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Pizza store robbery goes bad

"Bill Hicks Award Winner" jokes about assassinating Obama

thinker247 says...

She said: "Knock off Osama. I mean Obama. Well, both, if we could."

He said: Many positive things about Obama, thus relating: "Oh my God, he's going to be assassinated." Seeing that Obama is often compared to MLK Jr. (in regard to his speaking ability, and his message of hope), I see the context of the joke.

While everyone is submitting spores....Trogspore V2

Wipeout 64 / Pulse / Pure / XL / 2097 / HD / Fusion

Liz Trotta is SO sorry for talking about knocking off Obama

Majortomyorke says...

>> ^Jackal:
I think the comment of "Die in a fire, Bitch" is pretty ironic, especially considering the follow-up of defending the comment in the name of humor.

I would also like to point out, I am not a pundit. While I can understand the irony of joking about her dying in a fire, the reality is her words carry more weight.

Do you think the ignorant people shown in the West Virginia video come to their conclusions entirely on their own? Maybe Fox News, and it's speakers, have had some part to play in the delivery of such ignorance with comments such as Osama-er-Obama. I would suggest that it's for those reasons "Die in a fire, bitch" is perhaps slightly more tolerable as a joke.

Liz Trotta is SO sorry for talking about knocking off Obama

kulpims says...

>> ^MINK:

isn't there something wrong about diverting the outcry against her by making a retarded thoughtless comment? doesn't that kinda demean your opposition?

still, doesn't make her right, doesn't mean our anger over her thoughtless words isn't justified. i'm tired of people like her getting away with such bullshit and every time we get accross shit like that, we should get angry, we should go primitive. Richard K. Morgan, or rather Quellcrist Falconer, said it so much better than i possibly could:

The personal, as everyone's so fucking fond of saying, is political. So if some idiot politician, some power player, tries to execute policies that harm you or those you care about, TAKE IT PERSONALLY. Get angry. The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs, hardware and soft-. Only the little people suffer at the hands of Justice; the creatures of power slide from under it with a wink and a grin. If you want justice, you will have to claw it from them. Make it PERSONAL. Do as much damage as you can. GET YOUR MESSAGE ACROSS. That way, you stand a better chance of being taken seriously next time. Of being considered dangerous. And make no mistake about this: being taken seriously, being considered dangerous makes the difference, the ONLY difference in their eyes, between players and little people. Players they will make deals with. Little people they liquidate. And time and again they cream your liquidation, your displacement, your torture and brutal execution with the ultimate insult that it's just business, it's politics, it's the way of the world, it's a tough life and that IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL. Well, fuck them. Make it personal.

and we are back to my first comment... moral high ground lost... opposition to this woman weakened... now you try to tell me i am the one who should hold my tongue...

moral high ground lost? 0.00m2

Liz Trotta is SO sorry for talking about knocking off Obama

NetRunner says...

>> ^MINK:
if it was a joke, it could, in some contexts, be funny. but it wasn't a joke, it was just a retarded thoughtless comment.
isn't there something wrong about diverting the outcry against her by making a retarded thoughtless comment? doesn't that kinda demean your opposition?
and we are back to my first comment... moral high ground lost... opposition to this woman weakened... now you try to tell me i am the one who should hold my tongue...

Now ladies and gentlemen, this is why Fox, and the people who watch it adoringly are so dangerous.

MINK, while I agree you have a point about the die in a fire comment being bad (and I have upvoted your comments saying so), you're now taking your victory too far into saying that Liz here is just a poor victim of a liberal outcry.

You played it well, but you're using the real tactic I hate Fox for. Change the subject and divide the opposition by saying that criticism of bad action is just as bad as the bad act itself. Usually they say the criticism is actually worse because of the sheer un-American-ness of objecting to things (unless it's gay marriage, that's too much to tolerate).

They're both wrong, but blankfist isn't paid to diseminate information to millions of people, she is. She caught herself before she said it, thought about it, and said it anyway, with the added side-splitter of a joke where she both equates the presumptive nominee of the opposing political party to the head of a terrorist organization and talks about how tickled she'd be if both were killed.

Plus, while it's kind've ghoulish, "die in a fire" is an expression, roughly translated to "fuck you", while "knock off" is an expression roughly translated to "assassinate".

One's in bad taste, the other is borders on being a death threat.

Liz Trotta doesn't deserve to be defended, but therealblankman most certainly does.

Liz Trotta is SO sorry for talking about knocking off Obama

rottenseed says...

>> ^MINK:
she's not allowed to suggest assassinating obama, but we're allowed to suggest she dies in a fire? wow, moral high ground taken, job done.

I agree. I don't necessarily believe that "die in a fire, bitch" is such a wrong thing to say because I think you have the right to voice your opinion, but it is slightly hypocritical when given the current context.

But carry on, your disdain is understood and reasonable.

Liz Trotta is SO sorry for talking about knocking off Obama

moodonia says...

I was going to frame some comment about gender neutral insults and how bitch doesnt indicate misogny but...mehhh I had a crappy day taking shit for other peoples mistakes and nearly got knocked off my bike coming home. So I've no sympathy for anyone right now!

FOX jokes about killing Obama

FOX jokes about killing Obama

Steven sprays bald face hornets with Off mosquito repellant!

Iron sky teaser - Space Nazis attack!

spoco2 says...

I don't think you're selling the fact that it's a community made film enough, you need to change the name really, I'd never heard of the other film until Slashdot mentioned it in regards to this trailer.

The trailer was very nice, I like the concept... but then when I looked at some of the production photos my heart sank... a bunch of kids wearing star trek knockoff outfits, bad silver face makeup and even a terrible Klingon look a like.

Yeah, there's a way to stand out, make a terrible knock off of an existing franchise.

The thing that usually lets down these productions is terrible acting, acting well is harder than people think, and so they usually die on that point.


The things they SHOULD be good at are the other creative parts, the CGI, the DESIGN, the COSTUMES, the STORY

And while I like the idea of the story, and the CG looks pretty good, the design of the characters and their costumes look woeful.

A pity... so much effort put into something that'll be quite lackluster.

Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

9547 says...

Some Fox News knock-off is telling me that European media are (cue scary music)...distorting the truth!. Priceless.
They're gonna make Colbert jealous. He wish he had come up with something like that.

To stay on topic though, it is true that the European media in general have somewhat of an anti-American bias (beyond the Bush Is A Moron thing, that is), but it 's not as violent as the Euro-bashing you can find in the US. If you had, say, a French Bill O'Reilly rambling about 'cheeseburger-eating surrender yankees', he would most likely be fired on the spot. And US-bashing is not as deeply rooted as you think. If the US had, um, I don't know, a president named Hussein, this would change people's view pretty quickly.

That being said, the most effective anti-American propaganda weapon in Europe would have to be Fox News. Yep. Just show a few Fox clips to any European, tell them that this is the #1 news network in the US and voila, you got yourself a new America-basher.

Barack Comments on the April 16 ABC Debate

Trancecoach says...

except when Barack was called to finally address the issues in the debate, he was flumoxed and flustered and was definitely knocked off stride. Something about that debate got to him, and it showed. But yes, superficial rhetoric in our debates is pretty much why "None of the Above" is the only reasonable vote in these elections.

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