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5SF: The Baby Bump

I need day off and first day of work

New Order - Elegia

Maggot Brain - The greatest guitar solo ever played

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

, completely incapable of educating yourself. If you think you still have the capacity to learn when facts are shoved down your throat (based on your history I don’t) look at the second chart.
Funding has actually now slightly decreased to less than Trump sent under Biden when you adjust for inflation (but it’s true that since October Biden has been REQUESTING billions more, not sending billions more…but now that the inhuman genocide is undeniable he may stop pushing as hard for it).

See Bob, adults can admit inconvenient facts even when they make our leaders look bad…I don’t just admit it, I bring it up myself…MAGA absolutely cannot do either because you are all insanely brain numbingly clinically insecure.

Edit- speaking of which, still waiting. 😂

bobknight33 said:

So trump was funding Billions of $ for IDF Genocide?

You have some history -knowing facts on this???

Please enlighten me?
Please blathering me with your facts.

rockfall in Peru

ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling

newtboy says...

Another fun one take episode

Scream it, dance it, feel it! Vocabulary test extreme studying technique. With added benefits of a cardio workout?!

The Duality Of MAGA

bobknight33 says...

It is truly delightful reading stupid people comments .. Ignorant fools --- IE you ---

Trump did not bring us closer to WW3 or war with Russia. But Stupid Joe sure is doing a great job of bring us closer to war.

But on another front. some other facts you don't know. The GA case will in all manner be tossed our and redone. All because Big Fani lies under oath and banging the hired help. Did you know this -- I doubt it -- You too busy chanting Orange man bad.

surfingyt said:

you kidding? boob the moron and his dumbass family are in the video above. the only thing missing was pro-russia, anti-america rhetoric. republicans are gonna force our allies to face russia themselves and will pull us into WW3 (or is it 2, trump?) because "LeTS gO BrANDon!"

republicans are short bus trash.

ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling

ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling

newtboy says...

Hey! Are you watching my YouTube feed!? I randomly saw this video about a week ago, suggested by YouTube.

ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling

Jungle - Back On 74

Jungle - Back On 74

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Poor fraudulent GA voter fraud case- is derailing.. All because the DA is banging the hired help and lied about it. This could taint the whole county office and might need to be moved to another county---- OR dismissed ..
Either way big loss for the left and big win for Trump.

Blue Lagoon (Iceland)

newtboy says...

Um…it is NOT sea water…wtf!?
This is the outflow of Iceland’s largest power plant that runs on geothermal hot springs/steam.
It’s amazing, and so popular it can take months to get a reservation, and the line to get in without one can be hours and hours long….outside in Icelandic weather.
Sadly, it may be gone soon. Recent eruptions are very nearby and may have already damaged the pools and buildings, and it is forecast to be overrun by lava soon. If you never got to see this, you missed out on a huge bit of Icelandic culture.

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