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Alton Brown: How To Open A Bottle Of Champagne With A Saber

antonye says...


It's only called Champagne because it comes from the Champagne region, which happens to be in France, not because it's a sparkling wine. That's why the Spanish call it Cava and the Italians call it Prosecco.

Opening Parmesan Cheese Wheels

Coke + Mentos Vs. Durex Condom

What Languages Sound Like

Super Mario Theme Song Played on Ancient Chinese Instrument

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sheng, china, coin sounds, italian plumber' to 'sheng, china, coin sounds, italian plumber, super mario, music, ancient, instrument' - edited by lucky760

US Rep. To Deputy Drug Czar: You're 'Part of the Problem'

chingalera says...

What about that Botticelli during the early Italian Renaissance that painted those frescoes of skimpy lingerie ladies like the one in the giant clam shell??
Wonder if this guy is related to old, Sandro??

Passami Che bong, per favore??

Empire of the Ants (Italian) -- A crappy ant horror movie.

ravioli (Member Profile)

The Sci-Fi Epic That 1979 Could Not Handle - The Visitor

chingalera says...

-The re-re uncut one-Dint do the Italian one or org.U.S. release-Last night-Mayhem, madness, Peckinpaw plays a doctor, great flick'o cheese-
@Sarzy-HWaS, that was one seriously whack Hauer flick, right?!

oritteropo said:

The original 1980 U.S. cut, the Italian cut, or the re-released uncut version? The original U.S. one is described as confusing and a bit of a mess, but the Italian one was supposed to be better.

The Sci-Fi Epic That 1979 Could Not Handle - The Visitor

oritteropo says...

The original 1980 U.S. cut, the Italian cut, or the re-released uncut version? The original U.S. one is described as confusing and a bit of a mess, but the Italian one was supposed to be better.

chingalera said:

Watching the full film now, man what a turd! Original Title, "Stridulum."

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

chingalera says...

On that note G-Bar, apologies for all German-Italian-English-French conglomerates as well-While not concentrated in any specific region geographically speaking, they mostly tend to be assholes and degenerates...mostly.

Whoops! Silly string engulfs bride and groom in flames!

Artist Can Draw Photo Quality Pictures

Watch a Capsized 115,000-Ton Cruise Ship Get Righted

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

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