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doogle (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sounds more like a job than a game.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
so, what do they do? My friend plays Lord of Ultima all day. All the better since there can be an attack any time, and he's always ready. His tribe relies heavy on him to defend anytime during the day while they're at their actual work work (they can't play the game at work work). The scant chance he's off on a call during the day is minimal, but he has seniority so he can choose that dead dead time. Not (only) because it's less busy, but because he likes to have hours like other non-firefighters.

So, I ask, what do they do when they're not on a call? Maybe like my other friend who play video games on the arcade coin-op they recently moved into the station...

Maybe... others' taxes? Building a school in Africa? Writing that screenplay? Tell me.
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
That is a fantasticly ignorant comment. I hope you are as drunk as I am. To state the obvious, Firefighters do NOT sit on their ass all day waiting for calls. I do not know what hill billy town you are from, but in centers with populations worth mentioning, Firefighters fuck around productively.
In reply to this comment by doogle:
Disgusting. You're not hired by the state to turn against it. You don't like the retirement plan? Learn another trade where you can sit on your ass all day waiting for an incident.

The Supernatural dance skills of ‘Nonstop’ Scott

Nothing Heals Racial Divides Like Eating Tacos

longde says...

The Backstory:
Here’s a way not to respond to charges that police officers in your town harassed, abused and brought false charges against Latino residents: by telling a reporter that you might eat tacos to help Latinos out.

Asked this week by WPIX reporter Mario Diaz what he would do for the Latino community, East Haven, Connecticut Mayor Joseph Maturo said he “might have tacos when I go home.”

Four officers in the town were charged by the Justice Department this week with conspiring to violate and violating the civil rights of Latino residents of the city. One officer allegedly said he “likes” harassing people who “have drifted into this county on rafts made of chicken wings.”

Maturo has subsequently apologized for his “insensitive and stupid answer.”

Peter Dinklage - Man of the Year 2011

World champion masturbator in Japan

mxxcon says...

>> ^spoco2:

Ok. There's nothing wrong with masturbation at all, obviously.
But that's kind of an obsession. To be spending so much time masturbating to porn while you're actually in a relationship. That's a sign of some issues. And his like of anime characters because they're 'clean' and simplified points to issues too.

i think you totally misunderstood the situation.
maybe their current situation is better and more enjoyable than being alone.
and there's nothing wrong with liking sexual anime. he didn't say that was the only thing he liked.

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

GeeSussFreeK says...

The problem of Paul isn't about Paul at all, it is about a system that does not allow for differing principles. Liberal, conservative, progressive or libertarian should all be concerned with this problem as it threatens the very values of democracy and meritocracy.

‎"If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences...if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom we enjoy in our government extends also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous surveillance over each other, we do not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor for doing what he likes. We throw open our city to the world, and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning or observing, although the eyes of an enemy may occasionally profit by our liberality..."

- Pericles

This was the dream of 2000 years ago, it still fails to be perfectly realized.

Officers Opposing Drug War Fired

Skeeve says...

1. People have jobs for all sorts of reasons and most people will put up with a few crappy things if they like the rest of the job enough. If there were 1000 reasons he liked his job, but there were two or three he disagreed with (but not enough to cause him to renege on his duty) then why should he leave the job?

2. Lots of law enforcement types don't agree with all of the laws they are enforcing but, until those laws are no longer laws, they will continue to enforce them. Just as someone may disagree with drug laws but still abide by them out of principle (or even civic duty). This guy was a border patrol agent; likely he agreed with, and was proud of, the majority of what he was doing. He just expressed an opinion that it might not be the best way to do it.>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^longde:
I feel for him; but if I were his boss, I'd fire him too.

Leaving aside for the moment whether he should have been fired.
Why the hell would he want to bust people and throw them in jail for something he doesn't believe in?

Girl shooting prone, can anyone tell if she hit the target?

Overly Excited Baby Loves to Eat

The Roots diss Michell Bachman on the Jimmy Fallon Show

Building A Miniature V-12 Engine From Scratch.

robbersdog49 says...

Fantastic. Reminds me of my wife's granddad, so is very moving for me. I'm going to tell you about him because I can, you don't have to read this, it's just that I think he deserves a mention.

He retired at 65 from a career as an engineer and went on to be a tinkerer and inventor. He had a love of steam engines and built a scale model of Stephenson's Rocket in very much the same way as the gentleman in this video, but he made absolutely everything from scratch, including the nuts bolts and washers. It's about 12inches long and runs around a track when connected to compressed air. It still fascinates me to this day. He finished making it when he was 93. He said he'd sometimes drop a piece on his study floor and it would take him most of the day to find it again with his bad eyesight and loss of feeling in his fingers. I can't imagine having the skill to make one now while I'm in my prime. Seeing things like this make me feel awfully humble.

His crowning achievement was making the world's first ever road-legal solar powered car. He liked tinkering with solar power and realised that if he made a solar powered car it would be fun and he wouldn't have to pay road tax (he built and drove an electric sports car to work and back in the 50s for the same reason). So he built it. He wasn't the first to use solar power, he was just the first to make it road legal. I don't think he knew at the time he was the first, and it didn't seem that important to him. It was just something interesting to do. I swear he could have lived to 200 and not run out of ideas or things to do. He makes me realise how little I've done with my life.

If anyone's still reading and is still interested, this is him:

Amazingly Beautiful Handmade Puzzle Box

Jimmy Carr on Funerals

Jimmy Carr on Funerals

Payback says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Payback:
Upvoted, even though my dad passed away last Monday. He liked Carr.

You just gave me a huge lump in my throat there mate, sad to hear that. Hope you're coping okay <img class="smiley" src="">

Yeah. It wasn't quick, but it wasn't heinously agonizing either. He suffered from COPD and other things to do with smoking all his life and being a bit free and easy with the autobody repair masks. His suffering is over at least.

Amazingly Beautiful Handmade Puzzle Box

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