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Jesus Was a Homo sapien (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Craig Ferguson Explains Why He Loves America

Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Lolthien says...

WP, you have so many arguable points there that you state as fact, it is rather intimidating, which is no doubt why you went to such lengths.

Just to mix it up, I'll do yours in reverse.

..I'd say your opinion of the Republican party's unity is somewhat exaggerated. There are innumerable factions in the GOP. The Democrat as I see it is far more efficient about corralling in thier 'mavericks'. This whole health care debate has only gotten this far because of the extremist fringe Democrats stomping on the necks of the moderates.

So during the Bush years, when Dixie chicks were called terrorists, when anyone who had an opposing view was universally considered by the right as 'empowering' the terrorists, when people who had objections to the Patriot Act were told vote for this or 9/11 will happen again... those were not 'neck-stomping' tactics as you so racially.. er... cleverly put it?

What about when all the protests occurred when the President was going to 'indoctrinate' our children in schools? Several news outlets interviewed principals who had taken calls from concerned parents, and while they were used to dealing with upset parents, what made it so special was how all the parents used the same phrases over and over, as if they had all heard it somewhere. Hmmmm... I wonder how that might have happened?

Neolib talking points come from a variety of musicians, but the song is always the exact same song. Similarly, right wing talking points come from from way more sources than just Limbaugh & Beck but the message is almost identical.

Are you suggesting that all people who feel the way you describe throughout your comment are 'Neolibs'? Are you not the same man who had four or five different flavors of conservative just to make sure your views weren't mixed in with all the plebians? Are you at least willing to admit that sometimes people who are not 'Neolib' (which means whatever conservatives think it means I guess) might possible share some of the same opinions on things? You are being either accidentally imprecise there, or deliberately accusatory hoping to put people on the defensive. You should probably look into that.

Still, to suggest the Democrats are even half as organized and on point as Republicans does not agree with the facts at hand. Republicans were able to push through controversial policies much more effectively than the Democrats have so far... that is almost solely due to their speaking with one voice, vs the Democrats all listening to all sides and giving and taking.. thereby weakening their relative position.

Most voters are sheep who join a "big party" and they are too consumed with cheering on their 'team' than caring whether their team is a bunch of self-serving jackasses. It is very similar to the tunnel vision fanboi-ism rampant in modern US sports. "Kobe Bryant is a rapist? M'eh - who cares as long as he wins games..." Sigh.

I've been guilty of going off point myself, so I won't mock or question your use of Kobe Bryant's crimes as if it were somehow meant to be on topic. We are fellow independents... and I would have gladly voted Ron Paul in the last primaries if Kentucky would allow Independent voters to vote during primaries.. alas it was not to be. I voted for the person most likely to let me live my life unimpeded.. and ironically, it was the 'big government Democrat'.

The vast bulk of American voters are fiscal conservatives who want smaller government, balanced budgets, less spending, & lower taxes. Sadly, all we end up with are left wing liberal extremist tax & spenders like Bush & Obama.

Okay... now I know you're kidding... Bush was a left wing liberal??? And you still call yourself moderate? That has to be a joke. For what it's worth, I'm all for smaller government, it is a sad day when I have to vote Democratic to get it. Give me a viable Independent candidate or Ron Paul and I'll be all over it. But until then you can only judge the choices you are given.

There are more ways to approach 'peace' than the neolib world view accepts.

There was a lot more about your comment than I quoted, and while I disagree with your statement that Carter was a Neolib (because that terminology wasn't even in use then) I agree there are many ways to pursue peace. What I'm curious about is that obviously the way Bush did it (pissing off the world, and when they objected telling them to eat sh*t and die) didn't work, perhaps we should try something different.

Or to quote you back, "There are more ways to approach 'peace' than the neoCON world view accepts."

Oh, and the guy who's doing it won a peace prize thanks to his efforts. I'm pretty sure if you want to know if you are promoting peace, you ask other countries.. just like if you want to know if someone isn't an asshole, you don't ask him, you ask people who know him.

Wow.. this is hard WP, kudos for doing this all the time.

Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Experts

Phonecium says...

It is easy, it's simply not a quick fix. Make fast food as expensive as it is in Japan for starters. A two-piece Kentucky Fried Heart valve with Coca-Colonoscopy and french-fried artery is about $40 U.S. You don't see the Japanese eating that scat as staple.

Eliminate wage slavery and the dollar, for that matter. Your arguments lie fallow. Beans and rice are still dirt cheap. Grow spinach. Leave the city. Isn't one's health more important than a 401K and a cable bill?

Insurance is for idiots who are specialized, without basic survival skills, and educated improperly concerning the world they inhabit. Learn some new rules for living; start by plugging back into instinct.

As far as medical procedures and the cost of the same?-Kill your nearest congressman or representative, and use their blood for fertilizer for your food crops, and eat sprouted seed till the harvest comes.

Get real folks-the power has always been in our hands to make change. America simply gives it to tainted robots to do as they see fit.

Change won't come without a realistic battle for what is right from a common-sense approach. To hell with politics. Join the ranks of beings who use reason or instinct rather than illusory constructs designed to enslave.

Government can't breastfeed an infant, but it can suggest a formula manufactured by Enfamil, or give you a free abortion.

You are not wrong user above, there are many things worse than the illusion the people of the world consider to be a "natural" progression of societies. The world is a simple place without the abuse of the few over the many.

Mostest Horrible Punishment Imaginable EVAR!

Bruti79 says...

That is indeed Kentucky Fried Movie, but myself being a gemini, I never know what to expect *thwack, arrow shoots in gut, slump over*

If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's funny! I believe that's from the movie at the end "Fist Full of Yen!"

Mostest Horrible Punishment Imaginable EVAR!

The Worst Place In America? ( 10 seconds )

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'action, fighting, torture, screaming, command, martial arts' to 'action, fighting, torture, screaming, command, martial arts, kentucky fried movie' - edited by kronosposeidon

The Worst Place In America? ( 10 seconds )

spawnflagger says...

Instant upvote for any clip from the Kentucky Fried Movie.

Keep in mind this movie was filmed in the early 70s when Detroit still had a booming auto industry. Imagine how much worse it has become 30 years later...

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Rachel Maddow - Hanging Of A US Census Wroker In Kentucky

Rachel Maddow - Hanging Of A US Census Wroker In Kentucky

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rachel maddow, census, kentucky, fed, hang, hanging, government' to 'rachel maddow, census, worker, kentucky, fed, hang, hanging, government' - edited by SlipperyPete

TYT - Census Worker Found Lynched

This creationist is literally dumber than shit

Lann says...

I was about to say, it doesn't seem like Alberta would be the place for an official creationist museum...or at least the area I've been around. But in Boone County, Kentucky...well that just doesn't surprise me.

Kid Puts Bully In His Place!

alien baby like creature stumps scientists

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