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The Black Keys - Tighten Up

IronDwarf says...

>> ^legacy0100:

i can't see the video yo

Same here. After some internet detective work, it appears the website was seized by the Dept. of Homeland Security, or at least that's what's loading for their front page (

WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

Tymbrwulf says...

Those of you that aren't in the know, here is a breakdown of what's happened since they began releasing these documents:(provided by The Guardian)

Sunday 28 November

• TECH: DDoS attack hits WikiLeaks as first set of US diplomatic cables is published.

Wednesday 1 December

• TECH: Tableau Software, which offers free software for data visualisation, removes the public views of graphics built using information about the diplomatic cables. It is the first company to distance itself from Wikileaks, and admits that the reason was pressure from Senator Joe Lieberman, an independent senator with ties to the Democratic party.

• POLITICS: Lieberman, chairman of the Senate's committee on homeland security, calls for Wikileaks to be taken offline. "I call on any other company or organization that is hosting Wikileaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them. Wikileaks' illegal, outrageous, and reckless acts have compromised our national security and put lives at risk around the world. No responsible company - whether American or foreign - should assist Wikileaks in its efforts to disseminate these stolen materials."

• TECH Amazon removes Wikileaks's content from its EC2 cloud service, but later insists it did so because the content could cause harm to people and did not belong to Wikileaks – and that it was not due to political pressure or the hacker attacks against the site.

Friday 3 December

• TECH: ceases to work for web users after*edit* not easyDNS), which had provided a free routing service translating the human-readable address into a machine-readable form, ends support.

Wikileaks shifts to a backup domain registered in Switzerland but actually hosted in Sweden, at, though the cables are hosted in part by OVH, an internet provider in the north of France.

EveryDNS claims that the DDOS attacks against Wikileaks were disrupting its service provided to thousands of other customers. (*edit* there was a mixup, and everyDNS, not easyDNS was resonsible. EasyDNS has posted that it's "The Company That Did NOT Take Down Wikileaks" beside a cartoon character showing a thumbs up.

• POLITICS: French industry minister Eric Besson writes to internet companies warning them there will be "consequences" for any companies or organisations helping to keep WikiLeaks online in the country.

Saturday 4 December

• MONEY: PayPal, owned by US auction site eBay, permanently restricts account used by WikiLeaks due to a "violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy". A spokesman said the account was suspended because "[it] cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity."
You can still donate at Commerzbank Kassel in Germnany or Landsbanki in Iceland or by post to a post office box at the University of Melbourne or at

• TECH: Switch, the Swiss registrar for declines pressure from US and French authorities to remove the site or block access to it.

Sunday 5 December

• TECH: The Pirate Party in Sweden says that it has taken over the hosting of the Cablegate directory of Wikileaks after the server in France at OVH, which had been hosting the contents of the US diplomatic cables released so far, goes offline.

Monday 6 December

• MONEY: Credit card company Mastercard withdraws ability to make donations to Wikileaks. "MasterCard is taking action to ensure that WikiLeaks can no longer accept MasterCard-branded products," the credit card outfit says.

• TECH: Wikileaks' servers in Sweden attacked by distributed denial of service attack.

• MONEY: Postfinance, the Swiss postal system, strips WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of a key fundraising tool, accusing him of lying and immediately shutting down one of his bank accounts. The bank says that Assange had "provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process."
Assange had told Postfinance he lived in Geneva but could offer no proof that he was a Swiss resident, a requirement of opening such an account. Postfinance spokesman Alex Josty told The Associated Press the account was closed Monday afternoon and there would be "no criminal consequences" for misleading authorities. "That's his money, he will get his money back," Josty said. "We just close the account and that's it."

Tuesday 7 December

• MONEY: Credit card company Visa withdraws ability to make donations or payments to Wikileaks. "Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa payment acceptance on WikiLeaks' website pending further investigation into the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules," said a spokesman.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

Napolitano Suggests Porno-Scanners For Ships, Trains & Buses

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Or you can vote Libertarian and get an awesome .10% of the vote.
Libertarian ideas = Yay! but man, are they poorly marketed. You'd be better off changing the GOP from the inside like Ron Paul. Oh, it's possible. How do think the Donkey Party went from center-left to radical marxist?
>> ^blankfist:
This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Yes, but is it the fault of Libertarians for selling well made American products but not advertising them right? Or is it American's faults for buying cheap-made Chinesse prodcuts with lead because they look pretty?

I say the fault lies nothing with the party and everything to do with the people. Besides, what would better advertisement do? People want the handouts that Repubs give and Democrats give---how can Libertarians fight that?

blankfist (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Corporations and 'market forces' are how we got here. I know that by admitting that, you'd have to tear down your entire belief system and start over from scratch, and that's a lot to ask of anyone. I've got no problems attempting to treat the numerous symptoms, but this kind of shit is going to continue as long as big business is in the drivers seat.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Who said anything about them being the "brainchild" of Obama? You're stuck in that fallacious bipartisan thinking. Just because I've got a beef with Obama doesn't mean I an absolving Bush of his atrocities. But he's not "in charge" anymore, so to insinuate that these porno-scanners are in place now because of Bush's Administration is a fallacious and disingenuous argument. Let's go over the finer points:

First, the TSA today is under the purview of the Obama Administration, so anything it does is the fault of that administration. Period. The chain of command works like this: TSA > Department of Homeland Security (DHS) > Janet Napolitano > Obama. When Obama is no longer the president, then the TSA will be the responsibility of the new Administration... and so on.

Second, more porno-scanners are being added under Obama.

Third, the "enhanced security procedures" are being added under Obama. This includes touching of groins and the added frequency of the porno-scanners.

Fourth, Obama even admits the buck stops with him.

Lastly, Obama ran on a platform of "change". That change was meant to "correct" the ills of the previous administration, including the Bush Doctrine, FISA, the Patriot Act, and domestically the DHS. It hasn't been corrected. It's gotten worse.

Sorry if you confused my unapologetic charges against Obama as something else, but he's a terrible, terrible, terrible President, and I'm not about to cower into submission when discussing his political failures. Throwing corporations and "markets" into the mix is a straw man of epic proportions.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
These things were not the brainchild of Obama, and for you to imply they were is dishonest. If you want to talk about corruption, and Obama getting cozy with scanner CEO's, I'm down with that. My big problem with you is that you are either unwilling or unable to see these same corrupting market forces in your own ideology. Over the last few decades of deregulation and increased market influence over our politics, things have only gotten worse. Markets have proven that they are neither efficient or just, and they have zero to do with liberty.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Who said anything about them being the "brainchild" of Obama? You're stuck in that fallacious bipartisan thinking. Just because I've got a beef with Obama doesn't mean I an absolving Bush of his atrocities. But he's not "in charge" anymore, so to insinuate that these porno-scanners are in place now because of Bush's Administration is a fallacious and disingenuous argument. Let's go over the finer points:

First, the TSA today is under the purview of the Obama Administration, so anything it does is the fault of that administration. Period. The chain of command works like this: TSA > Department of Homeland Security (DHS) > Janet Napolitano > Obama. When Obama is no longer the president, then the TSA will be the responsibility of the new Administration... and so on.

Second, more porno-scanners are being added under Obama.

Third, the "enhanced security procedures" are being added under Obama. This includes touching of groins and the added frequency of the porno-scanners.

Fourth, Obama even admits the buck stops with him.

Lastly, Obama ran on a platform of "change". That change was meant to "correct" the ills of the previous administration, including the Bush Doctrine, FISA, the Patriot Act, and domestically the DHS. It hasn't been corrected. It's gotten worse.

Sorry if you confused my unapologetic charges against Obama as something else, but he's a terrible, terrible, terrible President, and I'm not about to cower into submission when discussing his political failures. Throwing corporations and "markets" into the mix is a straw man of epic proportions.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
These things were not the brainchild of Obama, and for you to imply they were is dishonest. If you want to talk about corruption, and Obama getting cozy with scanner CEO's, I'm down with that. My big problem with you is that you are either unwilling or unable to see these same corrupting market forces in your own ideology. Over the last few decades of deregulation and increased market influence over our politics, things have only gotten worse. Markets have proven that they are neither efficient or just, and they have zero to do with liberty.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Sorry to contradict your dishonest narrative, but Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was the guy behind the porno scanners. He got his corporate buddies a huge contract to create them back in 2005.
"Chertoff’s advocacy for the technology dates to his time in the Bush administration. In 2005, Homeland Security ordered the government’s first batch of the scanners - five from California-based Rapiscan Systems. Rapiscan is one of only two companies that make full-body scanners in accordance with current contract specifications required by the federal government."
Boston Globe Article:

Also I can post links, too.

Body Scanner Manufacturer Accompanies Obama on Trip to India:

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Sorry to contradict your dishonest narrative, but Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was the guy behind the porno scanners. He got his corporate buddies a huge contract to create them back in 2005.
"Chertoff’s advocacy for the technology dates to his time in the Bush administration. In 2005, Homeland Security ordered the government’s first batch of the scanners - five from California-based Rapiscan Systems. Rapiscan is one of only two companies that make full-body scanners in accordance with current contract specifications required by the federal government."
Boston Globe Article:

Ordered in 2005 and installed in...? Look, I understand you think Obama is the inerrant leader and savior of mankind, but you have to admit that the TSA is under the purview of the Obama Administration, so why does it matter if the order for these porno-scanners was placed in 2005 or 1905? Irrelevant. They're there now, and King Obama is doing nothing to rid us of the gate rape pat downs and porno-scanners.

So, whose narrative is dishonest again?

Man Goes for Gun in Court

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

quantumushroom says...

Or you can vote Libertarian and get an awesome .10% of the vote.

Libertarian ideas = Yay! but man, are they poorly marketed. You'd be better off changing the GOP from the inside like Ron Paul. Oh, it's possible. How do think the Donkey Party went from center-left to radical marxist?

>> ^blankfist:

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sorry to contradict your dishonest narrative, but Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was the guy behind the porno scanners. He got his corporate buddies a huge contract to create them back in 2005.

"Chertoff’s advocacy for the technology dates to his time in the Bush administration. In 2005, Homeland Security ordered the government’s first batch of the scanners - five from California-based Rapiscan Systems. Rapiscan is one of only two companies that make full-body scanners in accordance with current contract specifications required by the federal government."

Boston Globe Article:

>> ^blankfist:

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

blankfist says...

This is what voting for Democrats and Republicans gets you. Republicans created the Department of Homeland Security and the Democrats increased its security measures to include porno-scanners and gate rape pat down techniques. This was change we could all believe in.

Man Goes for Gun in Court

Ron Paul-Enough Is Enough..TSA Legislation November 17, 2010

MonkeySpank says...

Oh yeah?
Last time I recalled, not a single one of the 19 terrorists from 9/11 was wearing turbans. We have to come to terms with reality and accept the fact that not all people are terrorists, and as Ron said, the problem is mainly the failure of our foreign policy. These body scans are worthless and we are always one step behind. I could think of simpler ways to create more terror in our homeland, one of which is dropping a HME in a trash can at a mall or in a populated subway station. What's next, these silly machines at every mall/subway station?

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's only Muslims who should be deep scanned and patted down, and they should have to do it in a separate line. Why do Muslims even need to fly? To hate Jews in two different cities on the same day?
That's right folks, I'm addressing the elephant in the room. The one wearing a turban.

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