejudiced against police who are professional liars in every aspect of their job, who fought all the way to the Supreme Court to secure their right to lie to citizens about anything, and I don’t trust professional liars.
It’s dishonest asshats like yourself we need to keep off the jury. Would you have lied to get on? Can you admit you wouldn’t convict him no matter the evidence? I know it’s true, do you?
I would admit his extensive history of civil fraud convictions and constant lying would make me more likely to convict and unlikely to believe him, which would get me excused. I’m not a liar, even when it would benefit me. You cannot say the same, indeed once when Trump was caught lying about this very incident under oath you once said only a moron would tell the truth under oath if saying it would hurt them, and rather than remain silent lying under oath to protect yourself was perfectly acceptable….for Trump.

It will be appealed, but like every other appeal he’s lost, just like every popular vote, just like every challenge to the 2020 election, just like the coup, just like his rape defamation suit, just like his many business fraud lawsuits… he will lose. His track record in court is worse than his track record in business where he went bankrupt over a half dozen times including with a casino! Worse, he can’t afford competent lawyers and appeals cost a shit ton, and even if he “finds” the money (like under a Saudi check book) no capable attorney will take him as a client, most never get paid, many lose their licenses, all end up looking foolish for thinking THEY can be the one to change him.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

Are you as excited as him

newtboy says...

I would be that excited if someone bought one for me. They’re nearly $600!
I have a McNab and a Malinois, both extremely high energy. I could use help wearing them out, especially when it’s raining.

Every Time

Who Can Stay Dead Longest Challenge

BSR says...

Let me just say, enjoy yourself like there is no tomorrow even if it kills you.

You want everyone crying at your funeral if they can find your body. After all you are just an ant.

Try to avoid kids that have a magnifying glass on sunny days.

ant said:

Am I dead?

Who Can Stay Dead Longest Challenge

Fabio and the Goose

noims says...

Come tomorrow morning I won't be able to tell if I saw that story here or if some ole fella in the pub told me earlier this evening.

*quality story telling either way.

That's all for today, yolks!

moonsammy says...

Real "I ate all the Halloween candy" video vibes here. Perhaps I'm just a fun hater, but I'm very not a fan of the genre. Feels like the ask for participants is "please slightly erode your parent-child relationship to entertain strangers." Maybe the kids feel fine about it after the fact, but on some level there's got to a tiny bit of "my parent is willing to hurt me for the benefit of others" encoded into their mind forevermore.

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