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Looking for a Looney Tunes (Animation Talk Post)

540 Spin Kick Triple Board Break! (5 Seconds)

jwray says...

Generally any move that involves high jumping is a VERY BAD IDEA in a real fight, because you can be knocked off balance easily then.

Robot with human looking legs

Largest illegal black market of guns in pakistan

Krupo says...

Reminds me of what you could see on Canal Street in NYC, except they had rather many more knock-off Coach and Prada handbags than Kalashnikov rifles. And no hills.

"Zindabad", eh? Cool phrase to know.

Great find randeep - this should go straight up onto the top 15 if people are paying attention!

Bitchslap from Hell

joedirt says...

This is one of the worst, most over-rated videos I have seen on the sift. (a) why is there a camera? So this is fake. (b) the reason it seems like a huge slap, is the sound effects, which appear to be added later. (c) Who really gives the crap about a slap to the face. Is this remarkable? Did the guy fall down? Get knocked off balance? Anything? Did he even get a red mark?

WTF is next? Guy honks horn at pedestrian??!!!

Futuristic Bullet & Explosion Proof Body Suit - The Trojan

Halon50 says...

While it looks woefully inadequate for protection around the neck, I'm sure he can easily modify the design to include a neck shield similar to what the bomb squads use.

The whole point of this guy doing it on his own was to prove that determination and ingenuity can overcome a woefully small budget of around $2000 USD. Hello multi-billion-dollar infantry armor that still isn't in full deployment.

Anyway, I don't deny the guy's crazy for thinking that suit's going to see much beyond what's seen in news clips, but I do applaud him for trying. I'm assuming, of course, that he's filed multiple patents on the materials and design, or he'd be pretty S.O.L. once knock-offs start appearing for this year's Halloween!

Zombie vs. Shark

wildmanBill says...

I'm surprised no one else has mentioned that Fulci filmed this movie intending it to be a sequel to Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" which was released as just "Zombie" in Italy, hence why budzos mentions that it was filmed as "Zombie 2" back in 1978 and was released as such in Italy. But America didn't buy it as a knock-off/sequel so the 2 was dropped for all further releases.

Many Questions, No Answers - David Lynch speaks on 911

'Hair' the opening number - Great Moments in Cinema

Whole Raw Video of President R. Reagan Assasination Attempt

joedirt says...

ant, I guess you haven't taken the hints... CHANGE THE TITLE TO SAY "attempt".

Raw Video Clip of President Reagan Assasination Attempt

It is disturbing to see you re-writing history as him having been knocked off.

Neil Patrick Harris stole my car!!

pho3n1x says...

see, i knew this was going to happen. it passes the 'get off to it' test, in my opinion... but the nude magician would have made it, if i hadn't struck it down. the racecar vid with the crash caused by a flashing girl also was knocked off. i'm just saying...

i figured this would end up in the *blog , so there we go. i just think that either some consistency is in order, or the ruleset needs to be clarified.

"Feigning Interest" - Funny Josh Hopkins music video

Quboid says...

Siftbot sees all eh? No chance of slipping that one in just before knocking off time when she[1] doesn't care any more. Good bot, stay on your toes. Don't let the terrorists win. *Siftbot *rocks.

[1] Is Siftbot a he or a she???

Road Block - try to cheat traffic poles following the bus

Quboid says...

Ouch on the last guy, I think that's the passenger as it's a Royal Mail van first which was right hand drive.

How long do you think these guys were looking to knock off their journey time? 30 seconds? 5 minutes? So worth it I'm sure.

pickle phobia

choggie says...

SURE-YA WANNA LIST? Muckraldo Rivera, Orca Windfree, Ellen Degenerate, Groady O'Donald and all the broads on The View, the collective anchors of their prospective sinking ships of all the "Good Morning shows, The low-lifes and no-lifes of all the Anti-tainment shows("E", "Inside Abortion," etc.), Christine Mammonpoor of CNN, Agreegious and C-lee,
every Sheeple's Court knock-off, ....shall I go on?

"Trapped in its world, it's so hard to find us,
it shapes our minds the most;
Maybe the mother of our nation should remind us, that wer'e sitting too close, tooo the
Television,the drug of the Nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.
ok I'm Done.

A Classic is Dieing . . . (Sift Talk Post)

Krupo says...

I think chrono would be best; allows for a "randomness" factor (i.e., first thing on the list won't always be identical - top vids are rarely knocked off their perch), and is a way to "save" a promote which was invoked during periods of high front page cycling.

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