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To the bitter end.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dog, man, ocean, swimming, arthritis, entropy' to 'dog, man, ocean, swimming, arthritis, hip dysplasia, sleep, john unger, schoep' - edited by xxovercastxx

The Truth about Atheism

shinyblurry says...


I appreciate your words, Ezra, thank you. Let's say that you're right, that my life is meaningless, and that I am the one who determines what is true. Do you know what I would determine to do? What I would determine to do is to do the same things I am doing right now. Even if I knew Jesus Christ was not God, I would still determine to follow His blueprint for the ideal person, because following that blueprint has radically transformed my life for the better. There are many who aren't Christians who feel the same way, that Jesus got it right. If I wasn't a Christian, I would follow the ideal He set forth, summed up in the great commandment, to love your neighbor as yourself. To turn swords into plowshares. To pray for your enemies and hold banquets for the homeless. To walk two miles when someone asked you to walk one. To give the shirt off your back to someone else who needs it. To love everyone unconditionally, and see every person as fundamentally worthy of my respect. That is what my life about it, and I wouldn't consider that to be a wasted life, even if I was wrong.

I've also lived the alternative. Contrary to what you say, I was never really afraid of death. I can't say I liked the idea of death, but I accepted it; and so I was resigned to triviality, and meaninglessness. I was also content to go to the grave with those beliefs. Like everyone else, I got by on my dreams, my relationships, and whatever gratification I could get out of the moment; I indulged in the pleasures of sin freely, and felt little shame.

So I didn't come to be a Christian out of fear, or a need to be comforted. I came to be a Christian because God touched my life and shook me from my agnosticism. He showed me I wasn't quite as smart as I thought I was. He showed me that the material reality is but a thin veil covering a much greater truth. He showed me that the truth was always staring me right in the eyes, but I was too blind to see it. What He showed me was that He had always been there, my entire life, and that many of the things I wrote off as coincidence really were not.

You see, it is perfectly reasonable and rational for me to believe there is a God. He has simply given me too much evidence to deny it. It's not a convenient belief that fills in all the scary things about life; rather, it is my reason for being, my logos. It is also my eternal gratitude to the Creator for rescuing me and loving me even though I don't deserve it. To know God is to know truth, to know who you are, and why you're here. To know God is to have hope for your future, and an ever present peace and contentment. You believe I am fooling myself, but I say that even if you're right, it is a life worth living, a life well enjoyed, a life that hopefully will touch many others in positive ways. If that is the only meaning I die with, its worth it to me.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Accept it. You're an ape.
You're a conglomeration of amoeba.
Your life is a just a blip in the twinkling of the universe.
There is probably no god or gods.
There's probably no purpose or reason for your existence.
You are the being that gives purpose or meaning to your life.
When you realize that.
When you realize that there's not supernatural sky daddy to hold you when you're scared or confused..
You'll understand that you've been talking all this nonsensical religious babble in order to establish that purpose.
That the only reason you and jihadist are so adamant about your own personal interpretation of the essence of the abyss..
Is to distract yourself from the fact that your life is just another series of events in this long chain of entropy, chaos, disorder.
The only reason you're so religious is because you're an ape that's too scared to accept your death and the triviality of your existence.
One day, I hope you'll realize this.
On that day, you'll be "born again" just like you were when you accepted "Jesus Christ" and Christian doctrinal teachings.
On that day, you may become self-actualized..
And from then on, understand that we homo sapiens are very lucky.
For we, among few other animals, are able to choose their life's meaning and purpose.
Please don't waste yours.. being a religious troll on the interwebs.
Your brother,

The Truth about Atheism

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Accept it. You're an ape.

You're a conglomeration of amoeba.

Your life is a just a blip in the twinkling of the universe.

There is probably no god or gods.

There's probably no purpose or reason for your existence.

You are the being that gives purpose or meaning to your life.

When you realize that.

When you realize that there's no supernatural sky daddy to hold you when you're scared or confused..

You'll understand that you've been talking all this nonsensical religious babble in order to establish that purpose.

That the only reason you and jihadist are so adamant about your own personal interpretation of the essence of the abyss..

Is to distract yourself from the fact that your life is just another series of events in this long chain of entropy, chaos, disorder.

The only reason you're so religious is because you're an ape that's too scared to accept your death and the triviality of your existence.

One day, I hope you'll realize this.

On that day, you'll be "born again" just like you were when you accepted "Jesus Christ" and Christian doctrinal teachings.

On that day, you may become self-actualized..

And from then on, understand that we homo sapiens are very lucky.

For we, among few other animals, are able to choose their life's meaning and purpose.

Please don't waste yours.. being a religious troll on the interwebs.

Your brother,

Unmixing a Mixed Fluid

Biochemist creates CO2-eating light

newtboy says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Wow that's a large wall of text, @newtboy.
But yes, it appears that:
"Calleja has developed a lighting system that requires no electricity for power. Instead it draws CO2 from the atmosphere and uses it to produce light as well as oxygen as a byproduct. The key ingredient to this eco-friendly light? Algae."
I guess that's why the video empathized that Calleja has been a biochemist for twenty years. i.e. years of research have helped developed a strain of algae with such properties
Apparently the electricity the algae produces is stored in a battery underneath the unit.

It appears that this is NOT the case...which is why they redacted the claims here...
(thanks entrOpy) Don't believe everything you read, especially if the writer is looking for investors!
...and I think you meant emphasized, but maybe they did empathize with him about something and that's why they agreed to re-print his unverified, improbable, sometimes completely wrong claims. *edit-after reading other articles and comments, I find that others claim Calleja is NOT known for being a leading biochemist, but instead is a businessman, which makes me even more warry of his claims.
Also, did no one else notice the name of the company...shame-an(d)-go, is that a play on words describing their actions?
Sorry for the wall of text, there were a lot of mis-statements and implications that needed pointing out and correcting. Science is rarely simple.

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

kceaton1 says...

This may scare some to hear, but realistically speaking you may actually be able to make the opposite case. The case that in fact there are really no true "full numbers" as she is stating, that in fact these numbers are merely representations of fractions and other such logical pantomime... Exactly as @Mikus_Aurelius says Math is a very large framework of logical conclusions and determinations about numbers and their nature. It's up to us no matter the argument to decide and resolve the issue--maybe it changes how we use Math, but that TRULY is doubtful.

I could destroy her whole concept by reducing the entire mathematical world to a structure scheme that can ONLY be ever displayed as a fractional environment, except for 0 or infinity, as they are special forces unto Math. Why not also bring our ever lingering doubts about structure in the small scale into the mix? You can only know one of two facts (at the electron scale for example) leaving you with a permanent variable in every problem. Then we could bring in Quantum Mechanics to make it even more fun...

So I would ask her this question concerning .9999~ not equaling one. If we take two pinballs and start to count all the electrons--but, midway through we strip ONE electron from one pin; essentially making this our .9999~ pinball. By the time we get done counting the electrons which pinball will have less and which will have more? Well the problem is that IN FACT the pinball that had one taken off could actually NOW have more than the other pinball. So do either actually equal one?

This is why Mathematics are very specific, but in use--in the field--they will have LARGE caveats where the majority of the mental masturbation falls completely apart. Because, many of these discussions DO OCCUR at the EXTREMES of Math (if you know what I mean) and fundamentally the only places that use these parts are in extreme measurements; measurements where chance can become a powerful player.

Another way to look at this is to realize that the number missing--that doesn't equalize .999999~ to 1--is SO SMALL that it LITERALLY escapes anyway we have in our own Universe to describe it as energy, dimensions, vectors, scalars, or entropy. It is so small that it is essentially "virtual" to us, literally. Hopefully, this helps others understand why .9999~=1 (other than ALL OF THE PROOFS), it just has too.

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

messenger says...

Read from the top. YOU are the only person here who is encouraging a fight. Admit it. The only reason you posted that comment was to pick a fight with me.

You don't know me. I don't pick fights. I had no idea such a stupid debate even existed on the internet. The point made in this video is interesting in spite of how it usually seems to go down out there in the rest of the net. Vi Hart's videos are usually about cool facts that can be derived from math, often ones that seem counterintuitive. Your comparison of Vi Hart to QM is vacuous.>> ^VoodooV:

So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?
This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.
You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.
This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

bcglorf says...

>> ^VoodooV:

LOL!!! you're comparing this topic to the actual work that engineers and physicists do? That is hilarious. Yes, I'm sure the engineering world has much to thank the awesome ability of arguing on a message board over what .999... is equal to.
This has nothing to do with calculus. This has nothing to do with actual practical work. This has nothing to do with solving actual problems. This is about going onto a internet message board and browbeating others which has already happened as I predicted.
Before you start insulting the education of someone else, make sure YOU'RE not making any mistakes of YOUR own, eh?
Sorry I can't stay and "debate" with you on this truly fascinating topic. I have to go to my job tomorrow and do REAL work and solve ACTUAL problems. Sure it's not as grand and as thought-provoking as comparing .999... to 1, nor do I get to beat up on some hapless internet newb who happens to take the troll-bait. But hey, we have to get our satisfaction somehow.
>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^VoodooV:
So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?
This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.
You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.
This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

This simple concept is one of the fundamental principles of calculus. Without it you don't have engineering, physics, or a million other things known as the modern world. It's not some obscure irrelevant math trivia only used by math geeks. It is a fundamental first year mathematics principle used by every scientist, engineer, and pharmacist in the work they do every day to make all the things you take for granted.
But yeah, just because your not educated enough to appreciate that you should rag all over it and insist it's unimportant. We should burn all the books you don't care for too, right?

Get over yourself. The video isn't supposed to start any kind of fight or internet debate. It's a simply instructive video about basic math.

If you want to be upset with anyone for starting an internet fight over something you consider unimportant blame the first poster in the thread that tried to turn it that way...

Oh, I see, it was you...

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

VoodooV says...

LOL!!! you're comparing this topic to the actual work that engineers and physicists do? That is hilarious. Yes, I'm sure the engineering world has much to thank the awesome ability of arguing on a message board over what .999... is equal to.

This has nothing to do with calculus. This has nothing to do with actual practical work. This has nothing to do with solving actual problems. This is about going onto a internet message board and browbeating others which has already happened as I predicted.

Before you start insulting the education of someone else, make sure YOU'RE not making any mistakes of YOUR own, eh?

Sorry I can't stay and "debate" with you on this truly fascinating topic. I have to go to my job tomorrow and do REAL work and solve ACTUAL problems. Sure it's not as grand and as thought-provoking as comparing .999... to 1, nor do I get to beat up on some hapless internet newb who happens to take the troll-bait. But hey, we have to get our satisfaction somehow.

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^VoodooV:
So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?
This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.
You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.
This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

This simple concept is one of the fundamental principles of calculus. Without it you don't have engineering, physics, or a million other things known as the modern world. It's not some obscure irrelevant math trivia only used by math geeks. It is a fundamental first year mathematics principle used by every scientist, engineer, and pharmacist in the work they do every day to make all the things you take for granted.
But yeah, just because your not educated enough to appreciate that you should rag all over it and insist it's unimportant. We should burn all the books you don't care for too, right?

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

bcglorf says...

>> ^VoodooV:

So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?
This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.
You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.
This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

This simple concept is one of the fundamental principles of calculus. Without it you don't have engineering, physics, or a million other things known as the modern world. It's not some obscure irrelevant math trivia only used by math geeks. It is a fundamental first year mathematics principle used by every scientist, engineer, and pharmacist in the work they do every day to make all the things you take for granted.

But yeah, just because your not educated enough to appreciate that you should rag all over it and insist it's unimportant. We should burn all the books you don't care for too, right?

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

gwiz665 says...

Education. It's good.
>> ^VoodooV:

So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?
This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.
You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.
This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

VoodooV says...

So enlighten me, o' wise ones. What is the point of this other than troll-bait and/or ego masturbation?

This topic is the intellectual equivalent of QM coming in here and making ad-homs about "His Earness" or waxing egocentric about why he is virtuous and true and the rest of us are all immoral entitlement whores.

You saw how quickly messenger called into question the entire sift's intelligence over Entropy's post.

This sort of thing does not lend itself well to civil discourse. Admit it, the only purpose of a topic such as this is to entice someone to come in here and to argue that .999... is not 1 so you can have a grand ole time stroking your ego and patting yourself on the back over how smart you are and how the other person is dumb.

Can Wisdom Save Us? – Documentary on preventing collapse.

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^dag:

You strike me as a glass half empty type. >> ^petpeeved:
I think the decay and entropy we're seeing in the system is an inevitable byproduct of consciousness that cannot be legislated, philosophized, or medicated out of existence.
The reagent behind this self-annihilating enlistment in the demise of our species will always be our mortality. People will always be born with the inborn dictate to progress through the various stages of psychology that eventually ends up leading to a form of nihilism.
We can alter the system so that people spend less time during their most 'productive' years contributing to the decline but we won't have actually altered the experiment, just the timeline.

Hah! I agree with petpeeved. It's entropy, plain and simple, and it's completely natural.

I feel the apathy problem too sometimes. But it seems pretty selfish when you think about it. Most people's problem isn't that other people don't care, it's that other people don't care about what you think they should care about. Does that make sense?

Can Wisdom Save Us? – Documentary on preventing collapse.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You strike me as a glass half empty type. >> ^petpeeved:

I think the decay and entropy we're seeing in the system is an inevitable byproduct of consciousness that cannot be legislated, philosophized, or medicated out of existence.
The reagent behind this self-annihilating enlistment in the demise of our species will always be our mortality. People will always be born with the inborn dictate to progress through the various stages of psychology that eventually ends up leading to a form of nihilism.
We can alter the system so that people spend less time during their most 'productive' years contributing to the decline but we won't have actually altered the experiment, just the timeline.

Can Wisdom Save Us? – Documentary on preventing collapse.

petpeeved says...

I think the decay and entropy we're seeing in the system is an inevitable byproduct of consciousness that cannot be legislated, philosophized, or medicated out of existence.

The reagent behind this self-annihilating enlistment in the demise of our species will always be our mortality. People will always be born with the inborn dictate to progress through the various stages of psychology that eventually ends up leading to a form of nihilism.

We can alter the system so that people spend less time during their most 'productive' years contributing to the decline but we won't have actually altered the experiment, just the timeline.

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