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newtboy (Member Profile)

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

No, sorry, you’re thinking of Trump. More projection.
Turned his back on the attack he fomented, and Americans died defending democracy from MAGA.
Clinton did her job well with the information at hand. She didn’t turn her back like Trump undeniably did, she simply didn’t foresee the future when terrorists would pick one embassy to attack instead of one of the other 255 embassies and consulates. Since she testified for days without once pleading the fifth and no one hid what happened at any of the 10 purely partisan illegitimate hearings about it, unlike every person in cowardly Trump’s circle, we know without a doubt she did not turn her back, nor was she in any way responsible for the 4 Americans who died. You might want to educate yourself.
Republicans admitted plainly and publicly that the only purpose was to defeat her politically, so they consider the never ending hyper partisan extremely expensive hearings that 100% exonerated her a success. I believe the costs ran well over $200 million tax payer dollars for their political commercials couched as “hearings”.

Trump turns his back on constitutionality, civility, rationality, transparency, and reality….he hides everything that happened in the whitehouse, instructs public servants to refuse subpoenas, don’t testify, hide steal and destroy evidence, and don’t in any way cooperate in investigating the viscous violent terroristic attack against America and democracy he personally led to seize power. He said for decades only criminals plead the fifth, you agreed….every person from his administration subpoenaed has pleaded the fifth as has he….you don’t see the connection.

Also, let’s not forget the extra 1 million Americans that his own CDC said died needlessly because Trump turned his back on the pandemic. He’s infinitely more responsibility for 250000 times more deaths after dismantling Obama’s pandemic response team and ignoring Covid, and his plan was to double that number of dead Americans by opposing any public health measures and never locking down.
“I know all grandparents agree with me. Grandma and grandpa will be happy to die to get America back to work in weeks instead of months…they WANT to die for America. Get back out there and let the elderly take care of themselves.”
Party of millions of deaths, more pedophilic debauchery in the extreme daily, and the continuing attempted destruction of democracy in America by force…that’s you, friendo. Derp.

Such idiotic rewriting of history, bob. There were 10 illegitimate partisan hearings that she cooperated with over something that, had every accusation been true, still wasn’t criminal. For Jan 6, a deadly coup at Trump’s public direction on American soil that killed MORE Americans and was a DIRECT ATTACK AGAINST AMERICAN SOIL BY TERRORISTS, you say “nothing burger”, proving how unserious, irrational, and a full fledged cultist you are.

Good thing they shot that Traitorous cunt Ashley Babbitt, Bob says you shouldn’t have fucked with police, sweetheart.

bobknight33 said:

That was a ligit hearing because she turned her back on Americans and they died.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump personally directed employees to move and hide the classified documents after getting a subpoena for them, and directed them to lie about it, but now that the FBI has security footage of them doing it, they have admitted hiding the stolen documents at Trump’s direction and insistence and admitted to lying about it.

They also have these employees cooperation. They have agreed to testify that Trump himself directed them to move/hide boxes he knew contained classified documents that had been subpoenaed AFTER he received the subpoena. Game over.

His lawyers knew this when they lied that all documents had been returned….unfortunately for them so did the FBI.

This is evidence of his knowledge of guilt….proof he knew he was committing crimes, and a crime itself. Obstruction carries up to a 20 year sentence per document he hid….and there are hundreds if not thousands of stolen pages he hid.

Can’t wait until some of these documents show up on Chinese and Russian government computer systems.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s team won’t cooperate with their own special master by defending Trump, saying which documents they claim Trump declassified, because they’re saving that for trial….so his defense team is demanding he be indicted for espionage!?!

Of course, since there is no evidence he declassified these documents anywhere, and even the president can’t declassify documents without going through the declassification process and leaving a record they were declassified, this means that no matter what lies Trump spouts and who believes them, he’s toast, he committed treason, espionage, and theft of government documents. Caught red handed with nuclear secrets in his desk that he swore under oath to the FBI he didn’t have.

Also, Trump was indicted in New York today. His children are included in the lawsuits that seek over $250 million and to remove all Trumps from any leadership or controlling positions in any companies in New York State and bar them from any real estate purchases for 5 years.
More to come, because criminal complaints surrounding his “staggering” bank and tax and wire frauds have been forwarded by the NYAG to the IRS.

I wonder if his $3 million criminal defense lawyer has returned to Venezuela with his retainer yet, you know he’s going to before the feds try to recoup those ill gotten funds too.

BTW- the US Senate unanimously condemned Trump today for his public attacks against the FBI and for spurring threats of violence and death against the FBI, it’s agents, and their families including young children by his cultists who have followed through by trying to murder FBI agents and their families up to and including trying to plant dirty bombs at FBI buildings. Not sure why the media didn’t cover that one whit, but they didn’t. So much for the liberal media doing all they can to hurt Trump, right? This time they covered for him 100%.

Hilariously, Trump’s spokesperson came out today whining and complaining that the Biden whitehouse isn’t full of “leakers” like Trump’s was. How unfair that Biden hired trustworthy people and Trump hired sycophants only interested in their own personal gains.

Also came out today that Trump is pissed DeSantis “stole” his idea of shipping immigrants to blue states and Trump wants credit, but at least he didn’t go as far as Trump planned by hand selecting the worst violent criminal migrants to ship to “blue states and cities”, not deport, not incarcerate, but traffic them deep into the US.
Murder, rape, debauchery, death and destruction….the actual Trump plan.

Your Trump descriptor of the day- perfidious- deceitful and untrustworthy. Never has one word described Trump better.

I love it when a plan comes together. 😂

PS- because I know you’re confused, here’s what a real leader looks like. Notice he barely glances at his notes the entire speech because he actually knows what he’s talking about, unlike another president that could barely read a speech and never once read one 1/10 as coherent and thoughtful as Biden gives without assistance. So much for that theory that Biden’s mind is gone, sorry friendo, it’s a steel trap.

Edit: Ruh Roe…New York just revised its sexual assault laws to essentially remove statutes of limitations, meaning Eugene Carol, the woman he defamed by calling her rape claims lies and is currently sueing him for deffamation can now sue for rape, and she indicated she intends to file Nov 24, the first day the law is in effect. A new felony case for Trump every day. This is you guy? This is you pick? 😂

His poor overworked emotional support aides, hired to give baby snowflake Trump daily ego stroking and kudos for nothing by surfing the web to find any positive tweets or troths about him.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


First it was “I took absolutely nothing, fake news.”
Then “I maybe accidentally took some documents I immediately returned.”
Then “when they came with the second subpoena we gave them everything and swore under oath we had.”
Then “What’s the big deal that we still had top secret nuclear documents unsecured, all they had to do was ask for the documents, we always cooperated.”
Then “No crime, I automatically declassified any document I removed from secure locations by secret overreaching decree I never memorialized.”
Now it’s “yes, I stole hundreds of top secret nuclear documents hurting the country and making everyone less safe because I thought maybe I wanted to put them in my public presidential library that I haven’t started planning to build for everyone to see, so I kept them in an unlocked closet and a public hallway outside the unlocked basement.….because that’s what you do with top secret highly classified nuclear documents.”

His claim other presidents did this is nonsense. Other presidents went through the proper process to screen out secret classified documents, and never took any of the documents, the national archive held them until they were transferred to presidential libraries.

He’s now admitted he personally illegally stole them, and that he personally ignored multiple subpoenas demanding their return, that he personally kept them completely unsecured, and that he (through his legal representatives at his direction) lied and swore to the FBI he had turned them all over. Not what you do when you think you have a legitimate reason for having them….and all public admissions to multiple felonies. Every attempted excuse is an admission of multiple serious felonies involving national security….tell me it’s nothing, prove absolutely nothing comes before your allegiance to the Ochre Ogre. (It’s ok…we know it already.)

Over 700 classified pages….each one carries 5-15 years in prison.

Traitors - “nothing burger”

BTW- turns out records prove that Barr NEVER considered the charges against Trump when he publicly exonerated him, didn’t even read the evidence, just said “nope, not prosecuting”.
The secret memo he tried to hide even from the judge determining if it could be kept secret says clearly that Barr needs to make a statement and not release the full report because it clearly implies/shows the president committed obstruction. This was Barr’s legal team telling him there are legitimate legal charges in the report, and he needs to obstruct the courts and public from seeing them.
At least 10 instances listed in the unredacted Mueller report of Trump obstructing justice that Barr covered up.
That is an underlying crime Barr insisted didn’t exist.
He may be facing obstruction charges too. Likely about to be disbarred, after courts determined he outright lied about the Mueller report. Gonna be great to have an administration reunion in the yard at Levenworth. Everyone will be there.

Edit: aren’t you going to tell us how awful student debt relief is? What a travesty it is to exclude millionaires from getting $10-$20k back in the pocketbooks of those struggling with crushing school debt, some to horrific for profit “schools” like Trump’s totally fraudulent “school” scam? Don’t you need to scream “SOCIALISM!!!”?

No? *crickets*? Isn’t this sending the message that you can just walk away from debt you contracted to pay back? Isn’t it the hard left swing deep into socialist communism that will destroy western civilization? I’m begging you, take the bait and talk shit like the rest of the extreme right…I double dog dare you.

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

You got a very straight answer, you just didn’t like it. Ironic to claim something you don’t like doesn’t exist while arguing that something that doesn’t exist bothers you.

I’ll try again, but I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you. Women can outperform men, so clearly there’s more to it than just gender, more than just the shape of your 23/24th chromosome. If there wasn’t, the worst man would always outperform the best woman. That being the case, discriminating based on gender is not just wrong, it’s illegal. That goes for trans people too, they aren’t excluded from having rights just because you seem to want it that way.

I note there’s no answer at all about excluding a group of citizens from publicly funded events. Don’t like that question I guess. No answer for it, I guess. Straight or otherwise. Last try to get anything resembling a answer at all.

Absolutely a blatant Red herring. I refuse to cooperate with your ridiculous loaded cherry picked false premise fantasy.
Try asking a realistic question on point instead of a loaded, ridiculous fantasy hypothetical you think makes your point. Your question implies that you believe trans women are just ordinary men.

If we pick the 100m sprint and had the two categories and trans people were allowed to compete with their current gender (with specific requirements, like they are), would you expect the trans athletes to always dominate?
Same question, but 50k race.

If so, why?
If so, explain why that hasn’t happened even though they’ve been competing in the Olympics under those rules for near 20 years now.
If not, what’s your point? I think I know, your point is that trans women are men, an ignorant, inflammatory, intentional insult to them and what they go through to be comfortable in their own bodies.
No surprise since you support just excluding them because you assume wrongly that a trans woman is a man in a dress. It’s ignorance and intolerance dancing together in your mind, making false assumptions and attempting to deny rights to others based on them. I might note, sexual orientation and gender are two categories that in America we are barred from using to discriminate against someone. I must assume you aren’t American, so what’s your dog in this fight? Just trans hatred?

Now explain why trans kids shouldn’t be allowed to compete in school competitions. Last try to get an answer.

Now explain how this is different from the racist arguments for excluding blacks from sports.

Edit: now explain why women like these need protection from other women….

bcglorf said:


Last try to get anything resembling a straight answer.

If we pick specifically the 100m race as an event: If the olympics had but a single open category to all sex and genders, do you expect to see biologically female competitors ever making it into qualifying and competition?

Bob Dole receives Medal of Freedom

Trump’s Loyalties

newtboy says...

Bob, you ignorant slut

Putin invaded Crimea before Trump, true, and we eventually responded with harsh sanctions under Obama/Biden (not as harsh as now, we had less support). Trump’s people, before taking office, were on tape promising to remove any sanctions as soon as he took office, a crime btw and what Flynn went down for….then he recognized Russian Crimea halting any further international response.
Oh, and let’s not forget withholding military aid as they were being invaded to blackmail the Ukrainians into making up lies about and fake investigations into Biden.

It’s utterly asinine to pretend Putin wouldn’t expect the go ahead from Trump, who is cheerleading him on as we speak, offering high praise for the genius invasion, and have his full cooperation in blocking NATO from responding. Trump never once opposed or contradicted Putin. Not a bit surprising it’s your position. You are so gullible…and ignorant.

Putin DID invade Ukraine under Trump you moron. His forces were already in the Provence/states he declared independent, and have been for years. It was a smaller force, not full scale invasion, but his military was present and controlled the areas.
He’s escalating now, he says, because NATO is being strengthened (thanks largely to Biden, despite Trump wanting out of NATO) and he’s scared shitless that Ukraine will join and get help crushing the Russia backed separatists, quickly followed by other ex soviet satellites.

Putin is pausing that escalation now because of the strong response from Biden and our NATO allies.

How’re Trump’s criminal charges and civil cases doing? LMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let me remind you….you are still one of the 30% that think Trump did a good job (by what metric I can’t tell….not economic, not infrastructure, not public health, not jobs, not the state of the union, not trust in government, not international standing, not trade, not lower crime, not cooperation (government or civil), not by simplifying the tax code, not by lowering spending….so how, how did he succeed, by bankrupting the treasury to give welfare to billionaires? The only thing he actually won are titles for most corrupt administration in history hands down, first to be impeached twice, only president ever to deny certified election results, first to attempt to falsify election results, first to attempt to overthrow a valid election by force, and biggest debt by 1/3 and biggest deficit by far more than double.).

You are also one of the 30% that, after months of denying Republican involvement at all now thinks violently attacking the government with bombs, fire, guns, knives, tear gas, projectiles, and heavy clubs, killing police and trying to murder representatives is a great job, patriotic. 🤦‍♂️

You are also one of the 30% who denied Covid was ever an issue that needed to be addressed until Jan 20, 2021 when it suddenly was horrific and all the president’s responsibility….but no fucking way in hell you’re going to listen to his advice.

Bob, I couldn’t say the last time you were correct on any topic. I may be incorrect up to 5% of the time, and gladly accept true correction (but not simple obstinate contradiction without fact) and willingly admit mistakes. I actually research. You are totally wrong on every detail closer to over 95% of the time, you’ve never once even looked into the ridiculous claims you cut and paste from right wing propaganda sites…I doubt you would know how, and never once have you admitted a single of your uncountable and verified mistakes that you make in every single argument you attempt….and I’m talking about factual mistakes, not grammar.

Let me also remind you, Biden has a 42% approval rating, not 30%. Trump had 39% at this point. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

News Fails to Ask WHY Police Seized $100K From Traveler

bobknight33 says...

from Asset Forfeiture
Policy Manual 2021

I. Guidelines for Planning for Seizure and Restraint
A. Background
The Department of Justice (Department) Asset Forfeiture Program (Program) encompasses the
seizure and forfeiture of assets that represent the proceeds of, or were used to facilitate, federal
crimes. The Program has four primary goals:
(1) Punish and deter criminal activity by depriving criminals of property used in or acquired
through illegal activities.
(2) Promote and enhance cooperation among federal, state, local, tribal, and foreign law
enforcement agencies.
(3) Recover assets that may be used to compensate victims when authorized under federal law.
(4) Ensure that the Program is administered professionally, lawfully, and in a manner consistent
with sound public policy

II. Payment of Attorneys’ Fees in Criminal Forfeiture Cases
A. Defendant’s attorneys’ fees
The defendant in a criminal forfeiture action may file for an award of attorneys’ fees only under
the Hyde Amendment.4 A motion for fees and costs filed in a civil forfeiture case under 28 U.S.C.
§ 2465(b) cannot include fees and costs incurred in even a directly related criminal proceeding.5
To prevail on a Hyde Amendment claim, the defendant must prove that: (1) the defendant was the
prevailing party in the underlying action; (2) the government’s position was vexatious, frivolous, or in
bad faith; and (3) there are no special circumstances that would make the award unjust.6
This burden
is heavier than the one the government must meet under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.???????????

Polling at 39% is terrible. Yep 60% of Americans think Biden is not good.
disaster inherited ?> Things are worse today then the day Biden took office.

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

These are all bad for Americans. Biden policies created these failures.

4.2% unemployment is awesome. This will still great until Democrats mess with cooperate tax rates then the ship will slow back down.

I'm not even going to blame Biden Admin for more covid deaths under his watch ( even with vaccine) than Trumps. Its a loose cannon with ebbs and flows.

Not blaming the Chineese for this death cannon is his and the UN fault. Just goes to show how paid off people are on a global scale.

2022 will be the judgement of this administration.

newtboy said:

Trump is the only one with verified fraudulent votes. You know this. He ran the attempted steal, and failed to steal the presidency. Republicans are the only ones caught fraudulently voting. Sorry, Charlie, your guy cheated….and still lost bigly.

Biden is requiring vaccination and testing to let Americans back in from those African countries, Trump didn’t require a thing, actually discouraged testing of people from China, and only banned Chinese people, allowing over 40000 untested people in from infected areas in China…which started the American epidemic. Biden did not ban just black Africans, despite what you imply….that kind of racist move had already proven to be a failure during the previous administration.

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.

A success at defrauding morons like you, and the American people. Are you trying to say the nation was in a better place Jan 20, 2021 than it was 2017? By what measure? I can’t think of a single way things improved…yet you stand up for this failed administration, guess you(re) part of the fooled 36% (now down to 26% btw) who thinks he did a good job. Derp.

A full year of being a whiny little bitch, bob. When are you going to get tired of throwing infantile tantrums out of sour grapes because you’re too immature to accept that the least popular president ever, presiding over an avoidable pandemic and recession, could lose an election (even though Trump has never gotten more votes than his opponent in ANY election EVER!). Remember you said Clinton should be disqualified because she was under investigation (even though she wasn’t, they reopened a long closed case to pretend she was still being investigated in the final week)….so I must assume Trump is disqualified because he’s under indictment and investigation dozens of times over…or do you admit you’re a hypocritical whining little bitch?

Is Meat REALLY Bad For The Climate?

newtboy says...

A 2012 United Nations report summarized 65 different estimated maximum sustainable population size and the most common estimate was 8 billion. Advocates of reduced population often put forward much lower numbers. Paul R. Ehrlich stated in 2018 that the optimum population is between 1.5 and 2 billion

Since we are at or near 8 billion and are far from sustainable, haven’t been for over 50 years, I think the 1.5 number is far more realistic, maybe even high. I think the 8 billion estimates assume international cooperation, constant advances in farming tech with constantly increasing yields (that aren’t happening), and don’t account for climate change disrupting supply chains and production at various levels….so wishful thinking.

War sucks for population control. It’s messy, expensive, destructive of both infrastructure and ecology, and just crap at killing meaningful numbers. We need to reduce by billions, the worst war killed a few million and destroyed much of Europe. A war that kills 1000 times more people….yikes. Forget global warming, hello planetary disintegration.

The only acceptable method IMO is quit having children, then you don’t kill anyone to achieve sustainability. For some idiotic reason, average people find the idea of not having excess children horrific and totally out of the question, but the idea of starving their children to death seems to garner a “shit happens”.

Agreed, we need something like an airborne infectious prion where there could be no vaccine, no sterilization, no escape…..only that would wipe out everyone so maybe not that.

cloudballoon said:

Sources for the 8-10 billion & 1.5 billion figures? I'm just both fascinated & concerned about how the scientists come up with those numbers and what tech & better farming can do.

Yeah I agree the human population can't just grow & grow. But it seems the only way to do that is 1) war & 2) high cost of living has worked so far. Diseases used to be a fair equalizer as well, but with advanced R&D, even a pandemic like what we have is able to prevent mass casuality rates of the past.

Australia's Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit

newtboy says...

I think the worst part of these summits is their stated goals.
Paris intended to keep warming to 1.5 degrees by 2050 (no real plan beyond then)…but you might recall, 1.5 degrees of warming is considered the tipping point where feedback loops and natural processes outpace human inputs, meaning even if we hit zero emissions by 2050, and if everyone kept to their Paris agreement promises, and if other nations don’t continue to ramp up emissions, and if unforeseen feedback loops aren’t stronger or faster acting than predicted, we still lose control completely by 2050. That’s the best plan we have, runaway climate shifts in <30 years AT BEST….and no one seems to be living up to even that planned disaster of a plan. Emissions aren’t being cut, they’re increasing. Feedback loops are ramping up 40 years earlier than predicted. All the while, people are complaining that gas is over $3 (I haven’t seen it under $4 in decades where I live) and insisting we adopt some heavily polluting power generation instead of investing in green energy solutions. People assume, it seems, that some last minute fix will solve climate change, ignoring the fact that emissions from today are reactive in the atmosphere for between 25 and 150 years, so we needed to be at net zero 25 years ago to even start effecting the atmosphere today…and some emissions from the industrial revolution are still effecting us now. Net zero by 2050 (a pipe dream, and the best plan so far) is planning to fail completely…like turning off the blast furnace in your house when the thermometer hits 450.5 inside and thinking you can stop it from burning down.
If Covid taught us anything, it’s that there is 0% chance humans will be able to cooperate enough to tackle climate change. People were asked to simply wear a mask and distance a bit to save their lives, and enough refused to do it that the methods that worked beautifully elsewhere failed miserably to control a virus. If we can’t pull off such a simple, blatantly obvious plan against a virus, what chance is there of cooperation across the board to sacrifice enormous amounts of money and completely revamp our wasteful way of life in uncountable ways to stop something seen as a future problem by many? IMO, there so little chance of pulling it off that it’s statistically correct to say there’s absolutely no chance at all.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now? Still sticking with that nonsense?

We know now that many had serious plans to kidnap, kill, maim, or at a minimum terrorize and threaten death to members of congress. They were dumb enough to write it down.

Prosecutors have filed various charges against near 700 people so far…way more than 40. The investigation into the architects of the failed coup has barely begun, and Republicans are terrified at what it’s already finding and who is cooperating. It’s clear already many Trumpist representatives were in direct contact with the attackers up to the point of tweeting out Pelosi’s location in real time to the mob actively looking to lynch her.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

newtboy says...

Age restricted by YouTube.

Side note, 5 years after an unarmed man was shot 76 times (shot at over 100 times) by police, two officers have finally been indicted for his murder. (Turns out two of those shots came from directly above his dead body….mafia execution style)
The previous DA claimed the local police were working with federal marshals, whose policy is to not allow body cameras, and they always follow that rule, so there was no body cam footage, and under Trump the US marshals refused to cooperate, so he had no evidence with which to prosecute. That changed.

Felony murder, aggravated assault, burglary, making false statements, and violation of oath by a police officer. I hope they both get the death penalty and get no protection in prison. Maybe they can get raped to death….still too good for their ilk.

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