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Steven Colbert - RIP Gary Gygax

Humvee Driving In Iraqi Traffic

Russian MIG shoots down a Georgian UAV

Saving Private Ryan, Team Fortress 2 Style

One vs. Many. OLDBOY fight scene, Great Moments in Cinema

Don Hertzfeldt End of the Show

Surreal Swedish commercials directed by Roy Andersson

Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Kidneys to Hospital

Goofball_Jones (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

Dr. Strangelove? Really? I thought you'd want a credible non fictitious character. Rather then a comment from a dark comedy.

In reply to this comment by Goofball_Jones:
General Jack D. Ripper: "Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face."

God willing, we will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural... fluids.

I... am... your singing telegram... BANG!

Hand Vagina

So what's wrong with NSA access to databases from ChoicePoint, AT&T, banking records, etc.?

Shadow of the Vampire Trailer

Tracon (Member Profile)

NickyP (Member Profile)

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