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This TRANSPARENT ENGINE is Fascinating

newtboy says...

Basic, but still cool and informative.
I want him to make a version 2.0 out of Aluminium oxynitride that’s a real see through running motor. I’ve seen plastic demonstration motors before…I think you can buy them as models.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense.

It’s just delicious that the people Trump never gave a thought to, the peons that serve him, are the same people who testified to Jack Smith about all the top secret documents laying around in publicly accessible, even privately rentable areas of Maralago with absolutely no security for any of them, not locked doors, not even closed doors…at Trump’s direct order…and hidden only during pre-announced searches, again at Trump’s direct orders. They also testified about him showing top secret classified military intelligence to many foreign people he was trying to impress.

The people Trump likes to say he’s working for, the same people he doesn’t even see when they’re in the room, are the people that spilled the beans. Guaranteed he still doesn’t know who they are despite being listed by name and occupation. 😂

Oof….Michigan is looking at new election interference charges. They’re waiting for the Supreme Court to decide if their election interference laws are constitutional in the case of the two MAGA operatives that were convicted in multiple states of robo calling black voters to lie to them that vote by mail would send all their information to multiple government and non-government agencies including mandatory vaccinations, bill collectors, police, even “the man”, and would publish it publicly….all lies designed to make people scared to vote.

If those laws are deemed constitutional, most legal scholars say Trump himself violated them repeatedly, and prosecutors are preparing charges. 😂

Wow, there sure is a lot of news on these cereal boxes. I never knew General Mills was an investigative company, but you insist that’s where all this verifiable information comes from, so they must be. Maybe you should check them out.

Oooh-ooh-ooh….Mr Cotter! Giuliani’s Russian tied source in Ukraine has been charged with treason for feeding the US false intelligence supplied by Russia and undermining US/Ukraine relations under the direction of Russian military intelligence…this from the late special edition cereal box this evening.

Debunking the Palestine Lie

newtboy says...

Entirely one sided misleading propaganda.

It completely ignores and glosses over the millions of armed Jewish invaders that took over what’s now the ever expanding Israel, outnumbering the less well armed and unsupported Palestinians, quickly creating an apartheid state with inhuman treatment of the now minority native population displaced by European Jews that had no intention of sharing the land they had stolen from the native inhabitants with England’s and America’s blessing, nor of keeping to the borders they agreed to.

So much history was intentionally deleted or completely misrepresented here it’s more misinformation than informative.
The Palestinian people were subjugated by the Turks, then the British, and now by the genocidal Zionists.

The argument here is like if you imagine America has essentially no military at all having just won independence from Britain in 1948, and the French demanded 1/2 of Louisiana as it was originally a French nation and they suffered greatly in the war, including of course New Orleans, and Canada offered them 25% which they agree to, America said “hell no, why should we hand over our land to foreign invaders?”, and now America is blamed for France’s brutal invasion and unending dehumanization of and inhuman war crimes against and brutal subjugation and imprisonment of the people of the entire Louisiana territory that France now claims, with sights on more expansion.


Katie Porter On IRS Direct File

newtboy says...

2 things….

1. If you call the IRS today you get an operator, not an agent or accountant, and their advice is largely guessing…their unprofessional unpaid advice does not remove your responsibility to do your taxes correctly…it wouldn’t if they were an agent because they don’t have access to 100% of your financial records to make an informed suggestion and they aren’t retained by you for the advice. Republicans fought to keep from hiring more agents to answer phones by claiming they would be armed Jack booted thugs breaking into your home with military force instead of accountants sitting in offices waiting to help citizens. Now you whine.

2. The fox already watches the hen house. This is just letting them tell you what your taxes are instead of making you do the math and them telling you you are wrong. They already do this calculation, and use it to determine if you did your taxes correctly. (Side note- I know this personally because I often get notification I have over estimated my taxes by a minor amount and they have revised my refund accordingly.)

Wouldn’t it be nicer if they just told you what you owe and give you the opportunity to claim they’re wrong instead of making you take a math test first then doing the exact same thing?

Remember, it was Trump’s number one promise on the campaign trail, he would simplify taxes day one so you could do them on a 3x5 card. He never even tried, and taxes became more convoluted under him. He added special interest groupings (for multi millionaires) and gave them huge tax breaks while the middle class got a temporary payroll tax vacation they had to pay back the next year.

If you want simpler or lower taxes, forget about Trump. He made them more difficult and higher for nearly everyone AND added $8 TRILLION to the bill despite promising to simplify, cut taxes, and create a surplus. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

I agree with the points that she makes.

However 2 things

Under current conditions If you call IRS for a question and they provide an incorrect solution - you are still on the hook.

This is looking like the fox watching the hen house.

Best solution is to make the tax code streamline simplified, cut out all the special interest group set asides.

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

You are so dumb you didn’t notice they were reading some allegedly repeatedly copied document so blurry and incomplete even they couldn’t read parts of it and are pretending it’s an official record. You might be gullible enough to buy that nonsense, but courts sure aren’t.

You are so incapable of following along that you likely didn’t notice they are simply misstating the accusations by a disgruntled ex employee….accusations already 100% debunked at trial.

Just like every single bootlicking excuse you’ve given for these murderous cops and every prediction you made about this case, another “L” for Bobby and his idiotic tantrums.

But you knew this before you posted it. Your goal is never to present factual information, it’s to throw any nonsensical lie you can come up with at the wall and hope it sticks unnoticed. That’s what you call a “win”…it is as close as you get. It’s an “L” bob.

Edit: Just a side note, when used for anesthesia the correct dosage of fentanyl is 10-20 ng/ml…so even if this was an actual autopsy report (hint-it’s not) 11ng/ml is FAR from a lethal dose…it’s the low end of the advised amount that just makes you sleepy…for people with no opioid tolerance. If true, it would only prove that Floyd wasn’t ever fighting them, because he was sedated then unconscious when they murdered him. You never EVER consider the implications of your mensonge du jour, and as a consequence they are rarely what you seem to expect.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

What idiotic puke are you spewing.

You get your information from the same rag that say Bidenomics is doing great.

Bidenomics is not great.

newtboy said:

Don’t you know you’re supposed to be against that to the point where, because a Republican thought for themselves and voted their conscience you are supposed to be terrorizing their families, following them everywhere in public, leaving threatening messages, doxing them including their children…MAGA is 100% violently against forming your own opinions, which is likely why we’ve never once seen you do it.

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

No, dummy, learn to read…YOU need a narrative of which the graphic visual death is just an incidental part to not be in flagrant, intentional violation of sift rules.

I personally posted the no snuff rule to your profile page, you know undeniably that you are intentionally violating it because you want to show Muslims acting horrifically and pretend it’s happening in a vacuum by offering no other information besides graphic murders.

You should be banned, you only want to ignore guidelines to try to post your false narratives, usually failing miserably.

That you are fighting to keep this snuff propaganda posted (despite it now being age blocked) despite multiple attempts to ban you for intentional violations of sift rules proves you only come here to abuse and are thumbing your nose at the entire community and our rules.

Again, you should be banned…I’ve never said that before, but you have completely lost your shit and all self control since Trump was indicted.

Without a newsworthy narrative, this is pure unadulterated rule violating snuff.

Even YouTube put it behind an age and graphic warning wall, and they allow anything.

I see the underlying narrative…Israeli=innocent victim / Palestinian=murderous monster. By posting the one sided propaganda put out by the Israeli Defense Force it was blatantly obvious to those of us who can think, and conspicuously absent at the same time.

You know full well I think for myself, unlike you who needs any bit of (miss)“information” you’ve ever thought you had fed to them by hyper biased outlets to even grasp the nonsense you believe. You cannot, not once ever, answer a question about any one of your random claims unless the MAGA machine provides you one…and those are always 100% incorrect twaddle. That’s why you disappear in shame at least once a week unable to defend or even explain your utter insanity.

Yes Bob. I learned to form my own opinions and think for myself in first grade. Critical thinking was taught to us quite young. My school was quite advanced and we won the national academic championship in almost every category every year.
You have yet to try. Take your own advice and learn to think…you need to leave the cult FIRST.

@dag and @lucky760…please add my name to the siftquisition request…this is now undeniably intentional. Rules must matter.

bobknight33 said:

So you need a narrative to tell you what to think.

Sad that you do not know how to think about such a topic unless some spin from a new outlet tells you how to think about this.

Learn to form you own opinions-- you will be better for it. Hell you might even take you head our of your ass and actually see the light.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dominoes are falling.

Ken Cheseboro just plead guilty to felonies and agreed to testify against Trump. He’s the third.
This days after Kraken Powell did the same. She’s probably the reason he turned, and they are why the other 16 co-conspirators now thinking about taking a deal…they know those two have all the information needed to convict. D’OH!!!

All the co-defendants are admitting they tried to steal the fair and legitimate election that they knew Trump LOST! Not a good look in a RICO case.

What you gonna do now? Still believe Trump? Probably. 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Wieselberg is caught red handed not turning over emails (and lying on the stand about his knowledge) that are part of his plea deal, which now triggers a forensic investigation of his and the Trump organization emails, and if omissions are found that’s more obstruction AND a violation of Wieselberg’s plea agreement. Too bad Forbes kept and supplied those emails…maybe Trump shouldn’t have gone off on them when he fell off the Forbes richest Americans list? 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

From Sift terms and conditions- The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited, incidental portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary that encompasses a much broader narrative. Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera.

Your video was pure human fatalities not incidental, and had no educational or informative reporting at all, and did not encompass ANY narrative. In no way does it qualify under any of the listed exceptions.

I’m trying to help you out here. You know there are many that would like to see you gone, why are you handing them live ammunition by flagrantly, insultingly, and disgustingly violating posting guidelines?

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

Again, there is no larger story or narrative presented, just pure raw snuff footage. There was no explanation, no manifesto, no reporting at all, just straight murder on film.

It’s not weak mindedness to not enjoy watching violent child murders. 🤦‍♂️
It is definitely against sift rules to post them. I only hope those rules will be enforced.

The issues are important, not the graphic visuals of murders, especially not when you only show those from one side but not the other. I note you neglected to show video of the now thousands of Palestinian civilians and children murdered by the indiscriminate retaliation against civilians, so you absolutely do take sides here, comments or none.
This video is directly from and edited by the Israeli Defense Forces, and is 100% one sided.

What media is “spinning” the conflict? I’ve seen many, all described the attack as unprovoked and brutal, most called it terrorism. What’s not covered is the exponentially larger number of Palestinian civilian victims, despite having about 1/20 the population and no army. What’s often ignored is the inhuman conditions Palestinians are forced to live under, with limited, often no access to food, medicine, power, even water. Zero security, unlike expansionist and genocidal Israel. There’s your spin.

Yes, it’s pure snuff. There is no redeeming information included, just graphic murders on film. That is absolutely 100% clearly forbidden on the sift.

YouTube does not have a strict “no snuff” policy, videosift does and has since it started. Don’t feign ignorance. That said, it is age restricted on YouTube now. This is far from the first time you posted snuff and got called out.

@dag and @lucky760, sorry to involve you, but please make an administrative ruling and delete this if you agree it’s snuff, or rule that it isn’t. I take no position on a ban/siftquisition, but note it has been requested by others.

bobknight33 said:



Showing undistilled, un biased facts of what is going on over there is important.

I did not take a side in my comments. I did not post any comments.

If you are too week minded to watch, so be it.

This is important to form a true stance of which side you are on, if any.

@newtboy This isn't just some snuff film. The importance of this and its implications for the globe is important.

All media spinning this event to their bent.
One need to clearly objectively know about this.

If you Tube didn't ban it why should Sift?

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...


This is straight *snuff with no other redeeming information at all and is not presented as part of a larger news story.…I only watched 30 seconds and saw at least 3 people shot point blank including a child. Not ok.

This is ban-able, @bobknight33. You might want to remove it before someone gets upset with you. To be clear, I’m not recommending a ban, but would understand 100% if someone did and would agree this intentionally violates posting guidelines.
The fact that you didn’t even put *nsfw on a total graphic *snuff film says a ton.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 100% projection, little Bobby.. 😂

I give you vetted legitimate professional sources, they aren’t random internet trolls broadcasting nonsense from daddy’s basement. Yours always are these random idiots that made a talk show in daddy’s basement that get 100% of their “information “ from Trump’s lying mouth or the toilet (hard to tell the difference). Never once have you provided a rational or legitimate source of information, you don’t know them when you see them. The closest you’ve ever come was Fox, and even you now say they’re completely full of shit since they once reported on Trump and Jan 6 honestly.

Cereal boxes don’t often report on the verified daily court failures of a disgraced failure of an ex president, Bobby. If you could read, you might know that.


bobknight33 said:

Getting "facts" from a cereal box are not facts. Quit being so gullible.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

This is not a response,Bob, it’s a tantrum. Zero information contained in your post because you have none, zero attempt to contradict a single letter I wrote because you can’t, just whining as usual.
Wanna try again? This was a particularly weak reply, not even a good attempted insult, and more proof you have the education of a second grader who is failing English.

Your other posts were liars reading student written creative writing papers and pretending they were books that are part of the curriculum, why would anyone actually believe anything you people present. I just assume any MAGgot saying something political is lying and I haven’t been wrong yet. Even if this were a real book available at school, I explained clearly why it’s still not sexual, it’s about bullying….bullying you likely support in practice but pretend hearing “dick in the mouth” is going to turn kids gay, because you are a moron that doesn’t understand anything and gets his positions from consummate liars who benefit from your ignorance.

Bob—you haven’t recognized reality for at least 14 years, likely longer. The list of nonsensical lies you’ve spouted in your tenure here is so long if you were Pinocchio you could single handedly save the timber industry.

BTW- you should know, in order to be insulted by your tantrums, I would need to value your opinion, and I just don’t. When YOU try to insult me, it’s a compliment…an exceedingly poorly written compliment... Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

"First, the book is likely not a real school book."

Newt -- you beyond being blind from reality.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh-oh @bobknight33…Sarah Huckabee Sanders is credibly accused of tampering with FOIA requests by reporters attempting to hide her outrageous spending (like wasting $20000 on a lectern that should be under $200) and pressed the legislature to change the laws so it won’t be illegal for her to hide her spending, travel, or official meeting itineraries like Arkansas law requires because transparency is like sunshine and garlic to you vampires and so is following the law. Being republicans and believing rules aren’t meant for them, they did, again because transparency is an anathema to Republicans…expect them to change the law back during the lame duck session if it looks like a Democrat has won office.

Lawyers for reporters say they have proof of her office tampering with FOIA documents and internal communications discussing the plot to change then hide the FOIA documents and just flatly deny the (now fake) requests for public information.

This isn’t going to go well for her, just like ignoring the laws has not gone well for her ex boss. 😂

It’s fun watching the MAGA party dissolve in criminality and infighting. You’re going to need an entire new group of representatives since those not under indictment have been ravaged by other cons for being too close or not close enough with disgraced Donny. Too bad for you MAGA wrote off any voters under 30 and killed off around 750000 of yourselves by ignoring covid, it really makes it hard to win elections when you keep shrinking the base…but makes it easier for dear leader to win the primary, guaranteeing another Biden win. Remember, Trump has NEVER gotten more votes than his opponent, not even against Clinton, who was despised even by the left.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Hunter, not Joe. 😂
Sucker. That’s the best you’ve got? Quit now in shame. Hunter isn’t a politician, Trump is.

“Tool and Propagandist” Says the guy who still unflinchingly supports a serial rapist, pedophile, convicted charity thief who stole from the needy including disabled vets to the extent he’s permanently barred from any involvement with any charities, and repeated multiple million dollar fraud and thief who tried to foment a coup and sold classified state secrets, even repeatedly handing top secret highly classified military secrets to foreign powers, sometimes for cash and sometimes for nothing more than attention. 😂
I don’t post ridiculous fantasy propaganda claiming it’s news, then pretend I never did that when invariably it’s proven to be nonsense slander you made up or intentionally “misunderstood” and just refuse to acknowledge you’ve ever been wrong when, in fact, you’ve almost never been correct, not even a little bit. I provide statistics, facts, and reliable references where those facts and numbers come from, you offer at your best random internet trolls making up nonsense to trigger your hatred of the “other”…also called propaganda.

Yes, Hunter had a drug problem 5-7 years ago after his brother died…and he went broke…this is not news, it never was.

Trump has a current rape problem, a lying (slander) problem, multiple felony bank and tax fraud problems, felony business fraud problems, serious treason problems, election fraud problems, Trump also pays for sex (WAY more than Hunter ever did and every time he gets some) and is also broke….but Hunter isn’t running for public office.

If Hunter could access the fund (and I’m not saying he did, you are not a credible source of information, and you don’t use credible sources), it wasn’t hers.
My parents set up a trust they (and I) couldn’t access, good thing too, I would have had nothing by the time I went. Parents raiding their children’s college fund is not abnormal, especially in Trump’s economy when this allegedly happened.
Hunter’s children can go to any college they are accepted at thanks to Joe.

It seems you have no evidence of what he did with it if he took it, just guesses. Maybe he gave it to her mother for safe keeping. Maybe he spent it on her. You don’t know, in fact you don’t know if any of this is true. Your sources simply aren’t a bit credible.

I guess you’ve abandoned the utterly ridiculous lie about him being paid billions by the Chinese and Ukrainians, because there’s not a person in history that could survive $2 billion in crack and hookers, and he wouldn’t have had a low balance if they had. Another of your dumb lies destroyed by the next even dumber lie. 😂

Your story is Hunter told his bankers to liquidate what they can and he loves them both? 😂

Funny you don’t want to talk about Trump running away from court like a coward instead of standing up to the judge and prosecutors like he swore he would, or dropping his dumb lawsuits that will still cost him millions like a coward because he’s terrified of being deposed and knew he would come off looking like a criminal idiot.
Funny you don’t want to discuss him getting tossed from the Forbes richest men list because he’s actually in debt and his net worth was always nothing but self reported lies 2000%-10000% contradicted by what he reported on his taxes, there was never a scintilla of truth to his financial status, never.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the fraudulent loans he took, sometimes from criminal elements or hostile powers, always under fraudulent statements of his net worth or his collateral’s value.
Funny you don’t want to discuss the thousands of contractors he ripped off, never paid, and often drove into bankruptcy by not paying his bills, or their children who didn’t have a college fund because Trump stole the money. 😂

You really need to stop the “Hunter” stupidity. No matter what he’s done, he’s not running for office so it’s meaningless and is only a good opportunity to compare his problems with Trump’s abject criminality and disgustingly abusive sexual behavior including repeatedly paying porn stars for sex while married, lusting after his young teenage daughter publicly, sexually abusing young teenaged contestants at his beauty competition, and treating all others with distain and hatred if they aren’t groveling at his feet, even those he hired.

bobknight33 said:

Your just a TOOL of the left. A propagandist
Hunter Biden Raided Daughter's College Fund For $20,000 To Buy Hookers And Drugs: Report.

On Dec. 17, 2018, Hunter's money managers warned of his extremely low balance, according to records obtained by the Daily Mail. That's exactly when, according to Hunter's Memoir, he was in his "penultimate odyssey through full blown addiction," when he was dropping thousands of dollars on prostitutes and crack cocaine.

In response to the warning, Hunter ordered the bankers to transfer $20,000 from his daughter Maisy's educational savings account, early withdrawal consequences be damned.

"liquidate what you can' and 'Live [love] you both," Hunter wrote

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