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Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

Digitalfiend says...

What an absolute BS stop. With that said, people that get pulled over really need to stop trying to confront the officer(s) when shit like this happens. Nothing good is ever going to come from that, as it's highly unlikely the cop is going to admit fault or apologize. Furthermore, you are re-engaging with someone that clearly wants to give you a hard time and cops can find a reason to fine or arrest you. As much as we'd all love to rip that cop a new one, he's got a gun, pepper spray, a taser, and the backing of a gang, so in my opinion it's better to contact the media and register a complaint AFTER disengaging from the situation. When the dude in the video got out of his car I immediately thought some bad shit was going to go down...

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

Drachen_Jager says...

Can't find it now, but a few months prior to COVID I read an article about how difficult it is to file a police complaint in the US.

A dozen reporters in cities across the US tried the process out, after hours of runaround, forms, being told it wouldn't do any good, being implicitly threatened, and in some cases physically surveilled after they left the station (one was followed on foot for several blocks, and the cop wouldn't back down in spite of repeated requests, "It's a free country, I'm just walking down the sidewalk.") In the end, only a few managed to actually get to the point where they could file a report (and they abandoned the process there, so the reports could still have been 'lost' if it had been a genuine complaint).

Oh, NM, I found it, I thought it was print, but it was video:

newtboy said:

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.


Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as a casual conversation with a racist pig. Only conversation designed to catch you in what they say is some admission or claim you slurred your words so they can violate you more.
Never answer questions. None. You have no obligation to help them investigate you, and that's what questions are. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, use it.

Another good cop? As good as they get now, only blatantly racist by his actions. There's no such thing as a good cop. They're a myth.
Note after seeing this video they aren't a bit convinced there's something wrong with him giving a written warning for not speeding and before they'll even consider looking at his actions they need an official complaint with his name, address, place of work, car model and color, license, and any other identifying information attached....for ID purposes not retaliation. His entire department backs him in this harassment. I'll bet $20 if he went to the precinct to make an official complaint they'll first spend hours dismissively trying to talk him out of it before claiming they're out of forms, come back next week and try again.

A warning for 5 mph under the limit. Yeah....I'm sure he pulls over every little old white lady he sees driving and arrests them, they go 20+mph under 70. What utter bullshit.

These aren't police, not civil servants, and they aren't there to help or keep the peace, they're violent, power tripping thugs, racists, liars, and are all severely lead deficient. The last two weeks have proven it conclusively.

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.


Lawyer's Reaction to Carnage at Lafayette Square

wtfcaniuse says...

The shield punching thundercunt needs to be sacked and charged.

I laughed when I learnt you don't even have permanent service records or a permanent complaint system for your cops. May as well be the Catholic church.

Did You Ever Imagine The President Could Act Like This?

newtboy says...

Let's not forget his executive order due this morning, drafts of which now released show him contradicting the first amendment to the constitution and directing the FBI, FTC, FCC, and DOJ to harass, punish, fine, and censor private businesses if they fact check HIS lies on their private platforms in any way....or apparently if the Whitehouse makes any complaints about them...and directed all federal agencies to not advertise on any platform the Whitehouse deems "unfair" (so soon the government will only advertise on OAN).

Where are the right wing 2a nutjobs now? They often claim the 2a exists to protect the other amendments...get to it people. If you don't go armed to the Whitehouse to protest this direct violation and decimation of the constitution, you are admitting that argument is bullshit and so is the 2a. You people went armed to state government buildings to forcefully protest public health orders because you were told they might violate your rights somehow. This time there's no "might" about it, Trump declared an executive order that is a direct, blatant, undeniable violation and attack on the constitution so clear even you can see it without Glen Beck telling you it is one.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

JiggaJonson says...

Just fyi

The supposed sexual assault happeend in the middle of 1993

Isn't it a bit odd that the person who passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (so he was lobbying to get it passed and the bill was introduced in January 1993), am I the only person who thinks its odd that he passed this bill:
see also for the full text

So you mean to tell me
While he was co-sponsoring/writing/passing THAT PARTICULAR LAW that created the following:

--- established annual $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women

---codified sex crimes to make them Federal crimes

---imposed automatic and mandatory penalties on those convicted

---allowed civil cases to be brought in cases prosecutors chose to leave un-prosecuted

---created confidentiality protections for victims

---created a training program for judges to encourage them to prosecute sexual assault crimes against women

So WHILE he's making it easier to sue and bring charges against former employers and creates mandatory minimums for those found guilty and if the prosecutors don't want to do it, created a pathway for civil lawsuits to be brought - you're telling me that WHILE he's doing that, he sexually assaults one of his employees from his offices WHILE he's doing that?

That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.

That the best you got you little bitch?

bobknight33 said:

Finger banging Joe 2020

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.

Saluting The Heros Of The Pandumbic

SFOGuy says...

Timeline as far as I know it...There seems to be...a disproportionate amount of golf...

1/3 Trump learns about coronavirus outbreak in China from intelligence officials.
1/3 Trump holds Miami, FL rally.
1/4 Trump plays golf.
1/5 Trump plays golf.
1/ 8 CDC issues warning about coronavirus.
1/9 Trump holds rally in Toledo, OH.
1/14 Trump holds Milwaukee, WI rally.
1/18 Trump plays golf.
1/19 Trump plays golf.
1/20 1st US case confirmed.
1/22 Trump "...we have it totally under control. It is going to be just fine".
1/23 Hubei, China goes on lockdown
1/24 Global cases over 1,000
1/27 Trump holds Wildwood, NJ rally
1/27 Global deaths over 100
1/30 Trump holds Des Moines, IA rally.
1/31 Global cases over 10,000
1/31 Trump enacts China travel ban
2/1 Trump plays golf.
2/2 Trump "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
2/2 Trump plays golf.
2/5 End of impeachment
2/10 Trump holds Manchester, NH rally.
2/10 Global deaths over 1,000
2/13 Senators Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) sold off millions of dollars in public stock following a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus
2/15 Trump plays golf.
2/19 Trump holds Phoenix, AZ rally.
2/20 Trump holds Colorado Springs, CO rally.
2/21 The first Italian cities go on lockdown
2/21 Trump hold Las Vegas, NV rally.
2/25 Trump "...we are down to 15 cases, will be zero soon."
2/27 Trump "One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
2/28 Trump holds Charleston, SC rally and says worries about the virus is the new "hoax".
2/29 1st American dies from coronavirus.
3/2 Trump holds Charlotte, NC rally.
3/6 Global cases over 100,000
3/6 Trump “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
3/7 Trump plays golf.
3/7 Trump says "No I'm not concerned at all. We've done a great job".
3/8 Trump plays golf.
3/9 The whole country of Italy goes on lockdown
3/11 ~~CDC~~ WHO declares SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic
3/13 Trump declares a national emergency.
3/13 Trump "No, I don't take responsibility at all".
3/17 Trump "I’ve always known this is a real—this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic … I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
3/19 Trump enacts travel ban on European countries.

3/27 Trump signs Covid-19 relief Bill
3/28 U.S. deaths surpass 1000
4/1 U.S deaths surpass 5000.
4/3 Trump fires intelligence community inspector general who flagged Ukraine whistleblower complaint that lead [self sic] to his impeachment.
4/4 "The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die...I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.”

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

SFOGuy says...

I dunno. This timeline doesn't seem to show him being very concerned.

1/3 Trump learns about coronavirus outbreak in China from intelligence officials.
1/3 Trump holds Miami, FL rally.
1/4 Trump plays golf.
1/5 Trump plays golf.
1/ 8 CDC issues warning about coronavirus.
1/9 Trump holds rally in Toledo, OH.
1/14 Trump holds Milwaukee, WI rally.
1/18 Trump plays golf.
1/19 Trump plays golf.
1/20 1st US case confirmed.
1/22 Trump "...we have it totally under control. It is going to be just fine".
1/23 Hubei, China goes on lockdown
1/24 Global cases over 1,000
1/27 Trump holds Wildwood, NJ rally
1/27 Global deaths over 100
1/30 Trump holds Des Moines, IA rally.
1/31 Global cases over 10,000
1/31 Trump enacts China travel ban
2/1 Trump plays golf.
2/2 Trump "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
2/2 Trump plays golf.
2/5 End of impeachment
2/10 Trump holds Manchester, NH rally.
2/10 Global deaths over 1,000
2/13 Senators Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) sold off millions of dollars in public stock following a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus
2/15 Trump plays golf.
2/19 Trump holds Phoenix, AZ rally.
2/20 Trump holds Colorado Springs, CO rally.
2/21 The first Italian cities go on lockdown
2/21 Trump hold Las Vegas, NV rally.
2/25 Trump "...we are down to 15 cases, will be zero soon."
2/27 Trump "One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
2/28 Trump holds Charleston, SC rally and says worries about the virus is the new "hoax".
2/29 1st American dies from coronavirus.
3/2 Trump holds Charlotte, NC rally.
3/6 Global cases over 100,000
3/6 Trump “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
3/7 Trump plays golf.
3/7 Trump says "No I'm not concerned at all. We've done a great job".
3/8 Trump plays golf.
3/9 The whole country of Italy goes on lockdown
3/11 ~~CDC~~ WHO declares SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic
3/13 Trump declares a national emergency.
3/13 Trump "No, I don't take responsibility at all".
3/17 Trump "I’ve always known this is a real—this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic … I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
3/19 Trump enacts travel ban on European countries.

3/27 Trump signs Covid-19 relief Bill
3/28 U.S. deaths surpass 1000
4/1 U.S deaths surpass 5000.
4/3 Trump fires intelligence community inspector general who flagged Ukraine whistleblower complaint that lead [self sic] to his impeachment.
4/4 "The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die...I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.”

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

100000-6000000 American citizens dead....great job.
>$2000000000 for just round 1 of the bailouts (socialism), with Trump indicating it will be up to $6000000000 or more to pay for his lack of quick action....with at least one more round of bailouts after that.
Local leaders were told to fend for themselves, find your own supplies and equipment, then once they did, Trump's administration moved in and outbid the state's to add those supplies to the federal stockpiles that he won't ship to blue states.
Sure Bobby, it's the Democrats complaints that put us here, not Trump's lack of action. Trump didn't "take care of those" rules and laws, he took care of the protections that avoided a pandemic under Obama by shrinking the programs until he could drowned them in a bathtub, then drowning them.

A study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. Other studies show deadly reactions when taken with diabetes medications, and horrific side effects. Also, we can't get much if it turns out to be helpful in limited use, India made it illegal to export.

Trump's not wrong 100% of the time....sometimes he's sleeping. When he's awake and speaking or acting, he's wrong over 80% of the time, but ask him or those of your ilk, he's 100% right 100% of the time. You know that can't be 1/2 true.

Heep you head up Trump ass and drink his Kool Aid on the way to the Trump rally, and be sure to give all those other heroes there a big appreciative hug for standing up against the libtards....maybe a nice sloppy kiss me, it's safe, and you can take hydroxychloroquine if you're scared....just don't worry if you have these possibly permanent side effects....
Blistering, peeling, loosening of the skin
blurred vision or other vision changes
chest discomfort, pain, or tightness
cough or hoarseness
dark urine
decreased urination
defective color vision
difficulty breathing
difficulty seeing at night
dizziness or fainting
fast, pounding, uneven heartbeat
feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
feeling that others can hear your thoughts
feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
fever with or without chills
general feeling of tiredness or weakness
inability to move the eyes
increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
joint or muscle pain
large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, and sex organs
loss of hearing
lower back or side pain
noisy breathing
painful or difficult urination
red irritated eyes
red skin lesions, often with a purple center
severe mood or mental changes
sore throat sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
sticking out of the tongue
stomach pain
swelling of the feet or lower legs
swollen or painful glands
trouble with breathing, speaking, or swallowing
uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
unusual behavior
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual facial expressions
unusual tiredness or weakness
yellow eyes or skin

And don't feel bad when it doesn't help fight covid 19, just blame Obama, that solves everything.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is doing a great job.

Local state leadership is ALSO needed not the bitching from Democrats, and fear mongering from the fake news.

Federal rules and laws helped slow down actions of federal actions. Trump took care of those.

Also Trump indicated that hydroxychloroquine is a promising solution and media dogged him.

Media has Trump wrong 100% of the time. You know that cant be true.
Heep you head up CNN ass and drink their Kool Aid.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...


Digestive Symptoms (diarrhea) Are Indicative of COVID-19 Disease, and often present themselves earlier than respiratory symptoms.

A new study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology on March 18, 2020, found most patients with COVID-19 disease present with typical respiratory symptoms and that many (~48%) patients experienced digestive symptoms as their chief complaint.

“Clinicians must bear in mind that digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea, maybe a presenting feature of COVID-19, and that the index of suspicion may need to be raised earlier in these cases, rather than waiting for respiratory symptoms to emerge,” write the authors.

"Moreover, these patients have a longer time from onset to admission and their prognosis is worse than patients without digestive symptoms."

Whining Baby Boomers

newtboy says...

My boomer parents boiled down their answer to any complaints to one simple, easy to remember word...."cope". That covers just about everything.....except their complaints that is, then they wouldn't stand for that answer for one moment.

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

bcglorf says...

You have to look a little closer. Of course it is absurd to say you can't complain about bullying AND still love America. The guy who spoke is a racist and when he's saying "you", he's meaning "you people", meaning any people that fall outside whatever his notion of "true" Americans is. The white guy beside him could probably make a similar complaint, but not some Mexican immigrant.

Or in short, racist rationalizations unsurprisingly don't stand up to logic.

surfingyt said:

the bootlickers who think you can't complain
but then go to a meeting about making changes

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

You're fucking dumb. I'm not a hypocrite. Do you know the details of withholding aid in Ukraine?

Do you remember when obama was president how the republican congress and senate was stonewalling everything he wanted? Do you remember complaints about executive orders?

The Ukraine Support Act proposed in 2014 did not make it out of committee in the house of representatives


Obama issued two executive orders as part of a national emergency

There was a separate bill that guaranteed loans that was later passed but distribution of funds was done mostly through executive order in accordance with The International Emergency Economic Powers Act.


Obama actually had prerogative and liberty with which to distribute funds and Biden was acting as his surrogate at the time.

In other words, the law was not broken because there wasn't a law to break that existed.



In 2019, the appropriations committee passed this and made it a part of an appropriations bill which the president (Trump) signed as part of a budget regulation

That is the difference

And it's why Biden can use those funds in a discretionary way and have it be legal, and Trump can use them in a discretionary way and have it be illegal (not just because he's investigating a political rival, because he fucking signed the law that said that he had to do it).


The retort is "what about Obama" but the circumstances are different and as much as, and as simple as, it was not against the law for him to do that because the house and the senate didn't pass a law saying he had to do anything with money for Ukraine, that was part of an executive order which gives him that discretion. Donald Trump could have issued an executive order rather than sign off on that budget And it would suddenly be legal.

^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^ Don't misunderstand me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I'm not saying he's doing something illegal and jumping up and down and squealing and shitting myself like a housewife discovering daytime television.

I'm making an observation about how he doesn't care about what laws are passed or not in a more general way.

>>>>>>>>>>>>He just doesn't care about following the law.

Still, that's a separate issue from rooting out corruption overall versus bringing the entire weight of the federal government, not to mention the government in Ukraine, on Joe Biden.

Last I checked no executive order no bill no resolution said "Target Joe Biden specifically" And on the phone call released from Donald Trump in the White House there's only one name that's mentioned.

bobknight33 said:

If this was OBAMA you all will being a doing a circle jerk of pleasure that Obama is standing up for America and making others finally pay up.'

Bunch of hypocrites.

Destroying a scam call center

smallcat781 says...

I read about these Indian scams everyday on social media and complaint boards like [url redacted] I believe that there are still so many scammers out there trying to steal our money. The authority should do something to eliminate these scammers ASAP!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

No...I didn't say that. But Joe Biden was working on orders from the Obama admin as VP.

Imagine this for a second. Your son works at a police station and you are the mayor of town. Your son is kind of a dumbass but he got the job probably because of a reference to you. "You know...I'm Bobknight33's son."

There is an internal affairs head who keeps getting complaints. Complaints from the department, complaints form OTHER police stations. Your son is not under investigation and has not filed a complaint he is getting paid well though even though he's only a half assed employee who got in because of your position.

Finally a complaint comes from the governor of your state. This internal affairs guy is so bad that u are being ordered by the governor to remove him from his position within your power. You can't fire him directly, but you talk to the union guys, you talk to his department head, and explain we're cutting funding if this guy isn't gone. I'm being ordered to do this by my boss.

Then he's fired. All investigations remain open, transfer to a new person. You're relieved to see that your son hasn't been dealing with this old internal affairs guy in any way.

You put a new guy in there and he starts to investigate your son and his job and his partners.

Then people start complaining "the mayor only did this because it benefitted his son!!!" his partners are under investigation under the new guy. He wasn't under investigation before but is now. How is that a benefit? How is that shady business dealings?

Explain yourself.

bobknight33 said:

So in you mind as long as Joe is running for an office he is hands off from investigating.

Trump is not trying to get dirt of a candidate but to continue his effort to drain the swamp, which Joe seems to be neck deep in it.

Heck even the socialist see through the democrat BS.

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