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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights

ChaosEngine says...

I know this is your latest homophobic tactic.. hey look there's only X% of people are LGBT... they don't matter!

Yeah, actually they fucking do.

Even if your bullshit percentage that you pulled out of your arse was accurate (hint: it's not), that would still be 147,000* people world wide.

* in reality it's closer to 147 million.

bobknight33 said:

And the next insignificant minority to be placed on the liberal mantel of change--- Transgender Rights. Because the 0.0021% matter.

gorillaman (Member Profile)

Real Time with Bill Maher: The Duggars

JustSaying says...

Firstly, people who worry about other people's sexual attraction to human adult non-relatives usually have sexual problems of their own. Therefore, they disqualify themselves to be taken seriously at that debate. The more you argue against the LGBT community, the more likely you are to be sexually harmful.

Secondly, dude, I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I live in a country that faces a future where a majority of the population is senior citizens because we made it to expensive and impractical to even have children. I wish my government could do more to encourage women to have children and support them raising them without sacrificing their careers. Right now, my best hope for a nation that isn't dominated by senior citizens is immigration.
I'm less worried about global overpopulation in the west because we have (or at least should have) access to birth control.
The only people in the west that are willing to have more than a handful of kids are the religious nutjobs and the mentally questionable/ill. Here's something most women know and agree on:
Vaginas aren't clowncars.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

JustSaying says...

Two things, no, actually three:
1. To answer your question directly: because letting LGBT people have these rights has no negative effects for society and requires very little effort. There are no measurable downsides here.
What's supposed to happen? Tell me what the negative effects will be. God's gonna make a pouty face and floods the earth again?
Another thing is, how is it the government's business who you can marry? Why should they get to decide that you can't marry shinyblurry if you really want to? Are you that fond of government intrusion in your life?
2. Capitulate? Are you at war with the gays? Did they stick a flag in your ass and declared it their territoty? Is it really an us vs. them situation? Are you sure you are not actually the problem?
You can only capitulate to an adversary. How are the homosexuals harming you? Are they taking anything away? Are they threatening you? Fact is, you are the one who wants to deny right and limit other people's freedom to be left the fuck alone. You're the agressor here. If you would stop that behaviour, nobody would give a fuck about you.
Why should I, who doesn't care what unknown gay people do, and we, who want them to have their rights, capitulate to agressors like you, who insist on regulating nobody's and especially not their own business? Why can't you leave the homosexuals alone? What's your fixation here?
3. Stop it with that "evolutionary dead end" crap! Every marriage with someone who is unable or unwilling to have kids is according to your definition one. Are you really willing to argue that people who can't procreate shouldn't marry? Are you going to tell every woman over 50 they can't (re)marry? Are you willing to walk up to a soldier who got his nuts blown off in Iraq that he can never ever marry the woman who doesn't care about his lack off balls? I'd love to see that. And what his buddies will do to you. And his wife.

Fact is, you don't like homosexuals. I don't know why but I do know that more and more people don't care about them. We're past the tipping point. That's why you feel it's "capitulating", because you know you're the minority now and your hatred and abuse won't be tolerated for long anymore. That's what you loose, the right to treat other's like shit. You can't kick that dog no more because it found the courage to bite back and we took away your ability to go old yeller on his ass. Must make you mad, foaming at the mouth mad.

bobknight33 said:

Again another straw man answer.

Just answer the question at hand.

Why should any society capitulate for such an insignificant demographic group?

Gays make up less then 4% of population.

And for gay marriage the % is even less than 1%
The question really becomes Why should 1% demographic force the 99% to change?

Chicken Lady: Homecoming - Kids in the Hall

poolcleaner says...

Kids in the Hall sketches are also more thought provoking than SNL. SNL is more of a contemporary pop culture reference machine like Mad magazine and Family Guy.

The pop cultural references in KitH are to things of higher value like early cinema classics (Citizen Kane), Nietzsche, Morrison Hotel, surrealism, film noir; and with heavy pro LGBT, pro environmental (the beaver!) and anti corporate themes; displaying the frivolity of office politics, and the HARDCORE Canadian law enforcement.

What does SNL give but a couple'a chuckles, eh?

Fairbs said:

I think Kids did recurring characters better than SNL. SNL beats them to death and the sketches are WAY too long.

10 Hours Of Walking In LA As A Woman

Trancecoach says...

What evidence do you have that this is intended as comedy?
Nowhere in the video is the dragqueen soliciting jeers...

Despite your indifference, harassment isn't funny.

Perhaps you automatically assume that transvestites are objects of ridicule, and are there merely for your amusement.

For your sake, I'm glad you post anonymously and LGBT activists aren't aware of how you feel.

newtboy said:

<minimization of other people's suffering>

Sexualization vs Objectification

dannym3141 says...

I'd just like to say that this does go both ways though..

I know a couple of different guys with Asperger's and some other kinds of developmental issues from where i go swimming, and several times in the past i've seen a female react towards those guys like they've been weird or creepy when all they did was say "Hello" like i've seen them do a hundred times before to all types of people. I've even met women there who have spoken to me, been quite happy and talkative, what-have-you, even flirty, and then either said to me "some weird creepy guy <one of my friends> was trying to talk to me in the jacuzzi", or they might give me an "oh my god" look if one of them says hello to her. Body language, facial expression, how they talk all changes when they address them... I feel my skin crawl when i come across someone like that.

I only say this because i think that if we all try to be nicer and kinder to everyone, to be happy and interested in people, we can not only solve the issues raised by the video and in your comment, but also the ones raised in my comment, the ones not even mentioned here, like racism, facism and homophobia.

I think we need feminism, masculism, the LGBT, NAACP and god knows what else to all come together and realise that everyone is tackling the same problem which simply manifests itself in different proportions to different peoples - we're all here for one single life-time, so if we spend it being nicer and friendlier and more courteous and generous we can make life much more enjoyable all round, and no one will have to worry about cat-calling, bitchiness, homophobia or racism.

kir_mokum said:

because they're inundated with dudes calling them sexy as if they are a sex object. being able to differentiate between you saying someone is sexy but also meaning they're a rad human and you saying someone is sexy but just meaning you wanna fuck them is pretty much impossible if they don't know you. generally speaking calling someone sexy should be reserved until after you've established that you're not a dickhead.

Are You a Feminist? And Do You Know What That Means?

ChaosEngine says...

That's not what @Shepppard said. He said "I've never looked into anything to do with feminism in the media" (emphasis mine) in response to your point about how the word has been under assault in the media.

For the record, I am for treating everyone equally and as such, I'd call myself a feminist. At the same time, I think it's a terrible choice of word. We don't call anti-racists "blackists" or "jewists", or lgbt supporters "gayists".

Personally, I'm with Joss Whedon

dystopianfuturetoday said:

You also mention you have not looked deeply into feminism. If this is a topic that interests you, maybe you should.

Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, I missed the part where you "declared tribal Pakistan as being ... a separate state from Pakistan". I didn't realise we could do that.

In that case, I declare tribal USA (aka Arizona or Texas, take your pick) in every meaningful way, a separate and independent state from the USA. They're insane right wing christian nations who pretty much share the goals of fundamentalist Islam. They just have better weapons.

When do the rest of us get to drone strike the Arizona State Legislature or the Texas Board of Education?

As for Pakistan or Yemen, what do you think would happen if they declared war on the US? It would be an open invitation to be curb stomped and have haliburton run their country. The fact is, the US are drone striking their citizens and there isn't a god damn thing they can do about it.

I have no doubt that some of the people killed were evil scumbags who the world won't miss. But the video on this very page shows how often civilians were killed.

Besides aren't there laws around declaring war in the US? I'm pretty sure this is not something that should be done away with lightly.

bcglorf said:

Please try and read what I am saying and not just ignoring bits I've already answered. For starters, I thought I'd been clear in declaring tribal Pakistan as already being, in every meaningful way, a separate and independent state from Pakistan. More over, tribal Pakistan has been actively waging war with Pakistan proper for a very long time now. I even already claimed that at reason number one for considering tribal Pakistan an enemy to ourselves as we'll. After all, if Pakistan isn't Islamic enough for them, we surely are inwilling to compromise as far as the extremist militants there require.

I also don't recall claiming we were at war with Yemen or Pakistan. I claimed that drone strikes are an act of war. Meaning we are, quite extensively, launcing acts of war on land claimed by Yemen and Pakistan. Despite that though, somehow neither government seems inclined to declare it war. Largely because they can't show weakness, and admitting their enemies are in fact in control of that land would be weak in the extreme. So instead you largely see silence as the respective leadership readily accepts the assistance in removing a military threat to themselves that the can't readily admit has already seized large parts of their country.

Coming out to my sister live on camera!

SDGundamX says...

You should get your sarcasm filter checked. Look at lantern's other posts on the topic and you'll realize he absolutely agrees with everything you just wrote.

Apparently in the real world, though, people still care enough that you're gay to deny you equal treatment under the law or, in places like Russia, to beat the living shit out of you.

Hence, it still takes an act of courage for people to come out.

Chaucer said:

How is he brave? I think his sis said it best that she doesnt care that he's gay. News flash gay people: Nobody cares if you are gay are not (unless your the media and they love sensationalizing it). The only thing that matters is if you are a good person or bad person.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

chingalera says...

The "it" that's about JS are fucking insane law-masturbation in Idaho and the inane in both camps duking it out to get their way. Like I said, 14-year-old girls kicking and screaming to have it the way they want it. Dude, it's fucking Idaho-Some of the most back-assward fucks from all over the country have relocated there to get the fuck away from everyone else and their bullshit, as they see it.

Think Utah when Joe Smith skipped the Northeast except with redder necks than clansmen with a history of blunt-force trauma to the head.

Prickville, USA
LGBT's have quite the battle ahead of them there-

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

ChaosEngine says...

But you're ok with the religious community labelling the LGBT community as deviants and potential pedophiles (the irony would be hilarious if it weren't so tragically nauseating)?

Frankly, I think the LGBT community has been remarkably measured and tolerant in their response.

Chaucer said:

I agree. I think they should be able to boycott the business. and I have no problem with that as long as thats all they did. However, they shouldnt be able to call their customers and threaten them. or call the business and threaten them either. Which is what they have been doing.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

newtboy says...

When you insult your customer base with your beliefs, you go out of business. That's why one should keep their beliefs out of business (unless they're ready to fail).
What if it's the 'belief' of the LGBT community that people who think this way should not be associated with, and are simply 'warning' others from accidentally committing the sin of collusion?
If there's really threatening and violence happening from the LGBT towards the 'religious', that's criminal and prosecutable (but perfectly understandable)...I haven't seen it. I have seen the reverse quite often.('religious' people being violent towards LGBTs, just look at Russia and note the similarity between what the open gay bashers there say and what the religious right says (or said recently)).

Chaucer said:

Again, you are making this out as they are being treated inhumane. In my example of the bakery. They couple that owned it didnt have any problems with the people. They just didnt want to be associated with a gay wedding due to their beliefs. LGBT in turn, ran them out of business because they didnt believe in their lifestyle.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

Again, you are making this out as they are being treated inhumane. In my example of the bakery. They couple that owned it didnt have any problems with the people. They just didnt want to be associated with a gay wedding due to their beliefs. LGBT in turn, ran them out of business because they didnt believe in their lifestyle.

The LBGT is nothing but a mafia type organization. Eventually they will be exposed for what they are.

I also dont want this topic to be about me vs the gay community. I could care less if some dude wants to suck another dudes dick or two ladies scissoring. If gays want to get married, godspeed. However, dont you dare tell me what I should or should not think about that. To me, the bigotry within the gay community is running rampage. They SHOUT that they arent being treated fairly but yet they do most of the persecuting.

StukaFox said:

If they say someone is a second-class citizen because of how they were born, then yes, the belief is invalid trash and should be treated as such. Not accepted, but outright rejected.

Hiding bigotry behind religion is still bigotry.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

I'm not talking about extremist. I'm talking about, for example, a bakery that doesnt want to bake a cake for a gay couples wedding due to religious beliefs. The gay couple then get the LGBT to start threatening and blackmailing them and the people that want to use the bakery. This kind of thing is happening more nowadays. Seems like gays think their beliefs are the only ones that matter.

StukaFox said:

Yeah! Damn those gays holding up signs like "GOD HATES FAGS" outside soldiers' funerals and passing laws denying gays the same rights as straights.

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