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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Aretha Franklin - Think (feat. The Blues Brothers)

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

transmorpher says...

Dude you are so toxic.... trying to now bait me into arguing about the definition of plant based lol because I didn't engage with your FOX news like hyperbole above, you figured you'd keep poking until you at least get something.

All I can say is thanks, because every time your reply you help spread this vegan message.

newtboy said:

Yes, if you agree what's meant by "plant based diet" is not the same as vegetarian or vegan, and mostly denotes excluding most processed foods from your diet and including more fruits and vegetables.

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

C-note says...

3 of the countries that I pay for cable tv service all carry fox news. MSNBC is no where to be found on the channel listing except for in america. Hell even in america in a number of hotels that I've stayed in through out the midwest you can't find MSNBC.

Conservative talk radio dominates the AM radio networks from coast to coast. The right wing propaganda machine is finely tuned and a force that the left hasn't scratched the surface on trying to counter.

I don't know what it all means, but fox is doing a great job of dragging this country around by the nose.

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

entr0py says...

I wonder if Fox News keeps Shep around just so they can say to the press, politicians and regulators "See, we're a responsible news organization, not some delusional propaganda outlet." While serving up conspiracy theories and vitriol most of the day.

He exists to deflect criticism from Hannity, not to oppose him.

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

Janus says...

I continue to have a great deal of respect for Shep Smith, and I continue to be surprised that Fox News still haven't gotten rid of him after all this time.

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

newtboy jokingly says...

Ha! So even Fox News calls Faux News Fake News....and Trump said they are the enemy of America. Odd he invites them into the oval office so often and gets his political policy positions directly from them....doesn't that make HIM the enemy of America?

72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

RFlagg says...

Who believes this shit? Trump supporters, and that is near 35% of the voting population. They may not buy into it happening in 72 hours, but they do think this is a religious war, and that Christianity is under attack, and that Trump is appointed by God to lead this country back to being a Christian nation and all us evil Liberals are fighting the will of God. This is the thing most people on the left don't understand. They don't realize how deeply personal and holy this thing is for the right. Everyone just keeps seeing all the trip ups that Trump does, and thinks, "Blue Wave!" but those trip ups energize his base, and help guarantee they'll be out in fore come November. They are being manipulated by Fox, talk radio and their churches to believe all this stuff. Remember, his supporters supported a child molester in Louisiana over a Democrat, because they think Democrats are that truly evil. Just watch a bit of TBN, watch Jim Baker, watch Fox News... just begin to imagine that this sort of stuff is what you absorb all day every day, this is what you are being fed in church, this is what your social media circles are feeding you. You'll begin to see, this isn't that far out there, this is what they think is happening. They think we are in the end times, and Trump is our last hope against the Anti-Christ, even though he and the GOP are EVERYTHING the Bible warned us the Anti-Christ would be like... it's insane. I'm surrounded at home, at work... all over by these types.

StukaFox said:

Who the hell believes this shit? I know that the bar of standards for credibility in the United States is set so far down that the Devil keeps tripping over it, but Rachel Maddow signaling a coup? How exactly is this supposed to work? Were we supposed to get instructions via our Liberal Secret Decoder Rings? If so, I want my money back, because all mine ever spelled out is "Fuck Trump".

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

heropsycho says...

Oh FFS. Seriously?

It's 1000x more common for people to believe the words "liberalism" and "socialism" to be seen in a derogatory light by Americans, even though the overwhelming majority of people subscribe to classical liberal ideas, such as freedom of speech, religion, and basic human rights, or in *some* socialist ideas, like a basic safety net in some way shape or form. I mean, hell, because of Glenn Beck and Fox News, there's even a move to make "Progressive", as in the "Progressive Movement" a dirty word. You know, the movement that, while it did overstep its bounds, also helped to institute meritocracy within government, cleaned up corruption, began conservation efforts, and ensured for the first time widely basic safety with food, buildings, etc.

Just stop. Nobody gives a rat's ass if you come to work and say a prayer. Trump Supporters get beaten up?! Yeah, it's almost like they're black in the South, or they're Muslims somewhere in the US. Oh poor white Christians! They've never had it so hard!

Absolutely ridiculous.

Just stop. Nobody is buying your BS.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals have been marching loudly past 30 years not tip towing.
So much so a Christian can not show faith at work, they are shamed in public. One could argue the opposite, Its time for Christian to stand up.

Also same to politics. Trump supporters get beaten up, insulted in public. One can't wear MEGA hat to events ( except Trumps) , or Starbucks.. That's not Liberals tip toeing around its full on frontal assault.

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

bobknight33 says...

The formation of the organization was announced on March 14, 2013 by Herring Networks, Inc., an independent and family-owned national video programming company owns and operates OAN and sister channel AWE (formerly WealthTV; the initialism being an acronym for "A Wealth of Entertainment"). When the network began in 2013 it had a limited partnership with The Washington Times.[1]

The network launched with the intention of targeting a conservative-leaning audience with OAN President Charles Herring telling CPAC that, “Fox News has done a great job serving the center-right and independent audiences...But those who consider themselves liberal have a half dozen or more choices on TV each day from which to get their news.”[8] Herring also stressed the network's separation of news and opinion content, with straight news reporting throughout the day and limited opinion commentary from evening talk shows, including The Daily Ledger hosted by Graham Ledger and The Tipping Point hosted by Liz Wheeler. Early advertisements for the channel touted the network's lack of commentary and focus on straight news reporting.[9] The channel was formally launched on July 4, 2013.

As of August 2017, One America News Network reached 35 million homes and had nationwide distribution from DirecTV, DirecTV Now, Verizon FiOS TV, AT&T U-verse, Frontier Communications, CenturyLink PRISM TV, and numerous regional video distributors.[10]

JiggaJonson said:

Seriously, though, I wanted to come back to this: the American site that hosts the One America News network hosts very few other channels. It sounds tin foil hat to say that it's Russian propaganda, but those channels include a few soccer networks, more propaganda news bullshit, three Sony movie channels and oh! what's this?



FOX's take on border separations

ChaosEngine says...

It's an interesting question.

The video segment itself is pretty awful. It has no redeeming qualities outside of serving as a warning how far the American right will go in defence of the indefensible.

So, on one hand, you could argue that bringing this to light is a good thing and the video should be upvoted.

On the other hand, it's not like this is news to anyone. "Fox news lies" is not exactly a revelation.

Ultimately the reason I downvoted this is because I feel like upvoting it would be giving the message implicit approval. How do you separate "I'm upvoting this because people need to know how bad the lies are" versus "I'm upvoting this because I approve of its content"?

vil said:

I think its a shame these videos get downvoted so readily. Not quite the holocaust, but enough of a warning.

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

Januari says...

Anyone else remember scandals like tan suits or terrorist fists bumps? How the fox news crowd lost its mind at these outrages!

How about all those old people death camps!

Obama v trump - fox on american relations with north korea

SaNdMaN says...

No, no, don't equivocate.

Sure, there's some hypocrisy on all sides, but no other network comes even close to Fox News.

They pull this "if Obama did it, it's horrible; if Trump did it, it's great" shit all the time. Blatantly.

I watch plenty of "mainstream" media, and I haven't seen anyone, who previously supported starting a dialogue with our adversaries, blast Trump for it. They do blast Trump, who has no clue about the nuances of the politics and history of that region, for going into it unprepared. They blast him for singing praises to Kim (brushing aside the all the murder, concentration camps, torture) while causing rifts with our actual allies.

But hey, Fox's bullshit works. You'd think it would stop working in this age when we have... you know.. video evidence of stuff... but no... still works.

The problem is not with the media but with the gullible/ignorant/stupid population that consumes it. The same mouth-breathers that had their pitchforks out, when Hannity told them Obama is willing to talk to dictators, are now praising dear supreme leader Trump, because now Hannity is telling them that talking to dictators is a good thing. Completely predictable but still astonishing.

bobknight33 said:

For all the BS from media this is still something to behold.
Yep FOX blasts Obama and now its Main stream blasting Trump.
What do you expect, real honest reporting? Truth left the train station decades ago.

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