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Stupid Human Trick - Gum Control

Because the Origami - 8in8

eric3579 says...

Because the Origami didn't work
We gave you dancing lessons
Because the dancing lessons made you bored
We bought you a guitar

Because you said it made your fingers sore
We found you a pony
Because the pony broke your leg and ran away
We got you drums

But the drums annoyed our neighbours so
We gave you cooking lessons
And the cooking lessons made you fat
We bought you running shoes

If you hear this
We love you Tommy
We know it never was
About Origami

Because you took the shoes and ran away
We gave them your description
Now we haven't heard a thing in weeks

Because we don't know where you are
We're putting out this song
Because we think that you might hear
And know where you belong
So what did we do wrong?

If you hear this
We love you Tommy
Please come home we've
Left your room

And if you ever hear this song
Know we send our love
Take your origami skills
And make a paper dove
Send a message home
We promise not to teach you
We don't care what you've done
We hope that this will reach you..

If you hear this,
We love you Tommy
We won't ask you
We won't be angry

First Stage Landing of Falcon 9 - Onboard Cam

oritteropo says...

Yes. I think all the successful landings have used Of course I still love you. According to Jimbo's big bag'o'trivia, Just Read the Instructions is based in the Pacific for launches from Vendenberg and most of the recent launches have been from Cape Canaveral.

Payback said:

Of course I still love you?

First Stage Landing of Falcon 9 - Onboard Cam

Stop Resisting

Januari says...

I've said this a few times but it never fails to amaze me.

As i understand it, this incident was preceded by a high speed chase which endangers everyone, the officers, the suspect and everyone on the streets. Adrenaline is high and i even understand maybe wanting to whack the guy.

But for the love, you have to KNOW their are helicopters and people recording you. Its absolutely inescapable.

So that leaves monumental stupidity and somehow not realizing this fact, or they simply have zero fear of reprisal or consequence.

I'm not really sure there is a third option.

siftbot (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

So it finally happened...

ten. whole. years... a decade...

i can't believe how quickly the years have passed, but i'm grateful for every single day i've had the pleasure of spending here with you, siftbot, my love. you changed my life.

siftbot said:

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 10 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

That was lovely, you love muffin you.

eric3579 said:

I suspect that how a viewer considers the sincerity of these men may correlate to the empathy a viewer has. Just a guess although i could be completely wrong. I'm no psychologist although i find i'm playing one constantly I for one assumed this was extremely uncomfortable to do regardless of cameras.

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

heropsycho says...

The GOP never to this point kowtowed to that part of the base anyway until they decided to attempt to harness the energy of that faction to the point that this faction has a stranglehold of the party, and yet are wholly ignorant on the issues. We're talking about people who hold up signs that read "Keep your government hands off my medicare" caliber people. Or people who think Obama isn't an American. Or people who think Obama is "a complete socialized take over of health care". Stuff like that which is so obviously untrue, it's laughable.

And I want to be clear. I'm not accusing the right of having a monopoly on stupid people in their base. There's PLENTY of stupid liberals. The difference is the Democratic party is doing a far better job of keeping their idiots supporting them without enacting what those idiots want or succumbing to their idiocy.

Here's proof - how many times do you see Democratic leaders constantly say crap like George W. Bush is a war criminal for Iraq? Name a Democratic presidential candidate who actually has said over and over again that Ted Cruz isn't a US citizen? Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner, over and over again insists Obama isn't a US citizen, as have many many Republican Congressmen.

When the GOP signed the deal with the devil so to speak by trying to co-opt the Tea Party movement, this was the inevitable outcome. The Tea Party has been hijacked twice by my count because the people within it are so incredibly ignorant, they don't seem to realize what they stand for. It was Libertarian in the beginning both socially and economically. Then it got hijacked to become more socially conservative and economically conservative. Now, it's been hijacked by Donald Trump, who nobody actually even knows what he is socially or economically at this point overall.

Why did this happen? Because GOP support is so contaminated and dominated by so much ignorance, you can have a TV personality say a bunch of stupid crap they want to hear but is certifiably absurd, that he can become the front runner. Building a wall to keep the Mexicans out, no matter how you feel about illegal immigration as far as ideals go, is simply not a practical solution to stop illegal immigration. You can't make Mexico pay for a wall even if you built it. Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Replacing Obamacare with something "terrific" is NOT a policy proposal; it's non-specific anti-Obama BS to make people who hate Obama love you. He could replace it with "Trumpcare" which could be basically Obamacare, and that could be "something terrific" for all you know.

Trump and Cruz don't exist without the Tea Party, and the Tea Party wouldn't be a thing if the GOP didn't decide to eventually attempt to galvanize it. Well, mission accomplished, but you're never going to get the support of the growing minority segments of the population. You've forfeited the support of moderates like myself, too. And young people by enlarge are rejecting this version of the GOP big time. Women are increasingly rejecting it, too.

Your second point... Umm, big fat no.

bobknight33 said:

The party has left its base. That is why Trump and Cruz exist.

I Think more people vote against Hillary then vote against Trump.

Spacex - Successful Dragon orbit - Ocean Landing Stage 1 !!!

oritteropo says...

Two reasons - firstly and most importantly it would take too much fuel to return to the landing site from this mission's trajectory, and secondly using the barge “Of Course I Still Love You” means that they aren't risking the lives of their staff or the buildings around the launch facility. They actually discuss this in the video at one point.

The barge itself is pretty complicated too, using GPS and some nifty thrusters to stay within 3m of the intended landing site -

transmorpher said:

If I didn't know better, I'd say they are playing the take-off footage in reverse so to make it look like a landing

Why do they land on water?

The power of pups

Pig vs Cookie

transmorpher says...

Pets can be abused, but they are not purchased or sold with the intention that they will be abused or killed for any reasons. They are purchased as companions with the intention to be taken care of and loved.
You can say that the majority of pets are not abused. Most people have happy pets.

It is the opposite for farm animals. They are purchased with intention to be used in any way necessary in order for a farm to make money. Their well being and happiness is not a concern in the process. It is 100% likely they will all die young(which is obviously abuse) and the majority of them are mistreated as well.

Depending on the farm neither is absolute, but if you're comparing the industrialized slaughtering of some 50 billion animals a year in profit driven farms, to people owning pets then the difference is quite ubiquitous.

newtboy said:

Emotional attachment.
Pets can be abused just as farm animals can be not abused. Neither is an absolute or ubiquitous.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

JustSaying says...

Oh my god, Bob, you're hilarious. Your favourite party is going to make Trump their presidential candidate and you say that? That? Seriously?!

You magnificent clown, I love you.

bobknight33 said:

Obama and the Democrats are the extremest not the Republicans.

Top Notch Nom Noms

Tim Minchin Vs. Cardinal Pell (child abuser protector?)

JustSaying says...

It keeps astounding me how the catholic church keeps evading any kind of charges regarding their child fucking issues. If any other organisation had as many incidents of accusations of raping children as the catholic church, they would've been closed down for good so many freaking years ago. If Lidl, a grocery store chain in my country, had as many complaints regarding child abuse as the catholic church had, it would be illegal to take children into a single Lidl store.
Apparently, Jersus loves you. Especially if you love children. With your cock.

VideoSift is 10 (Fire Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Holy Crapoleum ... at just 3+ years I'm feeling a tad bit noobster-ish after perusing the comments from above thus far!

Online since 1996, I'd had little of the 'social' aspect of the interwebs prior to learning about VideoSift. Most of the actively social interaction was on YT where we'd cultivated a tight knit [world wide] cat community [surprise!] that really felt like a family. There are still a few of us hanging in there but, as YT changed [heavy sigh], the thrill was gone [r.i.p. former yt AND bb king].

Yeah, some of you know it was a struggle here for me at first, but the charm and allure of something truly special ... and at precisely at the right time ... kept me motivated to carve a place here. [Lucky YOU!]. I've honestly been impressed [and dismayed but secretly amused] with the quality and diversity of those who've participated in the last 10 years of obvious success sooo ... Congratulations are due @dag and @lucky760. As I've always said, wish I'd known about you sooner. And I do so appreciate you having me.

In conclusion Sifters, you're my kind of people ... and I "know" people as, in my mind, I'm quite discerning [except perhaps when it comes to some videos submitted for your consideration ... ummm, how do you like me so far?] And I sincerely appreciate [Eric] so many of you for exposing me to an array of great sites/sights that I surely would never have encountered. You've broadened my horizons beyond words ... which reminds me ... time for my 'medibles'!

Love you all ... whether you like it or not ... you're stuck with me.

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