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mintbbb (Member Profile)

Chinese Lunar Landing

dannym3141 says...

Fantastic. I think i see little dust devils being whipped up which is interesting just because everything is so still before the engine stirs the dust. I love how much control there was searching for a flat area. Liveleak says they stopped to survey the area.

I was just commenting the other day how in a way it's great to see things like Russia speaking out for restraint with Iran, and now China doing something very impressive on the moon. I think with fingers crossed the forward thinking people of the earth have decided against "world wars" and mass destruction (no capitals, i'm not using the word in the style of Bush Jr).

Wouldn't it be great if the "competition" came from a purely technological space race with Russia, China and US/Europe involved? Just as long as we on this side can get past the whole psychopathic-capitalism problem.

It is my opinion that those mysterious money men who seem to have influence over scary media companies are metaphorically assembling people into a human pyramid, all shitting on those below us. The ones nearer the top and clambering their way up are happy enough not to have to be hit by that much shit whilst those at the bottom are drowning in it. The pyramid is so clogged up with shit that it's forming a sea of it and the people at the bottom are happy if they can manage to tread-shit for another week, the people at the top are now so high up they can't see it happening yet but eventually we're all going to drown in shit! Here's to a Merry Christmas, folks.

Amazing close up footage of a tornado that destroyed a farm

Storm Chaser on Mars

Frightening Birth of a Tornado

Dust Devil Lifts Farmer's Plastic Sheets

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Running Into a Giant Dust Devil

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'not, tornado, dust, devil, run, into, cool, nature, nature' to 'not, tornado, dust, devil, run, into, cool, nature, nature, Burning Man' - edited by eric3579

Zonbie (Member Profile)

Tornado during soccer game

Giraffe running from a twister

Giraffe running from a twister

therealblankman says...

Not really a "twister" in the sense that the term normally applies to a tornado. Tornadoes are generated from large thunderstorms- hardly a cloud in the sky here. It's really a dust-devil, caused by local convection currents. Not powerful enough to do a whole lot of damage to people or property, but there is a danger from the flying debris it might carry if it thwacks ya'!

Waterspout in the Netherlands

Tornado during soccer game

therealblankman says...

Not really a tornado, per se. deathcow called it- it's a dust devil- a small, localized event caused by convection currents- not the storms and supercells that spawn tornadoes. It's not gonna' suck you up, Dorothy, but you probably should duck to avoid debris.

Tornado during soccer game

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