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Baby Seals Being Clubbed (literally)

Drachen_Jager says...

Come on, it's so stupid, "Seals are cute so don't kill them." If people were going around wearing rat skin you probably wouldn't be so quick to complain. Everybody keeps quiet while sharks are hunted to near extinction and our oceans are depleted of fish but kill a seal! God forbid...

Zero Punctuation - inFamous

poolcleaner says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
>> ^Darkhand:
"Finally a hero in a sandbox game who can justify why he can't swim"

Which still makes no sense. He lives with electricity flowing through him. Why would water hurt? Sure, it might deplete his reserve, but if he can control whether or not it's being discharged on land, why couldn't he do the same in water?

The water faeries works in mysterious ways.

Zero Punctuation - inFamous

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Darkhand:
"Finally a hero in a sandbox game who can justify why he can't swim"

Which still makes no sense. He lives with electricity flowing through him. Why would water hurt? Sure, it might deplete his reserve, but if he can control whether or not it's being discharged on land, why couldn't he do the same in water?

ABC News Earth 2100 Show Trailer

Sagemind says...

Over population, sure;

Resource depletion is mostly to blame on manufactures, we use what they produce and make us think we want - I directly attribute a lot of our wastefulness to over-packaging, disposable products and advertising;

As for climate change, that's a farce I'm not ready to believe, We can't control that. The earth has forever continued to evolve in cycles and it directly related to the heat from the sun and gravitational pull from the moon. Fifty years ago, they were complaining we were heading into another ice age and now the complaints are we're having a meltdown.

As far as worldwide chaos and destruction, I just can't see it.

I agree, there are always better ways to use our recourses, and the technology is there. It is up to the manufacturers and our governments to implement and use these alternatives and do it in a way that is economical to the general public. Have you ever noticed that the Green Choice always costs a few dollars more? If they made the right choice a few dollars less, that's what everyone would choose and the old way would become a way of the past.

I could write a book filled with all of my opinion but I'll stop now before this turns rant...
Whatever the issues are though, It's still communication through "fear." It is "Worst Case Scenario" mentality. They are trying to scare us into complying. They want us to take up the banner and spend all our resources to battle these wrongs in society.

I just think that most of us tow the line, if they actually want to change things, they need to START with governments and manufacturing, and we will continue to follow. But what they really want is to keep us busy, a population that gets bored and complacent start to think too independently, so they give us little projects to occupy our time.

ABC News Earth 2100 Show Trailer

Why buy a hybrid? Just paint your roof white! (Science Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

>> ^rottenseed:
Right...because reflecting 80% of the radiant heat back into the atmosphere will help global warming. Global engineering fail. Remember, our atmosphere is holding this heat in, that's what got us into this problem in the first place. Unless you know of any depletion of greenhouse gases that we don't know about, his idea earns an F-

Actually, your understanding of what Dr.Chu is talking about earns you an F-

Oh, and KnivesOut beat me to it.

Dr. Steven Chu is my favorite pick Obama has made so far. And easily the best Secretary of Energy our country has ever had.

Why buy a hybrid? Just paint your roof white! (Science Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

Right...because reflecting 80% of the radiant heat back into the atmosphere will help global warming. Global engineering fail. Remember, our atmosphere is holding this heat in, that's what got us into this problem in the first place. Unless you know of any depletion of greenhouse gases that we don't know about, his idea earns an F-


jwray says...

you don't need any fucking scifi to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Reservoir-augmented solar thermal power plants and battery-powered cars could do it now easily if people would accept a doubling of the cost of electricity and having to hot-swap an identical rechargeable batteries at a gas station every 150 miles instead of filling up every 300 miles.

Just standardize the battery, then you pay a gas station say $100 for a fully charged battery and sell them a depleted one for $80. Gas station has shelves full of re-charging batteries. Voila, the ability to take electric cars to any range conveniently, given a slight conversion of infrastructure.

Bill O'Reilly Hates Eminem's New Sarah Palin Video

rougy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
The ultra-left-wing media are terrified of Palin. She loves America while they root for Somali pirates.
Amusingly these libs are hiding behind a talent-depleted wegro whose ripostes are only late by 15 months.

You're really just a frightened little boy who can't handle reality, aren't you?

Bill O'Reilly Hates Eminem's New Sarah Palin Video

Bullet hitting a metal plate

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^grinter:
With all of those particles being ejected, it is not hard to believe that the huge amounts of lead bullets of depleted uranium shells could lead to health hazards for families living in a war zone (beyond the obvious health hazards, of course).

Heheh little misspeak there, lead bullets are lead, and depleted uranium bullets are made from depleted uranium

"In a three week period of conflict in Iraq during 2003 it was estimated over 1000 tons of depleted uranium munitions were used mostly in cities.[7] While any radiation exposure has risks, no conclusive data have correlated DU exposure to specific human health effects such as cancer.[8] Yet, studies using cultured cells and laboratory rodents continue to suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[9] In addition, the UK Pensions Appeal Tribunal Service in early 2004 attributed birth defect claims from a February 1991 Gulf War combat veteran to depleted uranium poisoning.[10][11] Also, a 2005 epidemiology review concluded: "In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU."[12]"

7 ^ a b c Paul Brown, Gulf troops face tests for cancer 25 April 2003, Retrieved February 3, 2009
8 ^ Health Effects of Uranium. "Toxicological profile for uranium".
9 ^ Miller AC, McClain D. (2007 Jan-Mar). "A review of depleted uranium biological effects: in vitro and in vivo studies". Rev Environ Health 22 (1): 75–89. PMID 17508699.
10 ^ Williams, M. (February 9, 2004) "First Award for Depleted Uranium Poisoning Claim," The Herald Online, (Edinburgh: Herald Newspapers, Ltd.)
11 ^ Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (Spring, 2004) "MoD Forced to Pay Pension for DU Contamination," CADU News 17)
12 ^ a b c d Hindin, R. et al. (2005) "Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective," Environmental

A quick wiki shows it is controversial at least. One would suppose that it would be at least somewhat harmful. Did you ever hear about that illness soldiers were coming back with from the first Gulf war? It wasn't really talked about much and I remember it being later attributed to the burning oil fields, perhaps this is a more likely culprit.

Bullet hitting a metal plate

grinter says...

Edited to correct a horribly mangled sentence:

With all of those particles being ejected, it is not hard to believe that lead bullets or depleted uranium shells could lead to health hazards for families living in a war zone (beyond the obvious health hazards, of course).

Atheist answers: Why does anything matter? (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

mauz15 says...

So basically what is being asked is:

Considering the fact nothing is permanent and the universe seems to be approaching a state of complete degeneration; making it a cold, dark, ever expanding space, why does anything matter?

For something to matter it has to have value, you can rephrase it as: What meaning (value) does anything have?

This question relies on the assumption that life matters or has meaning only if it lasts forever.

Endless permanence or existence do not condition meaning or value, on the contrary, they deplete it.

Switch the variables of that comment by Doc to see my point.
If we lived forever, why would anything matter? if there was a state of unchanging matter, how could you have any value? Not dying, all the time in the world, all the chances you can get, everything always the same. How could anything matter in this situation? If I dont fear for my life I wont give a damn about many things that we are inspired to do precisely because our life is limited.

It is because things are fragile and temporary, that we can give meaning to it, and have reasons to care about our decisions and what happens to us. If I can have infinite chances to get something, if I can start over and over again, if nothing would ever fade, then nothing matters.

Our life is short, matter is ever changing, and nothing really lasts. Because of all those things our actions and decisions during the short period where we are able to make them have value. If you mess up, you may not get another chance so you better make it count.

This is why I find the type of existence that 'Heaven' offers a meaningless existence. A Never changing, eternal reality would bore the hell out of me.

The US economy came within 3 hours of total collapse

Deano says...

Some banks surely do need to go to the wall. You can then still have a banking system but it's partially nationalised. The biggest issue in the U.S now must be reform of the financial sector while the economy limps along.

The electronic run is that investors withdraw deposits but aren't taking out actual banknotes. This is going to deplete their assets very quickly and beyond a certain stage the bank doesn't have any money itself. Then it can't trade and invest let alone pay its own bills.

Sylvia Pearle, TED Prize Winner, Ocean Researcher

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