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Climbing The Tallest Chimney In Europe - 360m

BSR says...

You can look up 1,184 ft or look ahead 1,184 feet and it has no effect what so ever. But to trust myself to stand the edge and look even 2 stories down freaks me out. If I was up there that high you could be damn sure I'd plummet to my death because of a bee.

Woman calls 911 for help, is accused of DUI and Groped

aaronfr says...

actually, there is no law requiring that a female officer be present or conduct a search of this type. If the search required the female suspect to remove anything beyond a coat, headwear, gloves, or footwear, than a female officer should conduct it as this is considered a strip search. However, a basic pat-down (which was being conducted in this video) can be carried out by a male officer to a female suspect.

Should he have used the back of his hand? Possibly. It's a good practice but once again not a specific regulation that officers have to follow. The back of the hand would not have been effective for the area of the body he was attempting to search. Perhaps he could have used the edge of his hand along the pinkie side. Regardless, there was nothing improper in his search methods, it just wasn't following best practices.

The real travesty here is the use of field sobriety tests being used/manipulated to wrongfully arrest a woman who called for help.

This is how fast fire can spread. Warning: disturbing

Chairman_woo says...

My father was a firefighter, so I always got this point hammered home.

Unfortunately shock is the only thing that gets the point across for most people. We have so little experience of what real fires are like that a dangerous kind of complacency tends to be pervasive.

Same with RTA's. It's usually only the victims and the poor bastards who have to clean up after that really appreciate the knives edge we live on.

The occasional kick to the gut like this is entirely justified IMHO.

Even if you did just make me weep like a lost child.

noims said:

In the end, I personally think the educational value far outweighs the disturbing elements, but I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking otherwise.

a celebration of stand-up comedies best offensive jokes

vil says...

He downplayed the boys disabilities as coming down to just being ugly. Not true and kind of mean. Gabriel is a child after all. Thats like making fun of Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana. Wait. So this kid is performing publicly and cant handle mean comments? Really? If he is so fragile and cant laugh idiots off, dont make him do publicity stunts. Id say everybody got what they had coming.

Risque jokes are about the adrenalin of walking the edge, sometimes you just fall off (and get a fine, possibly, or a punch in your stupid face).

If 'Djent' Was Added To The Oxford Dictionary

shagen454 says...

Haha that guy is hilarious. I do believe the origin of "djent" was Meshuggah. But, this style that he does for the video actually reminds me of a comedy group from the 90's called "Jud Jud". Jud Jud used to make mouth noises to satirize toughguystraight edge hardcore groups like Earth Crisis and had a few releases on uber punk label No Idea Records.

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

SDGundamX says...

Japanese people don't care that the actress is not Japanese. The original creators don't care that the actress is not Japanese. Does no one else see the terrible irony that the people complaining loudest about Scarlett Johansson being cast in this role are mostly privileged white people?

I'd be curious if these same people complained about Tom Cruise being the lead in Edge of Tomorrow or Justin Chatwin playing Goku in the 2009 Dragonball movie. And I'd be more curious to hear what Asian box office star should have been cast in these roles to attract the audiences these movies needed to recoup their production costs.

Sure, Mr. and Ms. educated liberal-progressive might go to see these movies even if they are cast with relatively unknown Asian actors but would that be enough to justify production of the movie in the first place?

This movie is an ADAPTATION. Adaptations are not supposed to be literal translations of the source material. What would be the point in that? I don't think a lot of people who watched the Lord of the Rings films, for instance, could have stomached being bombarded for minutes at a time with bad poetry by Tom Bombadil.

They made the right decision on this film. In this case, people who know nothing about anime are going to show up for this movie just to watch Johansson kick ass. And if they like it a lot they are going to be interested in learning more about the original source material, in which case they'll obtain a lot more Japanese cultural knowledge than they would if some "Asian-looking" person had been cast in the role in the first place.

Whether this movie will actually be any good or not... it's really impossible to tell from this trailer.

Why Are Hops Used In Beers?

notarobot says...

Hops started being used along the Rhine river in Germany around the 10th-11th century. It took some time before the use of hops was written into the Purity Law to ensure the quality of beer.

Because German beer would keep longer, it could be distributed further. With wider distribution, the beer could be made in larger batches. Larger batches meant it could be made more cheaply (per unit) which allowed German beer to compete against local breweries.

The early edge the Germans had in incorporating hops into their ales and beers gave them a competitive advantage that would last for centuries, and a brewing culture that thrives to this day.

Incidentally, the invention of calculus made trade easier as most beer (and pretty much everything else too) was carried in wooden barrels. Since barrels were hand-made they would often have slightly different sizes. Calculus made it easier to calculate the volume of the container to ensure the seller and customer would get a fair deal on the trade.

Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud

bobknight33 says...

Trump is doing what Democrats do best. Democrats don't back down. Democrats are exceedingly great at this. Republicans cave at every turn.

Trump will win by a land slide. Not because is conservative but because people are fed up politics as usual and Hillary clearly embodies the corruption of politicians

People like me did not cause Trump to be nominated. The political system is so corrupt and distrusted that any nationally known outsider would have done good. Steve Forbes? Trump does know how to sell himself, no doubt. It gives him the outsiders edge.

Why would I support him? I have to say I have seen so much Clinton scandals over the last 40 years and how they get away every time. Not this time. So I am a never Hillary voter. It will be a protest vote.

AS for you being a pragmatic moderate is saying I want to be able to morally sin. Your are a fence sitter. Grow a pair and pick a side.

heropsycho said:

I'm not a liberal, nor a conservative. I'm a pragmatic moderate.

Of course, ANYONE to the left of you is a "shit liberal". There are more of you every day because the electorate is being polarized.

Unfortunately for you, there's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more "shit liberals" everyday than people of your "ilk". Also, there's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more people who aren't of your ilk than are, and you keep pushing everyone who isn't as irrationally conservative as you away to the Democratic Party.

Remember, people like you caused Trump to get nominated instead of Kasich or Bush, and you might have won with either of them vs Clinton. But no, you're a man of principle! And those principles led you to Donald Trump, the candidate who could never be elected, even with all the political winds from circumstance at his back. Even against the second most disliked major party nominee, only to Trump himself!

I don't expect you to bow down. I expect you to drive yourself crazy as you'll continue to fight the insane fight while you lose election after election, and destroy the Republican Party as you keep it hostage under the threat of primarying any rational members they have left, handing election after election to Democrats until conservatives and the Republican Party become irrelevant and powerless.

That's what you can do. You keep that fight up! Never give up, never surrender! No matter how far you feel yourself sinking in the quicksand, between millennials completely rejecting your ideology, growing populations of minorities who reject you, demographics that show that eventually large electoral vote rich states like Texas will become competitive and will flip and turn blue. Nevermind the GOP has managed to win the popular vote one time in the last six elections, soon to be a seventh. Next time, keep thinking going down this path will work!

But don't you stop fighting! Keep struggling! I expect nothing less! This isn't about this election anymore. It's about wreaking havoc against your own side for decades to come! Nominate Trump in 2020 again! Primary the traitor Paul Ryan!

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cat Tries to Save its Human from Drowning in Tub

artician says...

This is likely separation anxiety. The cat is probably almost always in physical contact with her, and is confused/frustrated that it's unable to get past the water.

I had a cat that would do this to me in the shower, except he'd walk along the edge of the tub on the other side of the shower-liner and try to claw his way through to me.

Corporate Media Goes ALL OUT To Hide Clinton WikiLeaks

Drachen_Jager says...

So... here's my take on the election.

The US is a car. Most people are unhappy with the direction the car is taking them, because it's been going that way for decades and they don't see any improvement, if anything things are getting worse. Now, the drivers have been by and large the same for the past 30 years or so, different name, same direction, some take shortcuts, some take a leisurely route, but the overall direction has remained the same.

This election cycle people look at Hillary and think (rightly) she's NOT going to take us in a better direction. So many of them choose Trump, because he's at least going to turn the car, maybe even take it back the way the country came (that's what he says). He points to the right and says, "Let's go that way!" And many people agree, without even looking in the direction he points because they figure any change is better than no change. Meanwhile, the majority takes a more measured approach, they actually LOOK where he's pointing and see they're at the edge of a cliff and he wants to drive off.

Who are you going to vote for?

South Park S20E3 Clip: My Opponent is a LIAR

Driving home through the storm

kceaton1 says...

I drove right under the core of this thing going home. I could actually see a tornado being made and I checked all the weather and News outlets and there was nothing, except that NOAA decided to throw a Severe Thunderstorm Warning 10 minutes up AFTER IT PASSED...

It was so crazy to see a tornadic supercell in West Valley City (Salty Lake City, for most Sifters). It was following 2700 West for a bit and then I-215 (nearing the airport) was moving super fast to the NNE, straight to Washington Terrace and Riverdale. The winds were wild and the cloud formations were awesome, they were moving fast enough that I thought a partial nub might be visible where I was at, but I never did see it.

All that I saw was the main vortex with the amazing sight of all the cold air being sucked into the vortex at the SSW corner of the leading edge. Which was twisting more than fast enough to be a "horizontal twister". It was rotating so fast it was amazing; since you could see that sight you knew all it needed was a bit of air to push against it from underneath and stand up some of those vortices around the central core and then, walla, you'd get the tornado (I actually did believe that Ogden or Bountiful would get one since that was where it was heading).

All it needed was to get a little closer to the mountains and you'd have the right ingredients.

Thus, this is what you see happen right here in this video. North of my house, out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake, sits Antelope Island. It got hit by the raining part of this tornadic system but look at this wonderful storm video from it:

It even had some golf ball hail in it.



eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

That's a shame, I thought it was a quite interesting explanation of all those Google deep dream images.

There was another computerphile video just on the neural networks used, linked in the description, but I didn't watch it.

The most basic idea is reasonably straightforward - the neural networks are being used to classify images, so there is a low level categoriser for low level things like edges and corners, and then a higher level one that looks for how edges and corners are arranged to make, say, ears... and then a top level one to look for how ears and noses are arranged to make cats.

The complicated bit is that then they run the device backwards, so instead of using it to assign a probability that something is an ear, they actually put the ear in the image even though it wasn't really there to start with.

Since I'm not really saying anything that they didn't, I'm assuming that didn't help?

eric3579 said:

I was so overwhelmed by this one. So very lost.

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