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Maggots - Inside the head of a boy?

Universal Health Care? Illegal aliens get it, why not us?

MarineGunrock says...

^That would seem to be a pretty good solution. Though at the moment I don't know shit about Obama's health care system.
And I'm by no means a xenophobe. I just don't like it when my money pays someone else's benefits or salary -welfare for able bodied people and such. I realize that some people honestly can't make ends meet, hence subsidized housing and such, but anyone has to admit there are people that leech off the system.
Shit, just last Christmas Eve I saw a man buy a fucking shrimp platter with food stamps. Last time I checked, shrimp was a luxury food. One that even I can't afford willy-nilly. And I work damn hard for my food money. There's no fucking reason that someone that has government-provided money for food should be able to use it to buy luxury items that others that don't get free money can't afford.

Universal Health Care? Illegal aliens get it, why not us?

Universal Health Care? Illegal aliens get it, why not us?

Kreegath says...

If they're working atleast twice as hard for US companies for less than half of what they should make, wouldn't you say they've earned the healthcare they supposedly leech? And by this I'm not referring to all illegal immigrants and definately not all US citizens, but as a generalization wouldn't you say that they've worked for that healthcare atleast as hard as US citizens?

Universal Health Care? Illegal aliens get it, why not us?

MarineGunrock says...

Heaven forbid we want to deport any illegal immigrants. Fuuuuuck. I really don't understand what's so controversial about it. You break the law, you go to jail. You're not a citizen and you're here illegally? You get deported. what's the question here?

*promote. There's plenty of honest people trying to become a citizen legally that we don't need to go ahead and grant citizenship to those that are already here illegally and leeching off the system.

That's like someone stealing a Tv, getting caught, and being told to keep it because they already have it- while there are others saving their money to purchase it the legal way. (Are you listening, Obama?)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

dotdude says...

Thank you for the promote.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
*promote. There's plenty of honest people trying to become a citizen legally that we don't need to go ahead and grant citizenship to those that are already here illegally and leeching off the system.

That's like someone stealing a Tv, getting caught, and being told to keep it- while there are others saving their money to purchase it the legal way. (Are you listening, Obama?)

Testimony of Illegal Alien Care from 1 Florida Hospital

MarineGunrock says...

*promote. There's plenty of honest people trying to become a citizen legally that we don't need to go ahead and grant citizenship to those that are already here illegally and leeching off the system.

That's like someone stealing a Tv, getting caught, and being told to keep it- while there are others saving their money to purchase it the legal way. (Are you listening, Obama?)

VideoSift 3.2 Roundtable thread (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Comment voting is a very good thing.
Ignore member is a bad thing.

I'm here as much for the comments as for the videos, and the top comments help with that.

Mink: "do as much as possible to restrict access and page requests and serverside processing for leeching lurkers and Ps"
That's just foolish. There are twice as many lurkers as there are contributers.

Many of the boxes in the right bar need to be removed, to clear up clutter. Basically all the static ones, imo.

VideoSift 3.2 Roundtable thread (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

understand that popularity does not equal quality. separate those two concepts before doing anything else. realise this place is fundamentally flawed for that reason. it will get better if you stop denying this obvious problem.

reinstall 2.0 (just kidding, sorta)

remove comment voting.

remove "ignore member".

raise sift threshold to 20 or 30, or whatever is proportional to the number of users a year ago. who cares if some people moan... read the title of the page, it says "quality control" not "we want you to be sifted as much as possible so you can get a gold star in 3 months with cat/clinton videos".

give me a favourite sifters list. i don't use RSS. and please don't then derive some rube goldberg "popularity metric" from the data.

flag adhom, it's worse than spam, and it's the only thing comment voting was supposed to combat anyway, and the only thing that should be "ignored/censored/downvoted" rather than challenged with actual words and intellect.

stop making deals with shitty advertisers. you'll get more donations anyway if you stop acting so retarded.

understand that growth is not necessarily good. if you lose 50% of your members it would be no bad thing (depending on which 50% you lose...) and at least the server would cost less. Reduce stress on the server, rather than adding to it. Focus on quality control, not handwringing inclusivity. Value your best members, not "the cloud", and learn to live with Dunbar's Number. Then you will find more people donate more because they will actually give a shit.

do as much as possible to restrict access and page requests and serverside processing for leeching lurkers and Ps. Participation should have rewards. You don't need thousands of more new users anyway, only the dedicated ones. If, as a P, all I could do was watch the top 15 every day and try to post my P-busting Sift, and that wasn't enough to make me want to join the community and see what's inside, why would you want me here anyway? Why give me all the candy for free and let me upvote crap and comment on shit with my tiny inactive nonparticipatory mind? How many users do you actually NEED? Do you think you can actually sell this crap to microsoft for $40 a share or something? I know you don't. Better to just try and have fun and find nice videos, even if that means (god forbid... elitism!) restricting membership to "only those people who try hard for a long time". Ban Ps who don't Sift. put a little "zzZZ" inactivity logo next to people who have had an empty queue for more than 2 weeks. Ban them after 6 months. Use it or lose it.

enforce proper tagging. badly tagged sifts should be suspendable by senior members. why should we have to edit the tags just because some noob is too dense to understand that "star, wars" is retarded tagging? why allow noobs to be lazy? "oh fuck it, some gold star will fix it or maybe he can't be bothered to fix it because he is busy posting his own videos and i will get away with my crappy data entry..." ... just give seniors a "bad tags" button. If people abuse it, ban them or demote them to bronze. If people think their tags were good, they can PM the guy who suspended them, and find out the answer. Job done. I would spend time to explain this to a noob, but i am not just going to fix it for him. Give a man a fish... etc.

introduce a time capsule for all sifts where we can add info to help resurrection if the clip dies. sometimes i don't want to spoil the joke or the ending, or clog up the description with boring details, but i do want to leave future undeaders enough info to find the clip.

calculate star points by posts and undeads ONLY, not freaking "applauded comments" and all that other crap. people seem to consider "100 posted videos" to be a "real" gold 100 anyway, so formalise that consensus.

don't worry if people complain that it's harder to get clips sifted. FUCK IT. who cares if you get sifted? Who cares if you only just joined and now the threshold is raised to 30. Who cares? it's just a game. fill your pqueue. share clips with your friends. You can't all be on the damn front page every day. (and the people who think about rankings all the time are shitty sifters anyway, so why encourage them?)

DO worry if senior dedicated quality members complain about the level of quality on here. Don't just sit back and say "hey that's freedom and the wisdom of crowds"... FIGHT that information meltdown. Do something about it. This site is POINTLESS if it's hard to find good videos here. The fact that there is an emergent consensus that cats are cute is NOT a laudable achievement of your algorithm, or a fair reflection of the tastes of the community. It's just more proof that cats are cute and perfect for short low res movies. 10 upvotes from a for ANOTHER cat video and you get a star point? wtf? What have you added to the archive or the community?

Explain "Hot" to me.

I remember when it was a fascinating game to see which videos would sift, and which would not. I felt like I was testing my intellect against the finest minds on the internet. The quirky vids that didn't sift were anyway applauded by the friends that mattered to me. Now it's just bullshit. Cut the dead wood.

Your name is VideoSIFT. your slogan is QUALITY CONTROL.

So let's have some more sifting, quality, and control.

Ignoring Member Comments (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

Sorry admins. In your desperate attempt to please all of the people, all of the time, you ignore a fundamental law of the universe...that it is in a constant state of flux, chaos, and disorder, as much as you would like to see things (idol worship of mammon) flow progressively forward, you follow the same flawed model that has made some of the most dangerous individuals on the planet, the most inebriated with power consolidation and empire, into the neuvo-hitleresque herders, who have been granted license by the herd, to place rings in noses, and meat in many as they see fit, to improve upon their totalitarian tactics, with a view to world domination.

You think that it is fantasy, the ramblings of perceived deranged and damaged minds....once you give in to the radical fringe's demand for "justice", you open the way to all manner of coop, control, enslavement, fear, and death.

Projected onto the internet dynamic, is may seen in the plethora of tunnel-reality blogs, the very beasts you seek to break from with this is not reasonable, that one person, or group of persons, fueled by their emotional, irrational demands for "absolute fairness", should dictate...cloaked in what appears to be simple courtesy, respect, and the absence of ill-will or"hate" towards individuals, is the me me me me screaming, of an un-actualized, ego-driven child, screaming for the sake of screaming, in order to impose their will over all, and all the while, the only entitlement they truly have, has been stolen from them at birth by the grinch, and returned to them looking nothing like xmas.

Only the admins and these demanding children know who these vermin are, (ohhhh, was that hate speech??, go back to elementary school, motherfuckers!) but be damn these weaklings, vampires, and energy suckers. The only thing that will be missed, as these leech-like patrons come and go, is another juvenile link, some borrowed flavor-of-the-week diatribe about racism, fascism, or equal rights for the batshit-insane...and as sure as they leave, another will pop up in their place, devoid of anything but a pom pom and bullhorn for the home-team(prevailing, superficial yet destructive dogma, place in their minds by their programmers)And that is what prompted this post...some pm's to admins by a minority fringe, most likely some of the more vocal up-and-comers, who in their passion for promulgating fairness and love, non-hate and flowers, are really just screaming, "Listen to me and do what I say!!"...

"That's trying a bit too hard to make our attempted assistance for community safety/well-being seem like the work of the Gestapo, especially when this change does not harm anyone in any possible way."

funny lucky, you described in that statement, one of the fundamental flaws of not learning from history's mistakes....("we are only trying to help you, why are you so mad?..this can't possibly be bad, if on the surface, it looks simple and natural??")"what does "harm" mean in the context of that sentence? Rationalizations like these, are why the world is going down the shit-hole, at break-neck speeds.

but don't mind me, I am simply an observer...trapped in a world I never made.

"Am I Being Detained?"

MarineGunrock says...

Yeah, man, you said two contradicting things in the same post...

He's a douche, fair and simple. This isn't "fear" - (God, I hate that channel) It's simply a very good agency of the US trying to keep out border states free of illegal immigrants that leech off the local economy.

Like I've always said before - if you want to come to America - Great! Just do it legally.

Mr. Obama Goes To Washington

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

jwray says...

Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe, ipso facto this is not *science, even if it's published in a peer-reviewed *scientific journal and it uses the *scientific method and it comes from the *science faculty of a respectable university, because the almighty Medical Establishment is infallible and never persisted in using an incorrect treatment for hundreds of years. Leeches? Mercuric chloride for syphilis? Never happened Science is not about unanimity of opinion. It's about the method. Mercury has been known as a neurotoxin for some time. So when you look at neurons grown in vitro under a microscope, and expose some of them to a few PPM of mercury, the mercury should cause some visible difference in structure or behavior of the neurons exposed to mercury. That's a prediction. And they verified the prediction, videotaped it, and posted the video. They even identified the site where mercury binds to a neuronal protein. Should rembar have a monopoly on *science at the sift?

BBC Panorama: Poison in the Mouth

jwray says...

Some are so caught up in combating real pseudoscientific bullshit like acupuncture / homeopathy / the latest "natural cures" fad that they treat any challenge to the medical status quo as if it must be quackery. Just because something has been done for 150 years without most doctors realizing it was wrong, does not make it right. Leeches were used for 1000+ years, take that! Take no comfort in suckling on the teat of the majority dogma.

Rembar, how about that Swedish scientist who wrote the standard textbook on metal toxicology and consulted for the WHO, and helped get amalgam banned in Sweden? Did you watch far enough in this documentary to see him? Or did you skip the whole video as soon as you identified it as something contradicting your dogma?

I've got no problem if you remove actual pseudoscience, like homeopathy, astrology, acupuncture, 'creation science', chiropractors, raw foodism, diet fads, crystal healing, 95% of the self-help books ever written, and all the other bullshit from the Science channel. But this documentary definitely interviews many respectable practitioners of *science and is not bullshit.

budzos (Member Profile)

K0MMIE says...

Hey man! Nice attempt!

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Let's see, it's Saturday night, try to prove my nerdiness... in order of appearance:

Cyclops, Storm, Prof. X, Blob, Cable, Gambit, Mr Sinister, Acolytes, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Rogue, Sentinel, Captain America, Jubilee, Beast, Colossus, Senator Gyrich, Red Skull, Iceman, Magneto, Callisto and the Morlocks, Caliban, Mojo, Leech, Havok, Omega Red, Bishop, Hmmm and starting with the pink hair guy there are a couple characters I don't remember.

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