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10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Magicpants says...

Even the stuff that's not really harassment seems really annoying, it reminds me of the charity collectors that I have to deal with every time I go to the grocery store(I don't want to have to explain why I'm not donating to their homophobic charity every time I buy toothpaste). Makes me want to start a kickstarter for a t-shirt that changes to read "f*ck off" whenever someone you don't want to talk to talks to you.

Instant Karma

sillma says...

You seriously need to calm down and read our stuff again if you think we're taking sides. You're so eager to defend your opinion, which is based on very little of actual factual information(no, short clip without ALL the relevant stuff that escalated to the result isn't enough), and especially the seemingly fanatic eagerness to make assumptions about us doesn't do your credibility much good. I doubt you'll ever understand what objectivity means if that is truly what you think. And yeah, filming him ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU KNOW there's multiple cameras already on him is very much so egging him on, no matter how correct one might be in doing it. I do agree that the drunk is an asshole and homophobic.

Saying "it's simple to see who started it" is nothing but jumping into conclusions, and that kind of shit leads to all kinds of messed up shit, no matter how probable it indeed in this case seems.

newtboy said:


Instant Karma

newtboy says...

Really?!? To you and @Magicpants...exactly what should they have done that they did not to de-escalate the situation. Turn off all cameras because baby asshole doesn't want to be filmed? You do know that 1)there was more than one person filming him and 2)there are also security cameras everywhere, so he's on camera anyway.
Numerous people tried talking him down, with no luck. When someone is going nuts and threatening you, recording them IS the right thing to do...always. If they're the kind of infant bully that goes ballistic because their inappropriate behavior is caught on tape, that's 100% on the infant, not the people calmly and silently filming his outbursts, not on the people that try to stop him from beating up an elderly man. Just WOW!
It's simple to tell who started it, it's the one who's going insane about being filmed, and he's being filmed because he's already been going insane. He would NOT have been being filmed by numerous random strangers if he wasn't already causing a drunken scene.
Dude's an asshole, a baby, a homophobe, racist, batterer, and an idiot...yet some here seem to be on his side. Hmmmmm. Let's think about that one.

sillma said:

Oh yes, I fully agree with you there, no need to escalate the situation as far as they let it go, and indeed impossible to tell what started the whole debacle in the first place.

My guess is bit of unjustified holier than thou attitude, which seems to be the curse of the current day and age, from the unimpaired audience. There's no justification for belligerent drunken behaviour, but neither is there for not doing anything about it until it is too late when there seems to be time and chance to de-escalate the situation by more peaceful means.

But, alas, it's all just guesses with the information available.

Instant Karma

Avokineok says...

From my (non-American) point of view, this is extremely American.

Most people who think this is 'instant justice' are missing something I find way more imporant: This incident could have been 'de-escalated' with normal talk. Instead, people seem to hópe this guy will act crazy so they have a reason to jump on top of him.

I understand this guy was acting stupidly and there might not even have been a way of getting any sense into this person, but for me the best solution would be that nothing at all would have happened. Just some dumb homophobic idiot whom nobody should be paying attention to.

But that's just my point of view.

▶ Attorney shuts down police stop of black handyman

VoodooV says...

You see, it's not just me. you can pretend to live in your fantasy world all you like, but numerous people have already responded and called you out long before I ever came on the scene.

You're wrong. you always have been wrong. You're a racist, you think women are second class citizens, and you're a homophobe. your comment history clearly backs this up. No more hiding Lantern.

You're scared little boy

And you're done.

lantern53 said:

Well, it's rather difficult to address so many false assumptions at one time, so I'll deal with your first one, that she knew they weren't dealing with a burglary suspect.

Is the woman psychic? Does she know what he's been doing? Has a burglary suspect ever worked in a domestic situation?

No, you can't answer that one question with an affirmative response.

The fail is in your court.

Shit Steve Harvey says

Tolwyn says...

I have just found out that there are a ton of liberal people on videosift. His point of view is just as valid as you left-wing dorks. He makes perfect sense to me.

He's saying that a moral compass without a divine being behind that compass is risky. That's all he's saying.

I hate the word "homophobic." I'm not homophobic. I'm homoadverse. I'm not an Islamaphobe, I'm Islamicadverse. I'm not afraid of gays, I just don't like them.

I don't care if you're offended or not. That's your perogative.

Shit Steve Harvey says

ChaosEngine says...

Meh, I don't care if he doesn't want to talk to atheists; as I said, one more benefit to being an atheist.

As for my "sweet monkey jesus" comment... suck it up, Jesus (if he ever existed) was a monkey like the rest of us.

But his opinion of women is just fucking awful, and no I don't have any tolerance for that.

I don't really believe in tolerance as a virtue anyway; at least, not in the way you mean it.

I don't "tolerate" homosexuals or other races. That would imply that they are something I have to reluctantly put up with because I don't have a choice, that they somehow bother me.

But racists, homophobes, misogynists do bother me and I won't put up with that shit.

So fuck Steve Harvey.

lantern53 said:

Wow, everyone making comments here (except voodoo, cause i blocked his comment so i don't know what he's on about) are just as opinionated and obnoxious as they think Steve is.

Absolute intolerance of an opposing opinion is what is on display.

At least Harvey likes Obama! He thinks people who don't like Obama are racists!

But it is interesting to see the abuse heaped on this guy because he is politically incorrect, and the abuse heaped on anyone who might call themselves a believer in a God.

You say things like 'asshole' and 'sweet monkey jesus' and you don't give one shit who you offend.

You think he is the epitome of offensiveness, then you do your damnedest to be offensive in your criticism.

We're Whites and we're on top - SNL

lantern53 says...

Well, the Mexicans do come to the US to work. And more Americans are satisfied to be taken care of by the gov't, so...I can see Mexicans running things before long.

And we can get another white guy in the WH, as long as he's gay or transgender...cause if you criticize him, you'll be a homophobe or whatever the hell they call people who don't like transgenders.

TYT - Ben Affleck vs Bill Maher & Sam Harris

billpayer says...

yea... because there are no sexist or homophobic christians.

How many female presidents ? Hmmm.... 0

Same-sex marriage anyone ? No ? That's fuck up ! Invade

lucky760 said:

I disagree that it's racist to make a factual statement that a large portion of a religion's followers agree with and support the religion's sexism and homophobia.

What's blatantly racist about that?

(disclaimer: i haven't watched this breakdown; i'm just commenting on what i've seen of the original discussion and the video description above.)

Gay Wedding Advice - Key & Peele

God loving parents give gay son a choice

newtboy says...

I disagree, making their abhorrent behavior public is a good way to stop them from repeating it. It would have been better if the parents were on camera though, so they could easily be identified as the homophobic, judgmental, hate filled bullies that they apparently are.
I do agree, there's no real winner here except in morality. There, the son's a winner, but in life he has those people as parents. Those parents are definitely losers.

bobknight33 said:

A terrible family confrontation get out of hand. Should have been kept private.

There are no winners/losers, only shame.

God loving parents give gay son a choice

VoodooV says...

wrong (and stupid) again bobbo!

The son is the winner here.

We already know you're a homophobe. Don't try to whitewash it.

bobknight33 said:

A terrible family confrontation get out of hand. Should have been kept private.

There are no winners/losers, only shame.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

bareboards2 says...

I was uncomfortable with this video because I was afraid that it would be used as fuel for homophobia.

I upvoted because really, it is the most anti-homophobic thing out there. It dares to treat gay people as people. Fully, 100% people with a range of personalities.

As a woman, I wasn't offended by the "gayness" of the character, I was offended by the blatant sexual nature of his comments. All this chatter about gayness completely misses the point about what is appropriate behavior in the workplace. And in fact, all this chatter disturbs me deeply -- it is misdirection from the true "crime" here.

Equality is asking everyone to be treated EQUALLY. You don't talk about sex in the workplace like this -- not if you are gay or straight.

Having said that -- my male boss and I are completely inappropriate with each -- but NOT around anyone else. We have bawdy senses of humor and we crack each other up. As he said early on in our working relationship -- it isn't sexual harassment if it is UNWANTED sexual attention.

This guy's co-worker was plain in his language that he was uncomfortable and didn't want to hear sexually explicit stuff, and he wasn't homophobic in his comments. He was ignored. That was not okay.

The point was brought home by making him happily and openly gay and letting the chatty one have a moment of self-truth. Because yeah, he was an asshole.

Explaining comedy and social commentary is so boring.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

VoodooV says...

@ChaosEngine wins the internet. He's exactly right, it's not about the orientation, it's about the overt, explicit nature. No one wants to hear about someone's sexual adventures in mixed company, straight or gay.

Hollywood, loves to fall back to a definite gay stereotype though.

Glee was actually guilty of this in the the first few seasons. Kurt, the gay character had a crush on Finn, the straight character, and not only that, they were step brothers. Kurt practically stalked Finn and was downright harassing at times. Yet Finn was portrayed as the jerk for not being "more accepting"

It's ironic, TV and movies had a large role in making America more accepting of homosexuality, but they also perpetuate some shitty stereotypes too. News flash, not all homosexuals are flaming interior decorators.

Oh and ACTUAL homophobes? You're not that good looking. Gays are actually able to restrain themselves from raping you in broad daylight. Shocking, I know.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

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