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C'mon jump up

StukaFox says...

Good dog, Cujo! Also, you know that mutt drops a log the size of a baguette at least twice a day and it practically takes a snow shovel to fling it into the neighbor's yard.

I use to have a tragically retarded Cocker Spaniel (and, to note, there is no other variety of that breed) and it was like the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, only with dogshit. At least three times a day, this golden-furred, floppy ear'd mongrel would scarf down a can of Alpo, a cup of kibble and whatever food was left lying on the table -- the same table the cat always got smacked for climbing on, but the dog ... ohhh, no! It's CUTE when the dog does it! -- then make a beeline to the back lawn where it'd crap Mt. Everest. I'd have to trudge out the the back yard, shovel in hand, while the guy next door shot me the stink-eye because he was tired of fishing dog turds out of his swimming pool every day during the summer. This task is odious enough, but it's a thousand times worse when you're stoned and it's a million degrees out and you'd much rather be floating on your waterbed listening to Dark Side of the Moon in headphones while blissful AC-cooled air wafts over your twice-weekly washed body and not fighting your way through a black fog of Horseflies to reach a 1:1 scale model of Mt. Doom made entirely of a too-quickly digested overpriced slurry of meat scraps and offal that the canners couldn't fob off on Mexico.

It might not have been as bad as all that, but in my hazy recollection, it was pretty darned close.

I'm not sure why I told you all this, to be perfectly honest, but I did. So there.

Jain - Makeba (Making Of)

Balancing dog

ant jokingly says...

Do you want a treat or an ear scratch?

Payback said:

I'm upvoting for it through benefit of doubt, and despite my, I think are likely racist, fears about his training.

He neither looks mistreated nor terrified. I wish to see what sort of reward he got for it. Either a treat or even an ear scratch would make me feel better about it.

Balancing dog

Payback says...

I'm upvoting for it through benefit of doubt, and despite my, I think are likely racist, fears about his training.

He neither looks mistreated nor terrified. I wish to see what sort of reward he got for it. Either a treat or even an ear scratch would make me feel better about it.

Tim Apple

newtboy says...

I'll grant you that the name flub, by itself, is nothing....infantile even to bring up....but when paired with his increasingly rambling, incoherent, irrational speaking style and total divorce from reality, it might be another indicator of dementia. If you forget where you park once, it's nothing....if you forget where you put your keys, where your car is parked, and what kind of car you have more than once a week, that's something.

To be fair, he went on to lie about it in short order, claiming he said Tim Cook Apple fast and the microphone just didn't pick up "Cook", so it's important to him enough to create a dumb public lie to cover it instead of admitting or ignoring a normal mistake....too bad there's video proving that's false....also too bad tens of millions will either believe Dumb Donald's obvious lies over their own eyes and ears, or cheer him for covering a nothing mistake with a dumb lie.

aegisarts said:

Give the man a break... I am not pro Trump in any way, but dont be hypocrites.... Look at your own cell phones and tell me it is not full of names like: Joe Plumber, Alex Computer Guy, Mike Mechanic.... Trump just happens to have a list that says Tim Apple, Bill Windows 95, Kanye Black and Obama Kenya.


newtboy says...

Harassing citizens because the cop is ignorant of the law should be an abuse of power charge. I hope Oregon state trooper Rummer's boss gets an earful about him.

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

No, I understand just fine you only want to discuss torture as a means of interrogation and even then with more caveats on what counts as meaningful results. What I am pointing out is that torture, violence and rape ARE used for other purposes and do so successfully. You insist on entirely ignoring that, you might as well stuff your fingers in your ears and yell 'i'm not listening'.

JiggaJonson said:

I'm sorry, you have misunderstood me.

What I mean to say is that your post that included the example does not contain an actual example, only a generalization devoid of any reference.

I don't trust that you are a reliable source of information on the history of Saddam Heussane's use of torture and whether or not his results could deem an interrogation effective.

You are speaking generally enough that I'd like evidince I can inspect for myself before I take your word on this or that point being factual or definite.

In other words, I did read your comment and found it unconvincing in terms of substance.

Or in other words, I don't believe you know what you're talking about.

Corgi Softly Growls for More Attention

Tastes like chicken

transmorpher jokingly says...

Aww how cute. 2mins later you eat her cousin a in burger.... #carnist logic

I'm just kidding I did the same thing for 35 years. I'm not pointing fingers, just trying to get ya'll to think about how it makes no sense

Sad thing is she's next on the menu going by her ear tag. Kind of weird actually how the farmer is filming them play one minute but then sends them to be brutally killed afterwards.... Do you love them or not farmer?

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...


Edit: of the 3 groups, which had permits....natives
Of the 3 groups, which was still performing closing ceremonies of a permitted March...natives.
Of the 3 groups, which refrained from insulting the other two....natives.
Of the 3 groups, which tried to defuse rather than escalate....natives.

But the native elder calmly trying to defuse the escalating situation is the one in the wrong in your opinion.

The inevitable attack was against the Israelites, because the kids were getting irate, taking off their clothes, jumping around like madmen, and screaming insults at the Israelites. Before he came in drumming, it sure looked like violence was likely.

I watched it as many times as I'm going to, which was many, and when the elder stops there's plenty of room between everyone, then the kids move closer from every direction.

Look, you can bend over backwards to pretend the kids weren't also instigating, or being rude, or racist, but I must admit I'm floored people can see a gang of white kids gleefully tomahawk chopping and hi-ya-hi-ya-ing undeniably derisively at a native elder (veteran, but who knew that there) while smirking inches from his face as he's surrounded by their jeering buddies and instead of admitting what they see with their own eyes and hear with their ears, pretend the irate screaming kids were being respectful angels not disrespectful racist assholes. I see and hear what's on the video, you find excuses for it and pretend you don't hear racism in their racist taunting.

I'm most floored chaperones on a church field trip didn't just let the kids respond to the provocation of the Israelites (which is moronic and exactly what they wanted), they encouraged it and did nothing when it turned racist against the elder, just egged them on more. So much for Christ's teachings....fuck what he said if someone's teasing you, right? Christ said take an eye for an eye....oh wait, no he didn't.

bcglorf said:


missed your reply, you need to check the video again as you clearly didn't watch what I'm watching.
You said:
"I disagree 100%. Sane people did this to stop the rapidly escalating anger between the kids and (disgusting) black Israelites before the kids attacked the Israelites, which seemed inevitable because no one was controlling the kids (or the small group of Black Israelites) and the kids were getting more and more rowdy."
At 1:09 the Black Israelites are making fun of the kids specifically because they are "keeping their distance". At 1:11 the kids are presumably standing/jumping doing one of their school chants, moving no closer to the black Israelites. At 1:12 after the chant, the kids all sit down. After the kids have been not only 'keeping their distance', but sitting down now for a minute is when Nathan Phillips comes in to 'de-escalate' things. You can not honestly paint that as looking like an 'inevitable attack' was coming from the kids. The reality is the kids were staying back, and sitting down while the Black Israelite adults continued trying unsuccessfully to escalate things.

You later said:
"and note smirk boy is not there, he gets into the stationary elders face later. "

If you look at 1:13, smirk boy is 3 rows back from the elder. If you watch till 1:14 you notice that the camera man isn't moving, but Phillips gets further and further away because is walking slowly into the crowd of students. The students don't so much surround him, they make way as he invades their personal space until they move until about 1:15. If you watch 1:15, the camera is the same place as it was back at 1:11, the kids are at the same distance from the camera and the same location on the stairs, but now you can't even see Phillips because he's so far into the group.

I gotta admit, I'm a little floored you can come away still seeing what you want to see...

Duke3D theme: 7 MIDI software players vs real Roland JV-1010

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

No Bob, you don't need to keep crying "but I love him"....we know you'll gladly ignore any foibles he has while viciously attacking others for the same, or similar but lesser crimes he claimed they were guilty of.
We know you allow him to bold faced lie to you about anything.
We know you're ready and willing to repeat any stupidity or nonsense he feeds you.
We know you're 100% prepared to accept his word over your own eyes, ears, or memory.
We know you're prepared to claim financial and civil gains even though reality disagrees.

You really don't need to keep telling us you love your lying fraud of an abuser....we know.

Do I need to remind you about Carter again? A politician who was never two faced or untruthful. Please, please don't display your stupidity by attempting to attack his undeniably excessive levels of intelligence or morality. Dumb people don't design nuclear submarines, immoral people don't command them with honor....they get phantom bone spurs that miraculously disappear the minute the draft ends so they can screw the wives of their honorable associates while they go to war.

Good, if Trump is really done playing politician, that's great for all of us. I hadn't heard he had quit.
It's just asinine to claim the person holding the most powerful political position in the world isn't a politician. You might as well claim he's not a fraud, not a thief, not a philanderer, not a business failure, not a hypocrite, not immoral, not a misogynist, and not dishonest while you're denying reality.

As noted above, your video evidence and your claims have nothing in common.

bobknight33 said:

Do I really need to do this again.. Again Politicians are 2 faced until rubber meets the road.
Good thing Trump is not a Politician, Just a man wanting to MAGA.

Illegal LEGO Building Techniques You Probably Didn’t Know

Payback says...

This illegal lego building is just wrong. All of these nuts could just make phone calls, they could spread insanity, oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all these poor sane people, infecting them. Wackos everywhere, plague of madness.

gaming music best edm mix 2019 alan waker

Who Invented Metal?

MilkmanDan says...

I tend to agree. However, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida and Born to Be Wild are really close to tipping the scale in my head from "hard rock" to "metal". The cover of Summertime Blues mentioned in the video, not so much (at least to my ear).

Anyway, it is cool to see/hear some of the early influences that got things going in the direction of the music that I love, even if none of them jump out and make me say "now THAT is metal" like Sabbath.

Mordhaus said:

1970, Sabbath. That is all.

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