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Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

thepinky says...

I chose selections from an article about male porn habit that addresses the subject for your reading pleasure. I have a few problems with the article. It seems to assume that only lonely and hurting people use porn, and that isn't true. Still, it makes some good points:

"How addictive is pornography?

‘I'm frightened of real sex, which is unscripted and unpredictable so I engage in pornography, which is totally under my control. But it brings intense disappointment because it is not what I'm really searching for. It's rather like a hungry person standing outside the window of a restaurant, thinking that they're going to get fed.’ That’s how one man described his porn addiction to Edward Marriott...

...Like many men, I first saw pornography during puberty. At boarding school...long before my first sexual relationship, porn was my sex education....Being away from home, my friends and I longed for love, closeness, acceptance. The women over whom we masturbated - surrogate mothers, if you like - seemed to be offering this but, of course, were never going to provide it. The untruths it taught me on top of this disappointment - that women are always available, that sex is about what a man can do to a woman - I am only now succeeding in unlearning.

...'Just like drugs, pornography provides a quick fix, a masturbatory universe people can get stuck in. This can result in their not being able to involve anyone else.’

...Men, as much as women, hunger for intimacy. For many males, locked into a life in which self-esteem has grown intrinsically entwined with performance, sex assumes a freight of demands and needs...

...It is into this troubled scenario that porn finds easy access. For in pornography, unlike in real life, there is no criticism, real or imagined, of male performance...

...Women in porn are always, in the words of the average internet site, ‘hot and ready’, eager to please...

...Men, say psychologists, also feel threatened by the ‘emotional power’ they perceive women wielding over them...they are at the same time painfully aware that their only salvation from isolation comes in being sexually acceptable to women. This sense of neediness can provoke intense anger that, all too often, finds expression in porn...

...The porn industry, of course, dismisses such talk, yet occasionally comes a glimmer of authenticity. Bill Margold, left, one of the industry's longest-serving film performers, was interviewed in 1991 by psychoanalyst Robert Stoller for his book Porn: Myths For The Twentieth Century. Margold admitted: ‘My whole reason for being in this industry is to satisfy the desire of the men in the world who basically don't care much for women and want to see the men in my industry getting even with the women they couldn't have when they were growing up. So we come on a woman's face or brutalise her sexually: we're getting even for lost dreams.'...

...As well as ‘eroticising male supremacy’, in the words of anti-porn campaigner John Stoltenberg, pornography also attempts to assuage other male fears, in particular that of erection failure. Pornography answers men's fetishistic need for visual proof of phallic potency...

...Pornography, in other words, is a lie. It peddles falsehoods about men, women and relationships. It seduces vulnerable, lonely men with the promise of intimacy, and delivers only a transitory fix. Increasingly, though, men are starting to be open about the effect of pornography. David McLeod, a marketing executive, explains the cycle: ‘I'm drawn to porn when I'm lonely, particularly when I'm single and sexually frustrated. But I can easily get disgusted with myself. After watching a video two or three times, I'll throw it away and vow never to watch another again. But my resolve never lasts very long.’

Like many men, McLeod is torn. Quick to claim that porn has ‘no harmful effects’, he is also happy to acknowledge the contradictory fact that it is ‘deadening’.

Extended exposure to pornography can have a whole raft of effects.
By the time Nick Samuels had reached his mid-20s, it was altering his view of what he wanted from a sexual relationship. ‘I used to watch porn with one of my girlfriends, and I started to want to try things I'd seen in the films.’ Married for 15 years, he admits he has carried the same sexual expectations into the marital bedroom. ‘There's been real friction over this: my wife simply isn't that kind of person. And it's only now, after all these years, that I'm beginning to move on from it. Porn is like alcoholism: it clings to you like a leech.’

...Even when in a loving sexual relationship, men who have used porn say that, all too often, they see their partner through a kind of ‘pornographic filter’. This effect is summed up by US sociologist Harry Brod, in LynneSegal's essay Sweet Sorrows, Painful Pleasures: ‘There have been too many times when I have guiltily resorted to impersonal fantasy because the genuine love I felt for a woman wasn't enough to convert feelings into performance. And in those sorry, secret moments, I have resented deeply my lifelong indoctrination into (pornography).’...

...Running through all pornography use, according to David Morgan, is the desire for control...

...The user of pornography is also psychologically on the run.
Welldon says: ‘people who use pornography feel dead inside, and they are trying to avoid being aware of that pain. There is a sense of liberation, which is temporary: that's why pornography is so repetitive - you have to go back again and again.’...

...For John-Paul Day, an Edinburgh architect, the experience of being a small boy with a dying mother drove him to seek solace in masturbation. He says he has been ‘addicted’ to pornography his entire adult life. He has attended meetings of Sex Addicts Anonymous for 12 years...

...Like drugs and drink, pornography - as Day has realised - is an addictive substance. Porn actor Kelly Cooke says this applies on either side of the camera: ‘It got to the point where I considered having sex the way most people consider getting a hamburger. But when you try to give it up, you realise how addictive it is, both for consumers and performers. It's a class A drug, and it's hell coming off it.’

The cycle of addiction leads one way: towards ever harder material

Morgan believes ‘all pornography ends up with S&M’.
The myth about porn, as a witness told the 1983 Minneapolis city council public hearings on it, is that ‘it frees the libido and gives men an outlet for sexual expression. This is truly a myth. I have found pornography not only does not liberate men, but on the contrary is a source of bondage. Men masturbate to pornography only to become addicted to the fantasy.'

Read the whole article here:

Other articles on the sibject of porn "addiction":

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

rottenseed says...

>> ^vairetube:
I'm more than convinced Pressure Points exist, im more than convinced our body contains chemicals that can induce altered states, and im more than convinced there is more than one way to release or manipulate those chemicals.
The only point is acupuncture deals with real, identifiable phenomenon in the body and not strictly ceremony or placebo. It does not appear to be strictly placebo, its an ancient practice that holds water, the same way maggots can clean a wound ...or leeches do whatever the hell they do, even in modern day medicine.
I really have no comment on the actual homeopathy presented here outside of i dont think its very neat.

COOL! I believe in unicorns and if they touch you with their magical horn you will be healed from whatever ails you.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

vairetube says...

I'm more than convinced Pressure Points exist, im more than convinced our body contains chemicals that can induce altered states, and im more than convinced there is more than one way to release or manipulate those chemicals.

The only point is acupuncture deals with real, identifiable phenomenon in the body and not strictly ceremony or placebo. It does not appear to be strictly placebo, its an ancient practice that holds water, the same way maggots can clean a wound ...or leeches do whatever the hell they do, even in modern day medicine.

I really have no comment on the actual homeopathy presented here outside of i dont think its very neat.

Your Brain on Drugs - Hyrdrocodone

enoch says...

the number ONE abused drug in america is?
/drum roll
thats right kids..move over cocaine,heroin and weed.the real drug of choice is painkillers.
how come we dont see any wars against painkillers?
oh yeah..thats right.
they are considered legal and are manufactured by big pharma,and hey..didnt big pharma tell us oxycontin was not addictive?/winks
and heroin and cocaine are manufactured and distributed by "brown" people.
cant have that now can we?

in all seriousness,painkillers are just that if abused...killers.
i have lost 7 friends over the past two years to oxycontin/xanax overdoses.i have also had 5 people stay at my place to overcome their painkiller addiction in the last year.watching folks i care about go through that nightmare is heart-wrenching,and i would not wish that experience upon my worst enemy.
it is a sad sad commentary when the biggest killer is marginalized while drugs like weed are still demonized.its bizarro logic,and just perpetuates the status quo for corporations leeching off the ills of society.

Zero Punctuation - inFamous

Sketch says...

I've never agreed more. Had a blast with the game, but the Karma thing was just silly. True that I am going to play it again as evil just to get me some trophies! But first I've got 347 out of 350 Blast Shards, and I'm going to bio-leech the hell out of someone if I don't find those other 3!

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Pro-life activist Terry: 'Dr. Tiller reaped what he sowed'

enoch says...

a perfect example of bad doctrine and even worse theology.
to infer that the doctor was even REMOTELY responsible for his own execution is morally and ethically reprehensible.
i find it most interesting how zealot pastors sift through dogma and doctrine and only use what they deem necessary to manipulate their parishoners.behind many a religious zealot is an even more rabid preacher pulling the strings..disgusting.they hide in cowardice behind the cloak of biblical doctrine
like a leech and propound dogma like it was a holy secret,to be doled out in small doses.keeping their flock dimwitted and dull.
many of these fundamentalists use old covenant text,which i find VERY ironic due to the fact of how many of gods "laws" in that text are utterly ignored,yet others are used like a sledgehammer to pound into the religious followers the idea of "righteousness".
if this doctor had actually "reaped what he had sown" according to biblical doctrine,then why are they not stoning the adultress to death?or giving up all that is "worldly" and extoll the money changers?hanging the bankers for usury?why is it that so many people listen to preachers such as this man?
did not jesus bespeak "in the times before my return,there will be many who sayeth they speak in my name,but they will be false yet they will hold sway over my house,and over all nations".
how come i never hear these televangelists or money preachers ever say this quote?
how come supposed "christians" do everything BUT act like a "christian" would,and should?
and how could this hypocrisy be so lost on them?
DD=dumbfounded and deer-eyed,ignorance is curable but stupid is forever.
jesus wept.....

Son Beats Mom over.......Fries?!?!

Skeeve says...

Yeah, the people who fall for these things should be removed from the gene pool... right after the leeches who run the scams. And the idiot husband who "gave up a long time ago trying to convince his wife that this was a scam" doesn't deserve the retirement he was dreaming of if he let his wife spend $400,000 on it.

blankfist (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

In lieu of true (i.e., honest) charter membership, these days I just donate every now and then. Mainly so I don't feel guilty when I occasionally exceed three videos in my queue. And because I love you fags.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I was grandfathered in too, but I try not to be a leech so I pay now.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
And actually I'm not a charter member. It just looks like that because I got one before they went to non-renewable charter memberships, so I was grandfathered in with privileges. So I could post to my blog if I wanted to, but I don't. And you're a loser.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
And here you go:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Here you go:

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

I was grandfathered in too, but I try not to be a leech so I pay now.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
And actually I'm not a charter member. It just looks like that because I got one before they went to non-renewable charter memberships, so I was grandfathered in with privileges. So I could post to my blog if I wanted to, but I don't. And you're a loser.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
And here you go:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Here you go:

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

xxovercastxx says...

For all the buzz, this generation may be the most lackluster collection I've ever seen.

The 360 is just evolutionary. It's the best system only because Sony and Nintendo did so much less. All the hardware issues put a big dent in its image. It's got the strongest library but a lot of the big games on 360 are meant to be played on a PC, so you're just getting a half-assed version of the game. Halo, L4D, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dead Space, etc.

The PS3 was a departure for Sony. For the prior 2 generations they dominated the market with shoddy, obsolete hardware and slick marketing and they should have stuck with that. Instead they built an overpriced cash leech with lots of fancy new technologies that don't work well together and told their customer base to get a second job or take out a mortgage to buy one. Like the PS1 and PS2, the PS3 is impossible to program for and since it's got mediocre market share, developers can afford to skimp on it. PSN doesn't compare with Live, even when free... serious connection and throughput issues combine with hosts that kick you from the game if you're better than them to create a totally frustrating online experience. Oh yeah, and I hate Sony's little kiddie controller. It makes my hands cramp. If you're really into watching cutscenes (MGS, Final Fantasy), this is the console for you.

The Wii... obviously the most successful of the group by a longshot. When it comes to just doing business, Nintendo has been cleaning up for a while now. The Xbox and Xbox360 have yet to turn a profit and the Playstation brand has been never been profitable either. Nintendo, meanwhile, made a nice profit on the Gamecube by selling it above cost and has completely cleaned up shop with the Wii. Another thing I can appreciate is the honesty of Nintendo's product. They're not using it to manipulate people into repurchasing all of their movies or buying a Windows Media Center PC; they're just selling a gaming console. The unfortunate part of the Wii is that they never really pushed the envelope. They somehow took their "revolution" and reduced it to a cheap gimmick before the first shot was fired. If you've played WiiSports, then you've experienced 90% of what Wii has to offer.

>> ^Throbbin:
I also stream my downloaded videos from my desktop through my wireless network and watch them in the living room.

Welcome to the future. I've been doing that for 7 years now with my original Xbox. XBMC still does a better job of it than PS3 or 360.

Irukandji Syndrome

NicoleBee says...

Eeeegh.. And all I have to worry about at my local watering hole is the hundreds of leeches that hang around the reeds!

>> ^Maze:
Oh, and don't swim in the creeks or rivers either, unless you want to be a croc's dinner.

Wow - Talk about Watery Diarrhea!

dannym3141 says...

^ Sure

You're playing the SIMS, you need to die a slow horrible painful death for allowing EA to teabag you repeatedly in the face whilst you sit there, open mouthed for the grand phallic phinale. For continually buying the trash that this terrible, terrible company attaches their name to like a vampiric leech, your eyes have assaulted your brain. They are unhappy with the years of abuse you have put them through whilst playing this game. As your optic nerve snakes its way towards your brain, it picks up electrical signals which translate as spewing gushes of water.

There is an operation to help, but unfortunately it costs exactly the same amount as the combined price of the 3000000000000 addons that EA shat out for the game which you bought, each costing more than a fantastically designed and developed indie game - which will never get the respect it deserves for ingenuity and gaming fun, so you can't afford it anymore.

Dr Quantum Visits a 2-Dimensional World

Ornthoron says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Oh dude... you're so completely missing the point, ornthoron. It's so completely basic that you've overstepped it in your intelligence.
They're not trying to trick you!

Have I missed the point? I have actually watched the whole movie that this clip is taken from, and believe me: The point is quite hard to miss. And that point is a completely unfounded idea that you are able to influence your surroundings drastically with mere thoughts, supposedly due to quantum mechanics. And no, they are not trying to trick me, as they probably believe in that nonsense themselves. But they certainly tricked one participant in the film, in that they edited together parts of his interview so that they misrepresented his views.

I think it shows the effect that cynicism and time can have on a person.

That's quite a jugdement to pass on me based only on one short comment. Those who know me will attest to my sincere amazement and love of all the wonders of nature, and will likely not recognize your characterization of me as a cynic. But I am a realist, in that I prefer to be amazed by real phenomena, and not some weird stuff that has been dreamed up by some self-appointed medium, no matter how tantalizing it may seem.

Don't get me wrong: I understand where you're coming from, as I too was once that little boy you describe so nicely in your little story. And I am him to some degree still today, constantly amazed by the new things I discover every day. And that is exactly why I hate this movie, since it wanders off into a pseudo-scientific swamp instead of showing people the wonders of REAL science.

I'll concede that I may have been a little harsh on this one clip in isolation, as it taken by itself doesn't overtly exhibit the New Age mindset that permeates the rest of the film. But if you read between the lines you can clearly see the message of humans possibly transcending into a higher state of conciousness. And that there is no justification for in quantum mechanics.

>> ^dannym3141:
This video is inspiring, and i want hours of this kind of thing in place of hours of big brother, pop idol, i'm a celebrity, celebrity fit club, celebrity cattle ranch, celebrity FUCKING DIRTY FILTHY LEECHES OF HUMANITY.

Me too. But is it too much to ask that those hours are filled with stuff from reality? There is so much fantastic stuff to choose from that you can fill hours of it without including quasi-philosophical mumbo-jumbo. I speak from the bottom of my heart: Let all the small children be challenged, puzzled, amazed, wondering, talking and asking about all the weird things in the world. But please don't send them hidden messages as well.

Dr Quantum Visits a 2-Dimensional World

dannym3141 says...


This video is inspiring, and i want hours of this kind of thing in place of hours of big brother, pop idol, i'm a celebrity, celebrity fit club, celebrity cattle ranch, celebrity FUCKING DIRTY FILTHY LEECHES OF HUMANITY. Would that not lead to a better world?

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