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Best Story Ever.

blankfist says...

Wait, wait, wait. There are some plot holes in his story. What logging company continues to chop down trees as men in camo fatigues are firing automatic rifles around them? Also, why is there already clothing in the closet if they're just opening it now? I don't think this is real.

Les Cowboys Fringants "Gars d'la compagnie"

calvados says...

(English translation follows)

Depuis le début du siècle
Des gars courageux ont coupé le bois du Québec
Partaient à l'automne, passaient l'hiver dans des camps
Revn'aient voir leurs femmes quand arrivait le printemps.......
Les Américains flairant la bonne affaire
Sont v'nus faire la piasse dans l'bout de Trois-Rivières
Ça va nous faire d'la job pour les Canadiens-Francais
B'tissez vos usines pis nous on vous donne la forêt!

Pendant des années y'ont coupé comme des défoncés
La demande est trop grande pour s'qu'la forêt peut donner
Mais cé pas ben grave
Y'ont des chums au gouvernement
Fa'qu'y sont r'montés au nord
Continuer la coupe à blanc...

Les Amérindiens ceux qui chassent de père en fils
Ont voulu leur parler
Y s'sont fait dire rentrez chez vous
C'est pas avec vous autres qu'on va faire des b'n'fices
Pour nous un caribou c'est ben plus beau sur un trente sous

Et le gars d'la compagnie rit dans sa barbe
C'est qui le con qui a dit que l'argent poussait pas dins arbres ?


Since the turn of last century
Brave lads have been logging the forests of Quebec
Leaving in the fall, spending winter in the camps
Returning to their wives when the spring would come again
The Americans could smell a lot of cash
Came to make a buck at the town of Trois-Rivières
It'd mean jobs for us, the French-Canadians
Build your factories and we'll give you the whole forest

Year after year they cut down trees like men possessed
Asking too much more than the forest could provide
But it was no big deal
They had friends in government
So they headed further north
And kept up their clearcutting

The aboriginals, who were hunters, man and boy
Tried to have a say
But were told to take a hike
It's not from your kind that we're going to make our profits
For us, your caribou looks better minted on a coin

And the company man is laughing to himself
Who's the fool who said that money doesn't grow on trees?

Health Care Bill To be Neutered in Conference Committee (Politics Talk Post)

Edgeman2112 says...

What are we really upset about here? Taxes? Government run healthcare? Wasteful spending? Which? All? None?

Regarding taxes: I don't know anyone who earns more than 350,000$ except business owners. Otherwise, there's nothing to pay. And even if there was, say, a 2-5% surchage on my income taxes so grandma can get her meds, then dammit that's a worthy cause. I'd much rather have my money spent on that than chopping down trees so Walmart can build another supercenter.

Regarding Gov't Healthcare: If you like what you have, you keep it. Shut the fuck up, mmk? This is for people and business that can't afford health insurance.

Spending: Spending money so people can live and function is worthy.

Moron cuts down tree, crushes his front porch

AdamBomb42x (Member Profile)

Moron cuts down tree, crushes his front porch

French Girl Has Amazing Oral Skills

EndAll says...

>> ^Truth:
>> ^phelixian:
Title misled me. Her oral skillz are unknown. Her beat boxing skills are average, except she is a moderately attractive woman, stop that presses. [insert more sarcasm here if needs be or less if that suits you]

Exactly. She gets all this credit because "omg, a beautiful girl doing something manly!" These aren't out-of-ordinary skills and as I said - women shouldn't do this, because it just doesn't suit them. I know I will get downvoted by white knights who get no pussy anyway.

Beatboxing is manly? Certainly doesn't rank high on the manliness scale among things like cutting down trees, lighting farts and wrestling bears. And women should do whatever they want, regardless of what people think. Except for when it comes to shaving. That's an eternal 'must.'

Glenn Beck Celebrates Earth Day by Cutting Down Trees

Glenn Beck Celebrates Earth Day by Cutting Down Trees

Bill Maher - New Rules May 8th, 2009

Kung Fu Hillbilly on Jerry Springer

Biden Spanks Right Wing Media Hack

thinker247 says...

She doesn't mention the fact that the bailout of our failing corporations is socialism under the watch of a Republican president, and that both candidates see it as necessary?

I've seen hacks before, but this airhead could cut down trees with her rhetoric.

9619 (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

You are like, so fucking cool

In reply to this comment by Raaagh:
>> ^hotlava646:
"One religion"
America can't even have a Christmas Tree in public anymore because of the other religions and groups.

Thats terrible - one less legit reason to rain down fabulousness and tinsel on an otherwise standard, straight up and down tree.

"Single parent"
That single parent is biologically related, not someone off the street.

Word yo. Tell the limp wristies how it is. I really admire your ability to cut to the core of the issue. Thats why it hurts so much to tell you you're adopted.

You have the right to move out of America, but is the only country that can support you, that is why you whine like a girl, er guy, er girl.

Yeah, thats right - America is the only sovereign nation that would support you. Here in Australia we eat gays (Burger King over here is called Hungry Jacks, named after Hugh Jackman, who fucking LOVES nothing more to gob down on the gay man).

God why cant people see the wonderful world HoooootLava, number 646, is painting?

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

9619 says...

>> ^hotlava646:
"One religion"
America can't even have a Christmas Tree in public anymore because of the other religions and groups.

Thats terrible - one less legit reason to rain down fabulousness and tinsel on an otherwise standard, straight up and down tree.

"Single parent"
That single parent is biologically related, not someone off the street.

Word yo. Tell the limp wristies how it is. I really admire your ability to cut to the core of the issue. Thats why it hurts so much to tell you you're adopted.

You have the right to move out of America, but is the only country that can support you, that is why you whine like a girl, er guy, er girl.

Yeah, thats right - America is the only sovereign nation that would support you. Here in Australia we eat gays (Burger King over here is called Hungry Jacks, named after Hugh Jackman, who fucking LOVES nothing more to gob down on the gay man).

God why cant people see the wonderful world HoooootLava, number 646, is painting?

John Deere Tree Harvester

cybrbeast says...

Wow, a very impressive machine.
I agree with BillO for once. Also cutting down trees can form a temporary CO2 sink, as long as the trees aren't burnt up or rot away, the CO2 stays stored. New CO2 can then be extracted from the atmosphere from the old plot, if trees are allowed to grow again.

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