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Time-Lapse Of Fastest Scaling Of "The Nose" on El Capitan

newtboy says...

Around 20' per minute is clearly pretty damn fast, but remember, Dan Osman climbed lovers leap, >400' of similar climbing in just over 4 minutes, almost 100' per minute....without ropes or assistance. I wonder what his record would have been on the nose.

Just One Of Those Days

MilkmanDan says...

I remember my dad driving me in to town on a school day when we hadn't realized that school had been cancelled because of icy road conditions.

He could drive OK (very very carefully and slowly), but after we discovered that school had been cancelled we parked across the street from my grandma's house and found ourselves unable to walk over the crest of the road. Probably just 1-2 inches higher in the middle than the sides for drainage purposes, but with the perfectly smooth fresh ice, that was enough to make it pretty much completely impossible to "climb" up that very slight incline.

Looks like gravity and adhesion to the tree are causing the same thing for this guy...

No Rope, No Chalk, No Clothes-Naked Free Solo Climbing

Genifer the sweet spider

Engels says...

People with arachnophobia are funny to me, because guys, that spider was objectively cute af, but nooo, you guys see 8 eyes and you lose your minds! Imagine if you will that someone walking down the street freaked the fuck out because of a puppy on a leash, like, climbing the walls and shouting to kill it with fire. That's what it looks like from an arachnophile's perspective.

BMX Front Flip To Fence -Nathan Angle

newtboy says...

They're designed to stop people from climbing over, not to entice idiots to flip over them. That said, I bet they either remove or replace them after this....if they don't remove the skate park altogether.
The kind with bent spikes would work well I think, but those cost way more.

makach said:

how are those fences legal?

Rocket In The Sky Plus Accident

Lendl says...

It was not a test launch. It was an instantaneous launch just after sunset to launch 10 satellites. The clock on the dash cam must not be set to local time.

"SpaceX is targeting launch of Iridium-4 from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The instantaneous launch window is at 5:27 p.m. PST on Friday, December 22"

"The two-stage, kerosene-fueled rocket climbed into the rarefied upper atmosphere a few minutes following liftoff shortly after sunset at 5:27:34 p.m. PST (8:27:34 p.m. EST; 0127:34 GMT) from Space Launch Complex 4-East Vandenberg Air Force Base northwest of Los Angeles.

The Falcon 9 left a brilliant white plume of exhaust in its wake, catching rays of sunshine as it soared above the stratosphere. The ever-expanding plume left a teardrop-shaped mark in the sky, prompting countless social media posts from rush hour drivers and others who happened to catch an unexpected glimpse of the rocket’s trip to space."

spawnflagger said:

at first I thought, "why don't they do these test launches late at night when fewer people are out on the roads?" then I saw the timestamp at the bottom was ~1:30am.

Accident was here: Google Maps
Highway 10, between LA and Phoenix.

Dog attacks car trying to get to cat

bremnet says...

Or a good hard kick in the nuts or elsewhere for the dog. What a bunch of bullshit. Down here in TX, if a human climbs over my back fence after dark I can shoot the son of a bitch because I think he/she is going to steal my property or cause me harm. But if a dog tears up my car I can't do shit? Hmm. Something's screwed up here. Would be a damn shame if that free running dog got run over one day. You know, by accident. Real shame.

greatgooglymoogly said:

What a useless cop. No taser or pepper spray? Water hose? The lady should have just gotten into the car and driven off. Amazing they would both stand there doing nothing

Russians doing sketchy sh*t

Payback says...

If this is from Russia, I think they're tourists. Russians don't use parachutes. They'd climb down that vertical cable using their balls.

Also, I think this cable set up is for catching low-flying aircraft trying to sneak, nap-of-earth, during the cold war. Either that or it's the World's most epic rope swing.

Yoann Bourgeois - Trampoline with Metamorphosis II

Coconut octopus

No Rope, No Chalk, No Clothes-Naked Free Solo Climbing

4K 60fps Photo Realism With Unreal 4 Engine

newtboy says...

I mostly agree, but I did think the static interior shots were photo realistic, but I don't have a 4k screen.
If you smoothed out the jerky camera motion, the last scene had climbed out of the uncanny valley, imo....except the flame.

ChaosEngine said:

This is a really good example of showing what video game graphics are really good at (static scenes with hard materials) and what they're not so good at but getting better (natural organic materials, humans with complex animations).

That said, as impressive as it is, we are still a long way off "photo realism".


Bill Maher - Penn Jillette on Libertarianism

dannym3141 says...

"That's what mature people would do.."

For some reason, in my head all i can see is a posh woman sat in one of Titanic's lifeboats, which is tipping side to side as desperate, freezing people try to climb in. "If they tip the lifeboat over we'll all die, why can't they be more mature about it?"

Trump is shit for the US and for the world, but it's a bit of an own goal to blame people who Hillary Clinton & her political supporters couldn't convince that either a) the US would be significantly better off with her over Trump for it to matter or b) they individually would benefit from what she had to offer. They don't owe you votes, you have to win their support by making them believe they'll be better off.

This is more of the same shit that we've been shoveled for years - neoliberalism is the ONLY way. Compromise, grow up, be mature, *agree with us or you're to blame for what happens*. What's the end game of a political system where the blame for the result goes to anyone who didn't vote for the two largest parties?

Look, the centre can't energise people because they don't have anything hopeful or interesting to offer. If you want a message that carries well, if you want the energy and positivity to overcome trump then it HAS to come from the left. Anti-fascist protests have attracted so many thousands of people from a position of love & togetherness, largely organised by socialist women. See Kristian Hernandez for example.

You can't get people out and marching and waving signs saying "We Want More Austerity" or "We Want Tough Talk On Minimum Wage But No Real Action" - you need a message and a hope that will inspire kids from universities to come out in droves and have those difficult conversations with friends, strangers, and their families. Have them out in the streets with music & activity spreading a positive message and showing people that there IS strength and love in a community that comes together. You need something that will inspire an entire population of forgotten black communities. YOU FIGHT HATE WITH LOVE, NOT THE COMPROMISE OF THE CENTRE. You know what the compromise of the centre gets you? It gets you a man who thinks adding "on many sides, on many sides" is how you present a balanced statement, and an audience who agrees.

The chattering classes like Maher have done very well for a very long time out of neoliberalism. He's been on the TV for years talking about the results of that ideology, earning a good livelihood off it. He has a very nice suit, looks healthy and happy, probably a nice house, looking forward to pension and good healthcare. He's calling people who have sickness and exhaustion, living in rented apartments in rough areas, looking forward to the sweet release of death, immature.

So pardon me if i say fuck off Maher; stop asking people with nothing to keep compromising your way. If you want their support, compromise their way. And if you want their energy and fire, you're going to have to share control of the reins because talk is cheap. Give them a Bernie.

Sorry for the rant.

Brodie Stuck In A Tree

the problem with too much empathy

Fairbs says...

he's very good at making his arguments sound plausible, but I don't think we should let someone starve to death so that they can learn a lesson; there's also bottoms that you can't climb back out of... severe mental health issues, can't get a job when you're homeless because you can't present yourself well, can't get a job because you have a record

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