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How Road Barriers Stopped Killing Drivers

newtboy says...

The technical term is a rear crash attenuator.
I worked for a friend with a patent on foam cured carbon fiber manufacturing, using the heat and pressure of an expanding foam core to cure the carbon fiber without vacuum bagging or autoclaving....I helped with designing, and personally designed and built the molds, and built a number of test attenuators meant to replace the huge yellow plastic boxes on cal trans trucks. Basically an approximately 3x4x6' carbon fiber box with a dense foam core containing multiple tuned air chambers. We had to tune the chambers to stop vehicles at 60 mph without exceeding certain g forces. In the end, he lost the contract, but not because the device didn't work, I think it was too expensive, and my friend was not a great businessman. Ours was far lighter than the plastic versions, and was meant to pay for itself in fuel savings hauling it around.

moonsammy said:

It was quick, but I'm pretty sure 11:56 answers a question I'd had for years, but never actually bothered to look up. Every so often I'd see a parked highway dept vehicle with a big, fairly flat object lowered to a horizontal position behind it. Barrier makes *way* more sense than any of the hypotheses I'd imagined.

David Lynch is annoyed by your question

moonsammy says...

Admittedly, I've never worked in film. But it does feel weird as hell to suggest making a scene shorter while on set like that. Isn't that what editing is for? Perhaps in the days of actual film it would have made some sense (as that shit was expensive), but not really now. Comes off much more as "I personally want to wrap this up, maybe fewer shots?" than "It would be somehow better for the movie to not do this thing"...

Perhaps the weakest link in the US electrical system

spawnflagger says...

this guy covers interesting topics, but is really longwinded. I wish someone would make a "digest" version of his videos... I bet this 25 minutes video could be cut into 5 minutes.

also for near the end (not sure which prior video he was defending) - it's not the voltage that kills, it's the current. And is why GFCI trips on a few mA.

UK and EU also have power strips, but 220+ Volt systems need half the current to get same power, so overloading those wires is less likely.

I've seen a UK power strip that failed and actually shorted hot to ground/earth (fuse didn't help), and a TV was plugged into it, so energized the satellite TV coax cable's ground, which fried the expensive distribution equipment in the wiring closet (which must not have been properly grounded either).

Why should college be free

newtboy says...

Stossel is a far right propagandist these days.

My theory is they waste money by offering loans for the first two years at major private universities....knowing that the classes are designed to weed out >75% of students before their Jr year. Jr colleges aren't designed to fail or burn out most students, class sizes are exponentially smaller, and the teachers are often better, certainly more accessible to students.
By offering to loan the money they knowingly set up that 75% for failure and long term debt for nothing. By paying for those two years at Jr colleges they could let students figure out if they are capable of a full degree without the enormous expense. As long as the Jr colleges are qualified, 4 year universities will usually transfer credits already.

As to trades...yes perhaps professionals can, under some circumstances, make as much as some white collar professional, even lawyers, but that certification takes years of low paid apprenticeship to qualify for. I welded for years, I built bridges, water tanks, construction tools, industrial ovens, crash attenuatiors, race cars, boats, .... my average wage in that time was barely over $10 an hour, and never over $20. It takes a long time to start earning a real living wage in most cases.

spawnflagger said:

Don't know this Stossel guy (seems like a tool), but was always a fan of Mike Rowe, and also his initiative to get more workers in the trades.

I've seen plumbers (2-yr degree + certification) with higher hourly rates than lawyers (8-yr degree + bar exam). I also know a guy who makes more now as a general contractor than he did as a DBA (B.S. in Computer Science).
I think part of this is supply & demand- not as many tradespeople so the wages go up to hire those willing, and the cost of higher wages gets passed on to the customer.

But the point of this video isn't "should you go to college?", it's "the liberals want hard-working people to pay for college for all these liberal students", which is a false premise and why I can't upvote it.

I think community college should be taxpayer-funded for those students who want more than just high school. (but they should have to maintain certain GPA to remain free)
As far as other private Universities, they should be able to charge for it. Colleges that receive Federal or State money should have a cap on the rate that tuition can increase per year (maybe based on inflation). Over the past 20 years, most college tuition has gone up way more than inflation or wages.

Rather than student-loan forgiveness, I'd rather see a federal program that will help those students who couldn't finish school go back and get their degree (where it will pay for itself) or get a different degree. Most of this sub-$10k student debt they talk about is for students who never got their degree.

Why should college be free

newtboy says...

After 25 years it's forgiven? Only if you've paid every single payment in full and on time for 25 years without a single late, deferred, or partial payment ever which would leave no I call bullshit. My 75+ year old mother in law is still paying hers.

But @bobknight33 is anti education, so not a surprise he's uneducated on the facts here.

Jr College is about $1000 for a full year, that's what's going to be free, not Stanford and Harvard. These credits usually transfer, so successful students get freshman and sophomore year cheap then can go to an expensive four year university for only two years, unsuccessful students don't waste the time and money. I just kept going to Jr college to learn for 10+ years because I didn't care about a diploma, just the knowledge. I studied under some of the highest ranked teachers in America for pennies.
Even welders and plumbers need education, Bob. I know, I was a welder/fabricator before I retired. Physics and math were tools I used daily.

Such stupidity, Bob. You think college isn't worth it if society pays for it, but is definitely worth it and something to brag about and lord over the uneducated if daddy paid for it. Incredibly unAmerican, comrad, and stupid.

An educated public is far more productive. This helps the entire country.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fact check.....
3,500,000 child cases * .008 mortality = 28000 dead children you fucking inhuman monster.
3,500,000 * 10% who have long term disabilities = 350,000 children disabled for life.
Pay up, your ilk being obstinately unsafe caused their disabilities, you should pay to support them for life just as if you were driving blindfolded because Trump said car bumpers make them safe in accidents and you ran over a few, leaving them to die in the streets because getting hurt by a car is fake news.

Well over 570000 dead Americans you Anti American enemy of the people.
32000000 cases * 10% long term side effects like severe permanent heart, lung, brain damage = 3,200,000 disabled people created.

I think it's fair to say most readers here hope you're next. No one is more deserving of infection, no one is more deserving of severe permanent disabilities, no one is less deserving of a vaccine or hospitalization. I hope your children bring it home day 1 when school restarts.

Ask Brazil how following your plan has worked....better yet, put your money where your mouth is and move there, unvaccinated, and let us know.

Fake news made too many ignorant morons fight against public health measures, costing us over 1/2 million deaths and well over $5 Trillion in unnecessary expenses that could ALL have been avoided with adult, serious leadership we sorely lacked for a full year plus until January.

Bob, you ARE fake news. Dangerous, deadly, and costly fake news.

BTW, it costs about an extra $2.2 million to raise a child with disabilities, and an EXTRA $3,175 to $5,853 per month for adults - keep in mind they mostly have no income and don't add to the gdp, so add the average $61,224 cost of living in the US and you have over $120000 per year per person (3200000 disabled so far) you get a recurring yearly cost of your "ignore the danger and get to work/school" plan cost of up to $3.84 e11 ($384,000,000,000) per year so impossible cost to bear. Granted, not every person with permanent damage is totally disabled, so being generous assume only 10% are....still $38,400,000,000 PER YEAR at current average cost not including children. That doesn't include direct cost of hospitalization for covid, from $51,000 to $78,000, nor the loss in gdp from 3.2 million earners gone.
Fuck your $5 Trillion....most of which went to businesses.

bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

Where BLM co founder spends their money

Oxen_Morale says...

This whole video is crap first because calling them mansions is a huge exaggeration. These all look live very modest homes in perhaps expensive neighborhoods. The students name Trump or Nancy Pelosi living in these shacks compared to what they really live it. I'm sorry I even waisted my time and energy commenting on this waist of a video.

More on those pesky vaccine passports among other things

StukaFox says...

You don't want a vaccine? Lovely. We will be canceling your health insurance. Since you've chosen to be a complete cunt, we've chosen not to pay for your utter cuntiness.

I work in health insurance. The three biggest contributors to the price of insurance are:
1: fraud (doctors are notorious for this)
2: general waste (upbilling; unnecessary tests that are only performed to keep the fucking ambulance-chasing lawyers from filing malpractice suits because someone got the shits from an antibiotic)
3: PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES. This includes obesity, smoking, not exercising, not getting annual checkups and atrocious dietary habits as first-order issues. If not corrected, these lead to more expensive and longer term second-order issues: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vascular disease. These issues start a feedback loop with the second-order effects cause immobility which contributes to increasing first-order effects which amplifies second-order effects -- lather, rinse, repeat.

Now add a good case of Covid to that mix. If you end up on a ventilator for two week, there's a mil-plus in hospital bills: someone has to either pay that (welcome higher insurance rates!) or the hospital has to eat it (welcome even HIGHER insurance rates!) You can bitch all you want about the cost of healthcare in America, but you're paying for every dumb, entitled asshole who spouts shit like MUH FREEDUMS!! when asked to do basic things to protect themselves and others.

tl;dr: your idiot views of what the actual fuck "freedom" is ends at my wallet. Fuck you and get your goddamn vaccine. And put down the Cheetos while you're at it.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

newtboy says...

Nothing more than a butt hurt Trumpist snowflake pushing more false narrative trying to cause more division. LMFAHS.

Besides, you keep forgetting, you LOVE lies and liars, you clearly and undeniably applauded perjury saying only a moron tells the truth under oath if it might hurt them, you've repeatedly cheered on blatantly lying to the public for any reason, including just divisively trolling the libtards at the expense of hundreds of thousands of American lives and trillions upon trillions of tax dollars, and you think lies are the best way to make a point, or a law. That was your stated position for four years, now you suddenly, hypocritically want to pretend lies or divisiveness bother you? Good thing these aren't lies then.

Point to a case before the Floyd case where a cop turned in a fellow officer and remained on the force....and I don't mean just an instance where a cop was caught by the media undeniably committing serious crime on camera and his superior didn't back him anyway, although that's also rare. I know you won't even try.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing more than biased media pushing a false narrative causing division.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy jokingly says...

Q: Why are divorces so expensive.
A: Because they're worth it.

My brother says his divorce cost him well over $100000, sometimes he says closer to $200000, and just in lost assets and legal fees, not alimony or child support. His marriage lasted two weeks, but they had kids before the marriage and fought over custody for years. Ouch.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Not a scintilla of evidence that this is true. If they were there, the Trumptards look even more impotent, allowing their sworn enemies to trick them into treason.
What you offered so far is one single person who was not antifa nor BLM but merely agreed black lives do matter....because he is black. Hardly the instigating factor you pretend he is.
You did say Antifa organized and instigated the attack...for McConnell, who did it for Pelosi and Schumer. Your 1/2 mind is forgetting your own stupid position again.

Yes, there was some fraud, far less than normal but some, but so far 100% of that fraud that's verified is from people who voted FOR Trump.
There have been dozens of audits. Democrats block audits done by Republicans or those cherry picked by Republicans that clearly won't be honest legitimate audits. You're listening to liars again feeding you more lies, and you are the idiot they hope you are and believe the unbelievable nonsense they are telling you....just like the last ten times they admitted to selling lies only idiots could believe....lies you believed.

Democrats already had that big laugh for months at Republican expense, we don't need more. At some point it's time to stop beating that dead horse and move on....that time was in November 2020. No amount of evidence could convince your ilk, why bother proving it again for the twelfth time?

bobknight33 said:

ANTIFA was there in part.
Never said tens of thousands or even hundreds. You 1/2 baked mind is drifting.

The election had fraud in it. There are some challenges occurring ( AZ) but why do Democrats steadfastly block a full audit on every front? Considering they won fair and square? They have nothing to lose and will gain a big laugh at republican expense.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

ANTIFA was there in part.
Never said tens of thousands or even hundreds. You 1/2 baked mind is drifting.

The election had fraud in it. There are some challenges occurring ( AZ) but why do Democrats steadfastly block a full audit on every front? Considering they won fair and square? They have nothing to lose and will gain a big laugh at republican expense.

newtboy said:

Says the person who still believes the big lie, the election fraud fraud, even though it's creators admit it's a lie only morons could believe.
The same person who still tries to claim Antifa attacked the capitol dressed as ten thousand Trumptards at the direction of McConnell who directed the terrorist attack to help Pelosi.

Talk about a useful idiotic tool, you win the prize, buddy.

....aaaaaaaahahahahaha! ....aaaaaa.....aaaaaa...I......can't......breath......aaaaaaahahahaha!

Making Spherical Tanks Through Explosive Hydroforming

eric3579 says...

From YouTube videos description..

Explosive hydroforming, also known as HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) or exploform, is a striking alternative to the more traditional process of metal hydroforming. Unlike this older method, which shapes metal using pressurized hydraulic fluid pumped into a forming chamber, HERF techniques utilize an explosive charge to create the necessary pressure. Although the charge is relatively small, it is capable of generating enough force to mold the associated metal into the die.

The explosive charge is typically positioned at a specific distance from the workpiece, and both are immersed in fluid, usually hydraulic fluid or simple water. Certain facilities may also use oil, gelatin, liquid salts, or regular air as the transmission medium. However, water is the most commonly used medium as it is the least expensive, excellent for creating uniform peak pressure, and readily available. Once the charge and workpiece are properly positioned, the charge is detonated, pressing the workpiece into a die. The part is then removed and the process is repeated if necessary.

Explosive Hydroforming Methods
Explosive hydroforming techniques fall into two basic categories. Although both methods function according to the same general principles, they rely on very different placement of the explosive charge within the forming chamber.

Standoff Method: With the Standoff Method, the explosive charge is used in conjunction with an intervening medium. In most hydroforming applications, the intervening material is typically water, oil, or air. The required deformation level dictates how far the explosive charge is placed from the piece of metal to be formed. When the charge detonates, the ensuing force is transmitted through the fluid and pressures the metal into the die. Detonations used in the Standoff Method can often reach several thousand pounds per square inch (psi).

Contact Method: In the Contact Method, an explosive charge is placed in direct contact with the forming metal. This process generates far more pressure than the more conventional Standoff Method. By placing the explosive charge in close proximity to the surface material, the detonation can result in as much as several million psi.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

See Bob. They were just using you. When the chips are down they admit they lied to you, such stupid factless impossible lies they think you are a moron for believing them, no reasonable person would. It's the Tucker Carlson defense.
When are you going to believe them? When they tell you they're lying, or when they tell you the lies? So far it's the latter, and that's putting over 400 away for a long time, maybe forever if they can show sedition, which it looks like they can.
Notice how fast Trump and his lackeys disowned those that fought for them....pretty much instantly when the coup failed, but not one second before then. They don't care about you, they've been using you and your gullibility for nearly 5 years for personal gain at the nation's expense. Why aren't you pissed?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's become a daily occurrence that people are easily cutting holes in Trump's border fencing big enough to drive a full size Ford expedition through already. That car in the crash that killed 13 people in one car had just driven through one along with another car that caught fire. Still think it was worth the tens of billions, ecological damage, and the division it caused both domestically and internationally? It seems to be easier to get through than what it replaced, just cut 4 spots and push. As a bonus, it's more expensive to repair too. What a brilliant plan it wasn't.
Thanks Trump

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