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TIE Fighter - Epic Anime short - Go Empire!!

ChaosEngine says...

Looks like a long version of this

(not a dupe, longer and his different music)

Why is it that while TIE Fighter pilots are relatively sympathetic, Imperial officers are, without exception, douchebags?

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

newtboy says...

I never said "youtube comments are toxic".

If the poster NEVER allows comments (like "Christian mom debunks the science museum"), yes, that's not good and indicates a lack of interest in opposing viewpoints.
If the poster disables comments after repeated rape and death threats, that's only prudent, no matter who the poster is or what they post. That's what was reported in this case, rape and death threats.

Once again, since it's not sinking in, getting serious repeated detailed death and rape threats is not "being called on her shit", and your insistence on calling it that gets you distain and incredibility from my camp. Only a seriously demented douchebag could honestly think they are the same thing, or is it you are claiming that it didn't happen? If the latter, please provide evidence of that claim. She disabled comments and ratings and canceled appearances on the advice of the police/FBI, from what I recall reading back then. Perhaps she was not getting the same threats on her kickstarter page (could it possibly be moderated better?), or maybe she forgot it with the stress of being threatened?

But once again you ignored the point and my request for verification about WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT SEX WORKERS...we never disagreed that she disabled comments, only on why she did it. I'm certain you understand that and are trying the "look, look at the monkey" technique for distraction from the points at hand. That indicates to me that there is none and you just made up what you wanted her to have said. That will be my position until you prove it wrong, do so and I'll change that position.

You seem to think death and rape threats are faux-excuses and not serious. I'll hope you never have to find out differently, but many people have. It's unseemly to imply a single woman should ignore such threats or assume they are not credible, and does not make you look good in my eyes.

It's obvious you have severe hatred of her, and distain for anyone that doesn't, and that you take anything she says or does in the worst light. That makes further discussion moot...and I just don't care. My main point was your aggressive, insulting tone, and it's unlikely to change since you ignored my stated points entirely.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

Telling People To "Get Back To Work".

newtboy says...

I was totally waiting for the guy who's job it is to knock out douchebags. I want to see him get back to work all over this guy.
What a smarmy piece of crap he is. He needs to quit this BS and get back to work.

Homemade Mini Arc Furnace

Payback says...

He has that "douchebag" delivery. Bit narcissistic.

Seems to have the same stereotypical leather-racing-outfit-color-matches-his-Japanese-sportbike mentality. You've ALL met that sort of bike rider.

Ickster said:

I find some of his videos interesting, but there's something about *him* that just makes me want to punch him in the face.

Do not mess with a parent - here is why

poolcleaner says...

I dunno what happened here but its funny? Anger management, dude. We're men, I get it -- we gotta PROTECT -- go back in time and look at all of the walls and windows these hands have destroyed.

Now look around my present day home, everything is nice and not smashed. Cool, now go enroll, bitch. Not like you're going to have a choice after this hahaha. No thug life for you!

But... too bad there is no douchebag with a camera management.

Do not mess with a parent - here is why

lucky760 says...

To reiterate, I'm not defending the father for leaving his kid in the car or punching out the window. He went way out of control and I'm not on board with that kind of uncivilized behavior. He should have sat in the car and silently stewed.

All I'm saying is that the smirking douchebag was very likely intentionally driving dangerously and/or threateningly. He then is a fucking lowlife scumbag because unlike the father who lost his shit, this guy was still put together and in control with his shitty driving and his flippant, dismissive taunting. He too was acting uncivilized, just in a cowardly way.

Keeping Russia's sidewalks free of douchy drivers

Ralgha says...

мне плевать на всех
I don't care at all

езжу как хочу
I go as I please

федеральный проект против хамства на дорогах
federal project against rudeness on the roads

"stop a douchebag"

eric3579 said:

Anyone read Russian? Curious what the sticker says.

Keeping Russia's sidewalks free of douchy drivers

Robert Trujillo auditions to become next Metallica bassist

You should learn a little respect... Officer says

newtboy says...

Well, by that measure, I COULD think you were a complete snarky douchebag first, making personally insulting attacks for no reason other than you disagreed with my position...but where does that kind of thinking leave us?

As I still see it, you made a mistake in your logic, I said so and calmly explained how without name calling or insults (which continue in my direction). I don't see that as rude or insulting in any way, I'm sorry you do (but still don't get why).

Allow me to explain again, calmly, since you still don't seem to see my point...the cop started the stop with some attitude IMO (and not a helpful attitude), and much more important, he continued with the stop after seeing there was clearly no problem he needed to solve. If he was simply being a 'good guy helping' he would have nicely said 'OK sir, just making sure everything's OK.' and both gone on their way, not 5-6 minutes of posturing and snark.
If that doesn't convince you he wasn't just being a good guy, but instead was looking for something to cite the driver for, or a best exerting his power by 'holding' him without cause, nothing will.
It may have been his original reason for stopping the first time, even the second, but is evaporated the instant it's clear there's no problem, BEFORE he asks for ID and proof of insurance. That action denies the 'just trying to help' theory, it's not a 'helpful' action in any way. To me, that's applying logic, not telepathy.

If you really feel I'm a troll, please don't feed me, ignore me for gods sake! It's that simple. I would only ask that you note that I'm not the one of us who devolved into personal insults, nor will I simply because I disagree with your position. That's what trolls do. ;-)

speechless said:

Well, I think you were rude (and more than a little condescending) with this "pointing out where you made your mistake in logic..." bullshit.

I don't see anything you said, or that the cop did, that "proved" his "ulterior motives" in this video. You are coming off like a paranoid nutjob imo. You haven't said anything to make my "theory" not hold up.

In any event, I'm getting this whole "don't feed the troll" vibe with you lately. So maybe I'll follow that instinct now.

Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe you are Professor X and telepathically know the ulterior motives of all police at all times.

Shell Station Toilet- 5 Michelin Stars

Payback says...

That's kinda the point. You'll get colossal douchebags in any gas station restroom. This one won't get trashed as well by the people that are less than colossal douchebags.

Stormsinger said:

But it only takes one, to lose all the value saved by the others.

You should learn a little respect... Officer says

speechless says...

Here's a life lesson:

You don't have to be a confrontational asshole every time you have an encounter with a police officer.

The cop doesn't say "respect the police".
(edit: I'm referring to the original title of the sift, check your address bar sifters from the future)

He said, "You should learn a little respect when you're in the service".

I suspect he's referring to the fact that the driver copped an attitude and was acting like a douchebag from moment one.

This could have went bad in all kinds of ways but from the video it's apparent to me that the cop kept his cool, and even if the stop was technically illegal (I'm not convinced it was) I understand completely why he did it.

Here's the scenario. Cop sees driver pull off on to the shoulder of the road. Good guy cop (yep, there's lots of them) pulls over behind him to make sure he's OK (flat tire? medical problem?). ie. his "welfare"

When the cop pulls up to try to help, the driver takes off. Now what is the cop thinking? Who fucking knows. Is there a victim in the car that originally made the driver pull over?

"I approached you and you took off on me"

So he stops him, and all the while this driver is being an asshole, the cop is just thinking to himself "fuck, I was just trying to help this guy".

Shell Station Toilet- 5 Michelin Stars

Payback says...

Completely counter-intuitive, but, on average, this amount of effort usually comes back in less actual cleanup work required. People go in thinking that they're in someone's home, not a glorified ditch. It takes a colossal douchebag to mess something like that up.

NASA - "All About That Space" Parody

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