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Heaven's Gate Cult

honkeytonk73 says...

Too bad every cult doesn't just off themselves and leave the result of us alone. Dying and going to a comet. Dying and going to heaven. Dying and going to shangrila. What the fuck is the difference. All fairy tales made up by some wack jobs.

Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact

MrFisk says...

Now let's see - Deltron Z
Art avenger, let's start the adventure
Hit ya with nerve gas, absurd blasts
Crashin space craft, I'm bio-enhanced
Hiero advanced series, monstrous evolution
Headed, tooth and nail, scoop the trail
Super-sleuth, a new race
Mad creator, savage nature
World Wide Web, the ebb and flow
Light years from watchful eyes while my thoughts provide
objectives to ostracize the pompous prophecies
Underground societies are hard to lead
Asteroid surfing, castor-oil burping
The darkest side of humanity animated
The grand awakening, plan to take it in
I demand your patronage, mobilize my battletanks
With clusters small, NTR's to empty Mars
Many MC's cruise low earth orbit
Easier for me to use my search warrant
Drift by a star, absorb it, and store it
Leave tourists pourous, my galaxy's gorgeous
Quantum jump - I'm right at your doorstep

Now I catch more wreck with fast ignition
My last decision, pulse amplification
Terror with napalm, I want y'all to stay calm
Alien annihilation, I stay armed to the grill piece and kill beef
20 percent matter, 30 percent is energy
Assimilating to become a living being
Evaporative radiation fades your station
I get high as aviation

I rise like helium, you're falling rapidly
Trapped in apathy, while I track your speed
I'm what you call a legend, dominance with armageddon
Gives me a warm reception
Verbal war with weapons, installation
Blowin the star dust, distance twelve parsecs
Enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents
Just a bit of balance, rip the silence
in space, all-star systems are our victims
Atomics, anonymous with ominous
implications of information, or information, and entertainment
Cyber-tech dialect, you gotta earn my respect
I'm like Gamera to amateurs, hit em with a cannonball
And in all this confusion
The fusion of music and mind precipitates translucent illusions
Search the ruins with Automator
Hit the walls with a carbonator
Hit-or-missiles, just regenerate
The sonic soldiers allow us to demonstrate
Emergency dispatch, skyscrapers ripped back
from the impact, their flow is mismatched
My style's protected by heat shields and ceramics
Don't panic, I landed on planet Mercury
Gave it atmosphere, set up my headquarters
I'll never get captured here
Rap your tear clap your ear with Soulsonic Mantronik phonics
Turn your brain to an omelette
I'll hold a comet in bondage, with my dominance
Take a space shuttle to escape trouble
Bounce through the Milky Way
Not many MC's feel this way

Neatorama: rapid zero gravity neaanderthal barbie weddings (Sift Talk Post)

The Earth’s Tipping Point: 350 Parts Per Million C02

NadaGeek says...

too bad we reached 386.7 off santa barbara about 12 months ago , look at the readings off svalbard from this winter.
It brings to mind that george carlin quote "i'm just watching us circle the bowl and cheering for that comet."
plant a garden , purchase a firearm ,
tuck your head between your legs and kiss our collective sweet ass goodbye .
gee i guess gotterdamerung capatalism really wasnt such a good idea .
better luck next time.
gee i hope i'm wrong , and i wish i hadnt read as much to make me think i'm right .

Real footage of Japanese Kamikaze

elysse says...

This is both beautiful and terrifying footage. And the Spaghetti Western music totally makes it. I'm always stunned at how young they are... how they must have felt making that choice at the moment before they made the final dive. It must have been amazing, terrifying, gratifying and thrilling at the same time knowing that you are going out like a comet in one of the most elegantly designed planes of WW2.

With my luck I would have been one of the ones making the 1-wing slow spin.

TED 2009 - A Different Way To Think About Creative Genius

dgandhi says...

I don't think you have to resort to placebo, or mysticism in order to counteract hyper-individualism.

Take calculus: invented by Newton, and then by Leibniz (since Newton didn't publish). The information required for this discovery (some well documented comet activity) added to existing knowledge was sufficient that it would arise from the intellectual environment of the time. Both of these men were brilliant, Newton almost certainly more so, but neither of them could have come upon it without the information which became available during their lifetimes.

They, and all creative people, work as prisms or lenses for their society, focusing, and shifting what is already there in ways which illuminate and add to the general understanding. They depend on their society to provide them the raw ingredients, and they, at times, happen to be just the right tool to discover what lies under the surface, but this in more a coincidence then an act of conscious creativity.

Newton did not discover, for instance, the photo-electric effect, Einstein did that. This does not mean that Einstein was smarter than Newton, in all likelihood he was not, but the preconditions for the discovery did not exist in Newtons time, the discovery is in some sense a product of its time, more then it is the product of a single mind.

The speaker makes an argument from consequences, but offers no basis. I think my argument from example stands logical scrutiny much better, as well as having the consequence she desires. It's not right because it has the desired outcome, it's just convenient that it does that in addition to being a coherent hypothesis.

Obama Thanks A Marine

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

In essence, they agree with Obama because they feel he is a good guy, rather than agreeing with him because his policies match theirs. In a similar sense, QM believes that people disagreed with Bush solely because they didn't like him as a person.

Some of us are amazed that people are so desperate to smoke Obama's used toilet paper DESPITE the overwhelming evidence that he's a cheating, lying, unlikable, business as usual Chicago thug pol. Over the past few days alone he has shown an apalling lack of grace. Opposing agendas are labeled with propogandistic slurs. He insults other points of view. He gets angry with media when they ask him 'real' questions. He wails doom and gloom and uses scare tactics. He breaks his promises. He hides substantive errors in judgement with glib dismissals. Some other pol acting like this bozo would be pilloried (and rightly so).

I can only deduce two reasons for this incredible lack of intellectual honesty regarding Obama...

ONE: Unlike Bush, the media ignores his blunders, hides his gaffes, and gives him kid glove treatment instead of hard journalism. With the media abandoning its credibility in an effort to carry his water, it leaves the the unthinking, ignorant, and intellectually lazy masses believing he's a 'great guy' in spite of plentiful evidence to the contrary.

TWO: A bunch of people sucked into the Obama hype machine are now mentally and socially invested in the man. They praised him because he could 'talk good'. It was shallow, but they are on the record for it and so they want him to be good for no other reason than he is 'thier guy'. Call it buyer's remorse, or desperation, or whatever. The end result is that Obama could go out tomorrow and club baby seals to death with his bare hands and they'd still apologize for him. They just can't bring themselves to admit that they were wrong.

These are the Obama zombies. Such persons will clink glasses of Flavor-aid as they use the audacity of hope to leap onto the Hale-Bopp comet and fly through Heaven's Gate.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Ornthoron says...

1. I was both baptised and confirmed a Lutheran Protestant, but I have been an atheist and/or agnostic all my life.

2. I am a realist by mind and an optimist by heart.

3. I have a brown spot in one of my otherwise blue eyes.

4. I have flown a Vomit Comet.

5. I didn't vomit.

6. I played euphonium in the Norwegian military's Royal Guard's marching band.

7. I performed with them in front of several thousand spectators in a hockey venue in Halifax.

8. I have later switched to the jazz trombone.

9. I started singing in choirs when I was 20.

10. I was once mistaken for a girl at an airport in India, and got searched behind a curtain by two female customs officers instead of the burly male officer.

11. I have been humiliated in basketball in front of several million indian TV viewers.

12. I have never taken painkillers against a hangover, no matter how terrible.

13. I am very skinny, in spite of my exercise-free lifestyle.

14. I have two brothers who are remarkably similar to me in every conceivable way.

15. I wore braces into high school.

16. I consider myself a competent and safe driver.

17. I nearly crashed the car on the same day I got my driver's license.

18. I have never used a spellchecker.

19. I know a lot about quantum mechanics.

20. I have tried to learn string theory and failed miserably.

21. I have no idea what kind of job I want to make a living of.

22. I think I would be a good father.

23. I talk a more high class norwegian than my background should suggest.

24. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing. (Except if my brothers are there too.)

25. VideoSift is the internet community I have invested most emotionally in.

19 of Scientologys Violent Second Chance Inmates are Missing

100 Greatest Discoveries - Astronomy

eric3579 says...

1. The Planets Move (2000 B.C. – 500 B.C.)
A thousand years of observations reveal that there are stars that move in the sky and follow patterns, showing that the Earth is part of a solar system of planets separate from the fixed stars.

2. The Earth Moves (1543)
Nicolaus Copernicus places the sun, not the Earth, at the center of the solar system.

3. Planetary Orbits Are Elliptical (1605 – 1609)
Johannes Kepler devises mathematical laws that successfully and accurately predict the motions of the planets in elliptical orbits.

4. Jupiter Has Moons (1609 – 1612)
Galileo Galilei discovers that Jupiter has moons like the Earth, proving that Copernicus, not Ptolemy, is right. Copernicus believes that Earth is not unique, but instead resembles the other planets, all of which orbit the sun.

5. Halley's Comet Has a Predictable Orbit (1705 – 1758)
Edmund Halley proves that comets orbit the sun like the planets and successfully predicts the return of Halley's Comet. He determines that comets seen in 1531 and 1607 are the same object following a 76-year orbit. Halley's prediction is proven in 1758 when the comet returns. Unfortunately, Halley had died in 1742, missing the momentous event.

6. The Milky Way Is a Gigantic Disk of Stars (1780 – 1834)
Telescope-maker William Herschel and his sister Carolyn map the entire sky and prove that our solar system resides in a gigantic disk of stars that bulges in the center called the Milky Way. Herschel's technique involves taking a sample count of stars in the field of view of his telescope. His final count shows more than 90,000 stars in 2,400 sample areas. Later studies confirm that our galaxy is disk-shaped, but find that the sun is not near the center and that the system is considerably larger than Herschel's estimation.

7. General Relativity (1915 – 1919)
Albert Einstein unveils his theory of general relativity in which he proposes that mass warps both time and space, therefore large masses can bend light. The theory is proven in 1919 by astronomers using a solar eclipse as a test.

8. The Universe Is Expanding (1924 – 1929)
Edwin Hubble determines the distance to many nearby galaxies and discovers that the farther they are from us, the faster they are flying away from us. His calculations prove that the universe is expanding.

9. The Center of the Milky Way Emits Radio Waves (1932)
Karl Jansky invents radio astronomy and discovers a strange radio-emitting object at the center of the Milky Way. Jansky was conducting experiments on radio wavelength interference for his employer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, when he detected three groups of static; local thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms and a steady hiss-type static. Jansky determines that the static is coming from an unknown source at the center of the Milky Way by its position in the sky.

10. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (1964)
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover cosmic microwave background radiation, which they suspect is the afterglow of the big bang. Their measurements, combined with Edwin Hubble's earlier finding that the galaxies are rushing away, make a strong case for the big bang theory of the birth of the universe.

11. Gamma-Ray Bursts (1969 – 1997)
The two-decade-long mystery of gamma-ray bursts is solved by a host of sophisticated ground-based and orbiting telescopes. Gamma-ray bursts are short-lived bursts of gamma-ray photons, which are the most energetic form of light and are associated with nuclear blasts. At least some of the bursts have now been linked with distant supernovae — explosions marking the deaths of especially massive stars.

12. Planets Around Other Stars (1995 – 2004)
Astronomers find a host of extrasolar planets as a result of improved telescope technology and prove that other solar systems exist, although none as yet resembles our own. Astronomers are able to detect extrasolar planets by measuring gravitational influences on stars.

13. The Universe Is Accelerating (1998 – 2000)
Unexpectedly, astronomers find that instead of slowing down due to the pull of gravity, the expansion of the universe at great distances is accelerating. If these observations are correct and the trend continues, it will result in the inability to see other galaxies. A new theory of the end of the universe based on this finding has been called the "big rip."

Bath Tissue (Blog Entry by dag)

Enzoblue says...

We have a few that are led by dominant brand name too. We used to call any powdered cleanser Ajax, because it was the only of it's kind for a long time, now we call it Comet. We still call facial tissue Kleenex and those feminine products Tampons, and cotton swabs Q-Tips. There's probably a lot more and corporate sales are always trying to break us from those habits.

Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts US Revolution

honkeytonk73 says...

It is his own way of claiming 2012 is the REAL year that Jesus will return to Earth from the alternate quasi-dimension known as God-land, Jesus-land, or Heaven. Take your preference.

All those who are properly scared into believing in JEEEEEEESUS will suddenly fly up into the sky to join with the comet. No.. wait, that was Heaven's Gate. Ok.. so they fly up into the sky and enter la-la happy ultra-socialist land where no one has any worries, food, shelter, entertainment, and healthcare (spirit-care?) are free for all eternity. A socialists DREAM for sure.

Anyway. Where was I? Oh.. yeah. The rest of us will take a dip in the lake of fire and suffer eternal firey damnation. But dammit. The world will surely be a paradise then. No Jesus freaks bothering us anymore.

The Shins - Caring is Creepy

rasch187 (Member Profile)

October surprise??!! (Election Talk Post)

thinker247 says...


The human part of me is worried that our rights are being further trampled by George W. Bush's totalitarian neo-conservative philosophy that crosses the line into 1984-fascism, and that martial law is just around the corner, especially if Obama wins the election.


The inhuman side of me begs for this to happen, just around the time the LHC destroys us all. And if those catastrophes fail, I hope an unseen asteroid or comet hurtles into the Midwest, obliterating civilization.

And I hope God doesn't do bailouts.

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