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Smarter Every Day - Facebook Freebooting

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

newtboy says...

Someone needs to get 'Anonymous' on this issue. They could hack the lives of all the site owners and make their private business public. Turnabout's fair play, dickheads.

Goal of the year

Why the 'Firefly' Crew Were the Bad Guys

kceaton1 says...

He totally screwed up the part were River gained or had her "powers" naturally (she was only naturally/gifted mentally, that is, she was a genius or prodigy). That came from the experimenting FROM the Alliance... Same with her fighting abilities, that was also an Alliance "gift" (to use her as a "psychic weapon"). But I think Joss already made the point IN the show that Mal was indeed a very shady person, if you didn't get that you are an idiot!

You were supposed to know that the Alliance brought a lot of great things with them, but they also stole your freedom...essentially (in exchange for a world with lots of rules).

But, what the Alliance was up to "behind the scenes" is what was really everyone's main concern--which they covered in Serenity a bit... In Serenity we found out that they had been up to a LOT more terrible things than just taking individuals like River--they were in the business of thinking they knew how to make all people "better" people...and one day they would try to institute it in force, en masse...

It seemed like the show was more a story about the civil war had the wrong side won--to some degree; I think you could make an argument for both. But it was obvious from watching that "Mal's side" was the "Confederacy", but they didn't stand for the same things, it was just that the history of things were playing out the same in many ways...and that was the point.

If The Union had been lying about a huge amount of things and started to institute policies that you went into action then they'd seem so very much like the Alliance in the show (BUT, some actions are exactly like what The Union did to Confederate "states" after the war; which DID leave them in states of welfare were citizens were left to fend for the most basic of necessities on their own--the Wild Wild West didn't just appear from comic books... Even the citizens had to fight off Indian attacks here and there and most of these attacks were born from the legacy of military campaigns and other actions via The Union (or before the States went to war--but, it's easy to see what the "Reavers" were based on, at least I assume that is what he had in mind).

Ironically, right now in our government it's doing the things that Mal was so concerned over that many that HAD lived in the Alliance regions hadn't been as worried about: slowly eroding our civil liberties, our regular freedoms are being taken away or one-by-one being hamstrung, and regulation is being destroyed allowing the corrupt to make this circle all that much worse (of course one day this cycle will just feedback on itself and create a revolution--as it always has). That is what The Alliance was doing, especially to the planets that didn't join it does have a lot in common with our history. As The Union did do some pretty annoying and considering all of the people that needed help and were not getting anything, they actually directly killed a large amount of completely innocent people...just to punish some wealthy land owners and other people that had something to do with the Civil War. They should have taken the matter directly into their hands, but there is a lot on that as well (just like the show...why the Alliance never intervenes in the outer planets...).

God how I miss that show. I can only imagine what Joss could have accomplished in 7 or 8 seasons (maybe more). He could have made a show that could easily be written about in a college setting, about the civil war and the topics related to it. How grand the adventure could have been, except for one dickhead producer at Fox...

(*I take no responsibility for the parts of my comment I messed up on...* )

*nerd rant*

If They Were Smart

Jinx says...

Idk, I think it starts off life as an ironic exclamation and sort of slips into your vocab. Personally I prefer to spell it out - "el oh el". As lol is an acronym I believe this is probably a more proper pronunciation, but it also sounds more deliberate, and therefore ironic.

But yes. It is exactly replacing that faked laugh that we produce both as a sort of social courtesy to others who made an effort to make us smile, or to communicate that we recognise a humourous situation. Why use it? Well, why use any colloquialism/slang?

Frankly I'd rather be the dickhead that uses it than the dickhead that thinks adding "Selfie" to the dictionary represents an erosion of the language. I really have no patience for those that seem to think we should enclose our language in a glass case and play with it delicately lest we damage the exhibit.

AeroMechanical said:

The biggest fail in this video is the bit at the end where the guy says "lol" aloud, actually meaning it with no sense of irony, and thus demonstrating that while perhaps logically understanding the concept of humor, he does not actually possess human emotions.

Or have I just been generation gapped? Is it now acceptable to just say "lol" instead of smiling and faking a half-laugh when you need to politely acknowledge someone has done or said something intended to be funny but that hasn't actually moved you to laughter?

Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

billpayer says...

@A10anis you'd have to be ignorant, blind or worse to not understand the plain facts.
Immigration is not the problem. That has been the conclusion of every study into it. Immigrants add to the economy we need more.
The real answer is that the U.K. was raped by the city and dickheads like David Cameron. Sun and Mirror reading drones are why they might actually get away with it. It is the conservatives closing schools and hospitals not immigrants. It is the conservatives that refuse to invest in new homes or jobs.
Furthermore Brand is a comedian ! Just because he is the only person making sense does not mean he needs to run for office, which would likely kill his perspective as an outsider. Take that point up with Jon Stewart.

@dannym3141 Bravo mate !

Car Parks on Pedestrian Crossing. Pedestrian Gets Revenge

lucky760 says...

I personally don't follow the love for this guy.

He's fucking over a lot of people over what's really a very minor infraction that doesn't really affect anyone very negatively.

Pedestrians just have to shift their walking path over a few feet. The car isn't parked in the crosswalk, just stopped for the duration of the signal.

It's not really revenge for a guy to completely block a lane full of vehicles who've done no wrong when everyone in the crosswalk was still able to walk around the stopped vehicle.

It would have been a much better for him to stand partially in the way of the offending vehicle so that it could still go, but had to drive around him first. Still wouldn't be something I'd applaud, but it'd be more apt and would make him less of a dickhead to everyone trying to proceed with their life.

That's especially true for the second car which was only into the crosswalk very minimally. That's where the vigilante really proves he's just looking to stir up some shit, not really in the name of charity and good will shepherding the weak through the valley of darkness. (Redacted per @newtboy's comment below.)

Cops Acting Badly

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

entr0py says...

This has got to be a hard problem to fight; everything they showed is legal under the first amendment. So it seems the only way to fight street harassment is to make it socially unacceptable among macho douchebags.

But the douchebags don't care that what they're doing is distressing, they know that. The whole point is to belittle women who want nothing to do with them.

And yet, I get the impression most large cities in the world don't have this problem. What do they do to keep the dickheads repressed?

Musician arrested for singing in subway

newtboy says...

Apparently the video starts with the performer telling the officer the law that allows him to be there, performing, and accepting donations. 1050.6 section C. After reading the law that clearly stated he may play there, the officer decides 'fuck that' and arrests him for 'loitering'...a charge only dropped when the video went viral.
The officer is being 'retrained', but I think he needs to be prosecuted for 1)false arrest and 2)battery with a deadly weapon (the guitar) and perhaps even 3)damaging private property. We need his name though, so he can be publically ridiculed and ostracized for being a dickhead bully, and not hired by any 'security' company when he looses his job.

Old man shows some major skills!

crafting a Patek Philippe 5175R Grandmaster Chime Watch

artician says...

The Gist:

Guy in business suit looking thoughtfully out of window.
(Doubtful anyone who designs fine consumer goods, *actually designs consumer goods*, wears a suit). Maybe its supposed to be you! You avant-garde millionaire, you!

Person sketching watch designs. This is probably semi-close to reality, though they don’t show the hundreds of designs the visual designer creates that are dismissed at whim by the aforementioned, assumed (but inevitable even if not shown) suits.

People fiddling with plastic representations of what one would assume as the model for said watch design. Maybe realistic, though with the caveat that two people are sitting there going over said physical design, in any serious discussion concerning the actual physics of the end product. I can *not* imagine that nearly the entirety of this process today, both visual and mechanical design, are not done digitally.

Okay, there’s some CG. Because CG is the next step, rather than the first, least expensive step in any design process today. Who wants to quickly model everything in a matter of hours when you can fabricate expensive, physical material for iterative testing?

Holy shit, was that guy just looking at a wood cutout? I can’t even think of a shitty, sarcastic/realistic remark about that one. I might have misunderstood that shot.

Alright, now we’re machining shit. You can’t really fake that with a few grand for marketing. That’s the real stuff. (1.5m in)

No, they don’t sand/polish things by hand during the fabrication phase. That’s entirely too inaccurate and subjective to the assembler to leave up to human hands. (But hey: it’s a 2.5 million dollar piece of metal, so lets make those buyers feel good about their money spent).

Oh look: gemstones! (???) That's kingly.

More faux machining that is veritably inferior to quality mechanical assembly.

Oh shit, someone just turned a nob!

3.5 minutes in, and we see some actual hand-polished work that is legitimately viable to perform by hand.

Hey lets sand those nodules off the finished pieces, and micro-inspect those printed markings, because nothing about us says “accuracy” without a fallible human to do it. Also: what are they printing shit on there for? Was it pushing the price to $3mil to engrave the timestamps on the faces? That better be the highest quality electroplated coating, but even then I can't imagine that's superior than a tactile, physical representation.

Now they’re hand-engraving the sculpted ornamentation, but it’s one more point I can gladly give them because those kinds of human touches let you know at least some sort of artisan was involved. I can appreciate that, though realizing what I just said causes me to reflect on the inaccuracies of mass-production, and why we would take one over the other…

More microscopes. (Because if one notch is off, it’s back to the furnace for you!)

Awe shit, payday. A guy in a suit looking confident is walking towards your building!

Finally, the gear assembly. It certainly looks fantastic, photographically speaking. I can’t help but notice that all that detail is lost to hundreds of textural indentations or are due to stylized alternating polish/grinding. However, I’m confident that spending $2.5mil on this product would get me the absolute, most accurate, unnoticeable details (hand-made!) within a micro-millimeter of accuracy. Those indentations are like chrome on a street-racer in the 90’s: the more you have, the greater they perform.

@~8min, I’m pretty sure no one works like that at their desk. That posture would kill you in a month.

They know you can’t spin the head of a watch while it’s on your wrist, right?

Awe! It’s got 5 ringtones! That’s way more than any other watch I’ve even heard of! Except everything that doesn’t cost $2.5mil.

If I can take anything away from this that’s even remotely positive, it’s that at least millionaire shitheads are now being just as suckered as the rest of the consumer base. Let me sell ONE of those watches, and I would have enough money to overtake their business within a year, except for that I don't have the greed, dishonesty, and overall lack of morals that it would take to set up a quality factory, and trick such dickheads into buying (even superior BS) products.

Racist Attack on Brisbane Train

ChaosEngine says...

Indeed and also because he got turfed off the train.

He later "apologized" saying

I was just drunk couldn't remember s***t so stop over reacting, but I am proud to be white!

He then realized he was being even more of a dickhead and actually apologized
I'm really sorry to everyone that was affected by the video I really can not remember anything out of all honesty the post made before was someone else I know this is no excuse

But can you all see from my point of view that I was a f****** idiot and I'm really sorry.

Yep, you're a fucking idiot alright.

newtboy said:

Upvoted only because that ass hat's name was attached, so he can be properly ridiculed and harassed for the rest of his life for being the disgusting human being he is.

Daily show: Republicans trying to win the lady vote

Are the police out of control?

newtboy says...

This video seemed to be searching for sympathy and understanding for the poor abusive cops. Of course it makes a claim that they all took the job altruistically to help people but dealing with the public made them all turn into violent criminal dickheads that hate all non-cops. (not) If that were the case, why do other professions with more, worse contact with the public and no authority, training, equipment, or 'legal rights' (or more often the ability to get away with illegal inappropriate activity) to do anything about it not have similar instances of outrageous inappropriate violent conduct...or the rest of their profession creating a (pick your color) wall around them to protect the 'bad apples' in the profession rather than get rid of them. If 'unpleasant contact' with the public was an excuse for poor behavior, why do we not have people attacked at the DMV daily?
I have 2 things to say about that. First, if some unpleasant contact is going to make you paint all the public in the same 'criminal/opponent' light, you are not the right kind of person to be a cop. Second, if unpleasant contact IS making you feel the public is against you, CREATE some POSITIVE contact with the public. As the 'authority', it's up to YOU to create and control the tenor of your contacts and conduct. (you yourself, @lantern53 have repeatedly said it comes from 'above', like the chief) That goes for each contact, the 'authority' is in control, and is responsible for the tone of the contact.

Cops don't have the worst position dealing with the public on average (but on rare occasions may have the worst dealings). Cops don't have the most dangerous job by a long shot. The thing that most separates cops from other professions is their ability to get away with their illegal bad behaviors. That should change, a non-police group (like a grand jury) should investigate each and every use of force and prosecute any that are even questionable (if you did nothing wrong, fight it in court, your words, right? What's good for the goose....). That would stop most use of force (as it no longer lets them hide it from prosecution, and even legal force would no longer be a 'time saver' since it would put them under time wasting suspicion at least, indictment at best).

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