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newtboy says...

So, we're up to at a minimum of 4 impeachment investigations now.
1) publicly asking and privately extorting multiple foreign powers to investigate American citizens to help his campaign, with mountains of evidence, including direct quid quo pro that isn't a necessary component of the crimes but compounds them.
2) a second whistleblower report from the IRS accusing multiple appointees of interference in the audit of his taxes.
3) hostile foreign powers bribing him directly through his properties by booking and paying for hundreds of rooms at multiple properties without even staying in them, or violating the emoluments clause if they're found to not be bribes..
4) multiple unequivocal obstruction charges, born out by both his statements and the administration's flat refusal to comply with subpoenas.

These almost certainly aren't the only investigations into his increasing criminality, but any one is more than enough for removal and prison.

There's a new move to push for anonymous ballots if it gets to the Senate. Without fear of reprisals from Trump and his cultists, up to 35 Republican senators have already privately indicated they would impeach today, but they're terrified he would ruin their careers, which they put ahead of their nation, or that his zealous followers might try to murder them or their families.

But that doesn't matter because some of the 4%(+-2% margin of error) of support he has in the black community made a rap.

Edit: Oops! Another report this morning indicates Perry, along with Giuliani and multiple Trump officials and Trump himself were pushing Ukraine to install Trump's friends on the board of a huge Ukrainian natural gas company in an unsurprisingly strikingly similar fashion to what they falsely accuse the Bidens of doing (it is his MO to accuse his enemies of the crimes he's involved in). That makes impeachment path #5 to be exposed, and explains the missing 18 minutes of the transcript of Trump's extortion call with the president of Ukraine. This is why we need the full, word for word, unredacted transcript of the call that Trump, in his idiocy, has already admitted exists.
Sorry @bobknight33, it's looking bad for daddy Donny. He also lost his case trying to block New York from his taxes this morning by claiming absolute immunity from prosecution, and claiming even a private examination of his tax returns would do him irreparable harm. Wonder why that would be.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...


"Every IPCC report has vastly underestimated their projections"

IPCC AR5 predictions we can go check out are here:

Surface temp is in Fig. 11.9 page 981. They only graph for their 'middle' 4.5 case, not the worst 8.5 case that you call wildly optimistic. You can see even at the time they graphed it, the instrumental record sat on the extreme cold end of their projections, almost threatening to leave the margins of error. If you take today's today for 2019 and check it out we are sitting about dead center on their projected path. Doesn't seem like current temperature data shows their 'middle' case scenario underestimating anything, let alone their worst case.

If you look at the same for sea level rise in AR5 here:

You can look for fig 13.11 on page 1181. Again, it shows projections approx 100mm sea level rise from 2000-2020, which more or less matches the instrumental record as we approach 2020 to verify. Again, not grossly underestimating.

The sea level rise is especially important to your alarms over Greenland being grossly underestimated by the IPCC. If they did grossly underestimate Greenland, it seems likely they also grossly overestimated something else if they more or less are on track with the overall sea level projections.

Again, if you just cherry pick a couple results and declare everything the IPCC did has been proven to over/under estimate things so they must be ignored, you aren't helping.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...

"Actually, I'm selling their audience short. When real scientists present the real data dispassionately, I think the average person gets quickly confused and tunes out."

I'd argue bored maybe more often than confused. Although if we want to say that most of the problems society faces have their root causes in human nature, I think we can agree.

"I had read the published summaries of the recent U.N. report saying we had 12 years to be carbon neutral to stay below 1.5degree rise, they were far from clear that this was only a 50% chance of achieving that minimal temperature rise"

Here is where I see healthy skepticism distinguishing itself from covering eyes, ears and yelling not listening.

Our understanding of the global climate system is NOT sufficient to make that kind of high confidence claim about specific future outcomes. As you read past the head line and into the supporting papers you find that is the truth underneath. The final summary line you are citing sits atop multiple layers of assumptions and unspecified uncertainties that culminate in a very ephemeral 50% likelyhood disclaimer. It is stating that if all of the cumulative errors and unknowns all more or less don't matter. then we have models that suggest this liklyhood of an outcome...

This however sits atop the following challenges that scientists from different fields and specialities are focusing on improving.
1.Direct measurements of the global energy imbalance and corroboration with Ocean heat content. Currently, the uncertainties in our direct measurements are greater than the actual energy imbalance caused by the CO2 we've emitted. The CERES team measuring this has this plain as day in all their results.
2.Climate models can't get global energy to balance because the unknown or poorly modeled processes in them have a greater impact on the energy imbalance than human CO2. We literally hand tune the poorly known factors to just balance out the energy correctly, regardless of whether that models the given process better or not because the greater run of the model is worthless without a decent energy imbalance. This sits atop the unknowns regarding the actual measured imbalance to hope to simulate. 100% of the modelling teams that discuss their tuning processes again all agree on this.
3. Meta-analysis like you cited usually sit atop both the above, and attempt to rely on the models to get a given 2100 temperature profile, and then make their predictions off of that.

The theme here, is cumulative error and an underlying assumption of 'all other things being equal' for all the cumulative unknowns and errors. You can NOT just come in from all of that, present the absolute worst possible case scenario you can squeeze into and then declare that as the gold standard scientific results which must dictate policy...

Edit:that's very nearly the definition of cherry picking the results you want.

Man naruto runs behind reporter as people arrive by Area 51

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

blackfox42 says...

Heya Lucky.

FYI apparently my browser doesn't like channel talks.

I was trying to remember where the page was that had the channel descriptions, and tried the talk page to see if it was there.

Instead of comedy talk ( ) I got this - "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead. Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for


60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

1) Everyone makes mistakes. When the error of their ways is exposed they may change or they may put a gun to their head. Only they can judge themselves.

2) Keep denouncing as long as you can. You will need to know how strong you were.

3) Nipping it in the bud every single time will be a waste of time. When the house is on fire and people are jumping, you need to be there to catch them just as they will be there to catch you.

4) No need to judge. Give as little or as much as you like without terms or conditions. They know better than you what they need.

newtboy said:

Speaking up does not do nothing.

1) Sometimes reasonable people make mistakes, and when shown the error of their ways, they change.

2) This is not the case here. Here, a race baiting video is posted by someone with a clear history of racist posts, thoughts, language, and who gives other racists his full support. That must be denounced strongly or others who are like minded or just ignorant might feel emboldened to repeat the Bob did, repeating the racist comments from YouTube, thinking the sarcasm button shields him from repercussions.

3) What does nothing is remaining silent or worse, defending the thinly veiled racism. Both of those actions, like ignoring measles or kudzu, allows it to spread and gain traction elsewhere until it's intractable. Nip it in the bud every single time is the only method that helps.

4) Btw, imo it's a better plan to find that homeless person and buy them a meal, or socks. Take them in a store (or restaurant if they're presentable enough to not bother other patrons), let them buy what they want or need, and pay for it. Yes, you have to interact with them longer and not just drop a bill to feel good about yourself, but the results are much better, and your gift won't be stolen by others or used for drugs. Those just looking for drug money will usually refuse the offer in my experience.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

Speaking up does not do nothing.

Sometimes reasonable people make mistakes, and when shown the error of their ways, they change.

This is not the case here. Here, a race baiting video is posted by someone with a clear history of racist posts, thoughts, language, and who gives other racists his full support. That must be denounced strongly or others who are like minded or just ignorant might feel emboldened to repeat the Bob did, repeating the racist comments from YouTube, thinking the sarcasm button shields him from repercussions.

What does nothing is remaining silent or worse, defending the thinly veiled racism. Both of those actions, like ignoring measles or kudzu, allows it to spread and gain traction elsewhere until it's intractable. Nip it in the bud every single time is the only method that helps.

Btw, imo it's a better plan to find that homeless person and buy them a meal, or socks. Take them in a store (or restaurant if they're presentable enough to not bother other patrons), let them buy what they want or need, and pay for it. Yes, you have to interact with them longer and not just drop a bill to feel good about yourself, but the results are much better, and your gift won't be stolen by others or used for drugs. Those just looking for drug money will usually refuse the offer in my experience.

BSR said:

File that under the "Thoughts and Prayers" column. It does nothing.

....give him or her $20 bucks and drive away.

Why the Planeteers Should Never Get High

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

newtboy says...

I'm so sick of this "polls were all wrong" lie. The polls all said he could be elected, it was within the margin of error, and if you count votes not the electoral college, they were dead on correct....Clinton won.

Now, since Christian preachers all now stump far right hate politics directly from the pulpit., can we remove their tax exemption and let Cesar have what belongs to Cesar?

Side note....he seems to be describing the rapture, Christians suddenly dying world wide and going to heaven....and he seems terrified about it. I can't imagine why.

Upvote for exposing what Christian preachers are telling their flock, inciting murder as preemptive self defense....not because I agree with his insanity.

The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk?

Sagemind says...

I'm pretty sure there is a video about how this video was filled with miss-information and substantiated information.
When the YouTube channel that pointed it out, tried to contact them on the sloppy job, they gave him the run-around until they finally posted a re-edited version saying they noticed themselves that they had accidentally made a few errors and updated their video.
And by accidentally, they meant, they didn't fact check anything at all.

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

viewer_999 says...

Straight under the skin. Straight, I say!

1. If you want to borrow MY crayons, then yes, I AM the boss of you. How is that even in question? They're my crayons, so I set the rules. You will not bear down, or I will withdraw my generosity. At the very least. Don't like it? Don't make requests.

2. Do not smash a toilet in a dog's face, just to get attention. The dog could have been blinded or otherwise injured, inconsiderate clumsy fool.

3. Refrain from using a sensationalist iPhone smear/repair video as a soapbox to promote sexist notions. Twice.

4. Don't expect a company to support cases of user error. Especially huge companies. It's just not possible. Devote energy to precaution and research rather than blame-shifting.
(Disclosure: Samsung user)

Onboard Bruna Tomaselli: Alex Baron crash in St Petersburg

DrMaximan says...

1) I hope you are okay Alex after that! It looked horrible!
2) I hope that was mechanical failure rather than driver error!
3) If it was driver error - please don't do it again!! (You just need to bend your toes, not hit the gas & you do have brakes - use them, or even better take your foot off the gas a bit earlier!) I am kidding by the way, I'm sure you are a way better racing driver than me , I really do hope you're okay though with nothing more than hurt pride!
4) It can happen to the best of us, don't let it put you off motor sports! I've only written off 2 cars My bad! One was a stripped down, tuned Peugeot 205 1.9 GTI - God I loved that car, absolutely fabulous at cornering - damn trees - LOL! Sometimes you just crash - be happy you walk away, just cry for the car....
5) Good luck Alex! It takes real guts to race! God bless you!

Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?

Payback says...

Shiny's required to trust his human masters. He just regurgitates their wildly incongruous and self-referential errors. Any belief system that actively suppresses rational thought and "demonizes" anyone who doesn't toe the party line is anathema to intelligent society. All the worst atrocities committed in history are made by true believers like Shiny. If not first hand, then rationalized afterwards, which is just as bad in my opinion.

BSR said:

Aren't we required to trust?

MAGA vs. @ AOC

BSR says...

I don't know that it was accidental. Until he admits that it was an error, I own the line now.

After all he did say, "I am not ashamed. Comedy is needed more than ever today."

I have to agree with him on that. Accidental? I don't know.

newtboy said:

Well, she is going postal on Trump, can't you give him credit for being accidentally clever?

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