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This Man Votes

newtboy says...

Not everything, just known racists. (Like yourself). You just pretend you aren’t, possibly even convincing yourself (you are gullible enough to believe you) but your consistency tells a different story.
Edit: remember, you recently declared yourself totally not sexist, then 20 minutes later declared your support for MGTOW….a sexist group/movement I had to look up. Your racism is the same thing, you declared yourself a non racist, but your positions belie (contradict, prove false) that claim.

When you compare two similarly bat shit crazy people, chastising one, and the only known difference is their skin color, it sounds racist.
When you ALWAYS take the side of the white guy, even when their insanity and death wish is stronger, even when the white guy has committed terrorism (not this time, but many before like your comparisons of Jan 6 vs BLM) it’s a good indicator you are choosing based on skin color, or in the common parlance, by “race”.

So ignorant and consistently racist. When have you EVER taken the non white side when it wasn’t based on political affiliation? Not once I can recall, and my recall is fairly good as you know.

Dude wasn’t a Democrat, he was an absolute nut job. You’re listening to OAN again who tells you he’s leftist with no evidence of that beyond skin color. He hated both parties…he hated people…you might say he was an ecologist, but that’s absolutely not the same thing. He was a total racist and believed in segregation, that would make him a right winger.
Edit: He also posted many videos criticizing New York’s Democratic mayor, another indication he was more likely a right wing nut.

The other “nuke us” nut IS a Trumpist, not even an odd one. He’s your brand, not an outlier. Angry, violent, insane, and with the mindset “my way or the highway to hell”. That is what your party, and the right wing stand for….and nothing else, just hatred of the “others”.

Always ready to show off your partisan dishonesty and ignorance Bob. Anything to try to insult those you’re talking to. Such a little troll you are.

bobknight33 said:

Why is it that leftest see everything as racist?

So narrow minded.

When you see a white man walking a black dog you see it as racist.

Nothing racist in yesterdays NY subway shooting. Just a radical leftest drinking the fake news Kool Aid.

Oxen_Morale (Member Profile)

Oxen_Morale (Member Profile)

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...


Finally we're talking about my Canada .

I'm agreed with calling 90% of what the convoy and truckers are protesting as being misguided, ill informed or flat out wrong. That however shouldn't be what the right to protest is based upon.

The extent of the protestors illegal activity seems to have been blocking of roadways and borders. Which in Canada isn't exactly new:
-Blockading of roads to logging work sites to "protect old growth forest"
-Blockading of roads pipeline construction sites
-Blockading of transportation highways and railroads

In the past 2 years alone, those various sites have seen blockades ranging from weeks to months. In virtually every single one of those instances the Liberal government went out to meet and negotiate with the protestors while allowing them to continue for weeks to months. In one of the biggest protests Trudeau himself went to meet with the groups in person. Trudeau has a video of himself praising the farmer convoy and blockades in India, declaring his government will always defend the right of groups to protest.(those groups blocked multiple border crossings)

This time though, Trudeau started out with insulting, ridiculing and belittling the protestors. Within the first day of the protests, politicians and our national news corp in CBC were demanding an immediate end to the protests.

The protests that have seen comparable zero violence to the protests in the US in support of Floyd(which I support), where condemned repeatedly by the CBC and Trudeau as terrorizing the populace and inciting violence. For reference, Trudeau remained steadfast in support of the Floyd protestors right to protest.

The federal government essentially tried insults and ridicule to try and end this protest though, and when that didn't work they invoked a national emergency measures act that requires both:
-A threat to Canada's sovereignty
-A threat that can not be addressed by any other laws or means

The government then proceeded to empower themselves to not merely arrest protestors, but to freeze/seize the bank accounts of anyone considered to be supporting the protest, with no court oversight required.

The difference in how protestors are treated based upon what it is they are protesting is alarming and should be a red flag for anyone and everyone.

For reference, while these protests were going on, a pipeline worksite in BC that has been continually shut down by protests for the last several years was attacked in the night by a mob wielding machetes and axes. The workers and security were chased off and millions in damages were done to the site afterwards. Trudeau didn't feel the need to even address the incident though because he was to busy villianizing the convoy. The CBC media buried the incident under local BC news, and downplayed it as an 'alleged' incident, despite RCMP having responded and even having had an officer injured in the incident. CBC also emphasized there wasn't any verified connection to the ongoing protests against the pipeline...

When you look at the narrative, despite my disagreeing with the vast majority of what the convoy is wanting to say, I am disgusted by the attempt to remove their right to say it and everyone wanting to support a strong democracy with the right protest should feel the same.

newtboy said:

Dumb shit snowflakes have been whining for the last 2 years, ignoring orders to make minor changes for both public health and to be able to reopen quickly, but like spoiled two year olds on time out, you guys kept defying orders, making the pandemic and the shutdowns exponentially worse, and restarting the “time out” clock.
You also complained non stop about shutting down the economy, hurting small businesses and commerce, but when a tiny (100+-) group of mostly white, swastika/confederate flag waiving truckers decide to shut down international commerce, costing hundreds of millions of dollars weekly (more than all rioting damage done in 2020, because they are targeting businesses and commerce) just to throw a tantrum, not achieve a thing, you are not just accepting of it, you support it.
Clearly your complaints about shutting down and hurting the economy to fight Covid and save hundreds of thousands of lives were not genuine since you are happy to do the same and worse to save the feelings of 100 truckers.…fuck your feelings, remember?…...big surprise, bob is a hypocrite willing to say anything to support his position today, including the exact opposite of his position yesterday.

All Trudeau needs to do is confiscate the trucks at gunpoint. Any trucker joining loses his truck. If it’s not their truck, they’ll have a huge bill from the owner.
Also, maybe remove their licenses for 2 years (or until restitution is paid in full). (Edit: nice, seems they actually thought of all that and have made it the law, and added up to a year in prison for those blocking commerce.)

Dumb shit, the restrictions
1)were also USA restrictions, like everyone else, Canadian truckers can’t cross the border without vaccinations. How does Trudeau stop that?…serious question I know you will ignore.
2) were being lifted in short order once the current variant slows its roll or border crossers get vaccinated
3) you really think a few hundred truckers (and a few hundred more rabble rousing morons with them) should have veto power over an entire federal government, and a federal government in another country, don’t you? But only when they look like you and waive confederate and nazi flags.
No, that’s not right? It has nothing to do with race? Why didn’t you support Trump defunding the police and/or removing immunity then?

So incredibly short sighted, myopic, hypocritical, self centered, likely racist, and just plain dumb Bob. You never disappoint.

Lemme guess, you support My Crackhead’s plan to illegally fly a helicopter over the protest and dump thousands of his pillows with bible verses covering them on Canada in a massive foreign littering/proselytizing scheme against a country that’s already banned him from entry. Right?

The American Interstate's Forgotten Code | CGP Grey

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

Digitalfiend says...

Not that it seemed to apply to most of the vehicles that crashed but a lot of modern cars with LED or HID lights have a VERY aggressive cutoff, with the driver's side light being angled down slightly to minimize blinding oncoming traffic. Unless you have your high beams on (which you can't really on a busy highway), it's quite easy to outdrive those lights on a poorly illuminated section of highway.

On another note, I wonder what happened to that dude in the red shirt that got back into his car just before it was hit. I didn't see him get out... Also, I wouldn't be milling about in the middle of a freaking highway; I'd stay in the car or maybe even better, get to the damn shoulder as soon as you can!

Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

newtboy says...

I hope they make it detect people on their phones too. That’s apparently more dangerous than drunk driving…..
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than intoxicated driving. The Transport Research Laboratory found that writing a text message slows driver reactions by 35 percent, while drinking alcohol up to the legal limit slows reactions by 12 percent. Another study stated that texting drivers react 23 percent slower than intoxicated drivers do.

Trump, GOP To NUKE Reps Who Voted For Biden's Bill

bobknight33 says...

Infrastructure improvement of bridges, highways, roads, ports, waterways, and airports—accounts for only $157 billion, or 7%, of the plan’s estimated cost. The definition of infrastructure can reasonably be expanded to include upgrading wastewater and drinking water systems, expanding high-speed broadband Internet service to 100% of the nation, modernizing the electric grid, and improving infrastructure resilience. That brings the total to $518 billion, or 24% of the plan’s total cost.

The rest mostly for buying votes via pork.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

JiggaJonson says...

Nah, he was illegally "defending" property that didn't belong to him (silly Wisconsin values human lives [even 'thugs'] more than used cars).

He was illegally practicing medicine by soliciting people and asking if they needed first aid. WI code allows for unlicensed medicine practice in an emergency ONLY (how do we know he was offering services absent an emergency? He was turned down repeatedly, aka there was no emergency where someone needed forst aid). Walking around offering first aid services is illegal without a license.

He illegally purchased a firearm through his uncle because he was under age.

He illegally was out past curfew for people 17 and under.

Gee, given all his lack of training and experience and maturity, I wonder why these things are illegal? Oh right, because someone so immature and ignorant of the law or disobedient of the law is more likely to be dangerous and kill someone when it's not warranted.


You can't escape the fact that WI law dictates that if he's already doing anything illegal he MUST exhaust all other reasonable options BEFORE using deadly force.

HE DID NOT DO SO. Someone fired a round in the air, someone lunged, and he killed em. Tangeal witnesses hear "he shot someone!" And give chase. He kills another. Why no empathy for the people who suspected he was a "thug" and tried to vigilante justice him?

It's really ugly to witness the duality of your flippant attitude towards people trying to legally claim asylum 'they broke the law' because they went to the wrong entry point because they speak fucking Portuguese and don't always know exactly where they are out in the Mexico desert.
Vs the bizarre justification you're trying to make for this kid who 'broke the law' in, I contend, a series of more serious laws that warrant criminal liability.

If this kid gets off I hope he moves to NC and you run into him once he gets his highway patrol car. You can have him.

I'll take the family in Afghanistan I'm trying to help who, you know, don't get off on killing people.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

That goes for Biden and America too, right? Don't like Biden, get out, easy as that, right? The difference being a majority DID vote for Biden.

That's the first way you're incorrect. A majority voted for representatives who voted for it, but the majority of voters, 54%-42%, don't want to go this far. It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this.

It's an obvious legal overreach, and will be overturned in time, but in the meantime, millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them, many will pay with their lives, and many huge companies are reconsidering moving or even existing in Texas because of this Baptist sharia law attack on women's rights over even their own bodies.

I suggest a sex strike in Texas until it's repealed. If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse.

I suggested my brother in Austin turn in the highway department for maintaining roads that facilitate transporting women to have abortions and claim his $10k bounty before the state goes bankrupt.

Anom212325 said:

The majority voted for it and want it in Texas. Don't like it get out of Texas. As easy as that.

Car jumps overpass

How Road Barriers Stopped Killing Drivers

spawnflagger jokingly says...

I just had an idea - instead of storing crashed cars in junkyards, use them as highway dividers. They are already tested for head-on collisions, and when someone crashes into it, can just leave the freshly-crashed car there as more filler (drain the fluids).

How Road Barriers Stopped Killing Drivers

moonsammy says...

It was quick, but I'm pretty sure 11:56 answers a question I'd had for years, but never actually bothered to look up. Every so often I'd see a parked highway dept vehicle with a big, fairly flat object lowered to a horizontal position behind it. Barrier makes *way* more sense than any of the hypotheses I'd imagined.

C-note (Member Profile)

GOP Purging Anyone Who Won't Embrace Trump's Election Lies

StukaFox says...

I 100% agree with you! Further, I hope those 100 GOP leaders choose to split and form their own party and take 10% of the Republicans with them. Hell, I hope all the red states bail from the US and form their more perfect union where they can all get together and enjoy the 26% of GDP fruit of their labors -- hell, they can even keep it!

Y'all just stay over there and we'll put up some nice fences on Highways 2, 90, 80 and 50 to keep you from straying into our horrible socialist paradise. Then, after pellagra sets in, we'll even provide you with a nice new life as organ donors to rich Chinese, but we will want to keep the $.50 a head we get for your worthless bodies.

Fair deal?

bobknight33 said:

This isn't a trump thing.

Just realization that the party can no longer tolerate RINOS.

Hopefully there will be a good handful will be shown the door in 2022.

McConnell, Graham, Romney all need to go.

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