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The only CIA officer to go to jail for torture is...

Yogi says...

Your talk of "the present climate" is intriguing. What present climate exists for the most powerful nation and military force that has ever existed? You see American citizens are so absolutely terrified of everything that it's just gotten ridiculous. People believe that the Chinese are going to attack any minute, that Iran is off our coast with a nuclear weapon. Usually these threats exist coming from those who have our boot on their necks. The disparity of force is mind blowing.

I'm sorry but we are not in need of protection like this. We go around the world supporting terror and tyranny and you say that's for the greater good? I don't believe so, but it's interesting the way you say it, many people believe that we are somehow just about to be strangled by some crazy powerful threat. It's a part of a lot of literature, I suggest you look into the long history of fear in the's not dissimilar to the German public and their fear of Jews that was dredged up.

A10anis said:

I'm afraid you too are being naive. As a CIA operative he would -or should have - been aware that there are other ways to expose corruption and illegal behaviour. Ways which would have protected himself, the operative he was outing, and most important his family. My original comment stands. He was naive and stupid. How long do you think the "secret" services would last if all operatives were allowed to reveal classified information whenever they felt inclined to? Am I naive enough to trust the secret services completely? Of course not, but in the present climate they are a necessary evil. We can only hope that the work they do to protect us, outweighs the bad.

Cockpit voice recorder of Aeroperú Flight 603

GeeSussFreeK says...

totally agree. I have a fear of flying big time, but I still dredge through stuff like this for some god awful reason. Like some sort of strange penance, that if I drag myself through other peoples hell, perhaps I will no longer have to be in hell when I fly.

chingalera said:

This is just kinna creep-ya-the-fuck-out, creepy...

On Seniority for Power Point Accrual (Sift Talk Post)

ChaosEngine says...

Scabs! C'mon, dredge up the past... it's the only way we'll learn

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Is this just idle curiosity or are you really looking for me to post examples from the last 7 years where people with axes to grind have wielded power to make a point on the front page?

Do you really want me to pick at scabs or can you be content that we've made the change back?

A 12-Year Old Girl's Devastating Critique of the Banks

DrNoodles says...

It's a shame that you're so closed minded to not even hear why and how she's referencing the Bible.

She's noting a parallel of the corruption of money to an old Bible story. I believe the point of this quote isn't about religion, but rather that corruption through money is nothing new.

PS. Oh yeah, I feel obliged to state that I'm an atheist. Otherwise you might disregard my comment too.

>> ^sirex:

I was with it right up to 4:18 when the bible gets dredged up.

A 12-Year Old Girl's Devastating Critique of the Banks

shveddy (Member Profile)

HadouKen24 says...

When I speak of ecstasy, I'm not talking about a sense of awe or wonder in the presence of natural beauty or a particularly moving passage in a piece of literature. There is, of course, no religious barrier to experiences of that sort. What I'm talking about is ek stasis, standing outside yourself. The Greeks originally used this term to speak about the powerful trances that would come upon the worshipers of Dionysos at their holy revels.

When I say "ecstasy," then, I'm talking about visions of gods and angels. I'm talking about howling to the bowels of the earth to dredge up demons and bend them to your will. Or alternatively, quiet sitting, focusing the mind on only the tip of your nose for an hour at a time, until a vision of the Unconquered Sun comes on you and explodes your world. The kind of experience that causes you to walk around for the next week as if the blood in your veins has been turned into holy wine. I'm talking about experiences that are life changing, help you to break bad habits and come to epiphanies.

Literal belief in these things is not necessarily key. But our brains need a hook to plug into this transcendence. Very few of us are able to do it without some kind of religious approach. And, of course, literal belief can sometimes be quite dangerous, if the belief is not just wrong, but demands harmful action--the Pentecostals who literally demonize those who disagree with them, for instance.

So we're not just talking about metaphor here. Non-literal interpretation by no means implies metaphorical interpretation, in the sense of the metaphor as a literary device.

Ron Paul Newsletters - Innocent or Guilty?

kceaton1 says...

@vaire2ube Ron has already been in numerous interviews(atleast three that I've seen) talking about this subject and he was completely aware of the newsletters existence all the way back to the beginning. So I highly doubt anything fishy is going on here besides Ron Paul being dishonest about his role in the newsletters, from the beginning.

One such interview was in the top 15 here on the sift, in case you wish to look it up (I think it was about two weeks ago). Calling this another "Swiftboat" setup, a dredge of unsubstantiated myths and legends so people can wish away Ron Paul's past is very disingenuous. Ron has acknowledged his role with the newsletters, it's time that he answers the questions fully. Answering the questions with, "I didn't read them.", is now at a end I would think.

Ron may not have been the main force behind the letters, but he is certainatly culpable.

Edit-BTW, not all racists like to be out in the open. That's why things like the KKK came into existence. I won't pretend to know how Ron Paul would act if racist, he may not be very zealous about it. I've certainly met racists in my lifetime that required me to know them very well before they ever showed their bigotry at all, even a word. Which in the two cases I've known, they both expressed racist wording at first and then at least one moved on to jokes, the other societal opinions. One I had to know for more than a year before I heard so much as a peep.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Dredge Pump Vs Shark

BoneRemake says...

>> ^lesserfool:

Yeah so all his fins are broken and patches of skin have been sheered off but was it enough to kill the shark? What a shithead operator.

That shark/fish thing is dead. No question about it. If the instant rise to the surface didnt kill it, and the differences in pressure in the suction tube didnt kill it, along with the squeezing of the tube.

it would die in the vessel it got sucked into, I am thinking these would work like Vac trucks (wiki search: daylighting)

Or the people up top would of found it and killed it.

Take your pick

its dead.

Poor lil guy was just perusing the ocean.

Eddie Izzard on Taxi Drivers, Europe and French

chicchorea (Member Profile)


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think you'd like all moderation on this site to be done based on popularity - it fits in nicely with an underdog persecution outlook. I gave the poster you are referring to an official warning over 14 hours ago - as soon as I noticed it. Calling someone a dickhead in all seriousness is not acceptable - no matter who posts it. I know you'd like things to be different, it would fit your outlook better - but that's the way it is. You're welcome to dredge up old examples of bias - they're probably out there - I'm human, but fairness is what I strive for. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^ldeadeyesl:
Wow looks like being mocked by FDR really pisses people off. I mean he did a pretty good impression of modern day republicans so I can see why it might hurt your feelings, nobody wants to think their party hasn't progressed at all in over 70 years.
I did laugh when someone called Dag a dickhead, and then claimed he is working on self-important bullshit while commenting on his website. Even if it was sarcasm that's pretty good irony. By the way I like the sarcasm button haha.

Lastly, and most importantly, some have been banned or temp-banned or even hobbled for a lot less than the "dickhead" comment. But it all has to do with popularity on this site. Just ask Siftler.

Matt Damon defending teachers

Confucius says...

I would hardly call intrinsic and paternal big words.... But anyway, heres why i said what i did, he rapid fires the mba to paternalistic phrase and then as soon as he's done with it he has to pause and search for words. I.e. he heard it, was briefed on it or whatever, memorized it and then when it came time to speak his own thoughts he flubbed for a second.

Im going to guess he knew/assumed he was going to get interviewed or talked to....but wtv maybe not....maybe so

>> ^packo:

>> ^Confucius:
mhmmm...i can dredge sense out of what he said....i was talking about how he seemed blank eyed, and looked like he was parroting something 'shiny' he heard.

>> ^budzos:
>> ^Confucius:
Kudos to him for sticking up for teachers so much....but uh...anyone else have the feeling hes just stringing together words and hoping they make sense?
and the whole video...this reporter blows

No. What he's saying is something I say a lot lately about different things not relating to education. This "MBA" world view that money (AKA job security) is the only motivator to do a good job is "paternalistic" nonsense. Teachers need job security, but job security is not what makes a good teacher a good teacher. Job security allows good teachers to remain focussed on being good teachers.
The best way to motivate people is to give them something worth doing.

seemd to me he was doing more of a Bill Nye, wait my brain has to dumb itself down to talk to this chick, - type stall
big words aren't scary, learn them and increase your vocabulary kungfu
much like you dress for the job you want
you need to speak at the level of conversation your want

Matt Damon defending teachers

Matt Damon defending teachers

packo says...

>> ^Confucius:

mhmmm...i can dredge sense out of what he said....i was talking about how he seemed blank eyed, and looked like he was parroting something 'shiny' he heard.

>> ^budzos:
>> ^Confucius:
Kudos to him for sticking up for teachers so much....but uh...anyone else have the feeling hes just stringing together words and hoping they make sense?
and the whole video...this reporter blows

No. What he's saying is something I say a lot lately about different things not relating to education. This "MBA" world view that money (AKA job security) is the only motivator to do a good job is "paternalistic" nonsense. Teachers need job security, but job security is not what makes a good teacher a good teacher. Job security allows good teachers to remain focussed on being good teachers.
The best way to motivate people is to give them something worth doing.

seemd to me he was doing more of a Bill Nye, wait my brain has to dumb itself down to talk to this chick, - type stall

big words aren't scary, learn them and increase your vocabulary kungfu
much like you dress for the job you want
you need to speak at the level of conversation your want

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