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BURN - Detroit firefighters fighting to save their city.

toferyu (Member Profile)

Amazing Video Of Firefighters Rescuing Two Dogs

IAMA - Penn and Teller Answer's Top 10 Questions

Yogi says...

I liked Bullshit, but a lot of the times they just has their science off. It's about entertainment...just like Mythbusters I don't expect them to get it 100% right.

The problem I had was with their 9/11 Show which was utterly stupid. They took the most idiotic people ever to make the case that there was a conspiracy. Ok cheerypicking but whatever. The crime they committed intellectually was getting a Firefighter that lost his friends in 9/11 to make the case that it wasn't a conspiracy. It was pure emotional blackmail, and it wasn't intellectually honest. They could've shut down soo much conspiracy nonsense but instead they just looked like morons.

Dog swept away by river as owner watches

Firefighter Helmet Cam Captures Rescue Upclose and Personal

Firefighter Helmet Cam

Kalle says...

>> ^artician:

>> ^AeroMechanical:
>> ^Kalle:
I see potential for a FPS style firefighter game...

You know, that actually could be pretty good.

It's been done on a number of occasions.
First there was the arcade game "Brave Firefighters" from 1999:
It was sorta ported/updated to Wii almost 10 years later as "Real Heroes Firefighter":
There are also a number of "Serious" games (simulations for training people) that tackle firefighting as a profession.
"Firefighting Training Simulation":
"Firefighting the REVAS process":
To name a few.

All neat and well but no crysis backdraft firefighter explosions towering inferno bam bam game...

Firefighter Helmet Cam

artician says...

>> ^AeroMechanical:

>> ^Kalle:
I see potential for a FPS style firefighter game...

You know, that actually could be pretty good.

It's been done on a number of occasions.
First there was the arcade game "Brave Firefighters" from 1999:

It was sorta ported/updated to Wii almost 10 years later as "Real Heroes Firefighter":

There are also a number of "Serious" games (simulations for training people) that tackle firefighting as a profession.
"Firefighting Training Simulation":

"Firefighting the REVAS process":

To name a few.

Firefighter Helmet Cam

Firefighter Helmet Cam

Firefighters vs Cops

doogle says...

Great point. So, they have your support to hose down the Police?
Who else? Politicians? Muggers? The military? Me, because I disagree?

If they disagree with the government, just hose down the police, eh?

The Police apprehend criminals, facing threats to their lives at any corner. Should they also be allowed to shoot politicians? Or just handcuff them? Hit them with batons?

As entertaining fodder it may be for VideoSift, I disagree.
Though I voiced my disgust with it, I still upvoted this video btw. Though it's entertaining, it doesn't support my political views.

>> ^heathen:

>> ^doogle:
Disgusting. You're not hired by the state to turn against it. You don't like the retirement plan? Learn another trade where you can sit on your ass all day waiting for an incident.

I have a job where I sit on my arse all day waiting for an incident, I monitor servers.
The only difference is that when I detect an incident I call somebody in one of the datacentres, these guys run into burning buildings full of smoke and save people's lives!
Let them retire earlier, they've earnt it.

Firefighters vs Cops

doogle says...

You think firefighters are just peering out the window of the firehouse, waiting for a fire? Or going from one car wreck to getting a cat out of a tree, then onto a fire?

Talk to one. You'll have all day to talk.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

I hope your house burns down. With you in it.
But at the last second.. one of these "ungrateful" FireFighters pulls your mostly burnt body from the wreckage.
The only disgusting things about this video are the State thievery and your dumbass comments. fuckin' troll

doogle (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

What a fucking stupid ass response. BEcause my friend is exposed to .... because my friend does... my friend.. my friend does this.. You MUST be retardedly drunk to make such stupid ass comments like that. You think each distric/station/region reacts the same way your "friends" station does it makes it proper to group All the stations as one. Your a fuckin tool this night. Sleep tight and realize in the morning how ignorant your words are. People train and improve their life saving skills required to excel at the job.
In reply to this comment by doogle:
so, what do they do? My friend plays Lord of Ultima all day. All the better since there can be an attack any time, and he's always ready. His tribe relies heavy on him to defend anytime during the day while they're at their actual work work (they can't play the game at work work). The scant chance he's off on a call during the day is minimal, but he has seniority so he can choose that dead dead time. Not (only) because it's less busy, but because he likes to have hours like other non-firefighters.

So, I ask, what do they do when they're not on a call? Maybe like my other friend who play video games on the arcade coin-op they recently moved into the station...

Maybe... others' taxes? Building a school in Africa? Writing that screenplay? Tell me.
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
That is a fantasticly ignorant comment. I hope you are as drunk as I am. To state the obvious, Firefighters do NOT sit on their ass all day waiting for calls. I do not know what hill billy town you are from, but in centers with populations worth mentioning, Firefighters fuck around productively.
In reply to this comment by doogle:
Disgusting. You're not hired by the state to turn against it. You don't like the retirement plan? Learn another trade where you can sit on your ass all day waiting for an incident.

doogle (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sounds more like a job than a game.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
so, what do they do? My friend plays Lord of Ultima all day. All the better since there can be an attack any time, and he's always ready. His tribe relies heavy on him to defend anytime during the day while they're at their actual work work (they can't play the game at work work). The scant chance he's off on a call during the day is minimal, but he has seniority so he can choose that dead dead time. Not (only) because it's less busy, but because he likes to have hours like other non-firefighters.

So, I ask, what do they do when they're not on a call? Maybe like my other friend who play video games on the arcade coin-op they recently moved into the station...

Maybe... others' taxes? Building a school in Africa? Writing that screenplay? Tell me.
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
That is a fantasticly ignorant comment. I hope you are as drunk as I am. To state the obvious, Firefighters do NOT sit on their ass all day waiting for calls. I do not know what hill billy town you are from, but in centers with populations worth mentioning, Firefighters fuck around productively.
In reply to this comment by doogle:
Disgusting. You're not hired by the state to turn against it. You don't like the retirement plan? Learn another trade where you can sit on your ass all day waiting for an incident.

How To Break A Car Window With One Finger

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