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Why is All Sand the Same?

Why is All Sand the Same?

Powerful French anti-bullying ad

CEO Worked Way Up From Son Of CEO - The Onion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'the onion, ceo, son of ceo, gary lighman, mergemedia' to 'the onion, ceo, son of ceo, gary lightman, mediamerge' - edited by xxovercastxx

top ten chris farley moments

poolcleaner says...

Chris Farley, Elvis Presley, Tupac Shakur, The Beatles (they were all fucked up on various abuses, including physical), Michael Jackson, River Phoenix, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, John Belushi, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison, Biggie Smalls, Gary Coleman...

I don't think Chris Farley is the prime example, but he's on the list.

But... that doesn't mean their works are any less for it. Getting famous for having talent brings reward, but it also blurs the lines and stunts maturity...

Most of these people didn't even make it to 30, or were so fucked up by the time they had hit this milestone, there was nothing they could do; they didn't have the necessary life lessons that guide us by constant evolution of being. Too many rewards and too much pressure with few threshold guardians to intercede. It's a gauntlet.

ChaosEngine said:

None of them. Chris Farley is a prime example of everything wrong with "hollywood comedy".

I've watch 83 seconds of this video, and so far I hate every single aspect of it.
Chris Farley and David Spade are marginally less amusing than finding out you have herpes and Adam Sandler isn't much better.

And then the host says "as per uushe". WTF? you couldn't say "as per usual".

Sir, Put The Impressions Down

Gary Busey's CRAZY BRAIN

The Magical World of Gary Busey

Gary Busey's CRAZY BRAIN

blankfist (Member Profile)

radx says...

Cheers, mate.

It's quite fascinating that Manning has already been imprisoned for a longer period of time than Francis Gary Powers, the U2 pilot who was shot down by the Soviets and convicted of espionage.

blankfist said:

@radx, perfect title, brother. Spot on, this is pretty much a Stalin era show trial.

Denzel Washington Makes Guarantees

If They Melded: Gary Busey + Yoda Edition

How the gears in a car transmission work

Darkhand says...

Amazing, Informative, Direct!

It's nice to learn about how things work without some character explaining it to me. No Gary the Gear screaming "HEY KIDS WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT TRANSMISSIONS?! I SURE DO!"

Dream Job

Drachen_Jager says...

@artician has a point, I remember a Gary Larson story about a cartoon he'd done on Jane Goodall, one chimp is cleaning another and finds a blonde hair and accuses the other chimp of hanging around 'that Goodall tramp' again.

He got an angry letter from the Goodall foundation and shelved the cartoon, never to be published again.

Years later, he happened to be talking to someone else from the Goodall foundation and she brought the cartoon up. He told her about how he'd pulled it and would never re-print it anywhere because of the reaction, and she said, "That doesn't sound like Jane!"

She contacted Goodall who personally contacted Larson and told him she thought the cartoon was hilarious and he was welcome to re-print it as often as he liked.

Long story short, bureaucrats often get a bug up their ass about things that would never bother the true powers-that-be.

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

PlayhousePals says...

I heart Gary Cole!

True story: I once tried to give Weird Al a joint at the Cloud Room after a concert he performed with Dr. Demento at the Paramount Theater in Seattle. I used to do a lot of stupid things when I was drunk

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