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Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Oh bewby…triggered much? ”I know you are but what am I” is not an adult reply. 😂

Be proud! Your hero the rapist is the absolute best president ever at being indicted. He beat the long standing record 4 times now! In fact, he’s the only record holder in our history. Congratulations! 😂

You idiot…Republicans dismissed the charges against Hillary because after a dozen inquiries and investigations and wasting hundreds of millions they had absolutely nothing, no crimes. They tried time and time and time again, but could come up with nothing, not even enough to get Barr to charge her, even when they held all 3 parts of the federal government. She had a few unlabeled classified documents that were not shown to the public that were classified AFTER she had them in her possession. Trump stole top secret classified folders clearly labeled that they could not be removed from secured facilities then kept them unsecured, showed them to anyone he could, then lied and hid them repeatedly, violating multiple court orders to keep them illegally. There’s no comparison.

Hunger? Are you trying to say Hunter? No charges have been dropped, you utter ignoramus. The tax charges may be moved to DC or California courts from Delaware. A special council was just empaneled, nothings being dropped or slow walked. Why do you insist on making yourself a laughing stock with these just dumb lies? It’s just so dumb…we aren’t as ignorant as yourself…when you make up nonsense and lies we all know it, dummy. It’s pretty easy…if you say it, it’s guaranteed to be wrong, and 99% likely to just be another lie. PS-Trump appointees are overseeing his case, not democrats.
Are you even aware that Biden could pardon Hunter at any point and all charges would be moot? Do you think Trump would have waited this long, or would he have pardoned his children before charges were filed? We all know the truth, I just wonder if you can admit it.

Every charge is a serious felony, every charge will be proven conclusively. These aren’t the kinds of charges the right makes where you make up some nonsense and just insist it’s true with no evidence just sour grapes…these charges come with mountains of proof….not 17 phantom recordings and the word of hostile spies, but PROOF.

41 counts 19 defendants, 30 unindicted co conspirators (who have all likely turned or would be indicted)…and RICO, so if one committed a crime, they’re all guilty. Many of the 30 have admitted their crimes, and apparently 1/3 of those indicted are looking for a deal to turn. There’s a literal paper trail, email correspondence setting up the multiple crimes, video proof, coconspirators testimony admitting they arranged, planned, and committed crimes at Trump’s direction….he’s absolutely toast. Because of the RICO charge, I f any of them are convicted of just one charge, they’re all guilty and Trump will die in prison because no one can pardon him from charges in Georgia. 😂

Cry more MAGA tears, friendo. Your hero the rapist is going to prison, not the whitehouse. Your cult is ending. Better stock up on flavorade, the time is coming soon when you’ll be called on to force feed it to your family before you chug it for Trump. I know you will when he asks, so get your affairs in order. The time is coming soon.

bobknight33 said:

IF you haven't figured it out perhaps your the bewb.

Odd that the left is gunning full speed to file charges against Trump all the while they slow walk or dismiss charges for Democrats like Hunger and Hillary.

41 counts and most are probably just BS to rack up numbers for fools like you to drink up.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did i misunderstand? Are you actually trying to say the rapist Trump only spitballed ideas? Are you so delusional you bought the stupid lie that he’s being charged for exercising free speech!?! 😂

Good luck with that…because he’s not charged with spitballing ideas, or lying about the election…he’s charged in this indictment with conspiring to impede official proceedings, taking actions to impede official proceedings, and attempting to defraud the government by submitting fake electors, and attempting to deny millions of voters their rights of participation in the process by stealing their votes. He’s charged with trying to “delay” the final certification to give his dishonest ploys to steal the election by fraud more time, a major felony…and his fucking lawyer went on TV and admitted he did it! 😂
You morons!

Keep chugging the flavoraid. Jim….I mean Don will be there to personally usher you into MAGA heaven when it’s over because he loves you and is well known for helping the little guy.

P.S.- a second judge has now said Trump is a rapist, and dismissed his counterclaim against Carrol for calling him a rapist. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

Filling in for Clifford Banes - A compilation

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

Youdiejoe's vid of the 2009 SoCal siftup

moonsammy jokingly says...

Up to 233 now BAYBEE!

I appreciate that this site continues to chug along in spite of the precipitous drop-off in participation that it's seen. It's been something of an oasis of reasonable commentary on videos since forever, given that most comment sections are a toxic wasteland.

newtboy said:

232 votes just isn't enough, eh?

I'm guessing there isn't a 2021 siftup planned.

C-note (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, God damnit Chug., has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 52 Badge!

C-note (Member Profile)

God damnit Chug.

Guardian cats say "You Shall Not Pass, Dog!"

In Saturn's Rings 8K (Narrated by LeVar Burton) 2018 Trailer

kir_mokum says...

even as a file, it would probably chug here and there, depending on the compression and how beefy your machine is. 8K is fucking HUGE and SO unnecessary unless you have an imax theatre in your living room.

ant said:

You could always download it. Now, the question can you play it smoothly? None of my old computers can, but then I don't even have 4K yet. I just got 1080 HD in late 2014.

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

moonsammy says...

I was hoping for more meat to his presentation, and was disappointed. I feel that he said absolutely nothing to help anyone in the audience understand what quantum computers actually DO or what sort of problems they'll help to solve. They'll absolutely not increase your FPS, as that's not what they're well-suited to do. What they are quite excellent at is taking a problem with many possible solutions and finding the correct (or best) one at an extremely high speed.

One example would be the Traveling Salesman problem. In brief, find the optimum route for traversing a number of points on a map. This is useful for things like scheduling package delivery routes, airline flights, etc. With a classic / current computer we write software that cleverly chugs through the possible solutions, throws out any that prove to be poor, and eventually gets to what appears to be the best or is at least a "good enough" solution. As the number of necessary points to be visited increases this problem scales in complexity quickly, so eventually a current computer would just choke on the problem and at best return an ok-ish solution in a reasonable period of time.

A quantum computer is a totally different beast. If it's "big" enough (IE, is comprised of a sufficient number of qubits), it takes the entire set of all possible solutions to the problem, and rather than iterate through them to find the best one, it checks them all simultaneously and immediately returns the optimum solution. It does this by using properties of quantum mechanics, and I think this is where the speaker was drawing his talk of parallel universes. If there are 3 qubits, they would exist as 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 simultaneously. The software would then define what the best answer would look like, and the computer returns the answer.

You can hopefully see how this totally breaks encryption. With a current computer and a long enough encryption key, an encoded message would take the fastest machines a huge number of years to decipher. With a quantum computer you hand it a gibberish encrypted message, it loads all possible transformations of that message simultaneously, and it then returns the transformation which looks most like a coherent message.

I'm excited to see what these machines can do for us, but they're going to necessitate some significant structural changes in how we handle sensitive data.

Verstappen's Kitzbühel F1 Race On Snow Covered Ski Slope

Ashenkase says...

"The pinnacle of motor sport met the pinnacle of winter sports" and jumped the shark on Red Bull's retarded string of perceived amazing stunts.

Next up... A trans turtle space fairing balloonist vs. the world championship BLT sandwich making Badminton player in a duel of wits as they race to the top of Olympus Mans on the red planet. The first competitor to the top must chug a jar of pickled mushroom bell bottoms to claim the prize of most inane competition.

Join us on Sunday with Marv Albert in his lingerie to take in this one of a kind Redbull bullshit competition.

Seriously, this is starting to feel like the strange crap Wide World of Sports put out in the 70's.

Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 Gameplay Trailer

VoodooV says...


I am a bit confused. Earlier you used the word "conned" to describe the game, now you say it's not a hoax.

Aside from that, you certainly have voiced legitimate concerns. I'm also sick and tired of the usual pre-order business model. I decided that after playing the utter mess that was the Halo: Master Chief Collection for Xbox that I would never pre-order a game again. It's one thing to buy a game on day one, but yeah, in the usual sense, pre-orders need to die.

Thing is though...this is a kickstarter, thus the rules are different, by it's very nature, you HAVE to sell promises and pre-orders, or at the very least, contribution promises/swag/perks/etc. It's an alternative to going to a publisher and begging them for money to make the game and risk having the publisher exert creative control over the game/product/etc and whatever other compromises a publisher might force a developer to make. How many games have been utter shite because the publisher meddled and forced a game out before it was ready. Too many.

With kickstarters, it's the other way around. Backers demand that a game not be released before it's ready, but now the hype train has to start chugging along WAY earlier than a publisher-backed game in order to generate interest, because now the publishers are the backers and this is happening long before a game even gets to an alpha stage.

There is a risk with any kickstarter. If it was anyone other than Chris Roberts, I doubt I would have backed it. I backed the Shadowrun games mainly because it was being run by the guy who created the game originally and that turned out to be successful...twice. I'll be going for the hat-trick with the Battletech game they're working on now. Chris Roberts and Jordan Weisman both have solid reputations and have demonstrated they can make solid games. If it was Derek Smart or someone relatively unknown, I doubt I would have backed.

I find it interesting how the detractors are coming from various levels. Some of the detractors seem to be against kickstarters in general. Some seem to be against SC specifically and I think others are simply against it just because they want to see something ambitious crash and burn....and then there's Derek Smart who seems to have a personal, unhinged, vendetta against Chris Roberts.

Regardless of how successful SC will or won't be. SC is still a niche game by the very fact that it's a space sim. Even if it is a complete and total success, it's going to be a very complex game with a crazy amount of information to absorb and it will be difficult to be good at it. It is not for the casual gamer. So it will never reach mass appeal or become a widely recognized franchise like, say, Halo or Call of Duty. I think that is part of the appeal. A couple decades ago, publishers as a whole gave space sims the middle finger, but now thanks to crowdfunding, space sims are making a comeback.

Roberts has clearly tapped into something or people wouldn't be giving him money. He originally only asked for 2 million dollars, so even he didn't think it was going to be this big. (Europe is going absolutely bonkers for Space Citizen, they're way more into SC than we are in America)

ADHD U: Planned Obsolescense

RedSky says...

Of course not, but alongside iOS updates which tend to slow the phone down I think it's a very intentional 'nudge' to upgrade the phone. With iPhone/iOS being something insane like >70% of Apple's profits (I think it's higher now) they really have to keep this kind of practice up to keep sales growth chugging along.

People will usually second hand the old device if they can. The more shameless practice is with printers that will arbitrarily stop working after a programmed number of prints.

I mean I think it goes without saying that Apple has the capacity to come up with a coating that doesn't scratch. It's not just Apple of course, if you split electronics by durable and regularly replaceable you find things like appliances are more durable that gadgets.

oritteropo said:

None of those things necessarily stop the device from working, and in my experience they're pretty durable. Until recently I was using a 6 year old iPhone, and the old one is still going strong after being passed on to a family member.

Monsanto man claims it's safe to drink, refuses a glass.

MilkmanDan says...

My family owns and operates a farm, wheat and corn, in Kansas. We use Roundup herbicides sometimes.

Specifically, there is a GMO variant of field corn called "Roundup Ready" where the corn is genetically resistant to the herbicide. Plant a field of that corn, then after it emerges but well before harvesting (obviously) spray it with Roundup, diluted to an appropriate level. All of the pest plants in the field die. The corn looks a little wilted / harried for a few days after spraying, but bounces back and grows out just fine.

We use that specific kind (Roundup Ready) about 1 year out of every 4 or 5, only when pest plants are starting to become an issue. They'd love to sell it to farmers every year, but most only rotate it in when necessary, just like us, and use a small amount of normal seed (not GMO, just some of the normal corn we harvest) held in reserve from previous year(s) in the other years.

Before Roundup (and other major herbicides and pesticides), pest plants could be a major problem. From what my family says, corn can cross-pollinate or do some kind of hybridization with other crops like milo or sorghum or something, which results in a sterile cane-stalk plant like corn that produces no actual grain. Back 20+ years ago, that was a fairly major problem ... but it is very easily controlled nowadays with herbicides, and Roundup in particular.

Pure, concentrated Roundup is pretty nasty stuff. Then again, farmers still use or have used a lot of much nastier stuff during normal farm operations, like Malathion being sprinkled into grain bins to kill off insects and other small pests. I wouldn't want to chug down a glass full of any of that crap, BUT on the other hand I think we're way better as the human race off WITH all these things being used to control what can be or have been significantly damaging pests than how things would be WITHOUT them. Not to mention that all of these things are used in very very trace amounts compared to the actual amount of food produced itself, and usually a *really* long time before it becomes food. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to detect any of them in the parts-per-multi-multi-billion scale by them time we eat them.

...That being said, the dude walked right in to this one. If his message was "this stuff is 100% safe and beneficial if used properly", I'd actually 100% agree with him. But when he's trying to oversell it by saying that it is perfectly safe to drink a glass of it ... of course somebody is going to call his bluff. Duh.

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