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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You were warned…

3 weeks and Twitter has closed its doors and is likely soon to be gone.
Forced loyalty pledges.
Employees locked out, the very few left that is.
Verification, gone.
Advertisers, gone.
Parody, gone.
Freedom of speech, gone.
Misinformation teams, gone….but that was the reason he bought it, to remove fact checks of conservatives.
Safety, gone.
Design teams, gone.
Functionality teams, gone.
Building maintenance teams, gone.
Twitter employees tweeted each other goodbye because they see it’s dying. Even most of the few that signed the loyalty pledge to become “hard core Twitter” say it’s temporary, they just didn’t want to lose their jobs right before the holidays. Good luck automating everything and pleasing your customers. He already drove off almost all advertising and revenue.

$45 billion of Tesla cash down the drain, down over 55% ytd and still plunging, and still burning money by the truckload, possibly into bankruptcy, and under multiple congressional investigations….OUCH!…all because Elon couldn’t stand even 2 days of free speech and started perma banning people over nonsense he created.
All in on Tesla must not be looking as bright and shiny today. You can’t say you weren’t warned.

As a bonus, Florida’s moronic infantilizing “stop woke act” law is on hold. Poor baby snowflakes might have to hear actual history for a moment, not white washed “slavery was just a voluntary migration for work just like we see on the southern border and benefited the slaves greatly” nonsense. The judge quoted 1984 in his ruling, calling the law “positively dystopian”.

Curb your "safe" crypto exchange

newtboy says...

It sounds to me like Florida is casting a wide net, including anyone with direct connections.
Paid spokespeople who disclosed at the time they were paid spokespeople will likely not be liable, but Mark Cuban is in trouble. He promoted crypto for years it seems, rarely stating he got paid to do it or that he had a large stake in the company. It’s going to bite him.

Yes, there are VERY different rules when it comes to financial investing and being a spokesperson for financial investment opportunities. They’re dealing with the FEC.

eric3579 said:

Here is the attorney on Fox regarding the suit.

I wonder if having a stake in the company could have something to do with it. Also when it comes to financial investing the rules may be different having to do with responsibility. Will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, today, Trump’s lawyers were sanctioned for filing frivolous lawsuits for Trump, likely to be disbarred. This is just the first of 11 plaintiffs sueing over the same frivolous lawsuit that the judge has already determined was filed in 100% bad faith with no evidence or crime as pure political theater, abusing the courts and defendants. She’s still facing well over $1 million in damages.

Also today, Trump admitted to allegedly abusing his federal powers to interfere in the Florida election in 2018. He’s saying this to 1) add fuel to his “elections are full of fraud” lie (no fraud found) and 2) to claim DeSantis couldn’t win without his interference, so definitely shouldn’t be the nominee.
So far it sounds like this is another pure tantrum lie from Trump, with no evidence he sent federal agents to “secure” any election in Florida. It is another indicator that he will abandon all rule of law if given another chance, and will illicitly interfere in elections.

Also, thin skinned snowflake Musk is driving Twitter into the ground quickly, driving off users, driving off advertising, firing critical staff, losing his executives, turning verification into a receipt for $8 and nothing else then losing his mind over parody pages, banning even clearly labeled parody, going full perma-ban over his hurt feelings, something he said he would outlaw when he bought it, tried but failed to bring back Trump. Sell your Tesla, he still owes over $40 billion, and all his money is Tesla stock, so he needs to take over $40 billion in cash out of his EV money pit to pay for the other unprofitable business he’s actively destroying at light speed.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy jokingly says...

If you actually are gullible enough to believe that ridiculous easily debunked nonsense, you will believe literally anything, so let me warn you of the super secret plot to hurt Americans….
….tyrannical constitution ripping Biden just made a secret proclamation that anyone over 55 who casts a vote will lose their social security and Medicare/Medicaid. Be sure to tell the cult. Don’t want them to miss out on their socialist handouts. I hear robocalling gets this kind of message out well, target West Florida. Warn them…Don’t vote!
Voting for Dems means the secret plan goes into effect and steals their benefits, voting for Cons means the MAGA congress will steal their benefits by ending the programs altogether and keeping the money they already paid in.
Totally real secret plot, Bobby. Look out!

bobknight33 said:

That was a ligit hearing because she turned her back on Americans and they died.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your Republican destruction of democracy for the day, maggots illegally harassing and chasing away voters using drop boxes in Maricopa county….big surprise the far right nut job sheriff there hasn’t stopped them.

Not to mention the entrapments in Florida where officials cleared ex convicts to vote, then had them arrested on multiple felonies when they did as an effort to scare ALL legally voting ex convicts (except white collar convicts) out of voting blue. Mostly minorities have been targeted in this fraud, timed to influence the election through fear and intimidation, the rights only tools. These cases are already being tossed out of court, but that hasn’t slowed the targeted arrests of minorities and poor in a blatant effort to intimidate legal voters.

He actually exempted the three largest rich Republican counties in another blatant election interference scheme, because he knows full well Republicans cannot win fair elections even in Florida. Everyone knows Republicans can’t win fair elections, that’s why they should just be turned away in January as frauds or executed before they can illegally take office.
If only Democrats were really the party of death and destruction they would be, but it’s maggots that are the gun toting, aggressive, murderous terrorists, even at ANTIFA and BLM events it’s Maggots committing crimes largely, because your ilk are treasonous racist murderous criminal thugs too delicate to accept a loss, not upright adult citizens.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Helicopter view of Hurricane damage in Lee County

Hurricane Ian Storm Surge Timelapse - Ft Meyers

Hurricane Ian Storm Surge Timelapse - Ft Meyers

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just going to slink away disgraced again?
No admission that you have political history 100% backwards, accusing Gore of trying to stop the 3rd (re)count against Bush (the first two having been sabotaged by Florida officials intentionally not following election laws) which is ridiculous nonsense (and why I’m forced to ridicule your ignorant, self serving, and 100% wrong position), also accusing phantoms of trying to stop the count against Trump. Never happened, no one even tried to stop a recount, eventually they did say enough, but not before multiple recounts and investigations. Stopping the fifth recount after getting the same results 4 times is not even related to trying to never count tens of millions of valid legal votes like Trump and the Rebs.

Trump tried to stop the first count, insisting on not counting mail in votes because he knew they would be mostly for Biden because Democrats believed Covid was dangerous and not a mild cold so voted by mail and not in person by and large. Not counting votes is cheating, fool. Disenfranchising tens of millions of valid voters for no reason besides you lost the valid election is criminal.

Yes, we are at the point that if a state legislature cheats, it counts, and this bill will fix that.
It is brilliant, so brilliant that it also exposes the blatant anti democracy, anti American position the right currently holds. Dozens of right wing media personalities are actually suggesting forcibly installing Trump as president and ending elections completely. It proves that Republicans don’t care a whit about election security because they want all loopholes and lapses in security left intact for them to try to exploit again, hoping next time they’ll be successful at ending democracy in America…undeniably and indisputably. It also proves how shortsightedly idiotic you are by not considering that Trump won’t live forever.

Your guys, your team, firmly dictatorial, draconian, and anti democracy. Clearly trying to preserve their method of cheating. And you support it by reversing reality again. Brilliant.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….what? This stops any state from cheating and requires they send electors for the candidate that won more certified votes.
Today, without the bill, if a State legislature cheats like dozens of Republican legislatures did in 2020, there’s a good chance it’s still official….that’s what you want, the ability for dishonest Republican legislatures to pick the state winner, not voters.
This stops unsubstantiated claims of cheating from being enough to overturn an election…it stops anti democratic frauds like the ones Trumpsters tried in 2020 from being in any way legal.

Are you brain damaged? Democrats wanted the recount, Bush won because it was halted. Gore sued for recounts, Bush sued to stop them. YOU MORONIC IMBICILE.
Holy fucking sheep shit buddy. You have everything totally backwards and upside down. It’s a shock you aren’t dead from shoving steak in your asshole and trying to shit out your neck.

This time Republicans tried to stop the count, not a recount, not a second recount, but the initial count of valid certified votes….also, moron, history lesson..republicans and the conservative court stopped the recount in 2000, not Democrats….after 1/4 of Florida counties failed to complete a legally required machine recount Gore sued for hand recounts and Bush successfully blocked them, that’s why Bush “won” despite not getting more votes. Are you really so insane you think Democrats stopped the recount that had them ahead, handing unearned victory to Bush? You probably are.

Tried to stop the Trump count? What the everloving fuck are you making up now? Clinton conceded the day after the election (after she won with 3 million more votes), no one tried to stop the count, you moronic liar. WHAT!?!

Again…WHAT? What do you mean by the meaningless “if a state cheats”? That’s some meaningless nonsense speak….define this chimeric right wing term. This bill STOPS state legislatures from cheating, ignoring the vote and sending electors they choose. That STOPS cheating, it doesn’t allow it. It also still lets congress to invalidate electors if there’s corruption…but by 2/3 vote not just one.

You’re smoking too much meth again. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Catherine Leavy, hard core Trumpist, arrested after she called in a bomb threat to Boston Children’s hospital based on the lie that young children were having hysterectomies as part of sex reassignment and were being mutilated intentionally under the assumption that every child born is trans….all nonsense bullshit spouted by right wing talking heads like Carlson…forcing the rapid evacuation of critically ill children. Over a dozen distinct threats against this hospital based on idiotic stupidity your ilk are all too happy to believe without a second thought.

More terrorism, destruction, and death threats against children by the right….the same people who are trying to make it legal to marry 9 year old girls then have sex with them.

Edit: I’m going to guess that you support DeSantis trafficking illegals at insane costs, $12 million of taxpayer money to ship 50 deep into the US as a political stunt/advertisement….how many could have been caught and deported with $12 million? Proof it’s all politics, not about solving the problem at all. Also proof of the unChristian, uncaring, thoughtlessness of the right now, this was an evil ploy to use children as political pawns by attempting to dump them, at night, in residential areas with no social services in the hopes that, out of desperation, one would commit some crime….backfired big time, liberals stood up and took care of these people the right had lied to and abused.
Odd, I thought the right said it dislikes human trafficking, but clearly that’s a lie since you applaud it. Now both the Senator and Governor of Florida are caught red handed child trafficking. Lock them up? Wrong is wrong….child trafficking is wrong….come on friendo, call it wrong AND DENOUNCE THE PERPS, permanently, not for 3 days.

Grave Diggers “Can Hardly Keep Up With Demand"

newtboy says...

Your point?
States with highest gun violence rates
Mississippi -- 28.6 per 100000
Louisiana -- 26.3.
Wyoming -- 25.9.
Missouri -- 23.9.
Alabama -- 23.6.
Alaska -- 23.5.
The list, and trend continues.
Republican states consistently have higher gun death rates, the top ten states for gun deaths are all Republican led….so much for blaming Democrats.
Republicans don’t care. The #’s point this out horrifically and consistently.
Republican states also don’t care about keeping the lights on or having running water in their cities anymore…I’m looking at you, Texas and Mississippi. Florida has abandoned education in favor of far right wing indoctrination for children (maybe with field trips to Epstein island with the ex president if they’re good and pretty and will sign a binding NDA).

(Pretty chicken shit to claim Dems don’t care, while Cons block every attempt they make to solve the issue, but you do you.)

Um….did I EVER advocate gun free zones, or even indicate I think they’re possible in America? I don’t think so. Why must you always fight windmills and paper tigers? It doesn’t make you sound sane.
It would be excellent…if it were possible. No one is hunting inside city limits, if no one had guns, no one would need guns. It’s not possible unless we take drastic, unconstitutional actions (or change the constitution like the founders intended).

There aren’t enough gun regulations when a schizophrenic person can legally buy as many guns and as much ammo as they wish, and so can murderous gang members who served their sentence/probation.

They DO need MUCH better enforcement of existing gun laws, we agree there. If laws were applied consistently regardless of the perp, there would already be less gun crime. The problem with that being prisons are so overcrowded they simply cannot house more, and most police seem to not be interested in or capable of legal crime-preventative policing, so making illegal gun possession/use come with harsher sentences simply isn’t going to happen….and has never worked to stop crime.

They also need to remove “loopholes” (intentional back doors) that allow mentally ill and violent criminals to legally purchase firearms with absolutely no background checks and no paperwork. Seems to be a no brainer, but your ilk calls that “terkin’ er guns” (I have to believe because you know you’re all insane and can’t pass mental health screenings), not sane regulation.

No surprise you think more draconian punishment is the answer….how’s that been working out? Not great. Countries that focus on rehabilitation of convicts instead of simple housing for profit have recidivism rates near zero, unlike the US.

Using a gun in the commission of a crime already comes with pretty harsh penalties, btw….often turning misdemeanors into felonies just by having it, not using it.

Prison reform is one part of any functional answer, not more, bigger, worse prisons for longer sentences. Funny, you thought the same when Jan 6 defendants started being rounded up and denied bail…odd you cared about all those ANTIFA and BLM activist though. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Philly PA is a Democrat city/ state..
Democrats don't care. You #'s point this out.

2016 277 murders in Philly
2020 500 murders in Philly.
1990 500 murders in Philly.
2022 300 murders 2/3 of the way.

You want Philly to be a gun free zone?

Sorry can do that.
There are enough gun laws.

Need to make the punishment for improper gun use that causes these occurrences extremely harsh.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Derp. Of course not. As I said, that’s classified level information, just the topics of the documents he stole are classified….fuckwit. That’s the sensitivity level of what he STOLE on his way out, then lied about still having.
Also Trump’s lawyers are fighting (poorly) to keep even the topics hidden from even the FBI and DOJ. They’ll go to the Supreme Court to keep them from becoming public. Why, if there’s nothing there, are they going to such lengths to hide the evidence?

Can you name one sensitive document Clinton had? I seriously doubt it after hundreds of millions and a dozen or more investigations, and those were lowest level classification documents not even labeled classified.

What was found was over 700 pages of classified documents, including at least 11 separate top secret classified sets of documents, at least 3 the highest top secret level not allowed out of secure facilities and that cannot be declassified by the president, usually meaning nuclear secrets but possible non nuclear but just as sensitive highest level state secrets.
You don’t need to know EXACTLY what the secrets are to know it’s criminal to have them, and to keep them unsecured, and to lie to the FBI about having them. You only demand that information because you know it won’t be produced….it’s an artificial bar you’re floating in the sky and saying “you haven’t reached that bar yet”….the fifth or sixth bar this scandal. It will be great if Biden decides the public knowing outweighs the secrecy and declassifies that information….won’t it?

I would point out, the documents being classified is not a requirement of any of the 3 laws cited in the warrant…just that he took them, kept them, and hid/lied about having them. There’s no doubt on all 3.

I’ve never claimed to KNOW they were nuclear secrets, others claimed that, I said they were likely nuclear secrets or might be other secrets of the same import and classification.
“ Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.”. To be honest, I haven’t read the redacted warrant to see if that’s what they were specifically looking for, but word is they found what they were looking for.

You never agree when I’m undeniably right, you just ghost.
You never admit you were wrong. Not once in the near dozen years we’ve been “talking”. I bet elsewhere you still claim Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM but not a single Trumpist, despite reality being the exact opposite. I bet elsewhere you still claim 2020 was a stolen election (only the presidential race though, the rest of all the ballots are valid).
You can find dozens of times I’ve admitted I was incorrect, I usually thank the person who set me straight, but I don’t recall you ever correctly correcting me so likely not directly to you.
I’ve agreed with you on some points, but never your overall take. It’s always nuts.
You agree individual cops are bad, then say it’s always an outlier, one bad apple, then throw tantrums accusing me of saying things I had not said like we should have no police at all.
You rarely agree about evil criminal Republicans, sometimes you say they shouldn’t hold office but what about “x”, but soon forget and support them, or Trump does and you say nothing but just grin….or you just say crooks are better than lefties. Don’t you still support Gaetz despite the underage human trafficking, Bohbert despite supporting her husband exposing himself to two 15 year old girls in her presence, Judge Roy despite years of trolling for 13 year old girls at the mall, even Trump despite being best friends with Epstein for years and years after he admitted serial child molesting, partying in private with him and YOUNG girls and joking about sex with his daughter and other children (something actual child abusers do).

“My side” is often wrong (it’s not my side btw, I’m a Democrat based on sanity). Assault weapon bans for instance, are dumb. Either eliminate all clip fed semi auto without a licensed necessity or none. Cosmetics are just that. Your turn.

Again with the Magnificent Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched with his noodly appendage. You like to degrade what you think are my sources, but you have no clue what they are. I’ll just say CNN is never on my TV, and I really don’t know what MSM is, I thought you meant MSNBC, which I also don’t watch! 😂

Only facts matter to me, that’s why I’m willing to cite sources unlike you who is embarrassed of where your nonsense came from. I read both sides of an issue, and the original data the conclusions come from and decide for myself….usually agreeing with the left but not always, but never with the right because they are insane and delusional, believing only their alternate facts (what were called lies before Trump). Facts have never mattered to you, only partisan blame games.

Name a disastrous government response or responsibility you blame on Republicans. I’ll start, I’ll blame our current friendly status with Saudi Arabia on Biden, they should be on the terrorist state list, and it’s his call now. Your turn.

Edit: PS- Courts ruled last week that Barr outright lied about the contents of the Mueller report and about the idea that without a conviction on the underlying crime there could be no obstruction, ruled that there are 10 instances of legal obstruction listed in the report, and that Barr bold faced lied about it, hid it from the public, and did this intentionally to obstruct Justice, to protect Trump from valid charges that might have removed him from office during his impeachment….or as I’m sure you’ll say….”nothing burger” (because you have no problem with criminality if it’s from the right. The chances any evidence would make you say Trump is unfit are zero.)

bobknight33 said:

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

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