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This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

But those who itemized before lost big money. Now the standard deduction is almost always the best you get, not the case before….bait and switch is all that was, a shell game, not a give back.

Where’s my tax form I can fill out on a postcard in 5 minutes? Where’s the promised simplification so ordinary people don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands to get their taxes done? And when do those higher standard deductions run out, without the return of previously deductible offsets?


bobknight33 said:

its your standard deduction on you Fed tax form.
12K for singles
24K for married.

Drivers navigating Russian landmines left on a bridge

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

bremnet says...

Love the Academy's statement: "The Academy does not condone violence of any form", and yet they just did. Here's your trophy, congratulations. Pretty gutless. Can't wait for the first angry dad punching out a ref or umpire at his kid's game, and uses the Will Smith defense... "It was a bad joke so I broke his jaw". What an excellent role model.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

Smith lost a lot of fans right there….me included.
If you don’t have a sense of humor about yourself, don’t go to awards shows where the audience is fair game for jokes at their expense. Same for your wife/husband.
If being bald is a touchy subject, wear a wig. (Coming from a bald guy who’s been bald by choice for 25 years and never once got mad at a Mr Clean or penis head joke).

Will can fuck right off with his violent tantrum (or pretend tantrum if this is some scripted ploy). Chris should have decked him back in the face, kicked him in the balls, and kicked him off stage head first. What a child. I hope charges are pressed and lawsuits filed….he deserves them. If there aren’t repercussions, that’s a good indicator this was scripted to boost dismal ratings, which IMO might be worse.

Aperture Desk Job Trailer

moonsammy says...

Ah... yeah I can certainly see how that would complicate things. I still prefer kb+m for gaming in general as it's what I've trained myself to be good at over the years, unfortunate that it isn't a viable scheme for all PC games

ant said:

The problem is my disabilities. I can't hold the controllers well. I prefer big clicky keyboards and and mouses that doesn't require me to hold!

🤯">Opening a dam's gate after being closed for years is WOW

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

The first time I played this a couple weeks ago it confused the shit out of me and I didn't know what I was doing. So I got locked out of my first game pretty quick.

Second game I tried a couple days later I figured out the phrase and I was happy to have figured out the mechanics of the game, from what I recall there wasn't any instructions.

VLDL: “I can’t believe you haven’t...”

ant says...

There are too many games now. No time and energy to play as an old fart. I did finally try LOTRO & D&DO F2P recently.

noims said:

I can go one better. I haven't played AC or WoW. I'm also a RPG gamer who prefers stealth over brute force.

Just too many other options.

Aperture Desk Job Trailer

moonsammy says...

You don't play any controller-based games on PC? There are SO MANY really excellent ones...

ant said:

It's for PC, but you need a controller (no keyboard and mouse) so it's not for me.

Trump’s Loyalties

surfingyt says...

trump salute NK generals like a cuck. putin emboldened by watching cuck trump. republicants can cuck on this: Biden has completely outsmarted putin. undercut every pretext putin had to justify an invasion, leaving the world, and especially russian people, without any plausible explanation for invasion AND biden unified democratic allies to support ukraine’s defense and russia sanctions.

putin started playing checkers and biden turned it into a game of chess. this wont end well for putin and, unfortunately, russian population.

the scenes from ukraine are heartbreaking

newtboy said:

Responded to the invasion with a training exercise nearby. I forgot what a strong military response Trump had, showed real strength. Putin must have been terrified.

An even bigger response than when the report on Malaysia flight 17 came out in 2018 proving Russian military used a Russian missile to shoot down a commercial airliner. Trump-*crickets*

ant (Member Profile)

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

Good until it’s not, then it’s disaster.
It’s not smart for anyone ever to put all their eggs in one basket. No matter how much they watch the basket. Shit happens, shit out of your control, and when it hits the fan, by the time you feel the spray it can be too late. Nothing is totally safe, you want to lose it all because Elon decided Dogecoin IS a good investment and puts every penny into it, then changes his mind? (Close to what happened, btw).
It’s also about diversification in successful companies so when one goes down you aren’t homeless. That is both safer and more profitable….short and long term.
All intelligent investing is about the long game, get rich quick schemes are just that, schemes, not stable investments.

If you learned from your lumps, why are you suggesting such poor investment advice? Where’s the NEXT Tesla, it already had it’s big boom. You don’t invest on the way down.

The issue is you are talking up Tesla two years too late. Pre 2020, you would have been totally correct, today not so much.

I have Apple….but not just Apple.

Precognition sounds great, but it’s always a craps game….and a crappy game.

bobknight33 said:

Not smart for some/ most, agreed. Most people let some one else manage their $. Most people don't watch day to day.

I've been buying stocks for last 20 years. Took a lot of lumps. My main goal was to not to loose my shirt. A lot of lessons learned, mainly what not to do.

Main lesson learned was to find a Amazon.Target, Starbucks or Apple just as they become trendy. If you had bought and hold any of these for the last 10 years, you would be doing just fine. Tesla fits this model. Its 20 years old and finally over last 2 really planted its stake permanently as a auto maker. They are the EV leader.

That being said Tesla is easy to follow and see. There is enough active YouTube channels people reporting daily from around the world on Tesla. A person can fully understand this business and what is going on.

Other companies are more secretive and also no one really cares.

My final thought is this. IMO Tesla is at the same point as when Steve jobs introduced the iPhone in 2006.

Dont you wish you loaded up on apple back in 2006 @ $7 bucks a share? Apple close Friday was $168.

Its about the long game.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

bobknight33 says...

Not smart for some/ most, agreed. Most people let some one else manage their $. Most people don't watch day to day.

I've been buying stocks for last 20 years. Took a lot of lumps. My main goal was to not to loose my shirt. A lot of lessons learned, mainly what not to do.

Main lesson learned was to find a Amazon.Target, Starbucks or Apple just as they become trendy. If you had bought and hold any of these for the last 10 years, you would be doing just fine. Tesla fits this model. Its 20 years old and finally over last 2 really planted its stake permanently as a auto maker. They are the EV leader.

That being said Tesla is easy to follow and see. There is enough active YouTube channels people reporting daily from around the world on Tesla. A person can fully understand this business and what is going on.

Other companies are more secretive and also no one really cares.

My final thought is this. IMO Tesla is at the same point as when Steve jobs introduced the iPhone in 2006.

Dont you wish you loaded up on apple back in 2006 @ $7 bucks a share? Apple close Friday was $168.

Its about the long game.

newtboy said:

All in on one stock is not smart investing. Not one bit. Never. Ask anyone who invested in the highly profitable Enron stock. You might get lucky, and you might lose everything.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

bobknight33 says...

Currently holding 1400 shares.

With the current depressed price it is a fantastic buying opportunity. Lots of shit all all around but nothing has changed with Tesla.

Highly volatile stock but think long term of 5+ years.
Tesla stated goal to grow 50% every year. They have been doing this. Last year 2021 84% growth in vehicles.

I tell friends to buy and expect a loss ( big swings day to day) buy to hold and focus on the long game.

Who else owns Tesla shares?

As I've posted previously, If you want to see how fast change can happen watch this.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

I believe a big part of the game's success is the social aspect, that everyone gets the same word every day and shares their results with one another.

You don't get that by just playing the game by yourself. And I think that's what NYT wants to capitalize on.

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