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This is why you don't Text and Drive

dannym3141 says...

>> ^raverman:

Guy filming? Is it just me or is he over reacting like a whining bitch over a minor scrap and skidding across a field.
Close call? Hell yeah... but nothing 'Final Destination' like happened.
Calm the fuck down. You're no help to anyone panicking like a sissy.

Lol.. you must think you're immortal or something - i'm not sure you even realise how dangerous the events in the video were? He's really lucky the car didn't flip at 4 or 5 different times, some serious reactions just about saved the other car from a head on collision at a combined speed of what, 120+ miles per hour(?) and they could have been flipped too, aside from colliding with any cars that were behind the guy filming if they lost control and left their lane (considering how they collided, it seems fairly likely).

I think his reaction was fine. That was some ssseeerrrriously close shit.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

raverman says...

Guy filming? Is it just me or is he over reacting like a whining bitch over a minor scrap and skidding across a field.

Close call? Hell yeah... but nothing 'Final Destination' like happened.

Calm the fuck down. You're no help to anyone panicking like a sissy.

Close Call With a Lion - Impressive video

bcglorf says...

>> ^imstellar28:

I'd be interested to hear an explanation of the moral differences between poaching and hunting, specifically why one is okay and the other is deserving of death.
>> ^Farhad2000:
Looks like fucking poachers to me.
Totally deserved to all get killed.

Hunting involves killing an animal with the permission of both the land owner and national law. Poaching involves breaking either or in this case both those requirements.

Hunting lions is almost universally illegal as they are largely recognized by national governments as an endangered species. Similarly, most anywhere you CAN find lions these days is in government owned reserves of land, where once again you don't get permission to go hunting there.

Win Compilation April May 2011

Tornado - Manchester F4 Wedge - Brown Pants Award

Tornado - Manchester F4 Wedge - Brown Pants Award

Tornado - Manchester F4 Wedge - Brown Pants Award

Tornado - Manchester F4 Wedge - Brown Pants Award

Point of View awesome Speedflying

Snowboarder jumps over road; face almost introduced to car

Police Brutality: Cops Taser Senior Citizen In Own Home

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^bamdrew:
'no, your opinion is wrong; here's my opinion, which is correct'
hey thanks!
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^bamdrew:
I hate tiptoeing around police officers, but this is exactly why I do it.
They can take you within an inch of your life, and the worst that happens to them is their fired.

No, actually they are usually charged and sent to jail... But we can go to pretend world and feel better about ourselves by saying all they get is fired.
Side note, we all commit crimes yet not all go to jail like we should.

Who said your opinion is incorrect? I am simply saying my observations of this kind of thing tend to disprove what you are saying. Direct violence that is blatant? It get's handled in the court of law. The "close calls" usually just end up dying in the breeze---as they should. Hindsight is 20/20 and stupid.

Now, there are cases where nobody can prove excessive violence was used and I assume you are reffering to those incidents. However, since the burden of proof lies not on the defender, of course this is the standard. Prove it or lose it.

Society is changing...police cameras are a direct example that this hit-and-hide game is not accepted anymore. Some people think the cameras were installed to protect officers, and that is true for those good guys blamed unfairly. The cameras, however, were installed to catch those officers who use blatant violence...

Jet Spin Recovery -- Close Call!

ForgedReality says...

He went from 10k ft to 2k ft in nothing flat. Wow.


>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

O wow, great find. Pulled it out at 2kish feet at over speed. Inches from death really. Not sure what sent them into the spin in the first place. He is well above stall speed which is around 50ish knots. He only had about 2-3 seconds left before he couldn't pull out of that, well done.

They probably intentionally initiated the spin via full rudder. Opposite rudder stops the spin, but by then, the plane is already in a virtual freefall with almost no forward momentum, so the only way to pull out of it, is to point downward, gain airspeed, and get some lift under the wings.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Jet Spin Recovery -- Close Call!

quantumushroom says...

Pilot-in-Training: Oh no! And Carnivale is next week!

Defecating-in-Terror Instructor: Switching to auxiliary pants! Pull up on the stick-thingy!

>> ^Offsajdh:

Neato! Is there a transcript over the discussion between the pilot in training and instructor anywhere?

Definition of idiot

GeeSussFreeK says...

Ohhh, some close calls there. Color me impressed. If you watched the whole video you would notice his speed is anywhere from 110-120 as he pans into the speed-O at times there Joe, so good guess. And he fits into some very very small gaps while on the breaks and turning hard without loosing control which is impressive.

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