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GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

newtboy says...

The next Democratic president is going to have carte Blanche to do anything he or she wants, laws be damned, and Republican complaints are all nothing but country hating sour grapes, to be ignored and ridiculed.
Republican subpoenas....toilet paper. Republican criminal charges....witch hunts. Republican legislation....compost. Republican complaints....sweet sweet music. Turnabout is fair play, and there's a big turnabout a'coming.

Sudafed pill popping Donny (see his taco bowl photo from May 5, 2016 and notice the open drawer that's chock full of European formula Sudafed) now has 20% of Republicans ready to impeach, that number growing steadily. An anonymous/sealed vote in the Senate today would see him expelled, so McConnell won't consider it.

Not sure how they think baiting and lying to the press isn't baiting and lying to the public....or how it doesn't make him a consummate liar in their eyes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

No? what? how the hell did u get that from this?

The president of the United States issued an order making it a crime to do this for the purpose of interfering in an election.

The Obama administration, along with a slew of our allies, wanted that prosecutor out because he was NOT prosecuting corruption. They wanted someone who would prosecute corruption more aggressively. I fail to see the problem.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden was not under investigation for corruption from the prosecutor who was let go. According to the company Burisma Holdings claimed at the time (and still say now) that they brought H Biden on to improve their company image and root out shady business practices. The name probably helped that, but it's apples and oranges.

If there were really something shady going on, why fire the person who is NOT investigating your son's company? Regardless, per the new law under the 45th, it's improper and illegal for someone campaigning to engage in this kind of conflict of interest. If he had a legitimate concern, he should have let an appropriate agency within the state department handle it.

BONUS apparently he's also done this multiple times with the likes of Australia and whatever else is behind the code worded files.

On another note, it's illogical and stupid that i have to keep reading about the credibility of the whistleblower. THE FUCKING WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT IS 100% CONFIRMED BY THE RELEASED TRANSCRIPT FROM THE WHITE HOUSE.


What's left to debate about this? the report filed matches the transcript put out BY THE WHITE HOUSE. It's beyond me why I even have to explain that.

bobknight33 said:

Not relevant. Trump is finding out Biden's corruption in Ukraine Trump did run on cleaning the swamp.

Also Ukraine help DNC gather dirt on Trump for 2016 election.

So you saying if I rob a bank and then run for POTUS you can't investigate?

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy says...

@bcglorf Here's a tome for you....

It's certainly not (the only way). Converting to green energy sources stimulates the economy, it doesn't bankrupt it, and it makes it more efficient in the future thanks to lower energy costs. My solar system paid for itself in 8 years, giving me an expected 12 years of free electricity and hot water. Right wingers would tell you it will never pay for itself....utter bullshit.

Every gap in our knowledge I've ever seen that we have filled with data has made the estimates worse. Every one. Every IPCC report has raised the severity and shrunk the timeframe from the last report....but you stand on the last one that they admit was optimistic and incomplete by miles as if it's the final word and a gold standard. It just isn't. They themselves admit this.

The odds of catastrophic climate change is 100% in the next 0 years for many who have already died or been displaced by rising seas or famine or disease or lack of water or...... and that goes for all humanity in the next 50 because those who survive displacement will be refugees on the rest's doorsteps. Don't be ridiculous. If we found an asteroid guaranteed to hit in the next 50-100 years, and any possible solutions take a minimum of 50 years to implement with no surprises, and only then assuming we solve the myriad of technical issues we haven't solved in the last 100 years of trying and only if we can put the resources needed into a solution, not considering the constantly worsening barrage of smaller asteroids and the effects on resources and civilisation, we would put all our resources into solutions. That's where I think we are, except we still have many claiming there's no asteroid coming and those that already hit are fake news....including those in the highest offices making the decisions.

Every IPCC report has vastly underestimated their projections, they tell you they are doing it, only including data they are certain of, not new measurements or functions. They do not fill in the gaps, they leave them empty. Gaps like methane melt that could soon be more of a factor than human CO2, and 100% out of our control.

The AR5 report is so terrible, it was lambasted from day one as being incredibly naive and optimistic, and for not including what was then new data. Since its release, those complaints have been proven to be correct, in 5 years since its release ice melt rates have accelerated 60 years by their model. I wouldn't put a whit of confidence in it, it was terrible then, near criminally bad today. I'll take NOAA's estimates based on much newer science and guess that they, like nearly all others in the past, also don't know everything and are also likely underestimating wildly. Even the IPCC AR5 report includes the possibility of 3 ft rise by 2100 under their worst case (raised another 10% in this 2019 report, and expected to rise again by 2021, their next report), and their worst case models show less heat and melting than we are measuring already and doesn't include natural feedbacks because they can't model them accurately yet so just left them out (but noted they will have a large effect, but it's not quantitative yet so not included). Long and short, their worst case scenario is likely optimistic as reality already outpaces their worst case models.

Again, the economy benefits from new energy production in multiple ways. Exxon is not the global economy.

It took 100 years for the impact of our pollution to be felt by most (some still ignore it today). Even the short term features like methane take 25+ years to run their cycles, so what we do today takes that long to start working.

If people continue to drag their feet and challenge the science with supposition, insisting the best case scenario of optimistic studies are the worst we should plan for, we're doomed....and what they're doing is actually worse than that. The power plants built or under construction today put us much higher than 1.5 degree rise by 2100 with their expected emissions without ever building 1 more, and we're building more. Without fantastic scientific breakthroughs that may never come, breakthroughs your plan relies on for our survival, what we've already built puts us beyond the IPCC worst case in their operational lifetimes.

There's a problem with that...I'm good with using real science to identify them without political obstruction and confusion, the difference being we need to be prepared for decisive action once they're identified. So far, we have plans to develop those actions, but that's it. In the event of a "surprise" asteroid, we're done. We just hope they're rare.
This one, however, is an asteroid that is guaranteed to hit if we do nothing, some say hit in 30 years, some say 80. Only morons say it won't hit at all, do nothing.
Climate change is an asteroid/comet in our orbit that WILL hit earth. We are already being hit by ejecta from it's coma causing disasters for millions. You suggest we don't start building a defense until we are certain of it's exact tonnage and the date it will crash to earth because it's expensive and our data incomplete. That plan leaves us too late to change the trajectory. The IPCC said we need to deploy our system in 8-10 years to have a 30-60% chance of changing the trajectory under perfect seem to say "wait, that's expensive, let's give it some time and ignore that deadline". I say even just a continent killer is bad enough to do whatever it takes to stop, because it's cheaper with less loss of life and infinitely less suffering than a 'wait and see exactly when it will kill us, we might have space elevators in 10 years so it might only kill 1/2 of us and the rest might survive that cometary winter in space (yes at exponentially higher cost and loss of life and ecology than developing the system today, but that won't be on my dime so Fuck it).' attitude.

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

No...the gift of being violated is not precious. The gift of mistrust might have kept me out of trouble to some extent, but I could and would have learned that lesson without a gun to my head and knee in my neck, and without the threats to my freedom if I told on him.

I don't KNOW....I said I would bet. Please read more carefully before making assumptions and accusations. It's far more likely he's not remorseful, I said why I think that.

They wouldn't take a report or complaint, and I don't remember his name. That makes checking in on the thug a bit difficult. Your suggestion is like asking someone to look up their uncaught mugger to see if they feel bad decades later. I would love to face him as an adult, but he's not my white whale like you want him to be....he's just one more dangerous whale in a sea full of them, he just happens to be the one that bit me, they all bite. Nothing special about him.

I have zero need to give him forgiveness nor to take away the mistrust. I don't care a whit about him. Hate implies he's important to me, he's just not except as an example, an instance where I learned some harsh reality, that police are not there to serve and protect citizens as I had been taught.

Please don't presume to tell me what I need or how I feel. I find it insulting. You obviously don't know me a bit or you would never take that path. Assuming I'll react, think, or feel like an average, normal person is about as big an insult as I can think of.

I'm no cop. I'm not assaulting those I'm charged with protecting and serving. I'm not abusing anything by having an opinion.
Just stop, please, you're becoming dismissively insulting with your naive assumptions. Love isn't all you need...obviously....or you would be in line for your lobotomy right now and happily spend your life loving whatever you see without thinking. Remember, the group that told you that lie was broken up by love.

BSR said:

Do you not understand that he gave you a very precious gift. He gave you his problem whether you know it or not.

How do you know he's not remorseful now? It's been 30+ plus years.

You're a fact guy. Check the facts if that's what you need. But that means you'd have to face your fears. Find him. That's the only way you will know for sure if he remorseful. Do you have the guts to face him again? I doubt he would send you a greeting card.

But you still have another problem. If he's dead already you will still need to forgive him. You will still have his anger. His death will not take away the hate.

You need to do this for yourself otherwise you will pass the anger onto someone else to find the answer you're not capable of. You may even pass it on to the people you love the most.

In short, you're just another bad cop. You have become the very thing you hate. You are abusing the power you have.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

JiggaJonson says...

I actually had this happen to me after I got a ticket. A $250 + $150 court fee ticket because I was going...wait for it...35 mph.

I got pulled over at this exact location, go on and try to find a speed limit sign going north.,-87.508833,3a,75y,12.09h,82.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxVT9eHxtCpzbkw2Q6wPCaQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I remember because he whipped out from that liquor store parking lot, but long story short he wrote me a ticket and I didn't notice until later that the ticket said I got pulled over at Calumet and Lyons (right in front of the school down the road). It may be the case that the whole area is actually 25, but to be fair I was driving at 10 p.m. on my way home, whole fucking street empty.

Red n Blues as I approach the railroad tracks. I look at my speedometer "Is he pulling me over? I'm only going 35. Hmmm. Okay."

"Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
Sheepishly - "Thirty? Five?"

License - Reg, and he walks off, I look at it and say "Jesus christ! $250 for going 35?"

I find out about the court fees adding another $150 and then I see that he wrote the wrong street down "Hmmm what's this street he wrote ohhhHHHH right in front of the school where it's obviously 25 not near the railroad tracks eh? What a fucker"

I go to complain and the chief of police comes out and wants to know why I want to complain. He explains that it will go on the guys record and I should really just pay it because it could end up being a lot more trouble for me than it's worth. Strong insinuation in his voice, I left and didn't pay, didn't file complaint, went to court and explained.

Nothing happened to him, he didn't even get asked why he wrote the wrong street. It was just assumed that he was being honest.

Yeah, people don't write songs calling for "fuck the firemen" or "fuck the EMT's" - gee, I wonder why.

Blocking Trump Tax Return = 5 Years In Jail

newtboy says...

Since you are ignorant of the law and incapable of finding it yourself, here is section 7214 it and get back to me, I'll explain how it applies.

26 U.S. Code § 7214. Offenses by officers and employees of the United States

(a) Unlawful acts of revenue officers or agents
Any officer or employee of the United States acting in connection with any revenue law of the United States—
(1) who is guilty of any extortion or willful oppression under color of law; or
(2) who knowingly demands other or greater sums than are authorized by law, or receives any fee, compensation, or reward, except as by law prescribed, for the performance of any duty; or
(3) who with intent to defeat the application of any provision of this title fails to perform any of the duties of his office or employment; or
(4) who conspires or colludes with any other person to defraud the United States; or
(5) who knowingly makes opportunity for any person to defraud the United States; or
(6) who does or omits to do any act with intent to enable any other person to defraud the United States; or
(7) who makes or signs any fraudulent entry in any book, or makes or signs any fraudulent certificate, return, or statement; or
(8) who, having knowledge or information of the violation of any revenue law by any person, or of fraud committed by any person against the United States under any revenue law, fails to report, in writing, such knowledge or information to the Secretary; or
(9) who demands, or accepts, or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly as payment or gift, or otherwise, any sum of money or other thing of value for the compromise, adjustment, or settlement of any charge or complaint for any violation or alleged violation of law, except as expressly authorized by law so to do;
shall be dismissed from office or discharged from employment and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. The court may in its discretion award out of the fine so imposed an amount, not in excess of one-half thereof, for the use of the informer, if any, who shall be ascertained by the judgment of the court. The court also shall render judgment against the said officer or employee for the amount of damages sustained in favor of the party injured, to be collected by execution.

Edit: I'll save time, here's the other law he's violating which unambiguously states he had no choice but to turn them over immediately.

26 U.S. Code § 6103. Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
(11) Disclosure of information regarding status of investigation of violation of this section
(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

Edit: allow me to save time again, by not following 6103 (11) (f) and furnishing the return requested in writing by the chairman of the Ways and Means committee, he undeniably violates 7214 (a) (3), which comes with a 5 year sentence. Understand now?

bobknight33 said:

8 minutes of nothing.

What is not mentioned is what law give those asking for his returns and under what conditions he must turn them over.

Only the penalty is discussed.

The witch hunt continues.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

bobknight33 says...

Newt not all cops are bad.

You had a bad experience and as you say "As a Mohawk sporting punk, I was often singled out as a younger teen for no good reason, "

Maybe you just looked like bad egg. Ever thought of cleaning up you act back then?

My brother had a cop put his gun to his head - he deserved it and I've been arrested a few times -- youthful kid stuff. I hold no ill will to cops. They just want to get home safe. If all interactions between cop and respectful citizens things would soften up after some time.

WRT to this video -- All were dicks and need to to have a complaint against them.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

BSR says...

I understand. So is this when your distrust of all cops began? Was your refused complaint tossed in the trash or is there any record at all of that day? Body cams would have been nice back then.

newtboy said:

I was 18, barely supporting myself working at dominoes pizza. I felt sure I couldn't get a lawyer to talk to me without a video and hospital record, much less do something. I didn't have serious injuries, just some scrapes and dirty clothes, and a well earned lifelong distrust of cops.
This was the 80's when people didn't get paid big bucks for civil rights violations they could prove, and all I had was my punk kid word against an entire police force. That wasn't opening any doors.
When I couldn't even make a record of the incident, I dropped it. After all, the cop did tell me he had my address so I should just walk away and not make trouble for myself, and his superior was clearly going to have his back 100%, to the point of refusing to take my complaint, aggressively. I really just wanted the cop to be reprimanded for being so threatening even after realizing it was all his mistake, I didn't see a winnable case or dollar signs.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...

I was 18, barely supporting myself working at dominoes pizza. I felt sure I couldn't get a lawyer to talk to me without a video and hospital record, much less do something. I didn't have serious injuries, just some scrapes and dirty clothes, and a well earned lifelong distrust of cops.
This was the 80's when people didn't get paid big bucks for civil rights violations they could prove, and all I had was my punk kid word against an entire police force. That wasn't opening any doors.
When I couldn't even make a record of the incident, I dropped it. After all, the cop did tell me he had my address so I should just walk away and not make trouble for myself, and his superior was clearly going to have his back 100%, to the point of refusing to take my complaint, aggressively. I really just wanted the cop to be reprimanded for being so threatening even after realizing it was all his mistake, I didn't see a winnable case or dollar signs.

BSR said:

What did your lawyer advise?

Where Are These "Good Cops" I Hear About?

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...


Fuck the police, they have become a criminal gang not civil servants. I wouldn't piss on one that was on fire.

Pretty much what happened when I complained about a cop putting a gun to my head because he misread my licence plate....I was threatened with reprisal and my written complaint was refused.

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

Corporal O’Neil of Troop 7 in Lewes, Del., reportedly did not request license or registration, never said why he was pulling him over until long after they were at the station, and repeatedly berated "you people" on the way to the station, telling Buckly "you're a piece of shit...go ahead and try the race card"
Buckley was not allowed to file an official complaint when he was released, in violation of more laws.

This is why police get shot in the face during traffic stops, and why some of them deserve it. There was zero reason to have him get out of the car, or to pull a deadly weapon.
I had the same treatment except the gun was to my head, and I was thrown to the concrete and jumped on, all while complying with commands, all because a dumb cop read my license plate wrong.

Fuck the police until criminal cops like this are all in a deep dark prison with no special protection.

Cohen Sentenced; Trump's Shutdown Threat: A Closer Look

JiggaJonson says...


I'd also point to the Hot Coffee case as THE clearest example of tort reform propaganda that I'm aware of.

McDonald's had hundreds of burn complaints and it was their policy to keep the coffee at scalding temps to stop old people from drinking it too fast (they have to wait for it to cool) when they meet for their morning Blue Haired Neighborhood Committee meetings.

THEN this woman got burned. She only sued for the cost of her medical expenses, the jury awarded the extras for pain and suffering (she couldn't walk without a limp after when she was a spry tennis-playing old lady prior).



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