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Mourning in America

newtboy says...

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control."
Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.
Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear."
March 7: “No, I’m not concerned at all."
March 10: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

The states that are opening are doing so against the guidelines Trump himself put forward as the minimum standards for safety....two weeks of decline in New cases.

What a moronic statement....states are crashing their own economies to make Trump look bad?! That's so insane and asinine that if I thought you meant it I would call for a welfare check because you're probably a danger to yourself.

Trump signed off on the biggest socialist handout ever, but 7/8 of that cash doesn't go to citizens, it goes to corporations and their owners like Monty Bennett, including Trump and family. I'm certain they'll go to the supreme court trying to hide the actual amount Trump's family receives. He will likely actually be a billionaire when he leaves office....they all will.

Oh...So when you post videos of old crumbling abandoned buildings in Cuba it's an honest depiction of the entire country, when someone else shows some in America it's out of line and lies....hypocrite. There are way more empty buildings in America today than 3 years ago with unemployment at historic highs.

Making Everywhere Get Apocalyptic 2020

Worst "president" (lost the vote) in 243 years, erratic and inconsistent, frantically rambling incoherently or sleepily mumbling and slurring, daughter- friend's wives- employees- acquaintance- and porn star finger banging and raping Con.....I mean Don.

bobknight33 said:

Trump did not ignore Covid. Way ahead of others.

Governors are responsible to open their stated. They are keeping states closed to crash the economy and then to blame it on Trump.
Trump signed off of shit load of cast for working people and businesses.

Images of shambled buildings... Really? Those were shambles way before Trump showed up.

This is Newt wet dream.

The best POTUS in last 60 years.

MEGA 2020

Way better than Alzheimers sleepy finger banging Joe.

Google Maps Hacks by Simon Weckert

Sagemind says...

This video assumes that every car out there is watching google maps as they drive and they just aren't. so in fact he's walking down streets that are empty to begin with....

Sure, maybe google maps is responding, but it's a virtual response, and not a real world response...

White House Chief of Staff Admits Quid Quo Pro in Ukraine

newtboy says...

They're still planning the G7 for Trump's club during it's off season (filling the otherwise empty rooms).
Just gonna leave this here for @bobknight33 before he tries to defend and excuse yet another blatant violation of the constitution....

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Emolument: a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

Any fee of any kind no, claiming he's renting the resort "at cost" means nothing....less than nothing when you understand that he claims his subcontractors can make any profit they wish as long as the property doesn't profit, and he uses Trump subcontractors that can set their own price with no negotiations. That's exactly how he bankrupted his casinos.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy says...

@bcglorf Here's a tome for you....

It's certainly not (the only way). Converting to green energy sources stimulates the economy, it doesn't bankrupt it, and it makes it more efficient in the future thanks to lower energy costs. My solar system paid for itself in 8 years, giving me an expected 12 years of free electricity and hot water. Right wingers would tell you it will never pay for itself....utter bullshit.

Every gap in our knowledge I've ever seen that we have filled with data has made the estimates worse. Every one. Every IPCC report has raised the severity and shrunk the timeframe from the last report....but you stand on the last one that they admit was optimistic and incomplete by miles as if it's the final word and a gold standard. It just isn't. They themselves admit this.

The odds of catastrophic climate change is 100% in the next 0 years for many who have already died or been displaced by rising seas or famine or disease or lack of water or...... and that goes for all humanity in the next 50 because those who survive displacement will be refugees on the rest's doorsteps. Don't be ridiculous. If we found an asteroid guaranteed to hit in the next 50-100 years, and any possible solutions take a minimum of 50 years to implement with no surprises, and only then assuming we solve the myriad of technical issues we haven't solved in the last 100 years of trying and only if we can put the resources needed into a solution, not considering the constantly worsening barrage of smaller asteroids and the effects on resources and civilisation, we would put all our resources into solutions. That's where I think we are, except we still have many claiming there's no asteroid coming and those that already hit are fake news....including those in the highest offices making the decisions.

Every IPCC report has vastly underestimated their projections, they tell you they are doing it, only including data they are certain of, not new measurements or functions. They do not fill in the gaps, they leave them empty. Gaps like methane melt that could soon be more of a factor than human CO2, and 100% out of our control.

The AR5 report is so terrible, it was lambasted from day one as being incredibly naive and optimistic, and for not including what was then new data. Since its release, those complaints have been proven to be correct, in 5 years since its release ice melt rates have accelerated 60 years by their model. I wouldn't put a whit of confidence in it, it was terrible then, near criminally bad today. I'll take NOAA's estimates based on much newer science and guess that they, like nearly all others in the past, also don't know everything and are also likely underestimating wildly. Even the IPCC AR5 report includes the possibility of 3 ft rise by 2100 under their worst case (raised another 10% in this 2019 report, and expected to rise again by 2021, their next report), and their worst case models show less heat and melting than we are measuring already and doesn't include natural feedbacks because they can't model them accurately yet so just left them out (but noted they will have a large effect, but it's not quantitative yet so not included). Long and short, their worst case scenario is likely optimistic as reality already outpaces their worst case models.

Again, the economy benefits from new energy production in multiple ways. Exxon is not the global economy.

It took 100 years for the impact of our pollution to be felt by most (some still ignore it today). Even the short term features like methane take 25+ years to run their cycles, so what we do today takes that long to start working.

If people continue to drag their feet and challenge the science with supposition, insisting the best case scenario of optimistic studies are the worst we should plan for, we're doomed....and what they're doing is actually worse than that. The power plants built or under construction today put us much higher than 1.5 degree rise by 2100 with their expected emissions without ever building 1 more, and we're building more. Without fantastic scientific breakthroughs that may never come, breakthroughs your plan relies on for our survival, what we've already built puts us beyond the IPCC worst case in their operational lifetimes.

There's a problem with that...I'm good with using real science to identify them without political obstruction and confusion, the difference being we need to be prepared for decisive action once they're identified. So far, we have plans to develop those actions, but that's it. In the event of a "surprise" asteroid, we're done. We just hope they're rare.
This one, however, is an asteroid that is guaranteed to hit if we do nothing, some say hit in 30 years, some say 80. Only morons say it won't hit at all, do nothing.
Climate change is an asteroid/comet in our orbit that WILL hit earth. We are already being hit by ejecta from it's coma causing disasters for millions. You suggest we don't start building a defense until we are certain of it's exact tonnage and the date it will crash to earth because it's expensive and our data incomplete. That plan leaves us too late to change the trajectory. The IPCC said we need to deploy our system in 8-10 years to have a 30-60% chance of changing the trajectory under perfect seem to say "wait, that's expensive, let's give it some time and ignore that deadline". I say even just a continent killer is bad enough to do whatever it takes to stop, because it's cheaper with less loss of life and infinitely less suffering than a 'wait and see exactly when it will kill us, we might have space elevators in 10 years so it might only kill 1/2 of us and the rest might survive that cometary winter in space (yes at exponentially higher cost and loss of life and ecology than developing the system today, but that won't be on my dime so Fuck it).' attitude.

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

lucky760 says...

@TRRazor That was exactly my reaction...

THIS is the footage you got??? The edge of the screen showing something happening off screen, lots of empty idle ground mid-frame, and the very tail-end of the tower hitting the ground?

SUCCESS! not so much

Never tell a rich plane buyer that the plane can't stall

SFOGuy says...

I was thinking: what if you were (thinking you were safe) sunbathing on the deck of the second speed boat when the debris suddenly scattered across your body and deck?

Can't tell from here if it was direct hit or if anyone was aboard; I assumed those boats were tied up at buoys and empty but...I have no particular reason for thinking that other than the number of injured reported only included the aircraft.

newtboy said:

Takes off lazily and diagonally across the wind, turns long after it's obviously not gaining altitude, and hits obvious obstructions.
I, for one, am glad this pilot won't be flying at any lake near me.

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

bobknight33 says...


Muller has nothing of true substance. He stood up there and re stirred the pot to push Nancy Pelosi along towards impeachment. Muller is nothing than a warped frustrated old man. Spent 30$million and came up empty. Just another another Trump hater.

A true fund raising ad. This just to ding the POTUS so they can say during the 2020 complain that trump was impeached.

Nancy is smart and know there is no no crime or political will to move forward.

Deep state is doing what it does best. And Trump is winning.

newtboy said:

Trump's presidency? It certainly is a sham.

No surprise you can't understand plain English. Being in a cult of personality has destroyed your less than stellar brain.
You describe Trump lying under oath as him being smart to not implicate himself but don't realize that means you admit the truth is he's a criminal.

Mueller said exactly what he means, DOJ rules did not allow him to even consider criminal charges, but congress's 400 pages of evidence about multiple high crimes that does not in any way exonerate the president. Congress has a duty to examine and act on that evidence. You hear that as "total exoneration, case closed".

What about the other three scandals that were exposed today? How will you excuse today's undeniable criminality, unpatriotic incivility, and his admission that his presidency is illegitimate?

One, perjury by dozens of official Trumpees about the racist census changes that prove they were designed to give "Republicans and non Hispanic whites an electoral advantage" and hurt the Democrats, and would have that effect according to studies they also hid and lied under oath about. Proof of the racist conspiracy going back to 2015 was uncovered, contradicting their testimony that the order came directly from the DOJ based on questions first raised in 2017. Gonna just wait until 10am to hear the party line in court, then whatever new lie they tell will be your answer I expect.

Two, the constantly shifting denial of the official Whitehouse orders to hide the John McCain and barring of sailors from the ship from events because the Biggest Loser throws a childish temper tantrum when he hears or reads the name. Gonna blame that on a subordinate and deny responsibility for those under him acting incredibly, offensively unpatriotic and disrespecting the military on his behalf in his name purely to stroke his ego...."with good intentions" (keeping Trump's ego unbruised), and just ignore the reason they had to do it too I expect.

Three, the accidental admission that Russia actually got him elected. That you'll call an intentional misunderstanding of a poorly worded tweet by the fake news lefty media not a Freudian slip or confession I expect.

Thanks for the opportunity to shine more light on more daily proof he's illegitimate, unfit for office, and surrounded by unscrupulous and lawless sycophants.

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

God so loved the world that He tried to murder it, including all innocents; babies, unborn babies (proof God does believe in and practices abortion, btw), plants, animals, fungi, everything....according to your lore. Sure, the story goes he saved most (not all) species magically, but outright violently murdered 99.999999999999999999% of all individuals with a tantrum.

Then, to those few left, he demanded complete incessant obedient subservience and worship of himself and his son under threat of eternal torture for any found lacking.


That's disrespectful distain and empty promises for those who meet his impossible, self contradictory requirements.

shinyblurry said:

There is one thing we can't afford to be wrong about:

John 3:16-18
16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Lake Dunlap Dam Spillway Failure

Water spills over from penthouse pool during earthquake

Water spills over from penthouse pool during earthquake

Water spills over from penthouse pool during earthquake

newtboy (Member Profile)

Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange

Drachen_Jager says...

1) If Ecuador is America's bitch, after giving Assange asylum for years then what of all the countries that refused to extend asylum?

2) Trump has shown he has no interest in bringing Assange to the U.S. It's a safe bet that pressure on the Equadorians to turn him over were at an all-time low. Turning him over now is, if anything, hurting the powers that be in America. How is that being America's bitch?

3) Assange isn't wanted on charges of journalism. You could make the argument that some/many of the charges against him are politically motivated, but if so that will play out in court. Americans may no longer have an unbiased judiciary, but if there's nothing there, it will be hard to come up with a conviction even with a friendly judge.

Everything in this video is just empty rhetoric. There are no facts, just arguments attempting to play on our emotions. If they had facts, they should have used them. That they resort to these disingenuous tactics shows they've got nothing.

Colorado Blizzard Aftermath - Woodmen Road Dashcam Footage

eric3579 says...

Reminds me of every movie scene with empty cars scattered along the highway. There has to be a dozen or two films with such scenes. I'm thinking end of the world or zombies. Name those movies or better yet find a video of those scenes.

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