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Our very own Barseps gets an infected finger lanced!

Porksandwich says...

>> ^deathcow:

OK we've seen MarineGunrocks sandwich, and we've seen Barseps finger, and we've seen UsesProzacs syrup holster... lets start taking suggestions for the next one. Any votes for
"Dag gets tased by Australian Police"

But why go for JUST tased, dag used as roadblock to stop fleeing vehicle.

That's what Australia does now anyway, so he needs to be hip and join in.

Our very own Barseps gets an infected finger lanced!

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^deathcow:

OK we've seen MarineGunrocks sandwich, and we've seen Barseps finger, and we've seen UsesProzacs syrup holster... lets start taking suggestions for the next one. Any votes for
"Dag gets tased by Australian Police"

Got my vote!

Our very own Barseps gets an infected finger lanced!

deathcow says...

OK we've seen MarineGunrocks sandwich, and we've seen Barseps finger, and we've seen UsesProzacs syrup holster... lets start taking suggestions for the next one. Any votes for

"Dag gets tased by Australian Police"

Dunno How, but MarineGunrock Eats a Sandwich in 2 Minutes!!!

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

Porksandwich says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I don't think you quite understand the mechanics of conception... Just because there's semen in a woman doesn't mean she's conceived. Emergency contraceptives are no different than birth control. They prevent conception from happening.

It also does not mean conception or the beginnings of it has not begun. I searched for a bit, and I'll admit that I couldn't find much information on it because anything mentioning abortion has like a bazillion articles. But I did find one where high levels of estrogen can cause miscarriages, but no supporting articles since it's not really that important to me. Abortion is up to the individuals involved in said pregnancy.

My point I was making is that Ron Paul states that there is no medical/legal/chemical evidence of conception at that point, so he is saying that it has not taken place because of this. And is justifying estrogen injections as a preventative. I am saying that if you are going to be a staunch "conception is life" advocate, you should not be doing things that may end early stage conceptions...which high doses of estrogen probably would.

It's like saying lack of light coming from a single bulb proves that there is no electricity on in the house, instead of your testing method being inadequate. If conception is life and something you are administering as a preventative can end conceptions, you are risking ending conceptions. And this is why it is chicken shit justifications to me, if you want to make a 100% statement like "Conception is life" then risking terminating early conceptions that can't be legally/medically/chemically proven at that stage is making your argument lip service.

Personally I think abortion with upper limits are fine, 4 maybe 5 months. Certainly not 7, since babies are born prematurely and survive at that point. And I have no problem with him using estrogen to end early conceptions. I do have a problem with someone making a statement and then arguing that he can go ahead and do it anyway because there's no proof it's actually ending a conception.

And I return back to my murder argument that I think is a good example of the argument he's trying to make here.

>> ^Porksandwich:

I never took the person's pulse before I stabbed them, so you can't prove they were alive. So it's not murder.

Maybe alter the wording to say "I couldn't find the person's pulse before I stabbed them......"

Smartest dog in the world: Some days go better than others.

blankfist (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

Hey, buddy. I don't know whether you'll be checking your profile much now that you've been sent on the CircleLine cruise, but I wanted to tell you that I for one am rather disgusted by the way this played out. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Northeast Irish-Catholic (now non-superstitious) liberal, and I don't give a flying fick about your politics.

You've been a QUALITY submitter & commenter here, and were probably one of the main reasons I came out of lurkdom and became a Sifter. When I saw your banination, I spent about two hours reading comments and looking at your submissions to try to rationalize your dismissal, but there just wasn't enough. I may be only a GoldStar, but I've been here longer than I'd like to recount. In all my days, I've seen few Sifters as committed to the QUALITY this site intends to promote. I suppose there is much to your banination that I'm not privy to, and I'm very sorry for that. Even though it seems you have trolled quite a few members in the recent past, I think this decision should have been opened to investigation and consultation with the community at large.

Over the last years, we've had a disappointing diaspora of QUALITY members, but yet you stuck around. As the years have progressed, the QUALITY of submitters and high-level, long-term members has dwindled. I came here for people like you, like @Farhad2000, like @eric3579, @djsunkid, @mlx, @silvercord, @dystopianfuturetoday, @NetRunner, @kronosposeidon, @dag, @MarineGunrock and even like Choggie. You are among these names.

A (seemingly) long time ago, this site celebrated its diversity of both style and opinion. We've banned, and supported the banination of conservative trolls in the last few years, but only because of EXCESSIVE violations (eg. CaptainPlanet, and (to his unfortunate discredit) Choggie; this is NOT an exhaustive list). I've watched the progression, and while I agree with the socio-political principles of those in support of the exclusions, I cannot but think how the actual QUALITY of the site has suffered.

This was a place I came to enlighten myself, with submissions like this, this, this, this, this, this, and this (which is truly just a smattering of the QUALITY you've brought here). I used to hit the VideoSift link and expect to see submissions that I wouldn't have seen elsewhere. Unique submissions, with a higher intellectual quotient than the rest of the horse-apple internet digest sites. But now it's a site nearly indistinguishable from this one, and this one, or this one. Certainly (and obviously) I like and frequent those sites, but this is VideoSift, and I have always expected more bang for my buck.

I'm sure you've realized by this point that this comment is not just for you to read, as it both is public, and draws the attention of many other QUALITY members of the community. But I assure you that whatever the reaction, I want you particularly to know that you've affected my understanding of the world-at-large in a most positive way over the last four years. It was a privilege to have had your influence, and I will miss it.

how to verify military service (Mystery Talk Post)

how to verify military service (Mystery Talk Post)

Marine Raise Flag At Iwo Jima

Christian Phrases with Bryan Blake - 51 words for vagina

wormwood says...

I wasn't thinking about Leviticus, just that that tattoo doesn't fit in with my picture of squeamish Christian Youtubers. Also, yeah, the site is obvious satire, though it tries to play straight faced. The Landover Baptist Church does it much better and, judging by the comments, actually fools many people (
>> ^RFlagg:

What's wrong with the tattoo? The ban on tattoos is an Old Testament law ... Anyhow looking at the website it is satire for sure, and perhaps so much so it might not qualify for Poe, which I generally take for stuff that is a bit harder to tell.
>> ^wormwood:
It's gotta be a joke. The tattoo, for one, gives it away in the first few seconds.
Also: "Birth Cannon" LOL!
>> ^MarineGunrock:
Shouldn't this be in parody? Please, someone tell me this is all a joke! I laughed too hard for it to be serious!

Christian Phrases with Bryan Blake - 51 words for vagina

RFlagg says...

What's wrong with the tattoo? The ban on tattoos is an Old Testament law, even the ones that haven't been given a New Testament exemption like food, are moot now... well except the ban on gays, God still hates them. This is why Christians can wear mixed/man made fabrics and not worry about breaking Levitical law, have tattoos, why we don't have slaves anymore despite the Bible clearly saying it is okay and why Christians can ignore the part about the Earth not moving and accept that it goes around the Sun, because the Old Testament doesn't apply...unless it fits your hate filled agenda... I mean love filled agenda, because those anti-gay laws are there because they love the gays but hate the sin and want them to come to Christ... <eyeroll>

Anyhow looking at the website it is satire for sure, and perhaps so much so it might not qualify for Poe, which I generally take for stuff that is a bit harder to tell.

>> ^wormwood:

It's gotta be a joke. The tattoo, for one, gives it away in the first few seconds.
Also: "Birth Cannon" LOL!
>> ^MarineGunrock:
Shouldn't this be in parody? Please, someone tell me this is all a joke! I laughed too hard for it to be serious!

Christian Phrases with Bryan Blake - 51 words for vagina

PSA for Meth. Scary, disturbing, shocking, real.

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