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Girl's Plan To End It All Is Thwarted

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^rex84:

Brave guy. One question: why is he screaming "I'm hit!" rather than using his comm/radio. No comm?

Not too many units where every member carries a radio. Mostly just special forces, and even then only some of the time. Small units like this are supposed to work as a unit, that means they stick together most of the time. And it's pretty obvious that this guy is not trained to a level where he's competent to be off on his own.

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^nach0s:

I was wondering why he was out in the open too. Then I read the video description... did you guys?

His post-hoc rationalization of what he was doing doesn't help matters. He acted in a really dumb way. If he's so heroic, then why did he get himself shot, then hole up in a position where the cavalry would have to run through the same hail of bullets to rescue him, shouting "Medic! I'm hit!" over and over.

No, what he says after the fact simply ain't true. He panicked, he thought he was superhuman, he just wasn't thinking straight, he suffered from a lack of training.

And no, I'm not getting this from my FPS experience, but from my Army experience and Veteran status. What he did was wrong, it endangered his life and the lives of his squad-mates. First off, they weren't pinned down by machine-gun fire, I only heard single shots and short bursts incoming. Secondly, fighting a hit-and-fade enemy like the Taliban, being "pinned down" is not a bad place to be. If you wait them out they'll take to the hills. They don't want to wait for the airstrike they know is coming. Third, by running down the hill and getting shot he forced some of his guys to come get him, endangering their lives. Lastly, he said in his blurb he was under the command of an Lt. yet he didn't wait for an order, nor did he appear to be acting on an order, he just ran off with his cock in his hand and a big "shoot me" sign on his chest and left it to his allies to come clean up the mess.

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

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U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

spoco2 says...

>> ^nach0s:

I was wondering why he was out in the open too. Then I read the video description... did you guys?

Nope I hadn't read it, it's hidden when watching from the front page. And that does explain it... but also doesn't make it any more a ridiculously dangerous and seemingly stupid move. Was there really no other way for them to get out of it than get one guy to run out into the open and take direct fire? Nothing else to do?

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

Jinx says...

>> ^nach0s:

I was wondering why he was out in the open too. Then I read the video description... did you guys?

I did. What kind of horrendous position where they in that he needed to put himself in a worse one though. Its easy to be the armchair critic...but wow did it look like a dumb move. I gotta think he pulled this stunt at least in part due to the camera on hid head. I wonder how long it took him to regret that move.

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

SDGundamX says...

>> ^nach0s:

I was wondering why he was out in the open too. Then I read the video description... did you guys?

Reading FTW. I didn't read the description at first either and was like, "Did he just Leroy Jenkins down the hill?!?"

I'm a bit amazed at the accuracy of the Taliban shots. They seemed to be at a fairly far range (I can't make them out at all in the vid) and yet a lot of the shots are hitting him or just inches away from him.

U.S. Soldier Survives Taliban Gunfire During Firefight

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^visionep:

Scary... seems like a tactically dubious situation to be running down a hill open to known aggressors don't they usually throw smoke or something to create some cover when there isn't any?
The fisheye affect of the camera makes it hard to see if there was any cover to be had from the terrain, the rock he ducks down behind looks pretty small.
Since he was able to post the video I guess his buddies were able to locate the bad guys firing positions, or maybe they just called in an airstrike on the whole village to clear the area.

Smoke isn't as effective as it seems in the movies or in video games. I've never heard of it actually being used in this sort of situation as concealment (note, cover is hard, stops bullets, concealment hides you, but won't stop a bullet).

Judging from what I saw, the most likely scenario was that the Taliban just retreated. They know they can't keep up a full-on engagement for long before the cavalry arrives in one form or another.

Burning Dorm Room Demonstration

schlub says...

Just don't expect that firefighters will save your property if you can get out. Their job is to put the fire out. Sometimes the fire might not be too big but, your house will still be ruined by the water.

Save yourself if you're choking and alone

bamdrew says...

CAUTION: this is one man's hypothesis.

Serious research goes into improving and testing choking and resuscitation techniques.

This wonderful gentleman is sharing his thoughts on a potentially very useful solo-Hemlich technique, not teaching something that has proven utility in real situations with variable body types (not just muscley ex-boxer firefighters, but busty middle-age women, skinny computer-nerd twenty-somthings, elderly post-hipsurgery grandpas, etc.).

Fox News Latest Attack on Obama

VoodooV jokingly says...

They didn't do it alone. God chose to help them and them alone.

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

When I first heard this, I cringed. It sounds like he's sort of improvising and the line they pulled out was indelicately delivered. However, anyone who actually thinks that their success is completely independent of the rest of us is a classic ingrate. One person's success depends on interaction with others. If you have a product, you need people to buy it. That means you need people to have access to money and to the product, which means you need banks and bankers, roads and truckers, rails and train operators, boats and boat crews. In order to convince people to buy it, you need advertising space - billboards, newspapers, websites, television programs and all of them are staffed by still more people. Without security, your success is meaningless, so that's police and firefighters, the entire judicial branch of government. A lot of this infrastructure is subsidized by the public.
No one does it alone. You have to be a special kind of disconnected to convince yourself that's not true. If we govern with the attitude that successful people should not be expected to give back, it will cripple those who are emerging successes. We need to create an environment where people can buy things, and super rich people can afford to pitch in to keep that happening even if they refuse to see that they're included in the list of people who benefit.

Fox News Latest Attack on Obama

PostalBlowfish says...

When I first heard this, I cringed. It sounds like he's sort of improvising and the line they pulled out was indelicately delivered. However, anyone who actually thinks that their success is completely independent of the rest of us is a classic ingrate. One person's success depends on interaction with others. If you have a product, you need people to buy it. That means you need people to have access to money and to the product, which means you need banks and bankers, roads and truckers, rails and train operators, boats and boat crews. In order to convince people to buy it, you need advertising space - billboards, newspapers, websites, television programs and all of them are staffed by still more people. Without security, your success is meaningless, so that's police and firefighters, the entire judicial branch of government. A lot of this infrastructure is subsidized by the public.

No one does it alone. You have to be a special kind of disconnected to convince yourself that's not true. If we govern with the attitude that successful people should not be expected to give back, it will cripple those who are emerging successes. We need to create an environment where people can buy things, and super rich people can afford to pitch in to keep that happening even if they refuse to see that they're included in the list of people who benefit.


BURN - Detroit firefighters fighting to save their city.

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