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Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good (Live Spoken Word Version)

BSR says...

I'm a big Eagles fan. Their music brings back many great memories.

The Eagles Live album came with a poster that I laminated and hung on my bedroom wall. I've looked at that poster for hours over the years.

It was an aerial view of the Yale Bowl where the Eagles performed.

I dreamed I could have gone to that concert every time I looked at it. There was always a feeling of having missed something that was so awesome.

Then when the Eagles had their Hell Freezes Over tour I couldn't believe that my dream was going to come true!

The concert was not going to be at the Yale Bowl but rather, the next best place. The Citrus Bowl in Orlando! But to me it was the Yale bowl and I was at that concert. One of the most memorable times of my life.

Eagles - Hotel California From Hell Freezes Over

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Wasn't angry. Capitals and other formatting just used for effect. I apologize if I came off that way.

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
You lost me completely. I understand the difference between legal and illegal. There is no meaningful distinction between something that has been decriminalized and legal. People use "decriminalized" to still place the moral bad sign on something while advocating it's non-criminal status; a way of labeling something bad and yet having it be legal. The phrase is all about having your moral cake, and eating it too. Didn't mean to excite your anger there, was just asking what you saw as a difference, if any, between something that is decriminalized, and something that is legal, because for me, it is semantically the same.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Duckman33 says...

>> ^curiousity:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK
This is bad in two ways: (1) the can be cut with harmful (varying degrees) substances to increase overall profit and (2) this can greatly affect the strength of the substance - which leads to accidental overdoses.

I'd like to see someone cut by buds with anything without me noticing it.

Love it when the replies get all messed up like this...

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^curiousity:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 1st, 2008" class="profilelink">GeeSussFreeK
It is still illegal when it is decriminalized; it is typically that the punishment moves from the criminal justice system to a one that typically focuses on harm reduction for the individual caught. In a way it is like being taken to civil court instead of criminal court - you could have some punishment, but the risk of going to jail is gone.

Article about how Portugal's decriminalization works:

Interesting! You see, that is a misconception I had about decriminalization, that it was in essence removing all consequence from said action. Didn't realize it just changed it to a fine instead of time. Still less than ideal, and even more prone to abuse I would think...but a move in the right direction.

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

You lost me completely. I understand the difference between legal and illegal. There is no meaningful distinction between something that has been decriminalized and legal. People use "decriminalized" to still place the moral bad sign on something while advocating it's non-criminal status; a way of labeling something bad and yet having it be legal. The phrase is all about having your moral cake, and eating it too. Didn't mean to excite your anger there, was just asking what you saw as a difference, if any, between something that is decriminalized, and something that is legal, because for me, it is semantically the same.

>> ^Payback:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.
Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?
HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.
Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

Payback says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

No big difference? Illegal is NOTHING like criminal, but nor is it LEGAL.

Would you want to walk beside, or ride a bike along, a street after speeding was deemed legal?
How about driving in a city that legalized running red lights and stop signs?
How about investing when the SEC legalizes misleading advertising for brokerages? skip that, already done...
How about eating store-bought food after the Food and Drug administration legalizes the use of the myriad substances they've banned throughout the years as poisonous or carcenogenic?

HUGE difference between legal and illegal. It's not as big a difference as between legal and criminal but, it's still a real, marked difference.

Mr. Robertson is just one of those people who has admitted that parking in a handicapped space doesn't deserve 5-7 years in prison.

Hell Freezes Over! Pat Robertson Endorses Pot Legalization

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Payback:

To be fair, Robertson never said he was for legalizing pot, just decriminalizing it. BIG difference.

I understand the political difference, in the world of real things, I don't understand there to be any difference. What do you see as the big difference?

radx (Member Profile)

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

Xax says...

BSG > Terminator? When hell freezes over! They're on opposite ends of the spectrum (with Terminator on the bottom), as far as the acting, story, casting... everything really, is concerned.

BSG's more "sensitive" moments didn't come off as cheesy to me, for the most part. Aside from that damned "so say we all" bullshit, and Adama's "inspirational" speeches he likes to make every now and then.

Russell Brand Interviews Naziboy

alien_concept says...

Look mate, whichever way you try and slice it, the bottom line is that they DO get a fair crack of the whip, they are currently running one constituency, I believe in Bradford, although that's off the top of my head. But that doesn't stop the fact that wanting to cleanse a country and make it all white, no matter whether they are into violence or not, is racist. And i'd take a wild guess judging by some of your other comments, that underneath (perhaps not even below the surface, I don't know you) you harbour racist tendencies too.

So you can keep on with your democracy line til hell freezes over, I still think you're talking shit. In fact no. If I quote you "the nazi party dont get a hard time" I can guarantee you talk shit

thepinky (Member Profile)

rougy says...

There is a big difference between touching base with someone that you like and identify with, or pestering somebody repeatedly because they're tired of dealing with your inane conservative bullshit.

As I told DeeDub, we can argue here till hell freezes over, and nobody's mind will be changed, but when we argue out in public, on a post, then we might change the minds of people who are reading the post, people who haven't made up their minds. That's worth the time and the effort.

I'm taking a break from the Sift for a while because coming here has been more of a downer than an upper as of late, an exercise in futility.

I do appreciate your last note, though.

See you around someday.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
What if I have something nice to say to you like, "Geez, Rougy, you're a capital guy!" Should I just comment on a video and hope that you read it someday? Okay, this really is the last comment.

I'm sorry I falsely accused you. I was so sure that it was you that I didn't even take a second to check. No hard feelings.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
It wasn't me who downvoted your comments.

You really are a piece of work.

I went off on Deedub because I told him over and over not to bother me on my profile page.

I'm now asking the same of you.

I had to ask him three or four times to stop bugging me.

Wonder how many times I'll have to ask you?

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Between yesterday and today someone went through my recent comments and downvoted nearly all of them. I wonder who that was. It hurt my feelings oh so much. *sniff*

Bush to Cancel 2008 Election - Frightening Concept: Possible

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^Mgshadow:
And in the meantime the democrats cause fear and make people terrified of something that will never happen. I love stupid people, who would make my food at taco bell without them. This is turning into demosift/antireligosift. give me a break and put something marginally intelligent on again guys.
I'snt this site supposed to be about the BEST the internet has to offer?
BEST! Not mental draining, crock of S stuff like this.

This is the cancer that is killing /b. ^ This video has nothing to do with any one opinion, I posted it because I thought that it was an interesting albeit extreme take on how far things could be taken. This is a remote possibility, out in the bleakest, most snowy desert. IE when hell freezes over.

Kreegath (Member Profile)

thinker247 says...

I was hoping you'd raise some issue about which I could argue, but I agree with you completely. Damnit. ha!

So what is your opinion of Sweden versus America? I always see Sweden at the top of the list when it comes to social issues, and I'm jealous. Are the lists an accurate portrayal of Swedish society?

In reply to this comment by Kreegath:
Let's just agree that no argument, example or viewpoint should be completely set in stone. We all make up imperfect opinions based on imperfect information, and trying to hold the mindset that as many of ones opinions as possible are open for change is imperative for a meaningful discussion of just about any kind.

The problem as I see it with people being against abortion is that I feel they're (and they in this case is the people in general) trying to create a moral highground where none exist by not looking at the implications and consequences of denying a woman the right to an abortion in a clinic. To be honest, looking at it realistically, women will still do abortions regardless of whether or not there's a law saying they can't. In that regard the practical discussion is about whether we let professionals in the field of medicine deal with it, or the women themselves with a coathanger in the forest at night. The ethical discussion is something I've got some thoughts on aswell, but that's for a separate paragraph.

There was this girl who killed herself in Ireland by putting a dirty stick into her uterus, because she'd been raped and couldn't cope with giving birth to that baby even though her family had given her their support. This is the reality of women doing abortions, and the consequence of trying to ban the practice of medical abortion by creating an argument for "a womans right to choose" versus "a fetus' right to life". I think the reality is that neither of those are valid arguments in this issue, because just like that Irish girl felt she did not have a choice when it came to her pregnancy, and risked and subsequently took her own life to stop it. It's very hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to imagine that level of desperation.

It's very easy for someone completely detached from the people, families and society affected by the presumptive abortion to try and create a moral highground against it. In my mind it also seems shortsighted and disregards the motives for the abortion, the implications of raising an unwanted child and the repercussions in society. These women don't look for an abortion as an alternative to condoms, they don't go through with it on a whim and it's not a decision that in any stretch could be conceived as being taken lightly.
A woman not being able to support her child emotionally and/or financially aswell as provide security and education is among the worst kinds of mental torture you could inflict on a person. This kind of mentality leads to poverty, intolerance, social injustice and crime which in turn leads to a huge strain on society, affecting even more people and creating a plethora of additional problems. Now, obviously I'm not saying that anti-abortionists promote crime and injustice, but what I am saying is this: The sanctity of life simply does not end at conception.

Finally, my take on the religious argument about the moment of conception and the soul. I look at it like this:
I don't think Jesus actually existed but is the (oh lord I don't know the correct word for it, allegory?) unreachable goal which we should all strive for. I believe the religious thinkers who roughly 2000 years ago started talking about these paragons of virtue (of which they eventually picked Jesus) wanted to push as many good stories and attributes on the icon as possible, partly because people would get a moral compass to frame, direkt and solidify their mentality/behaviour and partly because they wanted people to keep striving to become better human beings (better at humanity?), never being able to reach it and would therefore come back for more.
Just like I don't think Jesus was actually walking around 2000 years ago and curing lepers and feeding the masses with a loaf of bread, I don't believe the soul is an actual, material entity. I don't think the soul (if you believe in that sort of thing) is something you receive upon conception at all but is the representation of ones life, dreams, memories, experiences, knowledge and feelings. As such, a fetus which has no organs, no immune system, no consciousness or subconsciousness in my mind has none of the things that would make up ones soul, since it hasn't actually lived yet. This alone would naturally not warrant the termination of a pregnancy, but I think it's important to realize a fetus at that point is medically and practically not yet a human being. Actually, in Sweden it's illegal to even try and save a fetus born too prematurely (I think it's any fetus born in the 25th week of pregnancy or earlier). Because quite frankly, if the fetus would survive the incubator with the looming 99.9% mortality rate, partly due to having no immune system whatsoever, it would be so incredibly handicaped and in such pain for the rest of its short life that it would be constituted as torture of the worst possible kind.

So yeah, I do think that abortion is the result of society not taking responsibility for it's members. It's the result of injustices, intolerance, hate and a terrible inability of some persons to put themselves in the situations of others.
I think that in a perfect world, no woman would be targeted for rape, would be discriminated and hamstrung to the point where she had to rely on the good graces of others to support her and even moreso any future offspring of hers, would be isolated and judged by an archaic system of hate and intolerance, and where people would take personal responsibility for everyone's prosperity.
Today however, for the most part, it feels like we're not so much a coherent society as we are a separate group of clans having to share livingspace (on s societal level of course, on a international level we're not even sharing).
Taking responsibility is key here, and that is not achieved by picketing a doctor's home or telling women they're murderers. Taking responsibility is helping them raise the child, which you probably won't see anyone do before hell freezes over.

I'm sorry for dragging this out a bit. It's such a loaded issue that it's extremely hard to show how you feel about it without either getting labeled effectively getting words put in your mouth that are not your own, or getting completely ignored for saying something and not elaborating on it enough.

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