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Hockey pucks and honey badgers must be cousins

Hockey pucks and honey badgers must be cousins

Hockey pucks and honey badgers must be cousins

Hockey pucks and honey badgers must be cousins

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

Sniper007 says...

The very notion that a right can be granted by society is absurd. Either you have the right, or you don't. Society has nothing to do with it.

The reason sodomites insist on receiving extrinsic, public sympathy and support is because their lifestyle has no intrisic virtue. Every sodomite is by definition an evolutionary dead-end, and that community struggles with suicide and depression far more than the general populace - for a reason. Change is possible, but the world would have them believe they are "born that way and should never change". Horse hockey.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

umop apisdn Underwater Hockey

umop apisdn Underwater Hockey

umop apisdn Underwater Hockey

umop apisdn Underwater Hockey

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

MilkmanDan says...

You almost never hear of an NHL player being upset (in a litigation sort of way) about injuries they got that resulted from fighting (drop the gloves and throw punches).

In general, the one major incident I am aware of that resulted in legal action being taken against a player was when Todd Bertuzzi checked Steve Moore down the the ice from behind and then drove his head/neck into the ice with his stick in some heavy followup hits. This is mentioned in the wikipedia article @eric3579 posted, and hinted at in the article @RedSky posted from the Economist.

In that incident, Steve Moore (a lower-level player on the Colorado Avalanche) had hit Marcus Naslund (a star level player of the Vancouver Canucks) in a previous game. That hit was a fairly normal hockey hit -- Naslund had the puck, Moore intentionally hit him to try to separate him from the puck, but arguably led with his elbow to Naslund's head. It was a dangerous play, that should have be penalized (it wasn't) -- although I don't think Moore intended to cause injury. It is a fast game, sometimes you can't react quick enough to avoid a dangerous collision like that. Still, I think that kind of play should be penalized to make it clear to players that they need to avoid dangerous plays if possible. Steve Moore didn't have a history of dirty or dangerous play, but still.

Anyway, all of that dovetails in pretty nicely with my previous post, specifically about what leads to a "spontaneous fight". Moore, a 3-4th line guy (lower ranks of skill/ability on the team) hit star player Naslund. In almost ANY hockey game where that kind of thing happens, you can expect that somebody from the star's team is going to go over to the offending player and push them around, probably with the intent to fight them. Usually it happens right at the time of the incident, but here it was delayed to a following game between the two teams.

In the next game between Colorado and Vancouver, Moore got challenged by a Vancouver player early in the first period and fought him. But I guess that the lag time and injury to Naslund (he ended up missing 3 games) had brewed up more bad blood than that so many Vancouver players hadn't gotten it fully out of their systems. Later in the game, Todd Bertuzzi skated up behind Moore when he didn't have the puck, grabbed him and tailed him for several seconds trying to get him into a second fight, and when he didn't respond just hauled back and punched him in the back of the head.

Moore fell to the ice, where Bertuzzi piled on him and drove his head into the ice. A big scrum/dogpile ensued, with Moore on the bottom. As a result of that, Moore fractured 3 vertebrae in his neck, stretched or tore some neck ligaments, got his face pretty cut up, etc. Pretty severe injuries.

So, in comparison:
Moore (lesser skill) hit Naslund (high skill) resulting in a minor(ish) injury, that could have ended up being much worse. But, it was a legitimate hockey play that just happened to occur at a time when Naslund was vulnerable -- arguably no intent to harm/injure.
Bertuzzi hit Moore in a following game, after he had already "answered" for his hit on Naslund by fighting a Vancouver player. Bertuzzi punched him from behind and followed up with further violence, driving his head into the ice and piling on him, initiating a dogpile. Not even close to a legitimate hockey play, well away from the puck, and with pretty clear intent to harm (maybe not to injure, but to harm).

Moore sued Bertuzzi, his team (the Canucks), and the NHL. Bertuzzi claimed that his coach had put a "bounty" on Moore, and that he hadn't intended to injure him -- just to get back at him for his hit on Naslund. Bertuzzi was suspended for a fairly long span of time, and his team was fined $250,000. The lawsuit was kind of on pause for a long time to gauge the long-term effects on Moore, but was eventually settled out of court (confidential terms).

All of this stuff is or course related to violence in hockey, but only loosely tied to fighting in hockey. Some would argue (with some merit in my opinion) that if the refs had called a penalty on Moore's hit on Naslund, and allowed a Vancouver player to challenge him to a fight at that time instead of the following game, it probably wouldn't have escalated to the level it did.

So, at least in my opinion, the league (NHL) needs to be careful, consistent, and fairly harsh in handing out penalties/suspensions to players who commit dangerous plays that can or do result in injuries -- especially repeat offenders. BUT, I think that allowing fighting can actually help mitigate that kind of stuff also -- as long as the league keeps it from getting out of hand and the enforcer type players continue to follow their "code".

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

nanrod says...

As a former hockey player I'll have to disagree with most of your comment. There is rarely any attempt to injure in a hockey fight and I've never heard of any hockey player pulling punches. The objective is to be perceived to have won the fight to help get your teammates and fans hyped up or to have taught a lesson. To that end you try your best to hit your hardest. Unfortunately Newton's pesky third law of motion comes into play and makes it very difficult to deliver any really dangerous blows. That's why hockey fighters always hang on to their opponents jersey so they don't drift apart or fall down.

As pointed out the worst common injuries in Hockey come from high speed blows to the head or stick injuries such as to the eye. The worst uncommon injury is a skate blade to the neck.

All that being said, the kind of fighting in this video is stupid and boring to me. If I want to see that I'll rent "Slapshot".

AeroMechanical said:

Because one is done with the sole intent to cause injury. That's pretty significant. Also, a *real* solid, bare knuckle punch to the face by a large athelete that knows how to throw a punch is an exceptionally dangerous, easily lethal thing. That's why they pull their punches (not to say they aren't hitting each other pretty hard all the same), and what is really the worst aspect of the whole thing. The players are clearly encouraged, if not out right obligated to fight.

As I understand it, long term, ice hockey is actually one of the safer of the full contact sports. While it's hardly safe in the general sense, it's not like the NFL or professional boxing where players can almost as a rule expect chronic traumatic encephalopathy and severe osteoarthritis as a result of their careers.

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

AeroMechanical says...

Because one is done with the sole intent to cause injury. That's pretty significant. Also, a *real* solid, bare knuckle punch to the face by a large athelete that knows how to throw a punch is an exceptionally dangerous, easily lethal thing. That's why they pull their punches (not to say they aren't hitting each other pretty hard all the same), and what is really the worst aspect of the whole thing. The players are clearly encouraged, if not out right obligated to fight.

As I understand it, long term, ice hockey is actually one of the safer of the full contact sports. While it's hardly safe in the general sense, it's not like the NFL or professional boxing where players can almost as a rule expect chronic traumatic encephalopathy and severe osteoarthritis as a result of their careers.

Deadrisenmortal said:

Hrmmm, hockey can be a brutal full contact sport with explosive mid-ice collisions and teeth rattling board checking. Any of those hits could be career ending, life altering, and even deadly. What is the concern about a few punches to the face?

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

Deadrisenmortal says...

Hrmmm, hockey can be a brutal full contact sport with explosive mid-ice collisions and teeth rattling board checking. Any of those hits could be career ending, life altering, and even deadly. What is the concern about a few punches to the face?

AeroMechanical said:

If I were a hockey player, and another player took a swing at me and broke my nose, could I have them charged with assault? I don't see why not.

I'm sure there's a never-mentioned clause in their contracts that tries to prevent that, but that certainly wouldn't stand up in court. Of course, the player would be blackballed for it. There will come a day, though, when in the NHL one of the enforcers will forget to adequately pull his punches and the other player will be seriously maimed. If I were that player, I'd at least go for a civil suit against the league. Maybe contracts mean more in that case, but it would be the most likely way to see an end to the suits encouraging fights.

I mean, look, here I am watching a video of a fight in a league I've never really heard of before, and I haven't even watched an NHL game in 10 years, and hockey was my primary sport growing up.

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