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Obama Voters For Ron Paul

quantumushroom says...

RoPaul is a pipe dream without a pipe. Here's the deal, coming from someone (me) who agrees with Paul on most things.

The average American has been rendered ignorant of history and economics. 60 years of union-run government schools will do that to you.

Ron Paul sez, "Get rid of the Fed." No one even knows what the Fed is or why it is, and they don't care to learn. How are you going to free people from shackles they can't even see?

Ron Paul sez, "Let's return all our military to the homeland..." The unfinished part of that sentence is " Red China can build their own bases where we were."

But let's assume Paul actually makes it to the White House. How is one man going to tell Congress, a bunch of petty, grasping, emotionally-insecure motherfkers, however useless they are to you and me, to voluntarily give up 90% of their power and strip them of the ability to buy votes from their districts with federal pork. And that's just them, excluding the powers behind their thrones, the lobbies, the corporatists, etc.

So the people behind Paul's election (you and me) are going to save us, you say?

Historically speaking, whatever the Cause, a third of the people are For, a third Against, and a third doesn't give a sh1t either way. The people who depend on Congress for handouts--corporations and "public" unions both--aren't going to go quietly to projects they have to pay for upfront, or lower-paying (aka non-taxpayer-funded) jobs based on merit and market demand. Remember Wisconsin?

Do you understand that the media is still 95% leftist (statist)? That FOX has barely been around and is inconsequential? All the horseshit and calamity and LIES the left manufactures ("Uh, there's a Recovery going on!") will be turned against Paul like a magnifying glass against ants. The leftmedia isn't going to patiently explain what libertarianism is to the masses. I can't even begin to imagine the level of hysteria.


I hate saying all this sh1t, because most of Paul's Constitutional rollback is what we really need. But it just ain't gonna happen. Right now the oxen (the people) are STILL dumb and comfortable, even with 5-dollar gas, rising food costs and 22% unemployment. Ron Paul would be assassinated right after the unlikely event that he was even nominated.

rEVOLution without bloodshed? Not on the scale Paul, you and I want. Even if we do nothing, it's going to go to guns, maybe not next year but in the next ten for sure. NOT reelecting the kenyan asshole would help, but for the kind of change that's needed, a state or states will have to say, "Enough tyranny, DC" and secede, which they have every right to do.

Jefferson Memorial Dancing on June 4 2011

dystopianfuturetoday says...

To the lawmakers: Laws against dancing are silly, and not unlike the old fogies in Footloose.

To the protesters: Surely there are more important things to protest. (Iraq, Afghanistan, torture, foreign prisons, corporate domination of our political system, the 'Citizen's United' ruling, lack of accountability for Wall Street crime, subsidies of high fructose corn syrup during an obesity epidemic, the war on drugs, gutting of social services, the patriot act, tax givaways to corporations and the super rich during a recession, No Child Left Behind, lack of a decent health care system, the department of homeland security, indulgent military spending, gutting of consumer protections, gutting of rights for workers, the rape of the underclasses, etc.)

I'd be happy to forfeit my right to dance at national monuments in return for an end to any of the practices listed above.

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I like blankie, too, sweetpea. I have seen the man behind the troll. Doesn't mean I won't mix it up with him. The Vagina Monologues thing is a joke. A joke, not a "joke."

It's funny to me how when I do it, it isn't funny. Isn't that funny?

Yeah, the Brainers are crazy. I thought you might be interested in that link for the giggle factor. One guy believing it is nuts, but getting others to join him? That is fascinating!

In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
LOL I'm more interested in things that actually have some possibility of being true. This is just pure lunacy. Oh and on the Vagina Monologues thing. I try not to get involved in Sift politics unless I feel it directly affects or includes me in some way. And I happen like Blanky. I like you as well, but don't want to chose sides on this.

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

Thought you might be interested in the latest conspiracy.


Who think the Arizona Giffords shooting was an exercise by Homeland Security, using local actors.

It's enough to give conspiracy a bad name, isn't it?

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students

chipunderwood says...

Let the field testing begin. The longer people with minds to use waste time and energy nit-picking politics and which one or the other party will do whatever next, the shorter the time it will take them to strip away the fundamental rights of humans on the planet.
This is not happening in Obama's state of residence by accident and such drills are not isolated to the United States. This is part of the shaping of an agenda people-It's going to get bad before worse if people don't demand of their representatives in what is left of D.C., a major redux. Create the problem (terrorists threats) provide the solution (military police).
Dept. of Homeland Security Act 2002
Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002
National Incident Management System 2004
National Response Plan (NRP)2004

Bin Laden was only a symbol in the form of a man being used by others.How does anyone know wtf is going on when all media is owned by a few entities. They design programming with one obvious purpose and it's not to inform people or report hard news. It's to make people dumber and more fearful while they think they are getting smarter, more confident as evidenced in the banal tape-loops of discourse here, and on other blogs.

While people talk of nothing at all, everything changes as if overnight.

Ask yourselves if your opinions are your own concerning the actual workings of the shattered government of the United States. About the world economic downswing. About anything you hear over the radio and television. Our picture of the world and of her true history is hidden to most, capitalized upon by others.
These others are not friends of humanity. There ARE nasties (yes kids, just like the baddest bad guy you've ever seen in some movie) who want the world allll to themselves. Wake up is all that needs to be said or done. Hope we do. If it gets real bad, can you say, expatriation?

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

bamdrew says...

This is an interesting 'crossroads' period of time right now. The military achieved a 'moon landing' objective, and now everyone looks around and notices the billions it took and the things we didn't spend that money on (not to mention the domestic spying).

If nothing happens on U.S. soil to roil things up before the next election I can easily imagine 2nd-term Obama stumbling across his Constitution Law Prof. notes and going '... ooh yeah, thats right... I should probably work on quietly cleaning up this domestic spying thing.'

If something does happen,... we'll probably have predator drones patrolling the school yards of America.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Great, now can we please shut down the Department of Homeland Security, restore our civil rights and get our troops out of Afghanistan? (not holding my breath)

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Great, now can we please shut down the Department of Homeland Security, restore our civil rights and get our troops out of Afghanistan? (not holding my breath)

Don't forget about repealing the Patriot Act. Maybe also get out of Iraq? Maybe we close our over 700 military bases in more than 135 countries?

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

TYT: Online Poker FBI Crackdown

Truckchase says...

More big money influencing US Govt actions, just like ATDHE.NET and other "homeland security" shut downs.

We have significant unemployment, vast income gaps and a crumbling infrastructure and our govt is spending time and resources cracking down on lost entertainment revenue. Who's controlling government now?

TSA security looks at people who complain about them.

Opus_Moderandi says...

I told a TSA agent I had a bomb in my testicles and the only way to disarm it was to tug repeatedly on this hard, fleshy, cylindrical "firing pin".

They assured me they could disarm it by inserting a similar device into my exposed rear-end.

Homeland security wins again.

Conan Rips Nicolas Cage - Threat Level

Cunning Lingo-ist

probie says...

>> ^longde:

It's the thousand little ways that make Europe so much more free than Ameristan.

That's why I love British TV. If I could get just the BBC channels over here, I would. Or even better yet, expatriate myself back to the homeland.

Egyptian army protects protesters from the police.

blankfist says...

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^Shepppard:
Throwing rocks is still a way of showing you being angry, but not wanting to do serious damage.

I bet the Palestinians are just angry at the Israeli forces and don't want to do serious damage.

I bet there's a difference between disgruntled people taking on its homeland and a hatred that's been ongoing for over 100 years.

Still, both Egypt and Palestine are comparable in their guns-to-civilian ratio of 3 1/2 guns to 100 civillians. I'd wonder who owns those 3.5 guns out of a hundred people, but notwithstanding knowing that I'd bet the majority of the people on the streets are not part of the group that's "privileged" enough to own the 3.5. Obviously. And I bet this little tizzy in Egypt is bigger than just a few townspeople grumbling about their government. This could very well be a revolution, and right now they're greatly outnumbered because they have rocks instead of guns.


Egyptian army protects protesters from the police.

Shepppard says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Shepppard:
Throwing rocks is still a way of showing you being angry, but not wanting to do serious damage.

I bet the Palestinians are just angry at the Israeli forces and don't want to do serious damage.

I bet there's a difference between disgruntled people taking on its homeland and a hatred that's been ongoing for over 100 years.

CNN fails to comprehend basic concepts of journalism

NetRunner says...

I had to go back and re-watch the intro to know who the blonde Nazi they put up against Glenn was.

Answer: Fran Townsend, former Bush Homeland Security Adviser.

That explains the following pivot, which literally made me laugh out loud:

Townsend: Even Julian Assange himself has not made the argument that what he's doing is some sort of public service. ... He made no distinctions about the harm he might be doing to foreign governments, to the US government, to diplomats and soldiers around the world, he just wholesale threw this all out there.

Greeenwald: (Crosstalk) That's totally false. That's just a lie. He's published less than 1% of the 250,000 diplomatic cables that he came into possession of. ...

Townsend, shrilly: He has threatened to publish much more than he has, and there isn't any-- You know the notion that we should be grateful he hasn't committed a far larger crime than he's already committed is ridiculous!

...and this is after Glenn explained at length that journalists shouldn't be in the habit of calling people criminals until they've been convicted of a crime, or at the very least charged with one!

Oh, and anyone who's watched a single interview with Assange understands that he does think he's providing a public service. He doesn't use that phrase, but when he says stuff like "I believe it's important for people to know what secrets their government is keeping" he isn't talking about doing it for his own personal gain.

I swear, they have some sort of class they send these people to that trains them to pack as many lies as possible in as few words as possible. That way, anyone who responds won't have the opportunity to refute them all in a cable news interview, and at least some will get through to people unchallenged.

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