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Fake News Works

Alaskan Glacier calving Columbia w/ 200 foot high shooter

vil says...

Glaciers that end in seas calve regardless of the effects of global warming. That is just what happens when they meet sea water.

The entertainment is mostly the result of the boats not being at a particularly safe distance. People enjoy doing something stupid and surviving.

Also big moving things awe us. I would definitely be entertained seeing this from up close. Could not help myself.

My take from this is that "holy shit" is slightly more entertainment than "oh my god". Amused to death.

cloudballoon said:

Am I the only one disturbed and concerned by the underlying cause of the calving than repeatedly yelling "Oh my God woohoo!" like I'm watching a blockbuster disaster CGI movie? It's not "entertaining"...

And reading up Glacier calving on wikipedia, the boats not even at a particularly safe distance?

Getting Cold (with thermal imaging)

Sir Attenborough explains global deal to protect ocean

newtboy says...

A good, even *quality idea....for 40+ years ago.

It took 100+ years to mortally wound the ocean by 1000 cuts. A bandaid on one wound is not going to turn it around, and we almost certainly aren't going to do it anyway. Countries that don't buy into the plan will simply harvest most of the fish left by those who do. This only works in small scale preserves that are guarded against poaching, often by a military.

Fish stocks are disappearing at an alarming rate, many going extinct. For those species, it's too late, and they are numerous, and they are largely the fish humans prefer. Many others are in such decline fishing for them is already off limits or severely curtailed, like commercial salmon, abalone, and crab fishing in California. Even those actions have failed to revive their populations year after year.

Diatoms, phytoplankton, and other similar biotas are at the limit of acidity and temperature they can tolerate, and they are the base of the ocean food web, feeding most fish when they are fry or larvae. The gasses in the atmosphere today will push diatoms over that precipice with a massive ocean extinction following soon afterwards, and we continue to add more greenhouse gases than we added yesterday every day.

Then there's habitat loss, coral reefs and kelp forests are both being decimated by temperature rise and acidification. Together they are food and habitat for 25%-50% of all ocean fish and shellfish.

Less over harvesting of the ocean is a good idea, but pretending it alone can save the oceans is pure fantasy. The ocean has absorbed as much as 90+% of the excess heat from global warming, causing oceanic heat waves that destroy habitats both directly and indirectly. There is NO plan that solves that problem, it's well beyond our capabilities under the best conditions with worldwide maximum efforts.

Just sayin'.

Precision Water Drop Saves Home

SFOGuy says...

--Hot summer with global warming (no moisture in anything)
--Drought for years in California (tinder)
--House in the urban/brush/wild zone probably because--it's pretty and they want seclusion--but---lots of fuel nearby that's dry and uncut.
--Building site at the top of a ridge (for the views--but flames propagate up hills)
--That house isn't going to last out the full duration of its mortgage, most likely

Flooding Fills Texas Highway

lucky760 says...

Why is that?

Global warming or something local happened to the geography or something?

Mordhaus said:

Only going to get worse, we need to start moving people away from the area.

Is The Global Temperature Record Credible?

The Real National Emergency Is Climate Change: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Oh HELL no. Anyone who accepts her endorsement or worse, her "help" should be run out of the election immediately, don't pass go, don't collect $200. Go away Hillary, you already cost us 4 years of Trump, if you do it again you deserve the lynching you'll receive from his base.

Like many ideas that might have saved the planet, they only stood a chance of working if you removed any choice.
Since that's not the norm in most places, I've understood we are doomed almost since I first heard of over population exceeding the sustainable food production levels, then along came global warming and ocean acidification. I understand that most people today are not capable of long term responsibility....making decisions based on how they effect their great grandchildren. It only took one century of living for today to set up a situation that threatens to destroy the planet. I see less than no hope of staving off disaster, instead of even trying we're firing all rockets at 110% to speed up the process and arguing over possibly turning down the thermostat next year.

Mordhaus said:

its even been mentioned on CNN that Hillary might toss her hat in again or try to lend weight to a conservative Dem nominee so as to 'trump' the progressives.

Your idea sounds fair, but I could only see something like that working in a country like China, where the 'incentives' are that you don't get stood against the wall.

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

Mordhaus says...


Guess what, this just became true.

Holding global warming to a critical limit would require "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society."

Based on the report, we are absolutely going to hit the critical limit now. No stopping it. The best we could do, literally the best, is to prevent from going too far above it.

So, we are definitively fucked. Now we just get to compete for how bad it is going to get by the end.

Temperature Anomalies By Country 1880-2017 - NASA

StukaFox says...

"The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."

-- George Orwell

George Orwell didn't know about global warming, or his quote might have been a little different at the end.

Temperature Anomalies By Country 1880-2017 - NASA

RFlagg says...

Conservatives: FAKE DATA. NASA is just saying this to make money [but the denial stuff is all sponsored by the fossil fuel industry who somehow isn't biased]. Climate change is fake. If you think about it, CO2 is good for plants [most are doing their max exchange, and it makes them have less nutrition... plus most of the globe isn't green, it's blue or desert... would be one thing if there was a way to keep that CO2 where the plants actually were and down where they were], its what they breath. It's a war on coal and oil. Ice levels in the Antarctic are rising [some data suggests it has, and may, but it is offset by Greenland ice loss alone, let alone ice loss from every other place like Alaska, Canada, Russia, the Nordic countries, etc]. It's cold here on January 3, so much for global warming [odd they never mention the problem on August 23 or whatever]? They said there's going to be an ice age back in the 70's [they can't show the science papers, just an article in Newsweek or Time], and just last year or so, they said solar minimums will result in another mini-ice age [again, no, nothing about climate in the actual science paper, just the press running their own version of the paper].

Uber in the Eighties: Why there was no Uber in the Eighties.

Science Moms

ChaosEngine says...

@navlasop that's part of the problem.

For example, there is no doubt that pharmaceutical companies engage in some EXTREMELY shady shit. But when someone screams that vaccines are evil and "big pharma" is hiding the cure for cancer, it becomes difficult to discern the genuine issues (evergreening, etc) from the noise.

"Chem trails!
Global Warming!
9/11 was an inside job!
Aliens at Roswell!"

One of those is a real and serious problem, but if it gets lumped in with the orders, it becomes easy to dismiss it as nonsense.

We need to get better as a society at filtering the signal from the noise.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

Sagemind says...

Um, you completely missed his point. Didn't you listen to him?

He's saying it doesn't matter what you do of what rules you use personally, it will make no difference if we don't have the proper leadership in government to make the right decisions in leadership is setting standards and solid decisions on how to clean our environment.

This video is about how, really, only government can effect the change needed to curb global warming.
Unfortunately the current US government is dismantling all those rulings and safe-gaurds, in the name of corporate money and greed over environment and the people affected by those decisions.

(His point was NOT that people trying to be healthy were dying young anyway. He was using them as examples to the fact that, no matter how hard you try on a personal level, it takes laws to make the bigger decisions to affect change)

transmorpher said:

I can play that game too Bill.

Dr. Elsworth Wareham, alive and literally kicking at 103.
Just another vegan heart-surgeon.......

What you eat really does matter. You don't get to choose your genetics, but eating unhealthy won't make it better. Duh.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

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