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Justin Trudeau explains marijuana legalization to a mother.

Asmo says...

Easy answer (he kinda mentions it):

The money saved chasing black market pot + tax excised from the legalised sale of pot = more treatment for addiction.

End of fucking story.

ps. You can tell the type of parent she is that she's so busy off crusading to save people that her daughter is getting high and drunk easily. Lemme guess, extremely strict parent who has closeted her kid so much that she's gone off the rails after getting a taste?

I think "Blame Canada" really needs to be linked to this sift (but have no idea how to do so... = ) because this woman is Sheila Broflowski...

EPIC FAIL! Twitch Live Streamer Accidentally Burns His House

DOOM 4 GAMEPLAY 60FPS 1080p - Doom Gameplay Trailer

How you want your mom to react when you come out

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

JustSaying says...

If men of GOD trip and fall, they're usually landing penis first in other men or children.
I loathe gay clergy not for staying in their closet of self-hatred, I loathe them for actively speaking out against their own nature and therefore making it harder for those who chose not to be liars.
I chose to discard the bible because of the immoral, unethical, cruel and simply made up stuff that's written in it. That should be reason enough.
I detest christian churches for supporting pedophilia and actively covering up pedophile's crimes while having the gall to tell me what I should or should not do sexually. I detest them for claiming the authority to make up rules of morality when they refuse to obey the rule of law and human decency. The Duggars are just a recent example of that.
The reason society won't allow sexual relationships with children is simply because we recognise that children aren't able to make informed choices regarding sexual consent. That's why the world frowned on Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson, because everyone knew it was a shitty idea made by weird, creepy people.
Consent is something grown ups can give. And millions of gay men do it all the time, without your approval or not. All they want is equal treatment.
If pedophiles wanted that (and they did try in the past), we tell them to go fuck themselves because the people they want to, are simply too young to make that choice. There's a legal limit for drinking, driving and fucking and it's there for a reason.
If they claim "I was born this way!", which they often are, we tell them we have therapies for that. They don't go there because their sexuality is weird, out of the norm or gross, it's because it always hurts the other people involved. Always.

You are the one ranting "But what if you take away the rule book?! Goats will rape our children!" You seem to be the one worried that all goes Mad Max if we're not threatened with eternal damnation anymore.
I for one are not worried any place turns into Sodom and Gomorrah. You want to know why? Because I have all those gay, lesbian and transgender people to remind me that everybody deserves respect. They can walk up to me and start a conversation and don't have to worry I will yell "Abomination!" and start throwing my own poop.
Maybe I can learn something from their expirience. Maybe even somebody like you could. I hope somebody you truly love turns out to be gay, it would be quite educational for you to know what they know.
And you're right, I don't know anybody called Jack. I can only offer a Johannes but he was an idiot.

ant (Member Profile)

Closet Possum

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

Asmo says...

Because we want racist, homophobic, ostensibly "straight" but showing all the signs of being a closeted self loather morons like yourself to suffer under the gay tyranny!!

Change is coming/has come/will keep coming, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. You're impotent, flaccid, unable to become erect, a floppy fossil that has already passed in to irrelevance. You can rant and rave and troll to your hearts content, but if you really feel that strongly about it, prepare to be fucking disappointed bitch! ; )

bobknight33 said:


What gives the gay agenda the right to impose their " morals" onto others?

Tiny House Build For Homeless Woman

EMPIRE says...

I know it's not the best solution for homelessness, but damn it... this type of thing should be done a lot. The guy spent 500 dollars and the rest was donated. I doubt it cost 1000 in total. Imagine if it was sold as a kit ready to assemble. Even if it had a small solar panel and battery inside, and a closet to store stuff, it could be done pretty cheaply, and all cities have empty lots where these could be placed. With just a few dozens of thousands of dollars, you could give lots of people a shelter, and a constant in their life. And if city halls actually made the plot of land where they were built, nice and tidy, with green areas and public lighting, it could even be a nice looking spot.

Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times

dannym3141 says...

If it were left to the moderates - and you are not one, you are the other extreme - then change would never happen, because no one would be angry enough. How far would the abuse have to go, how rife would it have to be, before you got angry enough to try and change it? During the height of racism in america, you would have wondered why the million man march was necessary given that you never had any problems on your traffic stops.

I have read comments from newt praising the actions of the police when they act in ways which deserve praise.

Yet you - you never seem to rule out that a beating is unacceptable. You always add the caveat "maybe he wasn't putting his hands behind his back," (or similar) but in the same breath claim that you've never been in that situation. Perhaps if you had, you would understand that the human survival instinct is not something that can be turned off when you are being attacked.

Do you honestly, even in your closeted, warped and twisted mind, think that you can kick and punch someone in the face UNTIL they put their hands behind their back? You are excusing them on the basis that they make an impossible demand and the demand is not met.

Your guarantee is worthless, on what authority do you make it!? You have a pathetically ignorant world view in which if it works for you, it works for everyone - damn the evidence, and damn those who it doesn't work for. If your traffic stops went without a hitch, then all these videos of psychopaths in uniform are outliers and don't need to be dealt with. You're an excuse maker and an apologist for violent, dangerous individuals who are given exceptional power which they abuse.

Unless some people get angry about it, nothing will change, because people like you will always find a justification for them, and that's more reason to get angry.

lantern53 said:

Awful lot of hyperbole in some of these comments, especially from the poster, cop-hater newtboy.

The cops appear to be beating this guy w/o much cause, and that's illegal and improper. But newtboy seems to think every arrest is carried out this way.

To repeat myself, 700,000 arrests are made every year in the US. I can't predict what percentage involve illegal violence, but I can't imagine it being anywhere near even 1%.

What we can't tell by the video is whether the perp is refusing to comply by not putting his hands behind his back, etc, which would certainly justify some physical act by the cops to get compliance.

I agree that from the looks of it, it does appear to be illegal violence. But 10 deputies were suspended, so due process is being followed.

As for me, I've never been arrested. I've gotten traffic tickets, but never once did I give the officer any shit and never once was I treated unfairly. Your mileage may vary. But if you behave yourself, you are pretty much guaranteed to be left alone by the police.

This time, it's personal...It's Peeback time...

SFOGuy says...

And yet...drunk guys sometimes can't be bothered to even step to washroom/toilette/toilet/water closet...

noims said:

I would have thought that if you don't want people to pee on the street you just make sure they have somewhere to pee. People don't do it just to be disruptive.


Grimm says...

My Amiga 2000 is stashed away in a closet somewhere. Also had a 500 at one time but eventually sold that.

Shadow of the Beast was a classic and many other impressive games from and the music.

Lemmings, Out of this World, Monkey Island, Dune II, Stunt Car Racer...even liked the text based Infocom games like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and The Lurking Horror.


k d lang before you could say "lesbian" on national TV

bareboards2 says...

She was someone who was trying to sell records and whose record label and management were adamant of the necessity to stay in the closet. Not the same thing as a private person.

If you listen to it again with that in mind, that she has been instructed to stay in the closet by folks eager to make money off her... she is subversively brilliant, I think. About as out and proud as you can be inside that straitjacket.

I remember when she came out of the closet. She was on the cover of a magazine, displayed prominently at the grocery store checkstand. Two women in line in front of me saw the cover. They were shocked -- SHOCKED I SAY -- that k d lang was a lesbian!

Different times. Nobody would be shocked today. She wouldn't be in the closet today.

I mean, look at Adam Lambert on American Idol. As gay as anything, and even he took a while to say it. (I think. I don't watch the show but I seem to remember huge speculation and then he finally just said it.)

And that was just a couple of years ago.

And that is why they couldn't just say it. Arsenio helped her say as best he could, she said it as best she could, within the constraints of the times.

spawnflagger said:

I don't like country music, but she's an amazing singer. The interview was quite awkward. I'm not sure why they couldn't say it - Phil Donahue had an openly homosexual guest on this show more than a decade before this. I guess Arsenio Hall just wasn't as edgy

wtf is up with the background warping when the camera is on her?
(maybe some anti-shaky-cam filter applied to the old VHS recording)

Poltergeist (2015; Remake) Official Trailer

kceaton1 says...

I don't know about this... It looks like a wait and see. Some of those scenes look like they are trying too WAY too hard; essentially they are trying to scare us using all of the extremely stupid ideas that have been used in all horror films since 2000...

Poltergeist was inventive, and awesome. Not only was it NOT a rated R film, but it STILL imposed a sense of dread that you don't get from many horror movies--because they all rely on two things: the "gotcha" scenes where something unexpected happens too fast for your senses to comprehend...thus it creates fear; and second, make something normal look absolutely not normal (the little girl in the closet for an example).

I hope they can pull it off, but it looks to me like they failed to grasp the reason WHY the first film did do so well. The beginning of the show was hard to even tell it WAS a horror film, and when things start to happen, the family was more in awe and ready to experiment with first (and other signs were passed off as natural phenomena).

This looks like it is straight up: horror. I really hope that is not the case. Poltergeist spent a long time to setup it's scary moments, many of it's most scary moments are actually psychological--because you can see them coming, they never jump out at you (except when things go crazy at the very end). I hope they realize this at least...but as I said, it sure looks like they didn't.

BTW, anyone with the info on it, who is writing it, producing it, and directing it? Otherwise I'll go look it up (and see how bad it is; it already said it was from the producers of Evil that is something to be proud wasn't a good remake...).

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