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Wally The Emotional Support Alligator

Wally The Emotional Support Alligator

TRACTOR PULLS: It's Not What You Think - Smarter Every Day

newtboy says...

I’ve been to demolition derbies and monster truck shows in the 80’s where tractor pulls were part of the show, but not a pure tractor pull competition.
Yes, I had fun. It was back in the original Bigfoot days when monster trucks just drove over a few cars and everyone was amazed.

I still really want to go to the Mile of Mud in Florida and see swamp buggy racing in person before I die….but that means going to Florida in the summer.

eric3579 said:

This made me want to go hang out with southerners.

Has anyone been to a tractor pull, and is it fun?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Like the Bible….and now dictionaries in Florida….

…just like math books (no bob, they didn’t contain CRT, what they showed you when making that claim was a separate worksheet from another state that had been discontinued years earlier), science books (because they mention biology and gender), history (95% of history needs redacting to your ilk because you’re ashamed of your history).

The right has abandoned knowledge because it makes you snowflakes uncomfortable to have reality taught to your children. It’s going to make red states have a race to the bottom. Texas and Florida are already importing foreign teachers as fast as they can because American teachers won’t abuse their students by teaching them under these insane right wing snowflake rules. Soon those parents will pull their kids from school completely because they ain’t havin’ little Johnny lurnt no librul facts by no imgrant.

Damn lurnin is just fer leftists… facts, figures, history, and reality.
Seems Jesus is just for leftists too, no surprise, Jesus was a MAJOR leftist by today’s standards. You would insist he be cancelled immediately.

bobknight33 said:

Banning leftest gender bending bullshit book is a good idea

“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

Buy oceanfront property in S Florida, or farmland in N India and put your money where your mouth is….but know you can’t get flood/drought insurance. 🤦‍♂️

Yes, don’t look up is fiction, just like your religion. It still has lessons to teach.

TangledThorns said:

Don’t Look Up is fiction. Just like Climate Change.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now the far right’s war against education expands, with book banning, CRT banning (even though they don’t know what that is), banning any references to gender, blaming teachers for their children being able to think for themselves, for “indoctrination” (into what?), turning them trans, etc…. Just pure insanity one has to go through point by point proving every statement 100% wrong before you assholes admit you’re just exaggerating for effect….then you start all over the next time as if you didn’t just admit you’re liars.

Today, in Tennessee, The Diary of Anne Frank is banned…for containing CRT. Hilariously, so is the Bible (which should already be banned as indoctrination into cults is not supposed to be allowed in public schools). Even the golden rule, “treat others as you would have them treat you” is CRT….imagine, saying you should treat “inner city thugs”, immigrants, and poor people like you think they should treat upstanding white folk….disgusting CRT! 🤦‍♂️

The red states like Florida and Texas that started this war on education already have massive teacher shortages and the teachers left are packing to leave.
It’s going to be funny when red states have to beg states like California for some competent educated workers because they have no education system left. They won’t get them. Educated people don’t want to live where they do this.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

newtboy says...

Not just Abbot…Florida just ruled that an orphan 16 year old girl isn’t mature enough to decide to have an abortion at 10 weeks, so will be forced to carry to term before being dumped on the streets.

Republicans are the new nanny state party, not just wanting the government controlling what you do in your bedroom, but also in your womb.

Pool Dreams It’s A Waterfall

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

newtboy says...

There was more than enough time to bleed through from 7 stab wounds before he dumped him on the floor, imo. I was shocked the store owner wasn’t drenched in blood by then, but I see none at all. I just find that odd, I bleed like a water balloon if you stick me.
I also found it insane the thief didn’t seem to react to the first 4-5 stabs at all, he fought back like nothing happened at first, another reason I assumed they maybe didn’t penetrate. The last two sure did, but even the knife still looked clean coming out. WTF!? Super blood absorbing sweat shirt?

I think the owner, if charged, will go for a jury trial and be acquitted….or might take a no prison plea deal if it’s good enough. I can’t see getting a conviction in Nevada for this, unless he hires Amber Heard or Alex Jones’ lawyers. In Florida, he wouldn’t get a ticket. I doubt he’ll see jail, possibly a fine and huge civil suit. Hope he has good insurance.

Edit: I just found this piece about this robbery victim shooting a disarmed robber in the back, eventually killing him, who wasn’t charged. I think the smoke shop owner was more restrained and hope he isn’t charged either.

? Inviting him back in? What? When? They never left. I don’t think he’s claiming these were the same robbers that robbed him earlier that month, if that’s what you mean.

Edit: I do love the prominent cross on the one robber’s neck. This is what people mean when they say “I’m a Christian, I would never do something like that.”

BSR said:

I don't think the blood had time to penetrate the clothing he was wearing. I also believe each strike penetrated pretty well with the force he was using. I also think the owner is going to see some jail time.

The owner wanted the altercation by inviting the robber back into the store so he could get revenge.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

in the U.S. 15 - 20% of all pregnancies will end in a miscarriage or stillbirth.

if that's nature, GOD lets it happen. so let's be thorough. punish all those who would 'kill' babies. burn down the churches! that'll show HIM!

it's a cruel law meant only for political gain or pseudo-moral pride. no one can say infants matter when they do little to nothing to help them AFTER they are born. that's a reality too.

want to refute that?

remember this?

likely those 'lifers' can rest peacefully ignoring the horror of some smug unjust hypocritical law - but the kid can't.

* * * *

or someone that says it better...

also some of the things that the Holy Warriors overlooked...
religious freedom:
federal land:

Best fireworks finale ever

Durham's defeat

newtboy says...

Bull Durham. Lol. Trump counted on him but doesn’t even know his name.

More proof that everything Trump was charged with was true, and every charge he levied against others a lie.

One more huge “L” for the trumptards. The hits just keep coming. 3 years and millions of tax dollars spent investigating Sussmann, acquitted in 6 hours.

Another big “L” for the anti America crowd…the Florida anti free speech law attacking companies that support lgbtq organizations was just tossed out as a clear violation of the first amendment. This after his punishment for Disney supporting the lgbtq community (removing their autonomous status) fell apart because Florida law already specifically prohibited doing that, and because doing so would add billions to the state and county’s already insane $33billion debt. The “L”s just keep rolling in.

Time for the Republican Party to take a ten year time out and get their shit together, expel all the crazed morons Trump brought into the party, or just quit.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

I heard “I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to our political PR event to make a political stance on a political issue! “

Aren’t these the people who have made a mission out of standing up in school, town, and county board meetings and scream ranting at them, often in large numbers, often making threats, until the meetings are ended? Now the same snowflakes are outraged someone does the same to them in an effort to make a better suggestion to protect children than the Republican suggestion, which today is arm every adult and lock all the fire exits, because having armed guards worked out so well in Florida.

Edit: it now sounds like Uvaldi police waited quite some time (1:15) before entering the school, with videos of parents pleading with them to do something and dozens of armed police on scene, during which time the murderer shot down 19 children and two teachers. So much for armed security being the solution…that only works if they act, which is rare.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Florida Man Brings Knife To Gunfight

newtboy says...

Nothing indicated the riders changed their route to follow the guy who cut them off (incredibly dangerous if you’re the bikers in that situation)…when you get cut off, you end up following the person who cut you off unless you just pull over to cry.

“When both men (and the woman) eventually stopped” (at a stop sign? The truck was in front…it was smart to not go around him, it’s not smart to put yourself in front of a raging out of control driver, especially as a rider).
“Rivera stepped out of his truck holding a knife.” Who escalated?

I’m hard pressed to understand how you think the motorcycle escalated the situation considering the circumstances. He was cut off, the truck in front stopped, the crazed man got out brandishing a knife and trying to use it. The rider didn’t pull a weapon until he was actually attacked. He could have legally shot Rivera dead in Florida. I thought he showed great restraint. The police clearly thought the rider had done nothing wrong.

C-note said:

So a man armed with a gun says he was cut off and that's why he followed the guy an escalated the situation. I guess this ended as good as it could considering it was florida.

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